Error during cache:clear - symfony-3.4

When I run the php bon/console cache:clear I have this error :
Invalid resource provided: "1.2"; Errors: [ERROR 1843] Element '{urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2}trans-unit': Character content other than whitespace is not allowed because the content type is
'element-only'. (in /var/www/html/myproject/ - line 5, column 0)
I checked my xlf, files they look good, all the more I don't know witch one to check.
Any idea ?

Problem solved even if I did not exactly understood what was the problem.
I tried to reinstall all my vendors by removing my vendor folder and executing composer update
The error does not appear any more


Unexpected error running Liquibase: Unknown parameter: '

I am setting up a new user for liquibase (3.5.3). When we run the following command:
liquibase --defaultsFile=Config / --logLevel=Info
We get this error message:
--contexts=initial update Unexpected error running Liquibase: Unknown parameter: ' '
SEVERE 2/7/17 11:39 AM: liquibase: Unknown parameter:
liquibase.exception.CommandLineParsingException: Unknown parameter:
at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.parsePropertiesFile(
at liquibase.integration.commandline.Main.main(
For more information, use the --logLevel flag
I thought there may have been a funny character in the file, so we recreated it, but still received the same error. We also, took a working copy of a properties file from another project and modified it. This also produced the same result.
Any ideas on what is going wrong or thoughts on how to fix it, would be greatly appreciated.
 is a UTF-8 Byte order mark (or short BOM). Some text editors write one by default when using UTF-8 encoding, even though, most programs do not understand it.
In your case, liquibase seems to be one of the programs which do not understand the BOM and treat it as the beginning of a parameter. To fix this, make sure you save the file as UTF-8 without BOM if your editor supports this option, or alternatively, as ASCII or ISO 8859 (ANSI) if you only use characters defined in ASCII.

eclipse-neon bower-install can't run due to error in the file

I create javascript project and bower.json. After adding dependencies as follow gives me red-cross on project->bower_components->bootstrap->grunt->change-version.js file and query->src file:
This is first problem:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Expected name at 2:1 .eslintrc.json /gruntTest/bower_components/jquery/src line 2 JSON Problem
Second problem:
Description Resource Path Location Type
Unexpected token ILLEGAL change-version.js /gruntTest/bower_components/bootstrap/grunt line 1 JavaScript Problem
I assumed that eclipse neon doesn't need to download Nodeclipse & Enide and try to practice from scratch thats the reason error happened.
Nodeclipse & Enide must installed before practicing nodejs in eclipse.
I followed this link and worked great.

Invalid US-ASCII character "\xC2" in rails 3.1 production mode

Every time i start my server in production mode i get this error mesage
Invalid US-ASCII character "\xC2"
(in /home/rzaartz/rails/school/app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss)
Pls any help about this kind of error
I had this same problem when running rake assets:precompile . For me the problem was in normalize.css---a character in the first line comment wasn't being understood by the asset compiler.
If you are including this file, replace the 'center-dot' with a dash. (Note that this change has been committed already by polarblau). If you're not using normalize look somewhere in your sass includes for the center-dot and remove it.
(for fellow googlers)
As stated here, a simple solution is to explicitely declare you scss encoding in the main(s) scss :
#charset "UTF-8";

Pig problem with load file with complicated name

i need to load file in pig which has a long and complicated name:
Pig complained:
ERROR - ERROR 2999: Unexpected internal error. Relative path in absolute URI:
anyone knows what's the problem? Thanks.
If it's forming a URI from that, the : is a reserved character.
Think about it: file://a:b ... this would be taken as an FTP login.
Your error message seems to complain that what's left after the string is parsed is a relative path (I guess 00.csv after the last colon). Obviously no longer the whole filename.
You will need to escape any reserved characters in the filename before forming a URI.
You could do this on the command line, with for example:
ls | sed -e 's/:/%3A/g'
to transform the colons in the filename.
Or you could rename any files in the directory that use any of ";?:#&=+,$"
not exactly the same case, but we got:
ERROR 2999: Unexpected internal error. cannot be cast to java.lang.Error
java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to java.lang.Error
for everything we tried to load, and the problem was that the PIG_CONF_DIR env variable was pointing to a folder that did not exist. We've reset it in the .bash_profile to a folder with valid core-site.xml and mapred-site.xml and everything's good now.
export PIG_CONF_DIR=/my_good_folder

Objective C, CABase.h file error

I hate Xcode 4! It crashes all the time and finally it gives me an error in CABase.h file which is an library header file that I am not allowed to modify..
I don't even know how this file is broken.
How to fix this problem? It complains like
"Expected *before*
Expected '=',',',';','asm' or '_attribute_' before 'extern'
Also, how can I completely remove Xcode on my Mac and re-install?
You probably just have a simple error, perhaps in a header which is included prior to CABase.h. Use a "divide and conquer" strategy to locate it.
To answer your last question:
$ sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all
This happened to me just because I had the letter 's' at the beginning of one of my implementation files. I must have missed the cmd key when cmd+s for saving the file. Luckily, another compile error discovered this and removing the 's' fixed both errors.
For example,
// GraphingViewController.m