Running DropwizardAppRule before each test in a class using junit - testing

I have a test class that has several tests. At the moment I have this to start up the server, wipe the database etc:
public static final DropwizardAppRule<ServiceConfig> RULE =
new DropwizardAppRule<ServiceConfig>(ServiceApp.class, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath("config.yml"));
All my tests work with this individually. But when I run them all together some fail since other tests modify data. I tried doing the following but I'm getting null pointers when calling RULE.getPort():
public static DropwizardAppRule<ServiceConfig> RULE;
public void beforeClass() {
RULE = new DropwizardAppRule<ServiceConfig>(ServiceApp.class, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath("config.yml"));
I would have expected this to work but it doesn't seem to set the values of RULE properly. Any ideas?

I don't know how to handle db "from within" DropwizardAppRule, so I may not really answer your question... I'm actually having another issue myself trying with DropwizardAppRule not properly being setup and torn down between tests. (So if you made progress going this way I'd like you insights).
Anyway, I think you need to handle your DB outside DropwizardAppRule and give it in the Rule. We resolved DB clearing by relying on custom and external TestsRules:
public class CockpitApplicationRule implements TestRule {
public static class App extends CockpitApplication<CockpitConfiguration> {
// only needed because of generics
public final DropwizardAppRule<CockpitConfiguration> dw;
public final EmbeddedDatabaseRule db;
public CockpitApplicationRule(String config, ConfigOverride... configOverrides) {
this.db = EmbeddedDatabaseRule.builder()
this.dw = new DropwizardAppRule<>(App.class, ResourceHelpers.resourceFilePath(config),
ConfigOverride.config("database.url", () -> this.db.getConnectionJdbcUrl()));
public Statement apply(#Nullable Statement base, #Nullable Description description) {
assert base != null;
assert description != null;
return RulesHelper.chain(base, description, dw, RulesHelper.dropDbAfter(db), db);
public DSLContext db() {
return DSL.using(db.getConnectionJdbcUrl());
Basically we override TestRule apply(...) to chain custom Statements. There's our RulesHelper if you want to take a look. That way the DB is cleanly handled by the Rules, we can fill our test DB in test classes using #Before setup methods.
org.zapodot.junit.db.EmbeddedDatabaseRule Is an external dependency that allows us to rather easily instantiate a DB for our tests.
The RulesHelper.dropDbAfter does the actual cleaning:
public static TestRule dropDbAfter(EmbeddedDatabaseRule db) {
return after(() -> DSL.using(db.getConnectionJdbcUrl()).execute("DROP ALL OBJECTS"));
You should be able to setup and clean the DB from #Before and #After methods without fully using TestRules though, but I'm not sure it's really easier in the end.
Hope this helped !


How to programmatically register extensions in Junit5

Say, a test needs a parameter that is only known when the tests are about to run.
public class Test {
protected final MyParameter p;
public Test(MyParameter p) {}
public void test() { assertSuccess(TestedCode.doComplexThing(p)); }
Only before the tests are executed, the specific contents of MyParameter instance can be determined. So I can have a resolver extension that simple pastes that parameter value where needed:
class MyParameterExtension implements ParameterResolver {
private final MyParameter myParameter;
public MyParameterExtension(MyParameter p) {
myParameter = p;
public boolean supportsParameter(ParameterContext parameterContext, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
return (parameterContext.getParameter().getType() == MyParameter.class);
public MyParameter resolveParameter(ParameterContext parameterContext, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
return myParameter;
I run the tests by starting Junit5 from my own code. That's when I can determine what the corresponding parameter values are. Let's say these parameters drive the behavior of the tests, and a user can specify (i.e., over a CLI) the values that a run should use.
How do I register the extension with the test run, as I'm about to commence it?
void launchSuite(List<DiscoverySelector> selectors, Object something) {
// The input to this are all the necessary selectors.
LauncherDiscoveryRequest ldr = LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder.request()
Launcher launcher = LauncherFactory.create();
TestPlan plan =;
MyParameter myParameter = new MyParameter(something);
MyParameterExtension ext = new MyParameterExtension(myParameter);
// $TODO: how do I register my extension with the test run
// before starting it?
Auto-registering extensions doesn't help me (how would that process know the value of MyParameter)
Using #RegisterExtension in the test code doesn't help me (A static block in the test code won't know the proper input for constructing instances of MyParameter)
Looking at the mechanics of launching the test, I don't see anything that lets me register those extensions in advance.
I considered using a ThreadLocal field in an extension registered statically but AFAIU, this won't (reliably) work because JUnit may create its own threads at least in certain cases.
I considered sticking the value of MyParameter in the "extension context", but I don't see a way to grab a hold of that before the test execution starts either. The root context is created in JupiterEngineDescriptor that is, if nothing else, all internal API.
The obvious solution is to stick the parameter in a static field somewhere, but that would preclude me from running tests with different parameters in parallel, unless I resort to loading tests into isolated class loaders, which sounds too cumbersome for something that I believe should be simpler. After all, all of the contexts of a test run are otherwise fully isolated.
What I'm ultimately trying to do, at then, as to make something like this possible:
// ...
new Thread(()->launchSuite(selectors, "assume Earth gravity")).start();
new Thread(()->launchSuite(selectors, "assume Mars gravity")).start();
So what's are the reasonable ways to wire something this together?
Let's start with the one thing that does not work: Using the launcher API.
The launcher API is a platform feature, whereas extensions are Jupiter-related. That's why there is no mechanism to register an extension in the API.
What should work, though, is #RegisterExtension - although you claim it would not. As the documentation shows it is not restricted to static fields. Therefore, whatever you do here:
MyParameter myParameter = new MyParameter(something);
MyParameterExtension ext = new MyParameterExtension(myParameter);
could be done in a static method to instantiate an extension during runtime:
public class Test {
private static MyParameterExtension createExtension() {
MyParameter myParameter = new MyParameter(something);
return new MyParameterExtension(myParameter);
private MyParameterExtension my = createExtension();
public void test(MyParameter p) {
If that doesn't work in your case, some information is missing from your problem statement IMO.
If your extension creation code requires parameters that can only be determined at launch time, you have the option of adding configuration parameters to the discovery request:
LauncherDiscoveryRequest ldr = LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder.request()
.configurationParameter("selectors", "assume Earth gravity")
This parameter can then be retrieved within the extension:
class MyParameterExtension implements ParameterResolver {
public MyParameter resolveParameter(ParameterContext parameterContext, ExtensionContext extensionContext) {
var selectors = extensionContext.getConfigurationParameter("selectors").orElse("");
return new MyParameter(selectors);

How to disable static initializer?

Assuming my system under test looks like this:
public class SysUnderTest {
public int foo() {
Trouble trouble1 = new Trouble();
Trouble trouble2 = new Trouble();
return trouble1.water(1) + trouble2.water(2);
The test will looks something like
public class DummyTest {
#Tested SysUnderTest sut;
#Mocked Trouble trouble;
public void testTrouble() {
new Expectations() {{
trouble.water(anyInt); returns(10, 20);
assertThat("mocked result",, is(30));
new FullVerificationsInOrder() {{
Trouble t1 = new Trouble();
Trouble t2 = new Trouble();
However, Trouble is actually a 3rd-party lib class that I have no control, which it does static initialization which will fail in testing env.
public class Trouble {
static {
public int water(int i) {
return 0;
private static void troubleInitialize() {
throw new RuntimeException("Trouble");
I know I can use MockUp<Trouble> to get rid of the static initializer but I have no idea how to make use of it in case as I want to (in my realistic case) be able to distinguish the two new instances (created in SysUnderTest) and verify their invocations. I have tried different ways but all failed with some reasons
Adding a new MockUp<Trouble>(){#Mock void $clinit(){} }; in #Before/#BeforeClass, and keep #Mocked Trouble trouble;. It seems not working because the mockup action happens after the DummyTest class is loaded, which will load (unmodified) Trouble class which will throw exception during static initialization
Adding the new Mockup in a TestSuite and call the DummyTest in suite, similar problem as 1.
Simply put the behavior of returning 20, 30 in the fake class, and remove usage of Expectations/Verifications but I have no way to verify which instance is called with what parameter.
Is there a better way to solve my problem? Actually I would want to keep using Expectaitons/Verifications, all I want is some way to disable the static initializer during unit test.
Use stubOutClassInitialization to change the mocked class's static init to an empty method when using Mocked.
#Mocked(stubOutClassInitialization=true) Trouble trouble;

How to use method dependency between two classes in testng?

I have 2 test classes one is for testing the register functionality of a website and another is for login.
public class TestResister{
public void testSignup(){
public class TestLogin{
public void testLoginUser(){
I want that when i run testLoginUser() function it automatically call testSignup().
Yes it is possible. Something like the following:
#Test(priority = 1)
public void testMethod1(){
//some code
#Test(priority = 2)
public void testMethod2(){
//some code
See this. Lower priority will execute first. However, any any condition, ***Test dependency* is not best practice. Each and every test should be designed to perform independently. Think about what will happen to test with priority 2 if test with priority 1 fails.
Not sure if I understand your problem correct, but you just need to call the method.
public class TestRegister{
public void testSignup(){
public class TestLogin{
public void testLoginUser(){
public class TestLogin{
public void testLoginUser(){
TestRegister tstregister = new TestRegister();
Your question is not very clear, what if the registration is already done? will it fail ?
I think you are looking for the following attribute.
You can use the attributes dependsOnMethods or dependsOnGroups, found on the #Test annotation.
There are two kinds of dependencies:
Hard dependencies. All the methods you depend on must have run and
succeeded for you to run. If at least one failure occurred in your
dependencies, you will not be invoked and marked as a SKIP in the
Soft dependencies. You will always be run after the methods you
depend on, even if some of them have failed. This is useful when you
just want to make sure that your test methods are run in a certain
order but their success doesn't really depend on the success of
others. A soft dependency is obtained by adding "alwaysRun=true" in
your #Test annotation.
Here is an example of a hard dependency:
public void signup() {}
#Test(dependsOnMethods = { "singup" })
public void login() {}
In this case if singup fails login wont run. If you want to still run login then add "alwaysRun=true". Then login will run irrespective of signup is successful or not.
For more please look up

JMockit: #Mocke and MockUp combination in the same test

What I have to do:
I have to test my spring mvc with JMockit. I need to do two things:
Redefine MyService.doService method
Check how many times redefined MyService.doService method is called
What the problem:
To cope with the first item, I should use MockUp; to cope with the second item I should use #Mocked MyService. As I understand this two approaches are overriding each other.
My questions:
How to override MyService.doService method and simultaneously check how many times it was invoked?
Is it possible to avoid mixing a behaviour & state based testing approaches in my case?
My code:
#ContextConfiguration(locations = "classpath:ctx/persistenceContextTest.xml")
public class MyControllerTest extends AbstractContextControllerTests {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
protected WebApplicationContext wac;
private MyServiceImpl myServiceMock;
public static void beforeClass() {
new MockUp<MyServiceImpl>() {
public List<Object> doService() {
return null;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
this.mockMvc = webAppContextSetup(this.wac).build();
public void sendRedirect() throws Exception {
.andExpect(model().attribute("positions", null));
new Verifications() {
times = 1;
I don't know what gave you the impression that you "should use" MockUp for something, while using #Mocked for something else in the same test.
In fact, you can use either one of these two APIs, since they are both very capable. Normally, though, only one or the other is used in a given test (or test class), not both.
To verify how many invocations occurred to a given mocked method, you can use the "invocations/minInvocations/maxInvocations" attributes of the #Mock annotation when using a MockUp; or the "times/minTimes/maxTimes" fields when using #Mocked. Choose whichever one best satisfies your needs and testing style. For example tests, check out the JMockit documentation.

Looking for a Ninject scope that behaves like InRequestScope

On my service layer I have injected an UnitOfWork and 2 repositories in the constructor. The Unit of Work and repository have an instance of a DbContext I want to share between the two of them. How can I do that with Ninject ? Which scope should be considered ?
I am not in a web application so I can't use InRequestScope.
I try to do something similar... and I am using DI however, I need my UoW to be Disposed and created like this.
using (IUnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWorkFactory.Create())
EDIT: I just want to be sure i understand… after look at i though about my current console application architecture which actually use Ninject.
Lets say :
Class A is a Service layer class
Class B is an unit of work which take into parameter an interface (IContextFactory)
Class C is a repository which take into parameter an interface (IContextFactory)
The idea here is to be able to do context operations on 2 or more repository and using the unit of work to apply the changes.
Class D is a context factory (Entity Framework) which provide an instance (keep in a container) of the context which is shared between Class B et C (.. and would be for other repositories aswell).
The context factory keep the instance in his container so i don’t want to reuse this instance all the name since the context need to be disposed at the end of the service operaiton.. it is the main purpose of the InNamedScope actually ?
The solution would be but i am not sure at all i am doing it right, the services instance gonna be transcient which mean they actually never disposed ? :
UPDATE: This approach works against NuGet current, but relies in an anomaly in the InCallscope implementation which has been fixed in the current Unstable NuGet packages. I'll be tweaking this answer in a few days to reflect the best approach after some mulling over. NB the high level way of structuring stuff will stay pretty much identical, just the exact details of the Bind<DbContext>() scoping will work. (Hint: CreateNamedScope in unstable would work or one could set up the Command Handler as DefinesNamedScope. Reason I dont just do that is that I want to have something that composes/plays well with InRequestScope)
I highly recommend reading the Ninject.Extensions.NamedScope integration tests (seriously, find them and read and re-read them)
The DbContext is a Unit Of Work so no further wrapping is necessary.
As you want to be able to have multiple 'requests' in flight and want to have a single Unit of Work shared between them, you need to:
.ToMethod( ctx =>
new DbContext(
connectionStringName: ConfigurationUtility.GetConnectionString() ))
The InCallScope() means that:
for a given object graph composed for a single kernel.Get() Call (hence In Call Scope), everyone that requires an DbContext will get the same instance.
the IDisposable.Dispose() will be called when a Kernel.Release() happens for the root object (or a Kernel.Components.Get<ICache>().Clear() happens for the root if it is not .InCallScope())
There should be no reason to use InNamedScope() and DefinesNamedScope(); You don't have long-lived objects you're trying to exclude from the default pooling / parenting / grouping.
If you do the above, you should be able to:
var command = kernel.Get<ICommand>();
try {
} finally {
kernel.Components.Get<ICache>().Clear( command ); // Dispose of DbContext happens here
The Command implementation looks like:
class Command : ICommand {
readonly IAccountRepository _ar;
readonly IBlockedIpRepository _br;
readonly DbContext _ctx;
public Command(IAccountRepository ar, IBlockedIpRepository br, DbContext ctx){
_ar = ar;
_br = br;
_ctx = ctx;
void ICommand.Execute(){
Note that in general, I avoid having an implicit Unit of Work in this way, and instead surface it's creation and Disposal. This makes a Command look like this:
class Command : ICommand {
readonly IAccountService _as;
readonly IBlockedIpService _bs;
readonly Func<DbContext> _createContext;
public Command(IAccountService #as, IBlockedIpServices bs, Func<DbContext> createContext){
_as = #as;
_bs = bs;
_createContext = createContext;
void ICommand.Execute(){
using(var ctx = _createContext()) {
This involves no usage of .InCallScope() on the Bind<DbContext>() (but does require the presence of Ninject.Extensions.Factory's FactoryModule to synthesize the Func<DbContext> from a straightforward Bind<DbContext>().
As discussed in the other answer, InCallScope is not a good approach to solving this problem.
For now I'm dumping some code that works against the latest NuGet Unstable / Include PreRelease / Instal-Package -Pre editions of Ninject.Web.Common without a clear explanation. I will translate this to an article in the Ninject.Extensions.NamedScope wiki at some stagehave started to write a walkthrough of this technique in the Ninject.Extensions.NamedScope wiki's CreateNamedScope/GetScope article.
Possibly some bits will become Pull Request(s) at some stage too (Hat tip to #Remo Gloor who supplied me the outline code). The associated tests and learning tests are in this gist for now), pending packaging in a proper released format TBD.
The exec summary is you Load the Module below into your Kernel and use .InRequestScope() on everything you want created / Disposed per handler invocation and then feed requests through via IHandlerComposer.ComposeCallDispose.
If you use the following Module:
public class Module : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
// Wire it up so InRequestScope will work for Handler scopes
NinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory.NinjectHttpApplicationPlugin.RegisterIn( Kernel );
Which wires in a Factory[1] and NinjectHttpApplicationPlugin that exposes:
public interface INinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory
NamedScope CreateRequestHandlerScope();
Then you can use this Composer to Run a Request InRequestScope():
public interface IHandlerComposer
void ComposeCallDispose( Type type, Action<object> callback );
Implemented as:
class NinjectRequestScopedHandlerComposer : IHandlerComposer
readonly INinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory _requestHandlerScopeFactory;
public NinjectRequestScopedHandlerComposer( INinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory requestHandlerScopeFactory )
_requestHandlerScopeFactory = requestHandlerScopeFactory;
void IHandlerComposer.ComposeCallDispose( Type handlerType, Action<object> callback )
using ( var resolutionRoot = _requestHandlerScopeFactory.CreateRequestHandlerScope() )
foreach ( object handler in resolutionRoot.GetAll( handlerType ) )
callback( handler );
The Ninject Infrastructure stuff:
class NinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory : INinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory
internal const string ScopeName = "Handler";
readonly IKernel _kernel;
public NinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory( IKernel kernel )
_kernel = kernel;
NamedScope INinjectRequestHandlerScopeFactory.CreateRequestHandlerScope()
return _kernel.CreateNamedScope( ScopeName );
/// <summary>
/// When plugged in as a Ninject Kernel Component via <c>RegisterIn(IKernel)</c>, makes the Named Scope generated during IHandlerFactory.RunAndDispose available for use via the Ninject.Web.Common's <c>.InRequestScope()</c> Binding extension.
/// </summary>
public class NinjectHttpApplicationPlugin : NinjectComponent, INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin
readonly IKernel kernel;
public static void RegisterIn( IKernel kernel )
kernel.Components.Add<INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin, NinjectHttpApplicationPlugin>();
public NinjectHttpApplicationPlugin( IKernel kernel )
this.kernel = kernel;
object INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin.GetRequestScope( IContext context )
// TODO PR for TrgGetScope
return NamedScopeExtensionMethods.GetScope( context, ScopeName );
catch ( UnknownScopeException )
return null;
void INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin.Start()
void INinjectHttpApplicationPlugin.Stop()