Google Maps Javascript API quota is set to 1 [duplicate] - api

This question already has answers here:
"You have exceeded your request quota for this API" in Google Map [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I'm receiving this error when using Maps Javascript API
Maps error
Apparently, it's because I have exceeded my quota limit; however Google states I have up to 100,000 requests per 24 hours (Google Usage Limits)
When I access Gmy API dashboard, it states my quota limit is one on "Map loads per day".
Google quota limit
Appreciate your help, tnks

I've been having this issue too - however Google documentation contradicts itself in places.
According to "Detailed guide for users of the standard Google Maps JavaScript API" - Enable Billing (step 7) is optional.
Yet clicking more info gives you "You must enable billing on each of your projects" - it's all a bit irritating as this causes confusion for clients (as well as devs!)
OpenStreetMaps is a nice alternative, bit harder to get up and running with and no nice scroll block by default. I'm currently switching to this while Google alienate their userbase

Looks like you need to have billing enabled on the account now, tried with 2 gsuites account, limit is 1 without billing account attached and unlimited with billing account attached.
Edit: see
Important: Enable Billing As of July 16, 2018, to continue to use the
Google Maps Platform APIs, you must enable billing on each of your
projects. If you choose not to add a billing account, your maps will
be degraded, or other Maps API requests will return an error.


Google Workspace Migrate Gmail API Limit

I'm using Google's Workspace Migrate tool to move Gmail data for users from one Workspace domain to another. After about 10 minutes, Gmail message migrations stop with an error saying "Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute per user" of service "' for [Google Cloud project number]."
I don't see in Google Cloud that I'm actually hitting any limits. I don't have the ability to throttle API requests as I'm using a tool provided by Google. Do "free" Google Cloud projects have different limits than "paid" projects?
I'm expecting Google's tool to work as advertised. I have a case open with their support, but I'm not getting anywhere fast when it comes to a solution.
Hello 👋 Not sure if you already got an answer to this, but I recommend checking the Quotas page on GCP to see your current usage. You can access that here. Search for the "Queries per minute per user" metric for the Gmail API and look at your "Seven-day peak usage percentage". A note, though, since your question was posted more than seven days ago, you might need to rerun a migration to see your current usage.
Regarding your question about the limit for "free projects", I can't really help there. I can tell you that on our project (which has a billing account attached), we have the limit set to 15,000.
You can always ask Google to increase your quota if you're not getting enough for your use case.

Google Developer Console API Manager - Quota history 'empty'

Since Monday, when Google changed the UI for the Developer Console API Manager, the Quota Usage History (for all but the JavaScript API) shows no data!
From the new Dashboard, clicking on the APIs now takes you to a page with 2 tabs - 'Overview' and 'Quotas'. The 'Overview' displays data for all APIs as expected, but the 'Quotas' tab only displays the data for the JavaScript API - all others have no data to show (the previous version worked just fine showing the last 30 days of usage). Before anyone asks the obvious question, yes, my enabled APIs are all in constant use so there is data there!
Does anyone else have this problem?
JavaScript API Overview (Showing Traffic)
JavaScript API Quotas (Showing Quota History)
Geocoding API Overview (Showing Traffic)
Geocoding API Quotas (NOT showing Quota History - it used to!)
You can also reach the quota page by going to IAM & Admin > Quotas > Select project" and then select the API for which you want to see the quota.

How to get unblocked after exceeding the Google Geocode API usage limit?

Have searched for answers on this for 2 days now with very little luck.
I'm developing a Drupal 7 site which has a Geofield field being autopopulated from an address field using the Google Geocoder API, but as of a couple of days ago this stopped working:
Exception: Google API returned bad status.\nStatus: OVER_QUERY_LIMIT in geocoder_google() (line 52 of /home/.../modules/geocoder/plugins/geocoder_handler/
I can remove the proximity search filter that is sending too many requests to the Google API but I can't progress because I run into the above error every time I try to add a new record to the database (which just does one lookup to get a geocode from an address field but fails). Is there any way to unblock my site from Google's API or reset my usage? I've added an API key but to no avail. This was all working fine up until very recently, which I guess is when I unknowingly exceeded the usage limit.
I have limited API experience and am a Drupal/PHP beginner so please be gentle! Happy to provide more info, code, error messages etc if needed. Relevant Drupal 7 modules being used are OpenLayers, OpenLayers Proximity, Geofield, GeoPHP and Geocoder. Thanks for any help anyone can offer.
From Google Geocode Documentation:
Use of the Google Geocoding API is subject to a query limit of 2,500 geolocation requests per day. (User of Google Maps API for Business may perform up to 100,000 requests per day.) This limit is enforced to prevent abuse and/or repurposing of the Geocoding API, and this limit may be changed in the future without notice. Additionally, we enforce a request rate limit to prevent abuse of the service. If you exceed the 24-hour limit or otherwise abuse the service, the Geocoding API may stop working for you temporarily. If you continue to exceed this limit, your access to the Geocoding API may be blocked.
So, I guess you have to wait 24 hours, or upgrade to the business version.

Google API Request Limit

Does anyone know where I can find Google API Request Limits for their different services?
On simulating 500+ concurrent users it seems to fail silently fairly often (maybe 1 in 10 loads)
Any ideas?
The information is in their support resources. I am not aware of a central place, but it's all there. Searching the docs for "request limit" should usually do the trick.
The Geocoding API's limits for example can be found here.
Google Maps API Web Services and Google Static Maps API limits were cut effective a few days ago. Starting October 1st 2011 commercial web sites and apps using Google Maps API for free receive:
max of 2,500 calls/day, if modified using Styled Maps feature
max of 25,000 calls/day in total
Fusion tables are preferable to the Google Maps API alone, particularly with respect to rate limits:
Applications using the Google Fusion Tables API can send a maximum of
5 requests per second to the Google Fusion Tables server.
I think they removed the limit recently: can't even find a mention of it in documentation pages where I know for sure that it was mentioned and read about the limit removal somewhere this summer.
Even their new EULA states that their service is not limited but they remain free to limit it however they want at any moment.
500 concurrent users doesn't seem to be that much though, even if limitations where in place; are you sure it's Google what's failing?

Google Translate API - Access Denied Error 403

I am using Google API for one of my project. I completed all the formalities with google. I pay the bill for using it. But I cannot move out with one issue. If I send data for translation back to back, google reverts back with Access denied Error 403. So I had to put some delay in my code. But as a matter of fact total time is increasing. So what is the possible way to recover this issue.
I am using C# dot net to call the google API.
>{0}&source=en &target=sv
From Google translate API FAQ page:
You may be exceeding your quota: either the daily billable total, or the limit on request characters per second.
To view or change usage limits for your project, or to request an increase to your quota, do the following:
For more information Google translate API FAQ