Convert synchronous to async Objective-C - objective-c

I’m working in a new codebase and I don’t have many people who understand it, so I’m hoping I can get some help. I am updating an interface and some of the synchronous methods are now async which is making it difficult to fit into the current architecture for resolving data.
Currently we have a function map which stores these synchronous methods, then when we want the data we do “call” which executes the block/method and returns the value.
Some code below shows how it currently is.
fnMap[#“vid”] = [[Callback alloc] initWithBlock:^id(id param) {
return #([services getVisitorID]);
… later, to resolve the data
id fnMapVal = [fnMap[key] call:nil];
Here is how a callback and callback block are defined.
typedef id (^CallbackBlock)(id);
#interface Callback : NSObject
#property(copy, nonatomic, readonly) CallbackBlock block;
- (instancetype)initWithBlock:(CallbackBlock)block
- (id)call:(id)param
return self.block(param);
Now the service needs to call an async method to get the ID so I had to change it to:
- (void)getVisitorID: (nullable void (^) (NSString* __nullable visitorIdentifier)) callback
[SDK getUserIdentifier:^(NSString * _Nullable userIdentifier) {
So the call is:
[services getVisitorID:^(NSString * _Nullable visitorIdentifier) {
I haven’t been able to find a way to fit this into the current architecture. Some options I’ve explored is using a run loop to wait for the async method to finish and keep my interface synchronous but this sounds like a bad idea. I’m for some suggestions on how to fit this in as I’ve never seen something like this before.

You need to use dispatch_queues or NSOperationQueue to run your code off the main thread. Dispatch queues are very low level and good to just fire off async tasks:
// we're going to run the getVisitorID method on a background queue
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[services getVisitorID:^(NSString * _Nullable visitorIdentifier) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
// update the user interface on the main queue
I prefer using NSOperationQueue because the API is cleaner, and they allow you to do more advanced things like make asynchronous task cancellable:
// create a background queue
NSOperationQueue *queue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
[queue addOperationWithBlock:^{
[services getVisitorID:^(NSString * _Nullable visitorIdentifier) {
// get the main queue and add your UI update code to it
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
// update the UI from here
Queues are much easier to manage than messing around with run loops. For more info see here:

What you need is the Future/Promise concept. Please don't reinvent the wheel, you will have to cover marathon distance trying to achieve the same functionality of requesting value and asynchronously consuming it.
As one of the favourites please consider PromiseKit. However don't be shy to explore the alternatives
You will quickly find it super delightful building chains of async tasks, mapping their results to different values, combining futures together to get a tuple of multiple resolved values once all are available - all that in a concise, well designed form, live tested in millions of applications.


Incrementing a Variable from an Asynchronous Block in Objective-C

I have run into a bit of a conundrum with a service I am working on in objective-c. The purpose of the service is to parse through a list of core-data entities and download a corresponding image file for each object. The original design of the service was choking my web-server with too many simultaneous download requests. To get around that, I moved the code responsible for executing the download request into a recursive method. The completion handler for each download request will call the method again, thus ensuring that each download will wait for the previous one to complete before dispatching.
Where things get tricky is the code responsible for actually updating my core-data model and the progress indicator view. In the completion handler for the download, before the method recurses, I make an asynchronous call the a block that is responsible for updating the core data and then updating the view to show the progress. That block needs to have a variable to track how many times the block has been executed. In the original code, I could simply have a method-level variable with block scope that would get incremented inside the block. Since the method is recursive now, that strategy no longer works. The method level variable would simply get reset on each recursion. I can't simply pass the variable to the next level either thanks to the async nature of the block calls.
I'm at a total loss here. Can anyone suggest an approach for dealing with this?
As matt pointed out below, the core issue here is how to control the timing of the requests. After doing some more research, I found out why my original code was not working. As it turns out, the timeout interval starts running as soon as the first task is initiated, and once the time is up, any additional requests would fail. If you know exactly how much time all your requests will take, it is possible to simply increase the timeout on your requests. The better approach however is to use an NSOperationQueue to control when the requests are dispatched. For a great example of how to do this see:
If you take this approach, keep in mind that you will have to call the completeOperation() method of each operation you create on the completion handler of the downloadTask.
Some sample code:
-(void) downloadSkuImages:(NSArray *) imagesToDownload onComplete:(void (^)(BOOL update,NSError *error))onComplete
[self runSerializedRequests:imagesToDownload progress:weakProgress downloaded:0 index:0 onComplete:onComplete ];
-(void)runSerializedRequests:(NSArray *) skuImages progress:(NSProgress *) progress downloaded:(int) totalDownloaded index:(NSUInteger) index onComplete:(void (^)(BOOL update,NSError *error))onComplete
int __block downloaded = totalDownloaded;
TotalDownloadProgressBlock totalDownloadProgressBlock = ^BOOL (SkuImageID *skuImageId, NSString *imageFilePath, NSError *error) {
if(error==nil) {
weakProgress.completedUnitCount = downloaded;
//save change to core-data here
else {
weakProgress.completedUnitCount = downloaded;
[weakSelf setSyncOperationDetail:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Problem downloading sku image %#",error.localizedDescription]];
if(weakProgress.totalUnitCount==weakProgress.completedUnitCount) {
[weakSelf setSyncOperationIndicator:SYNC_INDICATOR_WORKING];
[weakSelf setSyncOperationDetail:#"All product images up to date"];
[weakSelf setSyncOperationStatus:SYNC_STATUS_SUCCESS];
weakProgress.totalUnitCount = 1;
weakProgress.completedUnitCount = 1;
return true;
return false;
NSURLSessionDownloadTask *downloadTask = [manager downloadTaskWithRequest:request progress:nil destination:nil
completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse * _Nonnull response, NSURL * _Nullable filePath, NSError * _Nullable error) {
NSLog(#"finished download %u of %lu", index +1, (unsigned long)skuImages.count);
if(error != nil)
NSLog(#"Download failed for URL: %# with error: %#",skuImage.url, error.localizedDescription);
NSLog(#"Download succeeded for URL: %#", skuImage.url);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
totalDownloadProgressBlock(skuImageId, imageFilePath, error);
[self runSerializedRequests:manager skuImages:skuImages progress:progress downloaded:downloaded index:index+1 onComplete:onComplete ];
NSLog(#"Starting download %u of %lu", index +1, (unsigned long)skuImages.count);
[downloadTask resume];
The original design of the service was choking my web-server with too many simultaneous download requests. To get around that, I moved the code responsible for executing the download request into a recursive method.
But that was never the right way to solve the problem. Use a single persistent custom NSURLSession with your own configuration, and set the configuration's httpMaximumConnectionsPerHost.

When will completionBlock be called for dependencies in NSOperation

From the docs:
The completion block you provide is executed when the value returned by the isFinished method changes to YES. Thus, this block is executed by the operation object after the operation’s primary task is finished or cancelled.
I'm using RestKit/AFNetworking, if that matters.
I have multiple dependencies in my NSOperation in a OperationQueue. I use the completion block to set some variables (appending the results to an array) that my child requires.
(task1,...,taskN) -> taskA
taskA addDependency: task1-taskN
Will taskA receive incomplete data since the child can execute before the completion block is fired?
Do NSOperations and their completionBlocks run concurrently?
I did a simple test by adding a sleep in my completion block and I had a different result. The completion block runs in the main thread. While all the completion block are sleeping, the child task ran.
As I discuss below under "a few observations", you have no assurances that this final dependent operation will not start before your other sundry AFNetworking completion blocks have finished. It strikes me that if this final operation really needs to wait for these completion blocks to finish, then you have a couple of alternatives:
Use semaphores within each of the n the completion blocks to signal when they're done and have the completion operation wait for n signals; or
Don't queue this final operation up front, but rather have your completion blocks for the individual uploads keep track of how many pending uploads are still incomplete, and when it falls to zero, then initiate the final "post" operation.
As you pointed out in your comments, you could wrap your invocation of the AFNetworking operation and its completion handler in your own operation, at which point you can then use the standard addDependency mechanism.
You could abandon the addDependency approach (which adds an observer on the isFinished key of the operation upon which this operation is dependent, and once all those dependencies are resolved, performs the isReady KVN; the problem being that this can theoretically happen before your completion block is done) and replace it with your own isReady logic. For example, imagine you had a post operation which you could add your own key dependencies and remove them manually in your completion block, rather than having them removed automatically upon isFinished. Thus, you custom operation
#interface PostOperation ()
#property (nonatomic, getter = isReady) BOOL ready;
#property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *keys;
#implementation PostOperation
#synthesize ready = _ready;
- (void)addKeyDependency:(id)key {
if (!self.keys)
self.keys = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:key];
[self.keys addObject:key];
self.ready = NO;
- (void)removeKeyDependency:(id)key {
[self.keys removeObject:key];
if ([self.keys count] == 0)
self.ready = YES;
- (void)setReady:(BOOL)ready {
if (ready != _ready) {
[self willChangeValueForKey:#"isReady"];
_ready = ready;
[self didChangeValueForKey:#"isReady"];
- (void)addDependency:(NSOperation *)operation{
NSAssert(FALSE, #"You should not use addDependency with this custom operation");
Then, your app code could do something like, using addKeyDependency rather than addDependency, and explicitly either removeKeyDependency or cancel in the completion blocks:
PostOperation *postOperation = [[PostOperation alloc] init];
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < numberOfImages; i++) {
NSURL *url = ...
NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
NSString *key = [url absoluteString]; // or you could use whatever unique value you want
AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation = [[AFHTTPRequestOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request];
[operation setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, id responseObject) {
// update your model or do whatever
// now inform the post operation that this operation is done
[postOperation removeKeyDependency:key];
} failure:^(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
// handle the error any way you want
// perhaps you want to cancel the postOperation; you'd either cancel it or remove the dependency
[postOperation cancel];
[postOperation addKeyDependency:key];
[queue addOperation:operation];
[queue addOperation:postOperation];
This is using AFHTTPRequestOperation, and you'd obviously replace all of this logic with the appropriate AFNetworking operation for your upload, but hopefully it illustrates the idea.
Original answer:
A few observations:
As I think you concluded, when your operation completes, it (a) initiates its completion block; (b) makes the queue available for other operations (either operations that had not yet started because of maxConcurrentOperationCount, or because of dependencies between the operations). I do not believe that you have any assurances that the completion block will be done before that next operation commences.
Empirically, it looks like the dependent operation does not actually trigger until after the completion blocks are done, but (a) I don't see that documented anywhere and (b) this is moot because if you're using AFNetworking's own setCompletionBlockWithSuccess, it ends up dispatching the block asynchronously to the main queue (or the defined successCallbackQueue), thereby thwarting any (undocumented) assurances of synchrony.
Furthermore, you say that the completion block runs in the main thread. If you're talking about the built in NSOperation completion block, you have no such assurances. In fact, the setCompletionBlock documentation says:
The exact execution context for your completion block is not guaranteed but is typically a secondary thread. Therefore, you should not use this block to do any work that requires a very specific execution context. Instead, you should shunt that work to your application’s main thread or to the specific thread that is capable of doing it. For example, if you have a custom thread for coordinating the completion of the operation, you could use the completion block to ping that thread.
But if you're talking about one of AFNetworking's custom completion blocks, e.g. those that you might set with AFHTTPRequestOperation's setCompletionBlockWithSuccess, then, yes, it's true that those are generally dispatched back to the main queue. But AFNetworking does this using the standard completionBlock mechanism, so the above concerns still apply.
It matters if your NSOperation is a subclass of AFHTTPRequestOperation. AFHTTPRequestOperation uses the NSOperation's property completionBlock for its own purpose in method setCompletionBlockWithSuccess:failure. In that case, don't set the property completionBlock yourself!
It seems, AFHTTPRequestOperation's success and failure handler will run on the main thread.
Otherwise, the execution context of NSOperation's completion block is "undefined". That means, the completion block can execute on any thread/queue. In fact it executes on some private queue.
IMO, this is the preferred approach, unless the execution context shall be explicitly specified by the call-site. Executing completion handlers on threads or queues which instances are accessible (the main thread for example) can easily cause dead locks by an unwary developer.
If you want to start a dependent operation after the completion block of the parent operation has been finished, you can solve that by making the completion block content itself a NSBlockOperation (a new parent) and add this operation as a dependency to the children operation and start it in a queue. You may realize, that this quickly becomes unwieldy, though.
Another approach would require an utility class or class library which is especially suited to solve asynchronous problems in a more concise and easy way. ReactiveCocoa would be capable to solve such (an easy) problem. However, it's unduly complex and it actually has a "learning curve" - and a steep one. I wouldn't recommend it, unless you agree to spend a few weeks in learning it and have a lot other asynchronous use cases and even much more complex ones.
A simpler approach would utilize "Promises" which are pretty common in JavaScript, Python, Scala and a few other languages.
Now, please read carefully, the (easy) solution is actually below:
"Promises" (sometimes called Futures or Deferred) represent the eventual result of an asynchronous task. Your fetch request is such asynchronous task. But instead specifying a completion handler, the asynchronous method/task returns a Promise:
-(Promise*) fetchThingsWithURL:(NSURL*)url;
You obtain the result - or the error - with registering a success handler block or a failure handler block like so:
Promise* thingsPromise = [self fetchThingsWithURL:url];
thingsPromise.then(successHandlerBlock, failureHandlerBlock);
or, the blocks inlined:
thingsPromise.then(^id(id things){
// do something with things
return <result of success handler>
}, ^id(NSError* error){
// Ohps, error occurred
return <result of failure handler>
And shorter:
[self fetchThingsWithURL:url]
.then(^id(id result){
return [self.parser parseAsync:result];
}, nil);
Here, parseAsync: is an asynchronous method which returns a Promise. (Yes, a Promise).
You might wonder how to get the result from the parser?
[self fetchThingsWithURL:url]
.then(^id(id result){
return [self.parser parseAsync:result];
}, nil)
.then(^id(id parserResult){
NSLog(#"Parser returned: %#", parserResult);
return nil; // result not used
}, nil);
This actually starts async task fetchThingsWithURL:. Then when finished successfully, it starts async task parseAsync:. Then when this finished successfully, it prints the result, otherwise it prints the error.
Invoking several asynchronous tasks sequentially, one after the other, is called "continuation" or "chaining".
Note that the whole statement above is asynchronous! That is, when you wrap the above statement into a method, and execute it, the method returns immediately.
You might wonder how to catch any errors, say fetchThingsWithURL: fails, or parseAsync::
[self fetchThingsWithURL:url]
.then(^id(id result){
return [self.parser parseAsync:result];
}, nil)
.then(^id(id parserResult){
NSLog(#"Parser returned: %#", parserResult);
return nil; // result not used
}, nil)
.then(/*succes handler ignored*/, ^id (NSError* error){
// catch any error
NSLog(#"ERROR: %#", error);
return nil; // result not used
Handlers execute after the corresponding task has been finished (of course). If the task succeeds, the success handler will be called (if any). If the tasks fails, the error handler will be called (if any).
Handlers may return a Promise (or any other object). For example, if an asynchronous task finished successfully, its success handler will be invoked which starts another asynchronous task, which returns the promise. And when this is finished, yet another one can be started, and so force. That's "continuation" ;)
You can return anything from a handler:
Promise* finalResult = [self fetchThingsWithURL:url]
.then(^id(id result){
return [self.parser parseAsync:result];
}, nil)
.then(^id(id parserResult){
return #"OK";
}, ^id(NSError* error){
return error;
Now, finalResult will either eventually become the value #"OK" or an NSError.
You can save the eventual results into an array:
array = #[
[self task1],
[self task2],
[self task3]
and then continue when all tasks have been finished successfully:
[Promise all:array].then(^id(results){
}, ^id (NSError* error){
Setting a promise's value will be called: "resolving". You can resolve a promise only ONCE.
You may wrap any asynchronous method with a completion handler or completion delegates into a method which returns a promise:
- (Promise*) fetchUserWithURL:(NSURL*)url
Promise* promise = [Promise new];
HTTPOperation* op = [[HTTPOperation alloc] initWithRequest:request
success:^(NSData* data){
[promise fulfillWithValue:data];
failure:^(NSError* error){
[promise rejectWithReason:error];
[op start];
return promise;
Upon completion of the task, the promise can be "fulfilled" passing it the result value, or it can be "rejected" passing it the reason (error).
Depending on the actual implementation, a Promise can also be cancelled. Say, you hold a reference to a request operation:
self.fetchUserPromise = [self fetchUsersWithURL:url];
You can cancel the asynchronous task as follows:
- (void) viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animate {
[super viewWillDisappear:animate];
[self.fetchUserPromise cancel];
self.fetchUserPromise = nil;
In order to cancel the associated async task, register a failure handler in the wrapper:
- (Promise*) fetchUserWithURL:(NSURL*)url
Promise* promise = [Promise new];
HTTPOperation* op = ...
[op start];
promise.then(nil, ^id(NSError* error){
if (promise.isCancelled) {
[op cancel];
return nil; // result unused
return promise;
Note: you can register success or failure handlers, when, where and as many as you want.
So, you can do a lot with promises - and even more than in this brief introduction. If you read up to here, you might get an idea how to solve your actual problem. It's right there - and it's a few lines of code.
I admit, that this short introduction into promises was quite rough and it's also quite new to Objective-C developers, and may sound uncommon.
You can read a lot about promises in the JS community. There are one or three implementations in Objective-C. The actual implementation won't exceed a few hundred lines of code. It happens, that I'm the author of one of it:
Take it with a grain of salt, I'm probably totally biased, and apparently all others ever dealt with Promises, too. ;)

The most common and right pattern for performing synchronous tasks, asynchronous tasks to create a composite operation

I am rather new to iOS and Objective-C.
I am developing a project aiming to make a composition of complex (or "composite") operations as easy as possible:
I have four kinds of operations there: two single operations (sync and async) and two complex operations (cascaded and "transactional"). Single operations are used as "atoms" for complex operations, so I want to make them as good as possible in compliance with Objective-C best practices.
What I am interested in is: what code should I choose for these single operations?
By calling the first of two single operations "sync" I mean: run something probably asynchronous with completion handler and lock the flow waiting until it is done. "Async" means truly asynchronous operation - just run operation block in asynchronous fashion.
Here is the single operations code I currently use:
Sync operation
- (void)run:(syncOperationBlock)block {
self.semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
while (dispatch_semaphore_wait(self.semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW))
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
beforeDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:10]];
- (void)finish {
Async operation
- (void)run:(asyncOperationBlock)block {
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("async_operation.queue", 0);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{
I will be thankful, if someone can suggest any solutions for these single sync- and async- operations: more generic, more common, just better for the cases I've described
Shortly: what is the best code for forced-synchronous operation, for async operation?
My project did evolve significantly since I've asked this question.
From the structural point of view, I can't say much interesting about asynchronous operations: in my project they are all based on dispatch_async and the most valuable functionality is implemented with intensive usage of blocks (mainly: yielding operations themselves to the blocks they execute, allows to control a flow of these operations).
The more interesting thing to note here is the code I currently use for synchronous (or "forced-synchronous") operations - though their usage should be avoided in real apps, they are still applicable in unit tests: one example is a need to straighten the curly asynchronous flow of asynchronous net request to test its result in place, in the context of unit test case.
Though I am posting this as an answer to my non-specific question I would still really like to see any authoritative answer about whether my SASyncOperation is good enough for forced-sync operations (in the sense I've described it in this question) or maybe it could be improved more.
SASyncOperation as it currently written
Does not block main thread if it is run on main thread.
Does not produce excessive CPU polling as simple approaches with while(!completed){}; do.
This is the most important part of the code:
#import "SASyncOperation.h"
#interface SASyncOperation () {
BOOL _isOnMainThread;
dispatch_semaphore_t _semaphore;
#implementation SASyncOperation
// …
- (void)start {
_semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
if (_finished) return;
if ((_isOnMainThread = [NSThread isMainThread])) {
while (dispatch_semaphore_wait(_semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW)) {
CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, [[NSDate distantFuture] timeIntervalSinceNow], NO);
} else {
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
_finished = YES;
- (void)run:(^(void)(SASyncOperation *)block {
_operation = [block copy];
[self start];
- (void)finish {
_finished = YES;
if (_isOnMainThread) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// …
This is how SASyncOperation should be used:
SASyncOperation *syncOperation = [[SASyncOperation alloc] init];
[syncOperation run:^(SASyncOperation *so) {
soOver = YES;
[so finish];
}]; // <- (*)
// (*) The flow will be stopped at this point waiting when 'so' operation will finish itself

iOS threading - callback best practice

I wanted to clean up one of my projects and extracted parts of my source that I often reuse, in a single class.
This class handles some requests to a web service, everything is fine so far ;). Until I extracted the code to its own class, I handled those requests with threads and callbacks in the calling class.
Now I have a "best practice" question:
In my code I do something like(simplified):
Helper *h =[[Helper alloc]init];
[h doRequest];
doRequest performs a network action(in its own class)and I have to wait until this is request is finished. So I need a callback or something like this.
Should I simply thread doRequest incl. waituntildone=YES?
Do I have to thread the networking in the Helper class too? Or is it enough to call the method threaded something like this:
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(h doRequest) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
What is the best practice to get a callback from doRequest to the caller class after it has completed it’s tasks so that I can handle the returned values from the web service?
Thanks in advance.
Given doRequest does not return until the request is done you could do
- (void)fooCompletion:(void (^)(void))completion {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
Helper *h =[[Helper alloc]init];
[h doRequest];
if (completion) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// doRequest is done
To call the method:
[self fooCompletion:^{
// do something after doRequest is done
I personally prefer calling performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone: at the end of any helper threads that need to send information back.
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(infoFromService:) withObject:aDictionaryWithInfo waitUntilDone:NO];
- (void)infoFromService:(NSDictionary *)aDictionary {
//Process all the information and update UI
Be sure to always use the main thread for any UI updates even if they happen in the middle of the worker thread, for example updating a count of how much information has been downloaded. Use the same technique to call the main thread with the relevant information.

Objective-C fast enumeration and asynchronous server operations. Model help?

If I have a method called "-uploadToServer:(Object *)objectToUpload", and a mutable array of several Objects, and I want to upload each object one after the other, how could I best handle this?
There are three important considerations:
Don't want NSOperation because I don't want to deal with threading issues
Need to wait for notification of task completion before continuing
Server calls are asynchronous and non-blocking
Here is some code I already have:
for (Object *task in objectsToUpload) {
[self uploadToServer:task];
//need to wait to get notification that upload completed
-(void)uploadToServer:(Object *)objectToUpload {
//perform asynchronous server operation here
//either block callback or delegate to notify
//self that upload finished
Seeing the above, how do you think I should handle this?
Don't want NSOperation because I don't want to deal with threading issues
Honestly, I think this is your easiest option. The only other way is to do asynchronous IO and use the run loop.
With NSOperation, you'd need two different kinds of operation called e.g. UploadOperation and NotifyOperation: one to upload an object and one to send a notification to the main thread when everything is done.
Then you'd loop through thwe objects putting them all on an NSOperationQueue in an UploadOperation, each one dependent on the previous one (addDependency:). Finally, you'd put the NotifyOperation on the queue dependent on the last UploadOperation.
The NotifyOperation overrides main as follows
-(void) main
[someObjectEgViewController performSelectorOnMainThread: #selector(finishedUpload)
withObject: nil
waitUntilDone: NO];
objectsToUpload is an NSMutableArray of tasks
//check if there is a task available
if (objectsToUpload.count > 0){
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^(void) {
//get first task
id nextTask = [objectsToUpload objectAtIndex:0];
//do something
//complete async
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
//remove completed task
[objectsToUpload removeObject:nextTask];
//complete async upload task, check or notify and or start the next task
BOOL shouldDoNextTask = [self check];
if (shouldDoNextTask){
[self uploadToServer];
I would suggest you do not need to wait for the task to complete. What you need is to respond to the task's completion.
NSURLConnection will provide a delegate with callback methods.