objective-c equivalent to java anonymouse interface implementation - objective-c

I hope the title is precise enough.
I was wondering, how I can pass a interface implementation to an object in objc language.
In java it would look like:
public interface MyInterface {
void onData();
The implementing class
public class ImplementMyInterface {
// ...
// other methods
void registerInterface(){
MyInterface myInterface = new MyInterface(){
public void onData(){
// process data here within the class
And in objc?
id myinterface.
How to implement it in the class?
Is there only the possibility to let the class inherit the interface?
interface MyInterface : NSObject
and the implementing class
MyImplementingClass : MyInterface
Or is there another possibility?
Thank you in advance

Objective-C has anonymous functions (blocks), but it doesn't have anonymous classes. So, the only way to implement a protocol (which is the objective-c term for an interface) is to make some class conform to that protocol (using your terminology, make that class "inherit" from that protocol) and add a protocol implementation inside that class' implementation.

I was able to solve my problem.
I was only able to import the MyInterface header file in my ImplementMyInterface.m file, but rather in the ImplementMyInterface.h file.
So everything I could do was inside the ImplementMyInterface.m file.
// ImplementMyInterface.m
#import "MyInterface.h"
// inner class
#interface MyInternalInterface : NSObject<MyInterface>
#property (retain) ImplementMyInterface * implementation;
// the actual class
#implementation ImplementMyInterface
MyInternalInterface * _internalInterface;
+(instancetype) build {
// construct myself
ImplementMyInterface * implementatMyInterface = [[ImplementMyInterface alloc] init];
// init inner class object
_internalInterface = [[MyInternalInterface alloc] init];
// register myself
[_internalInterface setImplementation:implementatMyInterface];
return implementatMyInterface;
- (NSString *) theActualData {
return #"The actual data";
// end of implementation class
// implementation of inner class
#implementation MyInternalInterface
#synthesize implementation;
- (NSString *) onData {
if(implementation != nil)
return [implementation theActualData];
return #"";
// end of ImplementMyInterface.m


Call Swift class method from Objective-C

I am using Objective-C to consume a Swift Code that I am turning into a Framework/SDK eventually.
I can not invoke the class Methods specifically to Objective-C, and I am getting this error
No visible #interface for 'class' declares the selector 'method'
Swift File
public class Example {
public class func testOne() -> NSString {
return "testOne";
public func testTwo() -> NSString {
return "testTwo";
Objective-C File
#import <ProjectModuleName-Swift.h>
#interface ...
#implmentation ...
- (void) testing {
Example *example = [[Example alloc] init];
NSString *testOne = [example testOne]; // does not work ; No visible #interface for 'Example' declares the selector 'testOne'
NSString *testTwo = [example testTwo]; // does work
Obviously, by declaring class func it should require a different way to invoke it through Objective-C, but I have not seen any docs on this topic.
An example or help would be much appreciated.
Class methods are called on the class, not instances of the class:
NSString *testOne = [Example testOne];
NSString *testTwo = [Example testTwo];

Objective C: incompatible pointer types sending

I created a protocol, called EventListener:
#protocol EventListener
I also have class, Processor, like:
// Processor.m
#synthesize listeners = _listeners; //#property NSMutableArray* in Processor.h
- (id) init {
self = [super init];
self.listeners = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; //init with empty array
return self;
- (void) addListener:(id<EventListener>)listener {
[self.listeners addObject:listener];
I have another class, called Plugin:
#interface Plugin : NSObject <EventListener> { ... }
and in its implementation, I perform:
// Plugin.m
[self.processor addListener:self];
and get warning that
incompatible pointer types sending Plugin* sending to parameter of type Listener*
What I've done wrong?
I'm coming from java world and assume that because my Processor implements protocol it should be type of Listener, smith like:
interface Listener {
class Processor {
List<Listener> listeners = new ArrayList<Listener>();
void addListener(Listener listener) {
class Plugin implements Listener {
Processor processor = new Processor();
void method() {
In Objective-C, classes and protocols are completely separate things and — unlike Java's classes and interfaces — have distinct syntax.
If you wanted to accept any class which is, or is a descendant of, the class Listener then the parameter would be:
Listener *
If you wanted to accept any class that implements the protocol EventListener then the parameter would be:
id <EventListener>
As id means "any class type" and the <EventListener> adds that whatever is passed should implement that protocol.
If you wanted to accept only those of Listener and its subclasses that implement EventListener then the parameter would be:
Listener <EventListener> *
That contrasts with Java where you'd take the interface type directly and not specify any class type constraints.
You can get the same warning when you declared
#interface SomeClass <SomeProtocol> : NSObject
instead of
#interface SomeClass : NSObject<SomeProtocol>
The first syntax is correct but it has no sense.

How to check if a class level method is in superclass or in subclass in Objective C?

I have class tructure like this
#interface SuperClass: NSObject
+ (void) someName;
#interface MyClass: SuperClass
There is the case that i only want to call the someName if it is a class method of MyClass not MyClass's superclass. Since [[MyClass class] respondsToSelector:#selector(someName)] return YES if a class or its super response to the selector. How to tell that MyClass doesnt contain tosomeName?
In my application i want to print the string that contains chains of string return from a class method.
Take abve class structure as a example, i want to print something like:
if a class doesnot implement someName method, i want to replace it by `notavailable, for ex:
_Bool class_implementsMethodForSelector( Class cls, SEL selector )
unsigned methodsCount;
Method* methods = class_copyMethodList(cls, &methodsCount);
for (unsigned methodIndex=0; methodIndex<methodsCount; methodIndex++)
if (method_getName(methods[methodIndex]) == selector)
return methodsIndex<methodsCount;
Class classToTest = …;
classToTest = object_getClass(classToTest); // For checking class methods
if (class_implementsMethodForSelector(classToTest, #selector(someName))
Typed in Safari.
Edit: Made a function of it. Still typed in Safari.

Objective C reference to class implementing an protocol

How to reference to a class (not an instance of it!) which implements a specific protocol?
+(id<Data>) dataForName:(NSString *)name {
id<DataManager> manager = SpecializedDataManager; // <-- which datatype does "manager" have to be?
return [[manager sharedManager] get:name]; //Getting data over a singleton of manager
Where Data and DataMangerare protocols and SpecializedDataManager is a class implementing the DataManager protocol.
I haven't tried this myself, but you should be able to use a pointer-to-class, although I doubt that you could specify that the class must implement a certain protocol:
static Class manager = NULL;
+ (void)someInitMethod
manager = [SpecializedDataManager class];
NSAssert([manager conformsToProtocol:#protocol(DataManager)], #"Achtung!");
If I understood you correct you want to write something like this:
id<SomeProtocol> someObject = AnotherObjectConformingThisProtocol;
Class class = [(NSObject*)SomeObject class];
if ([someObject isKindOfClass:[AnotherObjectConformingThisProtocol class]]) {}
if (class == [AnotherObjectConformingSomeProtocol class]) {}
If no - please clarify what exactly do you mean.
UPDATE: I've read your comment near another post and got it:
Create wrapper classes for your DataManager and Data protocols:
#interface DataClass : NSObject <Data>
#interface DataManagerClass : NSObject <DataManager>
And use code like this:
+(DataClass*) dataForName:(NSString *)name {
DataManagerClass* manager = SpecializedDataManager; // <-- which datatype does "manager" have to be?
return [[manager sharedManager] get:name]; //Getting data over a singleton of manager
Is this what you're looking for:
+(id<Data>) dataForName:(NSString *)name {
Class<DataManager> manager = [SpecializedDataManager class];
return [[manager sharedManager] get:name];

Objective-C supertype polymorphism

I'm fairly new to Objective-C and wondering if it's possible to type objects as their supertype without receiving compiler warnings when assigning them, or if there is a recognised way of achieving the same thing?
I realise that this is what type id is for but I have a base class with synthesized properties and if I try to use id I get a build error "request for member 'x' in something not a structure or union", presumably because dynamic typing is fine for sending messages to an object but not for accessing synthesized properties.
For example in Java I might have:
public abstract class A {
public function doSomething() {
//some func
public class B extends A {
public function doSomething() {
//override some func
public class C extends A {
public function doSomething() {
//override some func
//and in my main class:
A objB = new B();
A objC = new C();
//the purpose of all of this is so I can then do:
A objHolder;
objHolder = objB;
objHolder = objC;
I currently have the above working in Objective-C but with a compiler warning: "assignment from distinct Objective-C type"
OK, here is the Objective-C interfaces, I can add the implementations if you want. It's a composite pattern:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface AbstractLeafNode : NSObject {
NSString* title;
AbstractLeafNode* parent;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString* title;
#property (nonatomic, retain) AbstractLeafNode* parent;
#import "AbstractLeafNode.h"
#interface Page : AbstractLeafNode {
//there will be stuff here later!
#import "AbstractLeafNode.h"
#interface Menu : AbstractLeafNode {
NSMutableArray* aChildren;
- (void)addChild:(AbstractLeafNode *)node;
- (void)removeChild:(AbstractLeafNode *)node;
- (AbstractLeafNode *)getChildAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index;
- (AbstractLeafNode *)getLastChild;
- (NSMutableArray *)getTitles;
// I'd then like to do something like (It works with a warning):
AbstractLeafNode* node;
Menu* menu = [[Menu alloc] init];
Page* page = [[Page alloc] init];
node = menu;
[node someMethod];
node = page;
[node someMethod];
// Because of the synthesized properties I can't do this:
id node;
// I can do this, but I suspect that if I wanted synthesized properties on the page or menu it would fail:
node = (AbstractLeafNode*)menu;
node = (AbstractLeadNode*)page;
Sorry, as I was editing the question I realised that I was trying to do it the wrong way round and assign an AbstractLeafNode to a Menu, so the compiler warning completely makes sense. No errors when assigning a Menu to an AbstractLeafNode.
I've been staring at this for too long!