Create Couchbase Index on Array field - indexing

Hi how to create index on array field my sample doc is
"name": [ {
"family": "Smith",
"given": [
"prefix": [
"use": "official"
"family": "Johns",
"given": [
"use": "maiden"
I want to write a search query (like) on family and given fields ...How to create a index and suggest query ..Im new to couchbase

This query that selects the customers with family name "Smith" and given name "Kam":
select * from customer
where any n in name satisfies = 'Smith' and
any fn in n.given satisfies fn = 'Kam' end end
Note the use of a nested ANY clause because of the use of a nested array in the data.
You can then create an index on the family name like this:
CREATE INDEX customer_name ON customer
The index gets used without any hints. You can see that it is being used by adding EXPLAIN to the beginning of the query. That will get you a query plan in JSON that includes an index scan operator.
You can learn more about array indexing here:


how to use trino/presto to query redis

I have a simple string and hash stored in redis
get test
hget htest first
"first hash"
I'm able to see the "table" test, but there are no columns
trino> show columns from redis.default.test;
Column | Type | Extra | Comment
(0 rows)
and obviously I can't get result from select
trino> select * from redis.default.test;
Query 20210918_174414_00006_dmp3x failed: line 1:8: SELECT * not allowed from relation
that has no columns
I see in the documentation that I might need to create a table definition file, but I wasn't able to create one that will work.
I had few variations of this, but this is the one for example:
"tableName": "test",
"schemaName": "default",
"value": {
"dataFormat": "json",
"fields": [
"name": "number",
"mapping": 0,
"type": "INT"
any idea what am I doing wrong?
I focused on the string since it's simpler, but I also need to query the hash

jsonb find a value in an array

There is such a data structure:
Column "recipient" type jsonb
"phoneNumbers": [
"isDefault": true,
"type": "MOBILE",
"number": "3454654645"
"isDefault": true,
"type": "MOBILE",
"number": "12423543645"
I need to write a search request by number. In the postgres documentation, I did not find a search by value in an array, only it is obtained by an index. It doesn't suit me
I made a query like this, it gets executed, but are there any other ways to search through an array?
FROM my_table
WHERE recipient -> 'phoneNumbers' #> '[{"number":3454654645}]'
That's pretty much the best way, yes.
If you have a (GIST) index on recipient the index would not be used by your condition. But the following could make use of such an index:
FROM my_table
WHERE recipient #> '["phoneNumbers": {"number":3454654645}]}'
If you are using Postgres 12 or later, you can also use a JSON path expression:
FROM my_table
WHERE recipient ## '$.phoneNumbers[*].number == "12423543645"'
If you can't pass a JSON object to your query, you can use an EXISTS sub-select:
FROM my_table mt
FROM jsonb_array_elements_text(mt.recipient -> 'phoneNumbers') as x(element)
WHERE x.element ->> 'number' = '3454654645')
The '3454654645' can be passed as a parameter to your query. This will never make use of an index though.

Query a column with jsonb data meeting certain criteria

I have a table like this:
tags (jsonb)
[{"name": "LX","active": true}, {"name": "TX","active": true}]
[{"name": "LX","active": true}]
I am trying to query against this table to get a list of products with tags that are the same.
I found the following to be insufficient for my query since it will match all products with at least the tag I query for:
SELECT product
FROM product_table
WHERE tags #> '[
{"name": "LX","active": true}
So I need the match to be more exact without being so strict as to demand order of tag objects in the array. For example:
"name": "LX",
"active": true
"name": "TX",
"active": true
-- Interpreted the same as
"name": "TX",
"active": true
"name": "LX",
"active": true
Desired Result
A list of products that match only the tags in the query.
A list of the resources I am using to try and solve the problem.
9.16. JSON Functions and Operators
How To Query a JSONB Array of Objects as a Recordset in PostgreSQL
Working with a JSONB Array of Objects in PostgreSQL
Base on the example you give, you can use simultaneous containment in both directions.
...WHERE tags <# :whatever and tags #> :whatever
If you don't like repeating the arguments, you could make a custom function, or operator:
create function equal_but_for_order(jsonb,jsonb) returns boolean language sql as $$
select $1 <# $2 and $1 #> $2
create operator <#> (function = equal_but_for_order, leftarg = jsonb, rightarg=jsonb);
...WHERE tags <#> :whatever

How to check if json array already contains a certain key?

Let's say I have this json in my jsonb column
"fields": [
"name": "firstName",
"name": "lastName",
How can I know if the "firstName" already exist?
I've tried this so far
SELECT field->>'fields'
from person where (field->'name')::jsonb ? 'firstName';
Use the containment operator #>:
select field->>'fields'
from person
where field->'fields' #> '[{"name": "firstName"}]'
you can use json_array_elements to generate fields elements so you can filter based on 'name'.
SELECT field->>'fields', obj.*
from person, jsonb_array_elements_text(field->'fields') obj
where obj = '{"name": "firstName"}'
see dbfiddle

jsonb LIKE query on nested objects in an array

My JSON data looks like this:
"id": 1,
"payload": {
"location": "NY",
"details": [{
"name": "cafe",
"cuisine": "mexican"
"name": "foody",
"cuisine": "italian"
}, {
"id": 2,
"payload": {
"location": "NY",
"details": [{
"name": "mbar",
"cuisine": "mexican"
"name": "fdy",
"cuisine": "italian"
given a text "foo" I want to return all the tuples that have this substring. But I cannot figure out how to write the query for the same.
I followed this related answer but cannot figure out how to do LIKE.
This is what I have working right now:
SELECT r.res->>'name' AS feature_name, d.details::text
FROM restaurants r
SELECT * FROM json_populate_recordset(null::foo, r.res#>'{payload,
) AS d(details)
WHERE d.details #> '{cafe}';
Instead of passing the whole text of cafe I want to pass ca and get the results that match that text.
Your solution can be simplified some more:
SELECT r.res->>'name' AS feature_name, AS detail_name
FROM restaurants r
, jsonb_populate_recordset(null::foo, r.res #> '{payload, details}') d
WHERE LIKE '%oh%';
Or simpler, yet, with jsonb_array_elements() since you don't actually need the row type (foo) at all in this example:
SELECT r.res->>'name' AS feature_name, d->>'name' AS detail_name
FROM restaurants r
, jsonb_array_elements(r.res #> '{payload, details}') d
WHERE d->>'name' LIKE '%oh%';
db<>fiddle here
But that's not what you asked exactly:
I want to return all the tuples that have this substring.
You are returning all JSON array elements (0-n per base table row), where one particular key ('{payload,details,*,name}') matches (case-sensitively).
And your original question had a nested JSON array on top of this. You removed the outer array for this solution - I did the same.
Depending on your actual requirements the new text search capability of Postgres 10 might be useful.
I ended up doing this(inspired by this answer - jsonb query with nested objects in an array)
SELECT r.res->>'name' AS feature_name, d.details::text
FROM restaurants r
SELECT * FROM json_populate_recordset(null::foo, r.res#>'{payload, details}')
) AS d(details)
WHERE d.details LIKE '%oh%';
Fiddle here -!15/f2027/5