Trouble Getting Twilio SMS Response from ASP.NET Core MVC Endpoint -

When I setup request bin, I get a response that seems totally normal (see screen shot below). When I use the command
ngrok http 5000
And I send the response to my local http endpoint, ngrok reports 200OK if my POST method in the controller has no parameters. Even if I add one parameter ([FromBody] string content), I get a 400 bad request out of ngrok's console.
I'm pasting below a couple different POST method's I've tried. I've tried inheriting my controller from controllerbase and controller and get the same behavior.
public string JsonStringBody([FromBody] TwilioSmsModel twilioSmsModel)
return "";
POST: api/SmsBody
public async Task<IActionResult> PostTwilioSmsModel([FromBody] TwilioSmsModel twilioSmsModel)
public async Task<IActionResult> Post()
var twilioSmsModel = new TwilioSmsModel();
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return CreatedAtAction("GetTwilioSmsModel", new { id = twilioSmsModel.SmsSid }, twilioSmsModel);
If there is a github example of sms notifications working with core 2.1, that would be a big help.

Twilio developer evangelist here. Most likely the error you're seeing has nothing to do with the way you're building your application, but with the fact that .NET expect some host headers to be passed in order to process your request. And why it works with requestbin.
You haven't specified any error message in your question, so this is guesswork, but try changing your ngrok commend to the following:
ngrok http 5000 -host-header="localhost:5000"
And you should stop seeing the 400 error you're getting and the requests should go through normally.
Hope this helps.


.NetCore ResponseCache does not work for some routes

I call this action using Fiddler/Postman and in the first time it gets the response from the server side and the other requests from the cache, works!
[ResponseCache(Duration = oneWeek, VaryByQueryKeys = new[] { "sideBarMenuItemType"})]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetSideBarMenuItems(LU_SideBar_Ajax sideBarMenuItemType)
I copied the exact same headers and body(in Fiddler you can drag and drop to the composer) and just changed the url to location/peru/cusco and it doesn't cache it, never.
[ResponseCache(Duration = 120)]
public async Task<IActionResult> LocationPage(string countrySlug, string citySlug = null)
The headers of the second response are:
I tried to move app.UseResponseCaching(); to be the first middleware but it didn't work and also I read all existing documentation and couldn't understand what am I doing wrong, I downloaded Microsoft samples and the caching worked, but not in my project.
I tried to send the request with Fiddler & Postman(disabled the cache header) and Incognito mode.
Any Idea?

.NET Core 3.1 - redirect from middleware not working

I try to redirect to a custom error page when I get a particular status
but any request to my api is processed without problem, instead of receiving a code 301/302
even if I do the redirect on any request
public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext httpContext, Leads2WinDBContext context)
... // some sensitive identification code here
await next(httpContext);
//if (httpContext.Response.StatusCode == StatusCodes.Status404NotFound)
anything I am doing wrong ?
thanks for your help
app.UseExceptionHandler() was already in my code, I just changed it to point to a custom error page

Dotnet site behind kestrel stops working (Requests return 503 from Apache server)

I run .NET core 3.1 app behind in Linux machine with Kestrel behind reverse proxy (Apache).
I constantly push some data to certain endpoint and then relay that data through signalR hub to users:
[Authorize(Roles = "Datasource")]
public async Task<IActionResult> PutLiveTag(Tag tag, string tagName)
bool status = await tagRepository.UpdateLiveData(tagName, tag);
if (status)
await tagHubContext.Clients.Group(tagName).SendAsync(tagName, tag);
return Ok();
return BadRequest();
Users joins and leaves that signalr hub by simply removing them from group:
public class TagDataHub : Hub
public async Task JoinTagGroup(string tagName)
await Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, tagName);
public async Task LeaveTagGroup(string tagName)
await Groups.RemoveFromGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, tagName);
My app runs in deployment for few hours and then when I try use that app's API endpoints or anything related to that app I get 503 response from originated from Apache. I really don't know why Kestrel stops working...
When I run service dotnet-site status I get that app is still running.
I checked processes in server, I see that dotnet uses lots of resources, but apart from code provided above there is nothing else running in that app:
Please send help I really don't know how to debug/figure out this on linux server, I would value any suggestion.
I also looked this up and did exactly as this person, but it didn't help me: apache mpm worker

Passing String value from Angular $http post to Spring #RestController

I have a REST api endpoint like this -
#RequestMapping(value = "/createform/custom/name", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String nameSubmit(#RequestBody String name) {
return "you have submitted this name ***** "+name;
From angular service I tried to make a REST call like this -
var data = 'name='+inputName;
$, data, {
headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}
Now I always get a -1 HTTP status and control goes to error block. I also tried #RequestParam instead of #RequestBody but no luck. But if I try to access the service through curl or chrome postman , everything works fine. Only when I try through angular application I get stuck with -1 response.
It was a CORS issue. I tried the Spring proposed solutions first. But the "gs-rest-service-cors" jar was not found in Maven repository. Hence ended up writing a filter as shown here and things worked fine.

page Redirect in ASP.Net MVC + Web Api + AngularJs

I am building a ASP.Net MVC application that can work both in Web and JQuery mobile. So i am creating a seperate view for Web and JQuery mobile application. I have placed all my primary business logic services as a Web Api calls which are called by both the clients using the AngularJs which is working fine so far.
Now I was looking to introduce the security in to the application, and realized that Basic authentication is the quickest way to get going and when I looked around I found very nice posts that helped me build the same with minimal effort. Here are 3 links that I primarily used:
For the Client Side
HTTP Auth Interceptor Module : a nice way to look for 401 error and bring up the login page and after that proceed from where you left out.
Implementing basic HTTP authentication for HTTP requests in AngularJS : This is required to ensure that I am able reuse the user credentials with the subsequent requests. which is catched in the $http.
On the Server Side :
Basic Authentication with Asp.Net WebAPI
So far so good, all my WebApi calls are working as expected,
but the issue starts when I have to make calls to the MVC controllers,
if I try to [Authorize] the methods/controllers, it throws up the forms Authentication view again on MVC even though the API has already set the Authentication Header.
So I have 2 Questions:
Can We get the WebApi and MVC to share the same data in the header? in there a way in the AngularJS i can make MVC controller calls that can pass the same header information with authorization block that is set in the $http and decode it in the server side to generate my own Authentication and set the Custom.
In case the above is not possible, I was trying to make a call to a WebApi controller to redirect to a proper view which then loads the data using the bunch of WebApi calls so that user is not asked to enter the details again.
I have decorated it with the following attribute "[ActionName("MyWorkspace")] [HttpGet]"
public HttpResponseMessage GotoMyWorkspace(string data)
var redirectUrl = "/";
if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("shipper"))
redirectUrl = "/shipper";
else if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("transporter"))
redirectUrl = "/transporter";
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently);
string fullyQualifiedUrl = redirectUrl;
response.Headers.Location = new Uri(fullyQualifiedUrl, UriKind.Relative);
return response;
and on my meny click i invoke a angular JS function
$scope.enterWorkspace = function(){
// success callback
function(response) {
console.log('redirect Route Received:', response);
// error callback
function(response) {
console.log('Error retrieving the Redirect path:',response);
i see in the chrome developer tool that it gets redirected and gets a 200 OK status but the view is not refreshed.
is there any way we can at least get this redirect to work in case its not possible to share the WebApi and MVC authentications.
Followed Kaido's advice and found another blog that explained how to create a custom CustomBasicAuthorizeAttribute.
Now I am able to call the method on the Home controller below: decorated with '[HttpPost][CustomBasicAuthorize]'
public ActionResult MyWorkspace()
var redirectUrl = "/";
if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("shipper"))
redirectUrl = "/shipper/";
else if(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("transporter"))
redirectUrl = "/transporter/";
return RedirectToLocal(redirectUrl);
Again, it works to an extent, i.e. to say, when the first call is made, it gets in to my method above that redirects, but when the redirected call comes back its missing the header again!
is there anything I can do to ensure the redirected call also gets the correct header set?
BTW now my menu click looks like below:
$scope.enterMyWorkspace = function(){
// success callback
function(response) {
console.log('redirect Route Received:', response);
// error callback
function(response) {
console.log('Error retrieving the Redirect path:',response);
this finally settles down to the following URL:
The [Authorize] attribute uses forms authentication, however it is easy to create your own
BasicAuthenticationAttribute as in your third link.
Then put [BasicAuthentication] on the MVC controllers instead of [Authorize].