Excel - Call function from other cell - vba

First of all I would like to tell you that I have just basics with VBA or Visual Basic. So probably there will be better solution in VBA, but I was unable to find a way. That's why that my attempt is so crude. Also my english can be somewhat broken sometimes. I'm sorry for that.
Below you can find screenshots from my excel sheet. You can notice functions are in czech language. You can find translation below.
Screenshot with actual results:
Screenshot with actual functions:
Translated functions:
AB =IF(AA129=1;CELL("address";INDEX(D:D;MATCH(D129;D:D;0)));"NULL")
AC =IF(AA129=1;REPLACE(AB129;2;1;"M");"NULL")
AD =IF(AA129=1;CONCATENATE("=IF(";"""";M129;"""";"=";AC129;";1;0)");"NULL")
Every day someone downloads .csv files from JIRA and uploads it to excel. That csv contains test cases. Column X has the date when this csv was uploaded, Column D has the ID of the test case. Column M has the date of the last change on that test case.
Functions description:
AA: It searches if there is the same test case in previous day. If yes, then result is 1. If no, Result is 0.
AB: Locates the exact cell location of the same test case from previous day.
AC: Serves for translation from ID column (D) to last change column (M).
AD: Composes translated information from AC, so it will create a function, which I would like to use further. That function will compare last change date with the test case from previous day and current day. Result should be 1 or 0 depending on if there was any change.
AF: Checks if AE is number (AE should be the column where I would like to run
that function from AD).
AG: If AF is true, then it copies value from AE. Else it's 0
Problem is:
I can't find a way to trick excel to take the text from AD and use it as function in another cell. Tried to program it in VBA, but failed.
What I need:
Translate result from AD from text to function and then run it in AE.
If there is a more efficient way to program this, I am open to suggestions. But I would like to have an answer for my question as well. I want to know if it's possible because I will make more complicated cases later while I learn to work with VBA.
Thanks for the response.


How to trace an output in Access back to the section of VBA code that produced it

I am working on updating an Access database with this year's new data. I did not write the code that goes along with it, and am trying to find out where the formula is for an output (ratios) that the VBA code produces. Is there a way to trace back where the output came from?
I've tried just doing CTRL F to find the word "ratio" in the code but it's so long I can't pin down exactly where it's coming from.
No error messages
In debug mode you can step through the code step by step by pressing F8. You should be able to find the origin of every data export that way.
If the outputed data is a result of calculations I would check every query in the database. One of these probably takes care of those ratio's.

How do I get more information from an additional column if the first one does not have it?

I would just like to say that I'm very new to VBA and more complicated formulas so all the help will be appreciated! Thank you!
To clarify a bit more with the title. I currently have a Macro that is reading a formula to give me information from another worksheet. I'll give an example of the formula that is working:
=IF(A2 = ""No Specific Program"", A2,IF(F2 = """",""No PIN"",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(CONCATENATE(A2,F2),....!$C:$I,4,FALSE),""NO DATA"")))
This is the original formula that I'm using to get the information, column A is my Parts owned by Program, And my column B is the actual Program. So when I run the Macro it does give me most of the information, but when it runs into "No Specific Program" even when there is something for Column B showing what program the part is in, it will give me No specific Program.
Also for reference the F2 it is Concatenating is a PIN number which will help determine who owns the part.
I've been stumped on this trying to get the code to work and I've tried place THEN and ELSE within the statement and it just gives a FALSE statement
The Code above works, it's when I use this version of the Code:
=IF(A2 = ""No Specific Program"",THEN,IF(F2 = """",""No PIN"",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(CONCATENATE(A2,F2),'.....'!$C:$I,4,FALSE),""NO DATA"",Else,IF(A2 = ""No Specific Program"",THEN,IF(F2 = """",""No PIN"",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(CONCATENATE(A2,F2),'.....'!$C:$I,4,FALSE),""NO DATA"")))))
I get the False or errors when I try different variations. Here is an example of the columns. Column A is where I have the original formula reading from, but then it says No Specific Program, while Column B shows the Program. So I'm trying to get the formula to read that as well as column A to capture all the information I need :
Columns Example
It starts breaking after the ELSE statement.
=IF(A2 = ""No Specific Program"",
IF(F2 = """",""No PIN"",IFERROR(VLOOKUP(CONCATENATE(B2,F2),'\NW\Data\TechIntegration\Sustaining
IF(F2 = """",""No
Mining\DataMining[GAD_PIN_TABLE.xlsx]Sheet1'!$C:$I,5,FALSE),""NO GAD
Just trying to make it easier to see the formula.
I'd split this down to make it simpler to follow, use a holding cell then refer to that in your top formula (The one you know works already)
Stick this in another column, say Z for example, then everywhere you refer to A2 in your working formula, change it to Z2
=IF(A2=""No Specific Program"",IF(B2=""No Specific Program"",""No Specific Program"",B2),A2)
This will only give you "No specific program" if both a2 and b2 contain "No specific program" which I think is what you're after. In your second example in the columns example link, it will return NG

MATCH() function can't locate hours

I've created a Time Sheet for my dog walkers to fill in. They enter TIME STARTED and TIME ENDED for each of their dog walks and then a TOTAL TIME is generated using the =X-Y formula. This TOTAL TIME is formatted to be displayed in hh:mm but its true VALUE is a long integer.
Using the MATCH and INDEX functions, I've set up a formula to match the TOTAL TIME value generated to an index on the "Payment Schedule" sheet and locate the respective payment.
I keep getting errors that state the total time VALUES can't be matched but I know that formatting isn't the issue and the values are clearly on the "Payment Schedule" sheet. And when the MATCH function does return a row it returns the incorrect row, which locates the incorrect payment/rate.
Here is the Google Sheets I'm having trouble with.
Found the answer on another website:
it's floating point rounding error on the time values. I don't fully
understand what's happening, but I was able to reproduce it on my
system, and I found a work-around: Change your formula to
=INDEX(B:B, MATCH($I$4+TIME(0,0,1), A:A)) This adds one second (TIME(0,0,1); the arguments are TIME(hours,minutes,seconds)) to the I4
value; that seems to be enough to get it "over the hump", so that it
tests as being ≥ the value in A4 (or A7 or A10). BTW, I tried
TIME(0,0,0.9), but apparently TIME() won't honor fractional seconds,
and so it just treats that as TIME(0,0,0); i.e., just plain zero. If
you want to get a millisecond, you can use TIME(0,0,1)*0.001.

Today function equivalent in VBA in combination with countifs

I am having some problem with using a countifs formula in Excel / VBA. I have got the formula working perfect in Excel but ideally I want to use this in VBA with my form. Here is the formula in Excel which works a treat:
will count the names places that are now in the past
will count the names places that are current
I have five different Places in column A and hundreds of different dates in column K. The above formulas work well in Excel and return the correct values. I have spent hours trying to get this to work in VBA with my userform but keep getting various errors. The first part is not the problem but as soon as I get to the &today function it falls apart. From what I can see the &today function is not available in VBA and the &Date seems to be the recommendation. I have tried this but still get no where. I'm missing a trick (or several) here and I would really like to get this working in VBA rather than using the current formulas in Excel. The returned results are then displayed in textboxes on my form.
All ideas and feedback much welcome!
Second edit
Thanks for the quick replies! Here is the actual code I am playing about with in VBA
'Count events by area'
Dim ListLondon As Long
ListLondon = .CountIf(Range("a1:a1998"), "London"), ("Sheet1!K1:K1998"), "<" & Date)
End With
Me.TextBox1 = ListLondon
I know the second part of the count if is all wrong regards the date - that's how I've left it for now. I am really hoping to use the current layout and a working Date / Today code at the end. Please show me what I've done wrong here!
oops - can see a mistake already - but the initial problem remains around the date issue. I should of used countifs as using multiple criteria.
You have to read the values of the cells to your VBA code. I recommend you to use Excel.Range object to do that. It can interpret the range like the edit line of the Excel, something like
Dim foo as Excel.Range
set foo = yourworksheet.Range("A1:B3")
Read the Date type data into VBA Date type variable by iterating through the cells.
Examine relation between the read data and the current date. Current date can be read by using the DateTime.Now function.
Increment a variable based on a decision

Excel // Dynamic Range in Sum If Function

I’m trying to have a quite complicated Sum if function more reliable. The situation is that I’m using that formula (see below) to sum values between two dates from a separate sheet in the workbook.
The handicap is that I was hoping to implement some Kind of Lookup function or match function to always get the values from the correct row.
So far the sum_range is static and I can’t make sure its picking the correct line.
I already played around with this kind Address / Match Function
into that Sum_Range of the Sum If Formular but that doesn’t work either as it comes out as Text
I’m happy for any Idea which van be implemented via excel Formulas or VBA
I hope I explained everything clear, if not I'm happy to provide more information's
Many Thanks in Advance
Here is a simple example which you can extend to your case. It uses the =INDIRECT() formula.
If you know through some way what the correct rows are, say you know your range of interest is in line 11, ...
Put the following in a cell
A1: = 11 ' You can use VLOOKUP etc. to generate the row number
B1: = "F" & A1 & ":BM"&A1 ' That makes B1 read: F11:BM11
C1: = SUM(INDIRECT(B1)) ' This will make it the equivalent of writing =SUM(F11:BM11)
Writing =function(INDIRECT(*anything*)) where *anything* is a string describing the address of a range is the equivalent of writing =function(** selecting the range **)
Note on Performance: Do note, however, that INDIRECT is a volatile functions so any changes in the workbook with calculations set to automatic will cause it to recalculate. So there might be performance implications in certain cases.