Access Vue app (this) from non vue file - vuejs2

I'm new to vue (started using vue 2) I'm using Store (vuex) and I'm trying to acheive something.
basically I managed to install the vue-auth plugin : I have this.$auth that I can call from within .vue files.
Now using the store I wanna call the userLogin function by dispatching the call like this from a vue file :
export default {
computed: {
comparePasswords() {
return this.password === this.passwordConfirm
? true
: "Passwords don't match";
methods: {
userSignUp() {
if (this.comparePasswords !== true) {
this.$store.dispatch("userSignUp", {
password: this.password
data() {
return {
email: "",
password: "",
passwordConfirm: ""
in the store/index I'm trying to access the 'this.$auth' I do understand is some kind of context switching but I don't know how to access the vue app instance. :
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
let app = this
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
appTitle: 'LiveScale Dashboard',
user: null,
error: null,
loading: false
mutations: {
setUser(state, payload) {
state.user = payload
setError(state, payload) {
state.error = payload
setLoading(state, payload) {
state.loading = payload
actions: {
userLogin({ commit }, payload) {
commit('setLoading', true)
var redirect = this.$auth.redirect(); // THIS IS WRONG.
this.$auth.login({ // THIS IS WRONG.
body: payload, // Vue-resource
data: payload, // Axios
redirect: { name: redirect ? : 'account' },
.then(() => {
commit('setUser', this.context)
commit('setLoading', false)
}, (res) => {
console.log('error ' + this.context);
commit('setLoading', false)
userSignUp({ commit }, payload) {
// ...
getters: {}
Thanks for your help

try using Vue.$auth in index.js it should work

The idea (so far) is to pass the instance as an argument to the function as follows :
this.$store.dispatch("userSignUp", {
password: this.password,
auth: this.$auth //added this line
and then in the store -> actions , payload.auth will contain my auth plugin :
userLogin({ commit }, payload) {
commit('setLoading', true)
var redirect = payload.auth.redirect();
body: payload, // Vue-resource
data: payload, // Axios
redirect: { name: redirect ? : 'account' },
.then(() => {
commit('setUser', this.context)
commit('setLoading', false)
}, (res) => {
console.log('error ' + this.context);
commit('setLoading', false)
I don't know if it's the best practice or not, but this is how I managed to do it. Please feel free to suggest anything.


Store user in vuex after login

I am trying to create login page. SO for this, I am making a call. After I get the response, I am storing cookie and with the cookie I am getting the user info. What I am trying to do is store this user info in Vuex store. Here is whole of my logic for this:
export default {
name: 'Login',
mounted() {
EventBus.$on(GENERAL_APP_CONSTANTS.Events.CheckAuthentication, () => {
this.authenticated = authHelper.validAuthentication();
if (this.authenticated) { = this.password = "";
this.authenticationFailed = false;
EventBus.$on(GENERAL_APP_CONSTANTS.Events.LoginFailed, () => {
this.authenticationFailed = true
data () {
return {
authenticated: false,
authenticationFailed: false,
email: '',
password: '',
rememberMe: false,
cookieName: "_token",
cookie: "",
cookieValue: "",
validations: {
email: {
password: {
minLength: minLength(0)
methods: {
signIn: function () {
authHelper.signIn(, this.password, () => {
this.$router.push({name: 'home'});
this.cookie = cookieHelper.getCookie(this.cookieName);
this.cookieValue = cookieHelper.getCookieValue(this.cookie);
storeUser: function () {
(response) => {
this.$store.dispatch('storeUser', {
So, as you see below, my user in Vuex store is still empty:
my mutation is:
export const STORE_USER = (state, {user}) => {
state.user = user;
my action is:
export const storeUser = ({commit}, {user}) => {
commit('STORE_USER', {user});
Could you have a look and let me know, where do you think I am making something wrong.

How can I update the comments without refreshing it?

First, I'm using vuex and axios.
store: commentService.js
CommentBox.vue (Top components)
CommentEnter.vue (Sub components)
This is the logic of the code I wrote.
In the store called commentService.js, there are mutations called commentUpdate.
And There are actions called postComment and getComment.
At this time, In the component called CommentBox dispatches getComment with async created().
Then, in getComment, commentUpdate is commited and executed.
CommentUpdate creates an array of comments inquired by getComment and stores them in a state called commentList.
Then I'll get a commentList with "computed".
CommentEnter, a sub-component, uses the commentList registered as compounded in the CommentBox as a prop.
The code below is commentService.js.
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
namespaced: true,
state: () => ({
commentList: []
mutations: {
commentUpdate(state, payload) {
Object.keys(payload).forEach(key => {
state[key] = payload[key]
actions: {
postComment(state, payload) {
const {id} = payload`http://??.???.???.???:????/api/books/${id}/comments`, {
comment: this.state.comment,
starRate: this.state.starRate
}, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ` + localStorage.getItem('user-token')
.then((res) => {
this.state.comment = ''
this.state.starRate = ''
.catch((err) => {
alert('댓글은 한 책당 한 번만 작성할 수 있습니다.')
this.state.comment = ''
this.state.starRate = ''
async getComment({commit}, payload) {
const {id} = payload
.then((res) => {
const { comment } =
commit('commentUpdate', {
commentList: comment
.catch((err) => {
commit('commentUpdate', {
commentList: {}
The code below is CommentBox.vue
computed: {
commentList() {
return this.$store.state.commentService.commentList
methods: {
async newComment() {
if(this.$ === '') {
alert('로그인 후 이용할 수 있습니다.')
this.$store.dispatch('commentService/postComment', {
id: this.$,
comment: this.$store.state.comment,
starRate: this.$store.state.starRate
async created() {
this.$store.dispatch('commentService/getComment', {
id: this.$
The code below is CommentEnter.vue
created() {
this.userComment = this.comment
props: {
comment: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
I asked for a lot of advice.
There were many comments asking for an axios get request after the axios post request was successful.
In fact, I requested an axios get within .then() of the axios post, and the network tab confirmed that the get request occurred normally after the post request.
But it's still not seen immediately when I register a new comment.
I can only see new comments when I refresh it.
How can I make a new comment appear on the screen right away when I register it?
Can't you just call getComment when postComment is finished?
methods: {
async newComment() {
if(this.$ === '') {
alert('로그인 후 이용할 수 있습니다.')
this.$store.dispatch('commentService/postComment', {
id: this.$,
comment: this.$store.state.comment,
starRate: this.$store.state.starRate
}).then(function() {
this.$store.dispatch('commentService/getComment', {
id: this.$
Or since you're using async:
methods: {
async newComment() {
if(this.$ === '') {
alert('로그인 후 이용할 수 있습니다.')
await this.$store.dispatch('commentService/postComment', {
id: this.$,
comment: this.$store.state.comment,
starRate: this.$store.state.starRate
this.$store.dispatch('commentService/getComment', {
id: this.$

How to store user info after login in Vuex

I am trying to make an api call in login and I want to store it in Vuex store. So in the beginning my mutation:
export const STORE_USER = (state, {user}) => {
state.user = user;
and my action:
export const storeUser = ({commit}, {user}) => {
commit('STORE_USER', {user});
So as you see after login, I want to make an api call and get the user information. I want to this user information in Vuex store but it comes empty.
So I am expecting the state that you see above should be filled after login. My login component is:
export default {
name: 'Login',
mounted() {
EventBus.$on(GENERAL_APP_CONSTANTS.Events.CheckAuthentication, () => {
this.authenticated = authHelper.validAuthentication();
this.cookie = cookieHelper.getCookie(this.cookieName);
this.cookieValue = cookieHelper.getCookieValue(this.cookie);
if (this.authenticated) { = this.password = "";
this.authenticationFailed = false;
EventBus.$on(GENERAL_APP_CONSTANTS.Events.LoginFailed, () => {
this.authenticationFailed = true
data () {
return {
authenticated: false,
authenticationFailed: false,
email: '',
password: '',
rememberMe: false,
cookieName: "_token",
cookie: "",
cookieValue: "",
methods: {
signIn: function () {
authHelper.signIn(, this.password, () => {
this.$router.push({name: 'home'});
storeUser: function () {
(response) => {
this.$store.dispatch('storeUser', {
So why do you think the in-store user Object is empty? Because I is not empty either. Please let me know.

vuex "url" of undefined using axios

I've recently learnt a bit about vuex and store.
I was about to use it for calling my api but it keeps saying my
url is undefined.
here is my vuex codes:
import { createStore } from 'vuex'
import axios from "axios";
const url = 'https://myurl'
export default createStore({
state: {
catList: [],
transactList: [],
user: [],
requestList: [],
catInList: [],
productList: [],
errorMs: '',
calling: false,
mobile: ''
getters: {
allUsers: (state) => state.user,
transactList: (state) => state.transactList,
categoryList: (state) => state.catList,
requestList: (state) => state.requestList,
productList: (state) => state.productList,
mutations: {
SET_Users (state, user) {
state.user = user
actions: {
checkAuth() {
const token = localStorage.getItem('token') ? localStorage.getItem('token') : ''
axios.defaults.baseURL = url
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = token ? `Bearer ${token}` : ''['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
async axiosPost ({dispatch} ,{url}) {
await'/login', {
}).then(response => {
this.calling = false
async axiosGet ({dispatch} , {url, formData}) {
await axios.get(url, formData).catch(err => {
created() {
actually I wanted to define my api globally, so that I can use it for different components only by adding url + '/login' but I'm not sure why it keeps saying my url is not defined.
can anyone help me with the errors?

Nuxt Auth Module Authenticated User Data

I have an API api/auth that is used to log users in. It expects to receive an access_token (as URL query, from Headers, or from request body), a username, and a password. I've been using the Vue Chrome Developer Tool and even though I get a 201 response from the server, the auth.loggedIn state is still false. I think that might be the reason why my redirect paths on the nuxt.config.js isn't working as well. Can anyone point me to the right direction on why it doesn't work?
This is a screenshot of the Vue Chrome Developer Tool
This is the JSON response of the server after logging in. The token here is different from the access_token as noted above.
"user": {
"user_name": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"uid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
Here is the relevant part of nuxt.config.js
export default {
modules: [
['bootstrap-vue/nuxt', { css: false }]
router: {
middleware: [ 'auth' ]
auth: {
strategies: {
local: {
endpoints: {
login: {
url: '/api/auth?access_token=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX',
method: 'post',
propertyName: 'token'
logout: {
url: '/api/auth/logout',
method: 'post'
user: {
url: '/api/users/me',
method: 'get',
propertyName: 'user'
redirect: {
login: '/',
logout: '/',
home: '/home'
token: {
name: 'token'
cookie: {
name: 'token'
rewriteRedirects: true
axios: {
baseURL: 'http://localhost:9000/'
And my store/index.js
export const state = () => ({
authUser: null
export const mutations = {
SET_USER: function (state, user) {
state.authUser = user
export const actions = {
nuxtServerInit ({ commit }, { req }) {
if (req.session && req.user) {
commit('SET_USER', req.user)
async login ({ commit }, { username, password }) {
const auth = {
username: username,
password: password
try {
const { user } = this.$auth.loginWith('local', { auth })
commit('SET_USER', user)
} catch (err) {
The login action in the store is triggered by this method in the page:
export default {
auth: false,
methods: {
async login () {
try {
await this.$store.dispatch('login', {
password: this.form.password
} catch (err) {
this.alert.status = true
this.alert.type = 'danger'
this.alert.response = err
P.S. I realize I'm explicitly including the access_token in the URL. Currently, I don't know where a master_key or the like can be set in the Nuxt Auth Module.
Try this in your store/index.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
const store = () => new Vuex.Store({
state: {
authUser: null
mutations: {
SET_USER: function (state, user) {
state.authUser = user
actions: {
CHECK_AUTH: function(token, router) {
if (token === null) {
export default store
And for the router, this should work globally: