What is the best way of dealing with textures for a same shader in Vulkan? - vulkan

Let me say the scenario, we have several meshes with the same shader (material type, e.g. PBR material), but the difference between meshes materials are the uniform buffer and textures for rendering them.
For uniform buffer we have a dynamic uniform buffer technique that uniform buffer offsets can be specify for each draw in the command buffer, but for the image till here I didn't find a way of specifying image view in command buffer for descriptor set. In all the sample codes I have seen till now, for every mesh and every material of that mesh they have a new pipeline, descriptor sets and etc.
I think it is not the best way, there must be a way to only have one pipeline and descriptor set and etc for a material type and only change the uniform buffer offset and texture image-view and sampler, am I right?
If I'm wrong, are these samples doing the best way?
How should I specify the VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo.maxSets (or other limits like that) for dynamic scene that every minute meshes will add and remove?
I think it is possible to have a same pipeline and descriptor set layout for all of the objects but problem with VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo.maxSets (or other limits like that) and the best practice still exist.
It is not duplicate
I was seeking for a way of specifying textures like what we can do with dynamic uniform buffer (to reduce number of descriptor sets) and along with this question there were complementary questions mostly to find best practices for the way that's gonna be suggested with an answer.

You have many options.
The simplest mechanism is to divide your descriptor set layout into sets based on the frequency of changes. Things that change per-scene would be in set 0, things that change per-kind-of-object (character, static mesh, etc), would be in set 1, and things that change per-object would be in set 2. Or whatever. The point is that the things that change with greater frequency go in higher numbered sets.
This texture is per-object, so it would be in the highest numbered set. So you would give each object its own descriptor set containing that texture, then apply that descriptor set when you go to render.
As for VkDescriptorPoolCreateInfo.maxSets, you set that to whatever you feel is appropriate for your system. And if you run out, you can always create another pool; nobody's forcing you to use just one.
However, this is only one option. You can also employ array textures or arrays of textures (depending on your hardware capabilities). In either method, you have an array of different images (either as a single image view or multiple views bound to the same arrayed descriptor). Your per-object uniform data would have that object's texture index, so that it can fetch the index from the array texture/array of textures.


Why are Resource Descriptors needed?

When VkPipeline access vertex buffer:
VkPipeline needs a vertex buffer
vkCmdBindVertexBuffers() finds that VkBuffer object.
When VkPipeline access uniform buffer:
VkPipeline needs a uniform buffer
vkCmdBindDescriptorSets() finds a VkDescriptorSet
VkDescriptorSet finds corresponding VkDescriptorBufferInfo
VkDescriptorBufferInfo finds that VkBuffer object.
My question is why can't there be a hypothetical function called vkCmdBindUniformBuffer(), just like vkCmdBindVertexBuffers().
Why are descriptors needed.
Edit: I asked this because I first thought descriptors are like pointers in C/C++. However, I don't spend hundreds of lines to just create a pointer in C/C++. Descriptors feel like an over-complication of something could be as easy as calling a vkCmdBind...() function.
What does "needed" mean in this context? Vulkan defines an abstraction of what's going on in actual hardware. Nothing is strictly "needed"; there are merely different consequences of different abstractions.
One consequence of the descriptor set abstraction is that descriptor set layouts tell both the pipeline building and the descriptor set binding code what to expect in so far as the mapping between any particular Vulkan resource and the underlying hardware resources. The pipeline layout defines a direct mapping.
The pipeline layout represents a mapping from Vulkan set/binding indices to internal resource indices. The internal hardware has different kinds of resources. So which internal resources a particular binding takes depends on the kind of binding. Sampled images take up a set of resources that is separate from SSBOs, for example. The hardware potentially has X sampled image indices and Y indices for storage buffers.
However, some hardware doesn't have different internal resource types for certain Vulkan constructs. For example, some hardware doesn't have a "uniform buffer" as a distinct construct. The implementation implements UBOs as a read-only storage buffer. But this means that any Vulkan UBO also takes up the same resource indices from an SSBO.
As such, we need a way to map from Vulkan resources to the internal resource lists, one which allows the implementation to hide details like this. This is what the pipeline layout is for: the layout defines a mappings from each descriptor in the layout to a particular resource.
If set 0 assigns a storage image to internal index 0, the system knows that if set 1 uses a UBO, that UBO must use internal index 1, since internal index 0 was already taken by set 0. Because in this hardware, UBOs and SSBOs use the same list of resources.
This can't be done without pipeline layouts or some similar system. You need something which tells the system what all of the resources are, so that it can build a mapping table.
Pipeline layouts are grouped into sets to make it easier to change a large number of resources at once. If you want to switch to a different set of 8 textures, your way might require 8 different function calls. Furthermore, because you can have different kinds of descriptors bundled into the same set, you can change 3 textures, 2 UBOs, and one SSBO all in a single bind call.
Set groupings also allow you to have pipeline layouts that are partially compatible. Two pipelines can have the same set 0 but different set 1s. This means when you switch pipelines, you can bind a different descriptor for set 1 without changing set 0's binding. This is useful for descriptors whose update frequency is different.
For example, every object in a scene may use the same perspective and camera matrices, but different world matrices and textures. You can put the former into set 0 and the latter into set 1.

Differentiate models when using single draw call

I'm trying to draw geometry for multiple models using a single draw call. All the geometry, thusly, resizes within the same vertex/index buffers. The geometry for the different models share the same vertex format, but the vertex amounts for each model can be different.
In the vertex/fragment shaders, what's a technique that can be used to differentiate between the different models, to access their appropriate transforms/textures/etc ?
Are these static models? For traditional static batching:
You only need a single transform relative to the batch origin (position the individual models relative to the batch origin as part of the offline data packaging step).
You can batch your textures in to a single atlas (either a single 2D image with different coordinates for each object, or a texture array with a different layer for each object).
If you do it this way you don't need to different component models - they are effectively just "one large model". Which has nice performance properties ...
For more modern methods, you can try indirect draws with multiple "drawCount" values to index the settings you want. This allows variable buffer offsets and triangle counts to be used, but the rest of the state used needs to be the same.
As an alternative to texture arrays, with bindless texturing you can just programmatically select which texture to use in the shader at runtime. BUT you generally still want it to be at least warp-uniform to avoid a performance hit.

How to organize opengl es 2.0 program?

I thought in two ways to write my opengl es 2.0 code.
First, I write many calls to draw elements in the screen with many VAOs and VBOs or one only VAO and many VBOs.
Second, I save the coordinates of all elements in one list and I write all vertices of these coordinates in one only VAO and one only VBO and draw all vertices in the screen.
What is the better way that I should follow?
These are the ones I thought, what other ways are there?
The VAO is meant to save you some setup calls when setting the vertex attributes pointers and enabling/disabling the pipeline states related to that setup. Having just one VAO isn't saving you anything, because you will repeatedly re-bind the vertex buffers and change some settings. So you should aim to have multiple VAOs, one per "static" rendering batch, but not necessarily one per object drawn.
As to having all vertices in single VBO or many VBOs - that really depends on the task.
Having all data in single VBO has no benefits if you draw that all in many calls. But there's also no point in allocating one VBO per sprite. It's always about the balance between the costs of different calls to setup the pipeline, so ideally you try different approaches and decide what's best for you in your particular case.
There might be restrictions on the buffer sizes, and there's definitely "reasonable" sizes preferred by specific implementations. I remember some issues with old Intel drivers, when rendering the portion of the buffer would process the entire buffer, skipping unneeded vertices.

Vulkan descriptor binding

In my vulkan application i used to draw meshes like this when all the meshes used the same texture
Command buffer record
For each mesh
Bind transformubo
Draw mesh
But now I want each mesh to have a unique texture so i tried this
Command buffer record
For each mesh
Bind transformubo
Updatedescriptorsets (textures[meshindex])
Draw mesh
But it gives an error saying descriptorset is destroyed or updated. I looked in vulkan documentation and found out that I can't update descriptorset during command buffer records. So how can I have a unique texture to each mesh?
vkUpdateDescriptorSets is not synchonrized with anything. Therefore, you cannot update a descriptor set while it is in use. You must ensure that all rendering operations that use the descriptor set in question have finished, and that no commands have been placed in command buffers that use the set in question.
It's basically like a global variable; you can't have people accessing a global variable from numerous threads without some kind of synchronization. And Vulkan doesn't synchronize access to descriptor sets.
There are several ways to deal with this. You can give each object its own descriptor set. This is usually done by having the frequently changing descriptor set data be of a higher index than the less frequently changing data. That way, you're not changing every descriptor for each object, only the ones that change on a per-object basis.
You can use push constant data to index into large tables/array textures. So the descriptor set would have an array texture or an array of textures (if you have dynamic indexing for arrays of textures). A push constant would provide an index, which is used by the shader to fetch that particular object's texture from the array texture/array of textures. This makes frequent changes fairly cheap, and the same index can also be used to give each object its own transformation matrices (by fetching into an array of matrices).
If you have the extension VK_KHR_push_descriptor available, then you can integrate changes to descriptors directly into the command buffer. How much better this is than the push constant mechanism is of course implementation-dependent.
If you update a descriptor set then all command buffers that this descriptor set is bound to will become invalid. Invalid command buffers cannot be submitted or be executed by the GPU.
What you basically need to do is to update descriptor sets before you bind them.
This odd behavior is there because in vkCmdBindDescriptorSets some implementations take the vulkan descriptor set, translate it to native descriptor tables and then store it in the command buffer. So if you update the descriptor set after vkCmdBindDescriptorSets the command buffer will be seeing stale data. VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing extension relaxed this behavior under some circumstances.

Vulkan: Is there a way to draw multiple objects in different locations like in DirectX12?

In DirectX12, you render multiple objects in different locations using the equivalent of a single uniform buffer for the world transform like:
// Basic simplified pseudocode
for (auto object : objects)
struct VSConstants
QEDx12::Math::Matrix4 modelToProjection;
} vsConstants;
vsConstants.modelToProjection = ViewProjMat * object->GetWorldProj();
SetDynamicConstantBufferView(0, sizeof(vsConstants), &vsConstants);
However, in Vulkan, if you do something similar with a single uniform buffer, all the objects are rendered in the location of last world matrix:
for (auto object : objects)
Is there a way to draw multiple objects with a single uniform buffer in Vulkan, just like in DirectX12?
I'm aware of Sascha Willem's Dynamic uniform buffer example (https://github.com/SaschaWillems/Vulkan/tree/master/dynamicuniformbuffer) where he packs many matrices in one big uniform buffer, and while useful, is not exactly what I am looking for.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I cannot find a function called SetDynamicConstantBufferView in the D3D 12 API. I presume this is some function of your invention, but without knowing what it does, I can only really guess.
It looks like you're uploading data to the buffer object while rendering. If that's the case, well, Vulkan can't do that. And that's a good thing. Uploading to memory that you're currently reading from requires synchronization. You have to issue a barrier between the last rendering command that was reading the data you're about to overwrite, and the next rendering command. It's just not a good idea if you like performance.
But again, I'm not sure exactly what that function is doing, so my understanding may be wrong.
In Vulkan, descriptors are generally not meant to be changed in the middle of rendering a frame. However, the makers of Vulkan realized that users sometimes want to draw using different subsets of the same VkBuffer object. This is what dynamic uniform/storage buffers are for.
You technically don't have multiple uniform buffers; you just have one. But you can use the offset(s) provided to vkCmdBindDescriptorSets to shift where in that buffer the next rendering command(s) will get their data from. So it's a light-weight way to supply different rendering commands with different data.
Basically, you rebind your descriptor sets, but with different pDynamicOffset array values. To make these work, you need to plan ahead. Your pipeline layout has to explicitly declare those descriptors as being dynamic descriptors. And every time you bind the set, you'll need to provide the offset into the buffer used by that descriptor.
That being said, it would probably be better to make your uniform buffer store larger arrays of matrices, using the dynamic offset to jump from one block of matrices to the other. You would tehn
The point of that is that the uniform data you provide (depending on hardware) will remain in shader memory unless you do something to change the offset or shader. There is some small cost to uploading such data, so minimizing the need for such uploads is probably not a bad idea.
So you should go and upload all of your objects buffer data in a single DMA operation. Then you issue a barrier, and do your rendering, using dynamic offsets and such to tell each offset where it goes.
You either have to use Push constants or have separate uniform buffers for each location. These can be bound either with a descriptor per location of dynamic offset.
In Sasha's example you can have more than just the one matrix inside the uniform.
That means that inside UploadUniformBuffer you append the new matrix to the buffer and bind the new location.