I have a saga which currently has a yield all(...) and I'm trying to figure out how to test to see that I'm actually invoking all() with the correct functions. Here's a stripped-down version of what I'm working with:
function* start() {
// I'd prefer not to start the status polling and the listening for
// the cancellation until after the request has been submitted, but
// I'm having trouble figuring out how to do that. So I'm just going
// to listen for 'em all up front here until I'm smarter.
yield all([
function* waitForCreateRequest() {
while ( true ) {
try {
const { payload } = yield take('CREATE_REQUEST')
// ...
} catch ( error ) {
// ...
function* waitForPollStatus() {
while ( true ) {
try {
const { payload } = yield take('POLL_STATUS')
// ...
} catch ( error ) {
// ...
function* waitForCancelRequest() {
while ( true ) {
try {
yield take('CANCEL_REQUEST')
// ...
} catch ( error ) {
// ...
The test that I wrote (using Mocha and bdd-lazy-var) goes something like this:
describe('MySaga', () => {
describe('*start()', () => {
it('calls `all()` with the correct functions', () => {
There is no output--it just hangs...and then I get a "JavaScript heap out of memory" error.
If I console.log($subject.next().value) instead:
describe('MySaga', () => {
describe('*start()', () => {
it.only('foo', () => {
This is what I get:
{ '##redux-saga/IO': true,
[ GeneratorFunctionPrototype { _invoke: [Function: invoke] },
GeneratorFunctionPrototype { _invoke: [Function: invoke] },
GeneratorFunctionPrototype { _invoke: [Function: invoke] } ] }
✓ foo
So I'm not sure what's going on here.
Countless Google searches didn't really turn up anything useful, and the closest SO post that I found (how to test redux-saga all effect using jest) was also unhelpful.
Is it a typo that your start function is not a generator function?
Anyway. Can you try to rewrite your start function like this:
function* start() {
yield all([
Now your test could look like:
it('calls `all()` with the correct functions', () => {
I want to test like this.
Case 1: Error
Cannot spy the inner property because it is not a function; undefined given instead.
export default {
setup() {
function outer() {
function inner() {
// do something for only outer function
return { outer };
it('what can I do?', () => {
wrapper.vm.inner = jest.fn(); // throw error
Case 2: Error
export default {
setup() {
function outer() {
function inner() {
// ...
return { outer, inner }; // add inner
it('what can I do?', () => {
wrapper.vm.inner = jest.fn();
Expected number of calls: >= 1
Received number of calls: 0
Case 3: Pass
it('what can I do?', () => {
wrapper.vm.outer = jest.fn(() => wrapper.vm.inner());
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'inner');
This case is not pretty...
Can't I get "inner()" without including it in "return"?
These methods pass when implemented in options api. But I want to use only setup().
Self Answer
I found a way. I made a class like this.
class Util {
outer() {
inner() {
// do something...
setup() {
const util = reactive(new Util());
function call() {
return { util, call };
it('is this way correct?', () => {
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.util, 'outer');
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.util, 'inner');
await wrapper.vm.call();
I'm using vue2 with composition Api, vuex and apollo client to request a graphql API and I have problems when mocking composable functions with jest
// store-service.ts
export function apolloQueryService(): {
// do some graphql stuff
return { result, loading, error };
// store-module.ts
import { apolloQueryService } from 'store-service'
export StoreModule {
state: ()=> ({
result: {}
actions: {
fetchData({commit}) {
const { result, loading, error } = apolloQueryService()
commit('setState', result);
mutations: {
setState(state, result): {
state.result = result
The Test:
// store-module.spec.ts
import { StoreModule } from store-module.ts
const store = StoreModule
describe('store-module.ts', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.mock('store-service', () => ({
apolloQueryService: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
result: { value: 'foo' }, loading: false, error: {}
test('action', async ()=> {
const commit = jest.fn();
await store.actions.fetchData({ commit });
expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setData', { value: 'foo' });
The test fails, because the commit gets called with ('setData', { value: undefined }) which is the result from the original apolloQueryService. My Mock doesn't seem to work. Am I doing something wrong? Appreciate any help, thanks!
Try this :
// store-module.spec.ts
import { StoreModule } from store-module.ts
// first mock the module. use the absolute path to store-service.ts from the project root
// then you import the mocked module.
import { apolloQueryService } from 'store-service';
// finally, you add the mock return values for the mock module
result: { value: 'foo' }, loading: false, error: {}
/* if the import order above creates a problem for you,
you can extract the first step (jest.mock) to an external setup file.
You should do this if you are supposed to mock it in all tests anyway.
https://jestjs.io/docs/configuration#setupfiles-array */
const store = StoreModule
describe('store-module.ts', () => {
test('action', async ()=> {
const commit = jest.fn();
await store.actions.fetchData({ commit });
expect(commit).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setData', { value: 'foo' });
I'm getting this error while trying to mutate the local state in apollo.
errInvariant Violation: Expecting a parsed GraphQL document. Perhaps you need to wrap the query string in a "gql" tag? http://docs.apollostack.com/apollo-client/core.html#gql
Initial state
registration: {
__typename: 'Registration',
tempMerchantId: '',
authorizeProfile: {
__typename: 'AuthorizePersonProfile',
nid_front: '',
nid_back: '',
authorized_person_photo: ''
My mutation
export const setAuthorizePersonQuery = gql`
mutation setAuthorizePersonProfileInfo($authorizePerosnData: Object!){
setAuthorizePersonProfileInfo(authorizePersonData: $authorizePerosnData) #client
My resolver
export const setAuthorizePersonProfileInfo = (
_, { authorizePersonData }, { cache }
) => {
try {
const prevData = cache.readQuery({ getAuthorizePersonProfileQuery });
data: {
registration: {
__typename: 'Registration',
authorizeProfile: {
__typename: 'AuthorizePersonProfile',
} catch (e) {
return null;
I'm trying to mutate the local state on button press, the function is
const handlePressedNext = () => {
variables: { authorizePersonData: generateNidData() }
.then(() => {
generateNidData function is like bellow
const generateNidData = () => ({
nid_front: nidFrontImage,
nid_back: nidBackImage
I'm new to apollo client. I can not understand what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help me figure out the problem?
getAuthorizePersonProfileQuery is not a valid option for readQuery. Presumably, you meant use query instead.
I've tried to bind it like it doesn't seem to make the trick :)
.then((response) => {
... all logic
...since it outputs the following error:
firebaseInstance.auth(...).fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(...).bind is not a function
Here is the component's logic, can someone please suggest a proper way to access this after firebase response resolves? :bowing:
import { VALIDATION_MESSAGES, VALUES } from './signup.module.config'
import GLOBAL_EVENTS from 'values/events'
import { firebaseInstance } from 'database'
export default {
name: `SignUpForm`,
data() {
return {
signUpData: {
email: ``,
password: ``,
confirmPassword: ``
methods: {
onEmailSignUp() {
// Here this is component
.then((response) => {
// other logic
} else {
// Here this is lost and equals undefined
The bind instruction should be used on a function object, not on a function return value.
By doing
.then((response) => {
... all logic
You try to use bind on the return of the then method of you promise, which is a promise object and can't use bind.
You can try firebaseInstance.auth().fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(this.signUpData.email)
... all logic
instead. Here the bind is put on the function send in the promise so it should work correctly. I also transformed the function from arrow function to normal, because I think there is no need for arrow function with bind.
Using ES8 async/await sugar syntax you can do it like this :
async onEmailSignUp () {
try {
const response = await firebaseInstance.auth().fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(this.signUpData.email)
// other logic
} catch (error) {
I am fetching the data from a MongoDB through sending GET requests to my API. Then I loop through the response.data and in each response.data through its properties to push the data which I need to nextArray. And this nextArray should be passed to the schedulingQuality-state in the Vuex. That's how it looks like:
methods: {
get_data() {
const nextArray = [];
for(let i in this.SelectedtValues) {
.then(res => {
for(let n in res.data) {
computed: {
SelectedtValues() {
return this.$store.getters.selectedValues;
} ,
schedulingQuality() {
return this.schedulingQuality;
When I'm printing out the nextArray then it seems to be ok. I'm getting a [] on the console and after I click on it the correct content appears with a small i icon which tells: "Value below was evaluated just now". However I am not able to print out the items of this Array separately, each of them has a value of undefined, when I try that.
But my main problem is that it throws an Maximum call stack size exceeded error, when I'm trying to pass it to my Vuex-state in the code above befor printing out, like:
Here is my Vuex-code:
import Vuex from "vuex";
import axios from "axios";
const createStore = () => {
return new Vuex.Store({
state: {
schedulingQuality: [],
mutations: {
SchedulingQuality(state, payload) {
state.schedulingQuality = payload;
actions: {
setSchedulingQuality({commit}, payload){
getters: {
schedulingQuality(state) {
return state.schedulingQuality;
export default createStore;
My questions are:
Why it is not possible to print out the Array items separately?
Why I'am getting this error
And how can I fix it?
Thank you for your time.
axios call is asynchronous. At the time you call console.log(nextArray), axios function is not finished yet. That's why you got empty array.
You call multiple api asynchronously, I suggest you check out Promise.all
get_data() {
const nextArray = [];
Promise.all(this.SelectedtValues.map(value => {
return axios.get('' + value)
})).then(results => {
results.map(res => {
for(let n in res.data) {
}).catch(err => {