Need to make a port detector - apache

I am trying to make a service which can detect when a port gets occupied.
So netstat -lntu | grep tcp can list all occupied ports. So a difference between the output from first netstat executioin and one after the a port gets occupied can get me the port value.
And it needs to be fully automated so i made a infinite loop which will continuously check for differences between two consecutive netstat.
Here is my code in js and i am running it using node-daemonize2:
var shell = require("shelljs");
var InfiniteLoop = require("infinite-loop");
var il = new InfiniteLoop();
var diff = require('diff');
var oldStr = '';
var newStr = '';
shell.exec("netstat -lntu | grep tcp",{silent:true}, function (code, output, error) {
oldStr = output;
il.add(function () {
shell.exec("netstat -lntu | grep tcp",{silent:true}, function (code, output, error) {
newStr = output;
var dD = diff.diffChars(oldStr, newStr)[1];
let value = dD.value.replace(/\n/g,'');
re = /[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/
value = re.exec(value);
oldStr = newStr;
Now this thing works perfectly fine, but is resource heavy. So is there a way to make it light or a completely new and more efficient way to approach this problem?


How to pass an array as a parameter to statementExecPromisified(statement,[]) function of sap-hdbext-promisfied in nodejs?

I have an array of users as below
let usersarr = ["'SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_ABC','SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_DEF'"]
I want to fetch data about the above users(if exists) from Hana database. I am using sap-hdbext-promisfied library in node.js.
My database connection is working fine. So, I am trying to execute a select query as below
async function readUsers(xsaDbConn){
let usersarr = ["'SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_ABC','SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_DEF'"]
const checkuserexiststatement = await xsaDbConn.preparePromisified("SELECT USER_NAME FROM USERS WHERE USER_NAME IN (?)")
let checkuserexistresult = await xsaDbConn.statementExecPromisified(checkuserexiststatement, [usersarr])
return checkuserexistresult
Below is the output I get
PS C:\Users\Documents\XSA\SAC_POC\cap_njs> npm start
> cap_njs#1.0.0 start C:\Users\Documents\XSA\SAC_POC\cap_njs
> node server.js
myapp is using Node.js version: v12.18.3
myapp listening on port 3000
I get an empty array object as output. This is not the expected output, instead it should provide details about the users as they exist in the database.
The above code works when I provide single user value instead of multiple users in an array as shown below
async function readUsers(xsaDbConn, tempxsahdbusers){
let usersarr = 'SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_ABC'
const checkuserexiststatement = await xsaDbConn.preparePromisified("SELECT USER_NAME FROM USERS WHERE USER_NAME IN (?)")
let checkuserexistresult = await xsaDbConn.statementExecPromisified(checkuserexiststatement, [usersarr])
return checkuserexistresult
Output Of Above Code -
PS C:\Users\Documents\XSA\SAC_POC\cap_njs> npm start
> cap_njs#1.0.0 start C:\Users\Documents\XSA\SAC_POC\cap_njs
> node server.js
myapp is using Node.js version: v12.18.3
myapp listening on port 3000
So, why is it giving an empty array object when I provide an array as a parameter instead of a variable? Is it possible to provide an array as a parameter to the function statementExecPromisified(statement, []) of sap-hdbext-promisfied library in node.js ?
let usersarr = ["'SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_ABC','SAC_XSA_HDB_USER_DEF'"]
has exactly one value, the String:
When passing the userarr in the statementExecPromisified function as a parameter you are actually passing a nested array in an array. You could either try
xsaDbConn.statementExecPromisified(checkuserexiststatement, [usersarr[0]])
or separate the values in the userarr and add multiple ? in the prepared statement and reference each single value with userarr[x].

HTML5 player not working on chrome

I'm new to Stackoverflow and this will be my first question. My HTML5 player works fine on Internet Explorer but doesn't work on google chrome. I'm using a PlayReady stream which is encrypted with CENC. How can I let this work on chrome? I don't have access to the servers, they're run by third parties.
Technically it is possible to support Widevine while you're stream is PlayReady. This is possible since you use CENC. Since you don't have access to the servers like you mentioned you can use a technique called PSSH Forging. It basically replaces the pieces to make chrome think it's Widevine, since it's CENC the CDM will decrypt the video and the stream will play.
For the sake of ease i'm going to assume you use DASH.
We have here a PSSH Box:
const widevinePSSH = '0000005c7073736800000000edef8ba979d64acea3c827dcd51d21ed0000003c080112101c773709e5ab359cbed9512bc27755fa1a087573702d63656e63221848486333436557724e5a792b32564572776e64562b673d3d2a003200';
You need to replace 1c773709e5ab359cbed9512bc27755fa with your KID.
And then at the part where you insert you'r segment in the SourceBuffer (before appendSegment) you can do the following:
let segment = args[0];
segment = new Uint8Array(segment);
const newPssh = widevinePSSH.replace('1c773709e5ab359cbed9512bc27755fa', psshKid);
const subArray = new Uint8Array(DRMUtils.stringToArrayBuffer('70737368'));
let index = 0;
const found = subArray.every((item) => {
const masterIndex = segment.indexOf(item, index);
if (~masterIndex) {
index = masterIndex;
return true;
if (found) {
return originalSourceBufferAppendBuffer.apply(this, [];
segment = DRMUtils.uInt8ArrayToHex(segment);
// Inject the forged signal
// 70737368 = pssh
segment = segment.substr(0, segment.lastIndexOf('70737368') - 8) + newPssh + segment.substr(segment.lastIndexOf('70737368') - 8);
// Fix the MOOV atom length
// 6d6f6f76 = moov
const header = segment.substr(0, segment.indexOf('6d6f6f76') - 8);
const payload = segment.substr(segment.indexOf('6d6f6f76') - 8);
const newLength = Math.floor(payload.length / 2);
segment = header + DRMUtils.intToHex(newLength, 8) + payload.substr(8);
segment = decode(segment).b;
Sadly i can only share bits and pieces but this is roughly what you should do to get it working.

Does ServiceStack RedisClient support Sort command?

my sort command is
"SORT hot_ids by no_keys GET # GET msg:->msg GET msg:->count GET msg:*->comments"
it works fine in redis-cli, but it doesn't return data in RedisClient. the result is a byte[][], length of result is correct, but every element of array is null.
the response of redis is
c# code is
data = redis.Sort("hot_ids ", new SortOptions()
GetPattern = "# GET msg:*->msg GET msg:*->count GET msg:*->comments",
Skip = skip,
Take = take,
SortPattern = "not-key"
Redis Sort is used in IRedisClient.GetSortedItemsFromList, e.g. from RedisClientListTests.cs:
public void Can_AddRangeToList_and_GetSortedItems()
Redis.PrependRangeToList(ListId, storeMembers);
var members = Redis.GetSortedItemsFromList(ListId,
new SortOptions { SortAlpha = true, SortDesc = true, Skip = 1, Take = 2 });
storeMembers.OrderByDescending(s => s).Skip(1).Take(2).ToList());
You can use the MONITOR command in redis-cli to help diagnose and see what requests the ServiceStack Redis client is sending to redis-server.

Adobe Illustrator - Scripting crashes when trying to fit to artboards command

When calling this command, AI crashes on AI 5.1/6 32bit and 64bit versions. I can use the command from the menu. Has anyone encountered this? does anyone know of a work around?
The full code.
function exportFileToJPEG (dest) {
if ( app.documents.length > 0 ) {
activeDocument.fitArtboardToSelectedArt()//crashes here
var exportOptions = new ExportOptionsJPEG();
var type = ExportType.JPEG;
var fileSpec = new File(dest);
exportOptions.antiAliasing = true;
exportOptions.qualitySetting = 70;
app.activeDocument.exportFile( fileSpec, type, exportOptions );
var file_name = 'some eps file.eps'
var eps_file = File(file_name)
var fileRef = eps_file;
if (fileRef != null) {
var optRef = new OpenOptions();
optRef.updateLegacyText = true;
var docRef = open(fileRef, DocumentColorSpace.RGB, optRef);
exportFileToJPEG ("output_file.jpg")
I can reproduce the bug with AI CS5.
It seems that fitArtboardToSelectedArt() takes the index of an artboard as an optional parameter. When the parameter is set, Illustrator doesn't crash. (probably a bug in the code handling the situation of no parameter passed)
As a workaround you could use:
to pass the index of the active artboard with to the function. Hope this works for you too.
Also it's good practice to never omit the semicolon at the end of a statement.

Using Rx to Geocode an address in Bing Maps

I am learning to use the Rx extensions for a Silverlight 4 app I am working on. I created a sample app to nail down the process and I cannot get it to return anything.
Here is the main code:
private IObservable<Location> GetGPSCoordinates(string Address1)
var gsc = new GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService") as IGeocodeService;
Location returnLocation = new Location();
GeocodeResponse gcResp = new GeocodeResponse();
GeocodeRequest gcr = new GeocodeRequest();
gcr.Credentials = new Credentials();
gcr.Credentials.ApplicationId = APP_ID2;
gcr.Query = Address1;
var myFunc = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<GeocodeRequest, GeocodeResponse>(gsc.BeginGeocode, gsc.EndGeocode);
gcResp = myFunc(gcr) as GeocodeResponse;
if (gcResp.Results.Count > 0 && gcResp.Results[0].Locations.Count > 0)
returnLocation = gcResp.Results[0].Locations[0];
return returnLocation as IObservable<Location>;
gcResp comes back as null. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The observable source you are subscribing to is asynchronous, so you can't access the result immediately after subscribing. You need to access the result in the subscription.
Better yet, don't subscribe at all and simply compose the response:
private IObservable<Location> GetGPSCoordinates(string Address1)
IGeocodeService gsc =
new GeocodeServiceClient("BasicHttpBinding_IGeocodeService");
Location returnLocation = new Location();
GeocodeResponse gcResp = new GeocodeResponse();
GeocodeRequest gcr = new GeocodeRequest();
gcr.Credentials = new Credentials();
gcr.Credentials.ApplicationId = APP_ID2;
gcr.Query = Address1;
var factory = Observable.FromAsyncPattern<GeocodeRequest, GeocodeResponse>(
gsc.BeginGeocode, gsc.EndGeocode);
return factory(gcr)
.Where(response => response.Results.Count > 0 &&
response.Results[0].Locations.Count > 0)
.Select(response => response.Results[0].Locations[0]);
If you only need the first valid value (the location of the address is unlikely to change), then add a .Take(1) between the Where and Select.
Edit: If you want to specifically handle the address not being found, you can either return results and have the consumer deal with it or you can return an Exception and provide an OnError handler when subscribing. If you're thinking of doing the latter, you would use SelectMany:
return factory(gcr)
.SelectMany(response => (response.Results.Count > 0 &&
response.Results[0].Locations.Count > 0)
? Observable.Return(response.Results[0].Locations[0])
: Observable.Throw<Location>(new AddressNotFoundException())
If you expand out the type of myFunc you'll see that it is Func<GeocodeRequest, IObservable<GeocodeResponse>>.
Func<GeocodeRequest, IObservable<GeocodeResponse>> myFunc =
Observable.FromAsyncPattern<GeocodeRequest, GeocodeResponse>
(gsc.BeginGeocode, gsc.EndGeocode);
So when you call myFunc(gcr) you have an IObservable<GeocodeResponse> and not a GeocodeResponse. Your code myFunc(gcr) as GeocodeResponse returns null because the cast is invalid.
What you need to do is either get the last value of the observable or just do a subscribe. Calling .Last() will block. If you call .Subscribe(...) your response will come thru on the call back thread.
Try this:
gcResp = myFunc(gcr).Last();
Let me know how you go.
Richard (and others),
So I have the code returning the location and I have the calling code subscribing. Here is (hopefully) the final issue. When I call GetGPSCoordinates, the next statement gets executed immediately without waiting for the subscribe to finish. Here's an example in a button OnClick event handler.
Location newLoc = new Location();
GetGPSCoordinates(this.Input.Text).ObserveOnDispatcher().Subscribe(x =>
if (x.Results.Count > 0 && x.Results[0].Locations.Count > 0)
newLoc = x.Results[0].Locations[0];
Output.Text = "Latitude: " + newLoc.Latitude.ToString() +
", Longtude: " + newLoc.Longitude.ToString();
Output.Text = "Invalid address";
Output.Text = " Outside of subscribe --- Latitude: " + newLoc.Latitude.ToString() +
", Longtude: " + newLoc.Longitude.ToString();
The Output.Text assignment that takes place outside of Subscribe executes before the Subscribe has finished and displays zeros and then the one inside the subscribe displays the new location info.
The purpose of this process is to get location info that will then be saved in a database record and I am processing multiple addresses sequentially in a Foreach loop. I chose Rx Extensions as a solution to avoid the problem of the async callback as a coding trap. But it seems I have exchanged one trap for another.
Thoughts, comments, suggestions?