How to Update end date by adding duration to start date SQL - sql

As in title i don't know how to add duration (from the same table) to start date, to get end date in result, table is looks like:
create table NR1
id INTEGER not null,
price INTEGER,
price2 INTEGER,
start_date DATE,
end_date DATE,
duration NUMBER
i tried something like this, but i have some errors:
update nr1
set end_date =dateadd(MONTH, nr1.duration, nr1.start_date);
it should works, but i have problems with MONTH, at all SQL developer says that.

You probably need add_months:
update NR1
set end_date = add_months(start_date, duration)

You are using syntax form a different database platform. The Oracle equivalent is the add_months() function:
update nr1
set end_date = add_months(nr1.start_date, nr1.duration);
If you just add a plain number to a date that's treated as a number of (whole or partial) days. You can also use intervals (via numtodsinterval()) for other periods of time, but using that for months can be difficult.
Months and days are simple through the basic functionality and functions though.
If you're on a recent version of Oracle you should consider using a virtual column so you don't have to maintain both values.

These are perfectly working SQL statement.
You can try queries here: W3Schools Link


SQL: Dynamic Join Based on Row Value

I am working with some complicated schema and have got many CTEs and joins to get to this point. This is a watered-down version and completely different source data and example to illustrate my point (data anonymity). Hopefully it provides enough of a snapshot.
Data Overview:
I have a service which generates a production forecast looking ahead 30 days. The forecast is generated for each facility, for each shift (morning/afternoon). Each forecast produced covers all shifts (morning/afternoon/evening) so they share a common generation_id but different forecast_profile_key.
What I am trying to do: I want to find the SUM of the forecast error for a given forecast generation constrained by a dynamic date range based on whether the date is a weekday or weekend. The SUM must be grouped only on similar IDs.
Basically, the temp table provides one record per facility per date per shift with the forecast error. I want to SUM the historical error dynamically for a facility/shift/date based on whether the date is weekday/weekend, and only SUM the error where the IDs match up.. (hope that makes sense!!)
Specifics: I want to find the SUM grouped by 'week_part_grouping', 'forecast_profile_key', 'forecast_profile' and 'forecast_generation_id'. The part I am struggling with is that I only want to SUM the error dynamically based on date: (a) if the date is a weekday, I want to SUM the error from up to the 5 recent-most days in a 7 day look back period, or (b) if the date is a weekend, I want to SUM the error from up to the 3 recent-most days in a 16 day look back period.
Ideally, having an extra column for 'total_forecast_error_in_lookback_range'.
Specific examples:
For 'facility_a', '2020-11-22' is a weekend. The lookback range is 16 days, so any date between '2020-11-21' and '2020-11-05' is eligible. The 3 recent-most dates would be '2020-11-21', '2020-11-15' and '2020-11'14'. Therefore, the sum of error would be 2000+3250+1050.
For 'facility_a', '2020-11-20' is a weekday. The lookback range is 7 days, so any date between '2020-11-19 and '2020-11-13'. That would work out to be '2020-11-19':'2020-11-16' and '2020-11-13'.
For 'facility_b', notice there is a change in the 'forecast_generation_id'. So, the error for '2020-11-20' would be only be 4565.
What I have tried: I'll confess to not being quite sure how to break down this portion. I did consider a case statement on the week_part but then got into a nested mess. I considered using a RANK windowed function but I didn't make much progress as was unsure how to implement the dynamic lookback component. I then also thought about doing some LISTAGG to get all the dates and do a REGEXP wildcard lookup but that would be very slow..
I am seeking pointers how to go about achieving this in SQL. I don't know if I am missing something from my toolkit here to go about breaking this down into something I can implement.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS seventh__error_calc;
create temporary table seventh__error_calc
facility_name varchar,
shift varchar,
date_actuals date,
week_part_grouping varchar,
forecast_profile_key varchar,
forecast_profile_id varchar,
forecast_generation_id varchar,
count_dates_in_forecast bigint,
forecast_error bigint
Insert into seventh__error_calc
FROM seventh__error_calc
This achieved what I was trying to do. There were two learning points here.
Self Joins. I've never used one before but can now see why they are powerful!
Using a CASE statement in the WHERE clause.
Hope this might help someone else some day!
select facility_name,
sum(forecast_error) forecast_err_calc
from (
select rank() over (partition by forecast_profile_id, forecast_profile_key, facility_name, a.date_actuals order by b.date_actuals desc) rnk,
a.facility_name, a.forecast_profile_key, a.forecast_profile_id, a.shift, a.date_actuals, a.week_part_grouping, a.forecast_generation_id, b.forecast_error
from seventh__error_calc a
join seventh__error_calc b
using (facility_name, forecast_profile_key, forecast_profile_id, week_part_grouping, forecast_generation_id)
where case when a.week_part_grouping = 'weekend' then b.date_actuals between a.date_actuals - 16 and a.date_actuals
when a.week_part_grouping = 'weekday' then b.date_actuals between a.date_actuals - 7 and a.date_actuals
) src
where case when week_part_grouping = 'weekend' then rnk < 4
when week_part_grouping = 'weekday' then rnk < 6

Days_Between two dates

I would like to ask how do i check if the difference between two dates.
BillingDate which is a date type with an entry 'DD-MON-YYYY'
and the other date is the current date.
sys_date - BillingDate = daysFromBilled
alot of the examples i find they actually stated the second date to calculate the difference but what i am looking for is the difference between the current date so i can add it into a schedule or job.
i am using oracle btw.
Another point to add, i will continue to search, but if your could also recommend, how should i implement such a function:
Calculate date difference from all BillingDate entries
To trigger an alter table if the difference is more than 30 days to put Status as Late.
If Status is more than 60 days the Service attribute will be altered and changed to Cut
here is my rough table layout
Cust Billing
-------- ----------
CustID(PK) BillingID(PK)
LateStatus LateStatus
Service BillingDate
Thanks alot.
REPLACE view DateDifference as
select trunc(sysdate)- trunc(BillingDate)
from Billing;
seems legit.
Simply subtract one date from the other:
BillingDate - sysdate
To do that in a select statement, just use it like this:
select billingdate - sysdate as daysFromBilled
from ...
Inside a trigger you use a regular assignment operator:
daysFromBilled integer;
daysFromBilled := :new.billingdate - sysdate;
that will return the number of days, including fractional values if the time is different (a DATE column in Oracle also contains a time!).
If you only want to get full days, use this:
trunc(BillingDate) - trunc(sysdate)
This statement of yours:
date type with an entry 'DD-MON-YYYY'
Indicates a misunderstanding on how DATE values work.
A DATE (or TIMESTAMP) does not have any format.
They are stored in binary form in your column. The format is only applied when you display the value and thus convert it to a character literal. That is the work of the client application you use to display the values. SQL*Plus uses the NLS settings, other SQL tools might use a different configuration.
All customers:
WHERE (SYSDATE - Billing_Date) >= 60
The following statement should update all the customer records where the difference is 60 days and over. Also, have added a clause to check if the service is already not set to CUT previously, so you don't end up updating the same records everytime.
WHERE (Sysdate - Billing_Date) >= 60

How to group by a date column by month

I have a table with a date column where date is stored in this format:
2012-08-01 16:39:17.601455+0530
How do I group or group_and_count on this column by month?
Your biggest problem is that SQLite won't directly recognize your dates as dates.
INSERT INTO "YOURTABLE" VALUES('2012-08-01 16:39:17.601455+0530');
If you try to use strftime() to get the month . . .
sqlite> select strftime('%m', DateColumn) from yourtable;
. . . it picks up the month from the first row, but not from the second.
If you can reformat your existing data as valid timestamps (as far a SQLite is concerned), you can use this relatively simple query to group by year and month. (You almost certainly don't want to group by month alone.)
select strftime('%Y-%m', DateColumn) yr_mon, count(*) num_dates
from yourtable
group by yr_mon;
If you can't do that, you'll need to do some string parsing. Here's the simplest expression of this idea.
select substr(DateColumn, 1, 7) yr_mon, count(*) num_dates
from yourtable
group by yr_mon;
But that might not quite work for you. Since you have timezone information, it's sure to change the month for some values. To get a fully general solution, I think you'll need to correct for timezone, extract the year and month, and so on. The simpler approach would be to look hard at this data, declare "I'm not interested in accounting for those edge cases", and use the simpler query immediately above.
It took me a while to find the correct expression using Sequel. What I did was this:
Assuming a table like:
CREATE TABLE acct (date_time datetime, reward integer)
Then you can access the aggregated data as follows:
ds = DS[:acct]
ds.select_group(Sequel.function(:strftime, '%Y-%m', :date_time))
.select_append{sum(:reward)}.each do |row|
p row

How to store absolute and relative date ranges in SQL database?

I'm trying to model a DateRange concept for a reporting application. Some date ranges need to be absolute, March 1, 2011 - March 31, 2011. Others are relative to current date, Last 30 Days, Next Week, etc. What's the best way to store that data in SQL table?
Obviously for absolute ranges, I can have a BeginDate and EndDate. For relative ranges, having an InceptionDate and an integer RelativeDays column makes sense. How do I incorporate both of these ideas into a single table without implementing context into it, ie have all four columns mentioned and use XOR logic to populate 2 of the 4.
Two possible schemas I rejected due to having context-driven columns:
InceptionDate DATETIME NULL,
RelativeDays INT NULL
InceptionDate DATETIME NULL,
BeginDaysRelative INT NULL,
EndDaysRelative INT NULL
Thanks for any advice!
I don't see why your second design doesn't meet your needs unless you're in the "no NULLs never" camp. Just leave InceptionDate NULL for "relative to current date" choices so that your application can tell them apart from fixed date ranges.
(Note: not knowing your DB engine, I've left date math and current date issues in pseudocode. Also, as in your question, I've left out any text description and primary key columns).
Then, either create a view like this:
CREATE VIEW DateRangesSolved (Inception, BeginDays, EndDays) AS
FROM DateRanges
or just use that logic when you SELECT from the table directly.
You can even take it one step further:
CREATE VIEW DateRangesSolved (BeginDate, EndDate) AS
SELECT (CASE WHEN Inception IS NULL THEN Date() ELSE Inception END + BeginDays),
(CASE WHEN Inception IS NULL THEN Date() ELSE Inception END + EndDays)
FROM DateRanges
Others are relative to current date, Last 30 Days, Next Week, etc.
What's the best way to store that data in SQL table?
If you store those ranges in a table, you have to update them every day. In this case, you have to update each row differently every day. That might be a big problem; it might not.
There usually aren't many rows in that kind of table, often less than 50. The table structure is obvious. Updating should be driven by a cron job (or its equivalent), and you should run very picky exception reports every day to make sure things have been updated correctly.
Normally, these kinds of reports should produce no output if things are fine. You have the added complication that driving such a report from cron will produce no output if cron isn't running. And that's not fine.
You can also create a view, which doesn't require any maintenance. With a few dozen rows, it might be slower than a physical table, but it might still fast enough. And it eliminates all maintenance and administrative work for these ranges. (Check for off-by-one errors, because I didn't.)
create view relative_date_ranges as
select 'Last 30 days' as range_name,
(current_date - interval '30' day)::date as range_start,
current_date as range_end
union all
select 'Last week' as range_name,
(current_date - interval '7' day)::date as range_start,
current_date as range_end
union all
select 'Next week' as range_name,
(current_date + interval '7' day)::date as range_start,
current_date as range_end
Depending on the app, you might be able to treat your "absolute" ranges the same way.
union all
select 'March this year' as range_name,
(extract(year from current_date) || '-03-01')::date as range_start,
(extract(year from current_date) || '-03-31')::date as range_end
Put them in separate tables. There is absolutely no reason to have them in a single table.
For the relative dates, I would go so far as to simply make the table the parameters you need for the date functions, i.e.
Id INT Identity,
Date_Part varchar(25),
DatePart_Count int
Then you can know that it is -2 WEEK or 30 DAY variance and use that in your logic.
If you need to see them both at the same time, you can combine them LOGICALLY in a query or view without needing to mess up your data structure by cramming different data elements into the same table.
Create a table containing the begindate and the offset. The precision of the offset is up to you to decide.
Offset int NOT NULL,
OffsetLabel varchar(100)
to insert into it:
INSERT INTO DateRange (BeginDate, Offset, OffsetLabel)
select '20110301', DATEDIFF(sec, '20110301', '20110331'), 'March 1, 2011 - March 31, 2011'
Last 30 days
INSERT INTO DateRange (BeginDate, Duration, OffsetLabel)
select '20110301', DATEDIFF(sec, current_timestamp, DATEADD(day, -30, current_timestamp)), 'Last 30 Days'
To display the values later:
select BeginDate, EndDate = DATEADD(sec, Offset, BeginDate), OffsetLabel
from DateRange
If you want to be able to parse the "original" vague descriptions you will have to look for a "Fuzzy Date" or "Approxidate" function. (There exists something like this in the git source code. )

Selecting products that haven't been made in 2 years

I'm trying to get the products that havn't been made in the last 2 years. I'm not that great with SQL but here's what i've started with and it doesn't work.
Lets say for this example that my schema looks like this
prod_id, date_created, num_units_created.
I'll take any advice i can get.
select id, (select date from table
where date <= sysdate - 740) older,
(select date from table
where date >= sysdate - 740) newer
from table
where newer - older
I'm not being clear enough.
Basically i want all products that havn't been produced in the last 2 years. Whenever a product is produced, a line gets added. So if i just did sysdate <= 740, it would only give me all the products that were produced from the beginning up til 2 years ago.
I want all products that have been produced in the at least once, but not in the last 2 years.
I hope that clears it up.
select id, max(date)
from table
group by id
having max(date) < add_months(sysdate,-24)
I'd use SQL's dateadd function.
where date < dateadd(year,-2,getdate())
would be a where clause that would select records with date less than 2 years from the current date.
Hope that helps.
EDIT: If you want to go by days, use dateadd(d,-740,getdate())
Maybe something like this?
select id, date
from table
where date <= (sysdate - 730);
SELECT id FROM table WHERE date + (365*2) <= sysdate;
Use SELECT id, date, other, columns ... if you need to get them at the same time.