I'm trying to deriving Show, Eq, Ord etc in Idris, but none of the following trials works:
trail #1:
data Expr =
Lit Int
| Neg Expr
| Add Expr Expr
deriving (Show)
5 | deriving (Show)
| ~~~~
When checking type of Main.Add:
Type mismatch between
Type -> Type (Type of Show)
Type (Expected type)
trail #2:
data Expr =
Lit Int
| Neg Expr
| Add Expr Expr
deriving (Show _)
*deriving> Lit 1
Lit 1 : Expr
*deriving> Add (Lit 1) (Lit 1)
(input):Can't infer argument ty to Add, Can't infer argument deriving to Add
trail #3:
data Expr =
Lit Int
| Neg Expr
| Add Expr Expr
deriving (Show Expr)
*deriving> Lit 1
Lit 1 : Expr
*deriving> Add (Lit 1) (Lit 1)
(input):Can't infer argument deriving to Add
I have searched the keyword deriving on http://docs.idris-lang.org/ and google, and even in the idris-dev repo under test/ directory, but there is no demo for the usage of deriving in idris. Anyone can help?
You can use Stefan Hoeck's idris2-sop library to generate implementations with elaborator reflection.
An example would be:
fib: Stream Integer
fib#(1::tfib) = 1 :: 1 :: [ a+b | (a,b) <- zip fib tfib]
But this generates the error:
50 | fib#(1::tfib) = 1 :: 1 :: [ a+b | (a,b) <- zip fib tfib]
| ^
unexpected "#(1::tfib)"
expecting "<==", "using", "with", ':', argument expression, constraint argument, expression, function right hand side, implementation
block, implicit function argument, or with pattern
This doesn't look promising given that it doesn't recognize # at the likely position.
Note that the related concept of as-patterns works the same in Haskell and Idris:
growHead : List a -> List a
growHead nnl#(x::_) = x::nnl
growHead ([]) = []
This is literally my first line of Idris code. When I looked up the documentation, all appeared proper:
Idris> data T = Foo Bool | Bar (T -> T)
1 | data T = Foo Bool | Bar (T -> T)
| ^
unexpected reserved data
expecting dependent type signature
This makes me think I may need to declare T to be a symbol in some fashion?
It works as expected inside an Idris source file. At the REPL however, declarations need to be prefixed with the :let command:
:let data T = Foo Bool | Bar (T -> T)
Thanks for the question. I learned something trying to answer it.
Is there a way to tell Idris to interpret decimal strings such as 2, 10, etc as Nat? The default behavior in the repl is to interpret them as Integer. In Coq, for example, it's possible to specify an interpretation scope with % to disambiguate notations, so I guess I'm hoping that something like 10%Nat exists. Is there something like that in Idris?
The standard prelude contains
the : (a : Type) -> (value: a) -> a
the _ = id
which can be used to give explicit types:
the Integer 10
the Nat 6
the (Vect 3 Int) [1,2,3]
There's also with [namespace] [expr], which privileges namespace inside expr. This seems closer to %, but the seems more often used.
with Vect [['a', 'b']] -- Vect 1 (Vect 2 Char)
with List [['a', 'b']] -- List (List Char)
You can make a syntax extension for the:
syntax [expr] "%" [type] = the type expr
But not for with.
I'm trying to understand CFG by using an example with some obstacles in it.
For example, I want to match the declaration of a double variable:
double d; In this case, "d" could be any other valid identifier.
There are some cases that should not be matched, e.g. "double double;", but I don't understand how to avoid a match of the second "double"
My approach:
G = (Σ, V, S, P)
Σ = {a-z}
V = {S,T,U,W}
P = { S -> doubleTUW
T -> _(space)
U -> (a-z)U | (a-z)
W -> ;
Now there must be a way to limit the possible outcomes of this grammar by using the function L(G). Unfortunately, I couldn't find a syntax that meet my requirement to deny a second "double".
Here's a somewhat tedious regular expression to match any identifier other than double. Converting it to a CFG can be done mechanically but it is even more tedious.
Converting it to a CFG can be done mechanically but it is even more tedious:
ALPHA → a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z
NOT_B → a|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z
NOT_D → a|b|c|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z
NOT_E → a|b|c|d|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z
NOT_L → a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z
NOT_O → a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|y|z
NOT_U → a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|v|w|x|y|z
| d NOT_O
| do NOT_U
| dou NOT_B
| doub NOT_L
| doubl NOT_E
| double ALPHA
This is why many of us usually use scanner generators like (f)lex which handle such exclusions automatically.
I was wondering how to deal with variable references inside statements while writing grammars with ocamlyacc and ocamllex.
The problem is that statements of the form
var x = y + z
var b = true | f;
should be both correct but in the first case variable refers to numbers while in the second case f is a boolean variable.
In the grammar I'm writing I have got this:
| nint { Syntax.Int $1 }
| FLOAT { Syntax.Float $1 }
| LPAREN; ne = numeric_exp; RPAREN { ne }
| INCR; r = numeric_var_ref { Syntax.VarIncr (r,1) }
| DECR; r = numeric_var_ref { Syntax.VarIncr (r,-1) }
| var_ref { $1 }
| BOOL { Syntax.Bool $1 }
| LPAREN; be = boolean_exp; RPAREN { be }
| var_ref { $1 }
which obviously can't work, since both var_ref non terminals reduce to the same (reduce/reduce conflict). But I would like to have type checking that is mostly statically done (with respect to variable references) during the parsing phase itself.
That's why I'm wondering which is the best way to have variable references and keep this structure. Just as an additional info I have functions that compile the syntax tree by translating it into a byte code similar to this one:
let rec compile_numeric_exp exp =
match exp with
Int i -> [Push (Types.I.Int i)]
| Float f -> [Push (Types.I.Float f)]
| Bop (BNSum,e1,e2) -> (compile_numeric_exp e1) # (compile_numeric_exp e2) # [Types.I.Plus]
| Bop (BNSub,e1,e2) -> (compile_numeric_exp e1) # (compile_numeric_exp e2) # [Types.I.Minus]
| Bop (BNMul,e1,e2) -> (compile_numeric_exp e1) # (compile_numeric_exp e2) # [Types.I.Times]
| Bop (BNDiv,e1,e2) -> (compile_numeric_exp e1) # (compile_numeric_exp e2) # [Types.I.Div]
| Bop (BNOr,e1,e2) -> (compile_numeric_exp e1) # (compile_numeric_exp e2) # [Types.I.Or]
| VarRef n -> [Types.I.MemoryGet (Memory.index_for_name n)]
| VarIncr ((VarRef n) as vr,i) -> (compile_numeric_exp vr) # [Push (Types.I.Int i);Types.I.Plus;Types.I.Dupe] # (compile_assignment_to n)
| _ -> []
Parsing is simply not the right place to do type-checking. I don't understand why you insist on doing this in this pass. You would have much clearer code and greater expressive power by doing it in a separate pass.
Is it for efficiency reasons? I'm confident you could devise efficient incremental-typing routines elsewhere, to be called from the grammar production (but I'm not sure you'll win that much). This looks like premature optimization.
There has been work on writing type systems as attribute grammars (which could be seen as a declarative way to express typing derivations), but I don't think it is meant to conflate parsing and typing in a single pass.
If you really want to go further in this direction, I would advise you to use a simple lexical differentiation between num-typed and bool-typed variables. This sounds ugly but is simple.
If you want to treat numeric expressions and boolean expressions as different syntactic categories, then consider how you must parse var x = ( ( y + z ) ). You don't know which type of expression you're parsing until you hit the +. Therefore, you need to eat up several tokens before you know whether you are seeing a numeric_exp_val or a boolean_exp_val: you need some unbounded lookahead. Yacc does not provide such lookahead (Yacc only provides a restricted form of lookahead, roughly described as LALR, which puts bounds on parsing time and memory requirements). There is even an ambiguous case that makes your grammar context-sensitive: with a definition like var x = y, you need to look up the type of y.
You can solve this last ambiguity by feeding back the type information into the lexer, and you can solve the need for lookahead by using a parser generator that supports unbounded lookahead. However, both of these techniques will push your parser towards a point where it can't easily evolve if you want to expand the language later on (for example to distinguish between integer and floating-point numbers, to add strings or lists, etc.).
If you want a simple but constraining fix with a low technological overhead, I'll second gasche's suggestion of adding a syntactic distinguisher for numeric and boolean variable definitions, something like bvar b = … and nvar x = …. There again, this will make it difficult to support other types later on.
You will have an easier time overall if you separate the type checking from the parsing. Once you've built an abstract syntax tree, do a pass of type checking (in which you will infer the type of variables.
type numeric_expression = Nconst of float | Nplus of numeric_expression * numeric_expression | …
and boolean_expression = Bconst of bool | Bor of boolean_expression * boolean_expression | …
type typed_expression = Tnum of numeric_expression | Tbool of boolean_expression
type typed_statement = Tvar of string * typed_expression
let rec type_expression : Syntax.expression -> typed_expression = function
| Syntax.Float x -> Tnum (Nconst x)
| Syntax.Plus (e1, e2) ->
begin match type_expression e1, type_expression e2 with
| Tnum n1, Tnum n2 -> Tnum (Nplus (n1, n2))
| _, (Tbool _ as t2) -> raise (Invalid_argument_type ("+", t2))
| (Tbool _ as t1), _ -> raise (Invalid_argument_type ("+", t1))
| …