Missing "Web Inspector" Settings in simulator - safari

After doing a "Reset All Content And Settings.." on the simulator the setting to enable using the web inspector in safari has disappeared, and I have no idea how to get it back:
Does anyone have an idea how to get this back, and "remote" debug a webpage in the simulator again?

It seems that this option is not available in the simulated devices. Tip: If you want to connect the console from your desktop Safari, you will need the Technology Preview. the normal one does not discover the simulator (though it finds the real device normally)

In my case (macOS 10.14.3 and iOS 12.1 simulators), the setting isn't there, but is active by default. Open the simulator and you should see it in Safari under Develop.

i needed to restart desktop safari. might help.

Worked for me download new Safari:
IOS Simulator: 13.4
(Safari Technology Preview)
Safari Technology Preview


React Native iOS Debugging in Safari Missing on M1

I'm used to debugging my React Native (0.63.2) app using Safari's dev tools. I got an M1 Mac Mini last week and have since been unable to get the console or source tabs to show anything from the iOS simulator. Not sure if this is related to the new machine, or if I missed a setting. Any ideas?
I usually do Develop > Simulator > JSContents from Safari, and everything would show up fine. I can get logs in the terminal, but Safari's devtools are much easier to manage.
Installing and using the "Safari Technology Preview" from https://developer.apple.com/safari/download/ worked for me.

How to enable Safari ITP Debug mode

I'd like to force Safari to mark one of my domains as tracker with new ITP 2.0.
I followed the guide here https://webkit.org/blog/8387/itp-debug-mode-in-safari-technology-preview-62/
Since the new Technology Preview version (66) doesn't have ITP Debug mode I've used normal Safari 12.0 on macOS Mojave. After enabling ITP Debug mode and restaring Safari I don't see anything in logs as the guide suggest nor does setting
defaults write com.apple.SafariTechnologyPreview ResourceLoadStatisticsManualPrevalentResource example.com
have any effect (even with Safari instead of SafariTechnologyPreview). Do I need to change any other Safari or OS settings?
I've managed to get Safari Technology Preview 63 download link (https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/STP/091-99601-20180815-01EC2FD2-85EB-11E8-AB5B-AEA972136C40/SafariTechnologyPreview.dmg) via InternetArchive, ITP Debug mode works there.
Thank you Jakob. That helped me. To clarify your link, that version is only for OSX Mojave. Build 62 for High Sierra is available here: https://secure-appldnld.apple.com/STP/091-95878-20180801-01EC2FD2-85EB-11E8-AB5B-AEA972136C40/SafariTechnologyPreview.dmg
On newer version of Safari Technology Preview, or inside Safari 13.1+, you should use these updated steps for enabling debug, because the labels have changed: https://webkit.org/blog/9521/intelligent-tracking-prevention-2-3/
It says Catalina, but they also work for Mojave.

How to debug iPhone X simulator from safari?

I'm trying to debug iPhone X simulator from safari, so that I can adjust my CSS. But it doesn't appear under Develop toolbar. Where on other hand iPhone 7 simulator appears. Web inspector is enabled on both devices. On Safari Technical Preview I have the same issue.
Perhaps anyone knows how can I make iPhone X simulator to appear in Develop toolbar?
Try restarting Safari while keeping your simulator open. That did the trick for me.
It appears that OSX version has to be updated to High Sierra Beta 10.31.1

Browserstack: Developer Tools for iPad?

I am using Browserstack to test some websites on the iPad. I just don't seem to get where the developer tools are within that emulator. Shouldn't there be Firebug Lite somewhere? Can someone point the dev tools out to me please?
Launch iOS simulator from BrowserStack.
Once loaded, from the OSX menu bar, click Help > Mac Help.
In the open window type "Safari" in the search box.
Click "Safari Overview".
Click "Open Safari for me".
From the Safari menu bar, click Develop > iOS Simulator > (the iOS tab you want to inspect)
Screenshot of debugging iOS inside BrowserStack
As I posted here, Browserstack now appears to support Dev Tools, but only on physical devices (those with a blue mobile icon, below).
You activate the dev tools by clicking the button in the toolbar:
In the iOS simulator you can click the 'bookmarks' button (of the device) and firebug lite is available from there. It does not seem to load on the iPhone 5 that I am testing currently but may work for someone else.
To open Safari for debugging a simulator, follow the instructions above. If Safari Overview is not available, look for a "Search the Web" link at the bottom of the window. This also opens Safari.

Debugging iOS7 Safari CSS issues with web inspector

I followed the steps to set up debugging webpage on iOS. It worked. However I see an issue with the inspector - it doesn't let me check the DOM and corresponding CSS. Anyone else has this issue? (Exact same issue when debugging using the simulator.)
Screenshot: http://screencast.com/t/E4fxPQwk14
Resource: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/DebuggingSafarioniPhoneContent/DebuggingSafarioniPhoneContent.html
UPDATE: WebKit nightly works. Thank you Timothy Hatcher!
You need to use a WebKit nightly, Safari 6.1 or Mavericks to use Web Inspector with iOS 7.
If you don't have access to Mavericks, You can also use Chrome devtools via proxy.
Debug iOS 6+7 Mobile Safari using the Chrome DevTools