I am trying to fill up textbox using Selenium.
description=driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[contains(text(), 'add
description = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[#type='text']")
For some reason the variable value of description isnt passed to the textbox but webelement id and session id which is :
<selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="f2943bc99f2fbbec90c3fa9c0cb68e20", element="0.3535547756904527-5")>
Can anyone help me on this?
try with this code :
description.send_keys("""Just a testing """)
If I've understood your code correctly 'description' contains a web element. So your send_keys is essentially typing the web element in string form.
From the (unofficial) documentation:
Finds an element by xpath.
Args: xpath - The xpath locator of the element to find
Returns: WebElement - the element if it was found
Raises: NoSuchElementException - if the element wasn’t found
Usage: element = driver.find_element_by_xpath(‘//div/td[1]’)
So very new here to Selenium but I'm having trouble selecting the element I want from this website. In this case, I got the x_path using Chrome's 'copy XPath tool.' Basically, I'm looking to extract the CID text (in this case 4004) from the website, but my code seems to be unable to do this. Any help would be appreciated!
I have also tried using the CSS selector method as well but it returns the same error.
chrome_options = Options()
chrome_options.binary_location = '/Applications/Google Chrome Canary.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome Canary'
driver= webdriver.Chrome()
chem_name = "D008294"
url = "https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/#query=" + chem_name
elements = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="collection-results-container"]/div/div/div[2]/ul/li/div/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/span/a/span/span')
As of now, this is the error I receive: 'list' object has no attribute 'text'
Here is the xpath that you can use.
//span[.='Compound CID']//following-sibling::a/descendant::span[2]
Why your script did not worked: I 2 issues in your code.
elements = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[#id="collection-results-container"]/div/div/div[2]/ul/li/div/div/div/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/span/a/span/span')
driver.close() # <== don't close the browser until you are done with all your steps on the browser or elements
print(elements.text) # <== you can not get text from list (python will through error here
How to fix it:
CID = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//span[.='Compound CID']//following-sibling::a/descendant::span[2]").text # <== returning the text using find_element (not find_elements)
print(CID) # <== now you can print `CID` though browser closed as the value already stored in variable.
Function driver.find_elements_by_xpath return list of Element. You should loop to get text of each element,
Like this:
for ele in print(elements.text):
Or if you want to match first Element, use driver.find_element_by_xpath function instead.
Using xpath provided chrome is always does not work as expected. First you have to know how to write xpath and verify it chrome console.
see these links, which helps you to know about xpaths
In this case, first find the span contains text Compound CID and move to parent span the down to child a/span/span. something like //span[contains(text(),'Compound CID']/parent::span/a/span/span.
And also you need to findelement which return single element and get text from it. If you use findelements then it will return list of elements, so you need to loop and get text from those elements.
xpath: //a[contains(#href, 'compound')]/span[#class='breakword']/span
you can use the "href" as your attribute reference since I noticed that it has unique value for each component.
I am trying to do SignIn for this. In it click on 'SignIn' which I have done it successfully. Now when trying to type in Username/Password using Xpath it shows exception which says
Exception in thread "main"
org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException: element not visible
code is :-
I know this Xpath is same as used in SignUp form, so what are the other ways to locate these two fields? How we can use it by using cssselector?
Thanks for the help in advance.
Go One Level up on finding the relative xpath with
Try this
//For Username
driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//input[#name='username'])[2]")).sendKeys("username test");
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#login > #load_form > fieldset > input[name='usernam']")).click();
//For password
driver.findElement(By.xpath("(//input[#name='password'])[2]")).sendKeys("password test");
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#login > #load_form > fieldset > input[name='password']")).click();
the above codes are working for me.
There are basically two elements found by provided xpath, and it works with first found element which is invisible as your exception saying, you should try using cssSelector as below :-
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div#login input[name = 'username']")).sendKeys("test123");
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("div#login input[name = 'password']")).sendKeys("test123");
Note:- For learning about cssSelector follow this url and for xPath follow this url
I'm suggesting you before selenium execution with the locator you need to sure that using locator is correct and returns single or multiple element at your browser console by pressing f12. for verify xPath you should use $x("your xpath expression") and for cssSelector you should use document.querySelector("your css selector expression")..
Hope it will help you..:)
I have used most of the element locators while testing with Selenium, but very low frequently used the 'TagName' locator. Please give an example.
Now supposing, a software web element does not have any ID or Class Name, then how can we locate that element in Selenium WebDriver? The answer is there are many alternatives of the Selenium WebDriver element locators and one of them is locating an element by tag name.
Locating an element by tag name is not too much popular because in most of cases, we will have other alternatives of element locators. But yes, if there is not any alternative then you can use the element's DOM tag name to locate that element in webdriver.
Here you can select the tagname as a locator like:
// Locating the element by tagName and store its text in variable 'dropdown'.
String dropdown = driver.findElement(By.tagName("select")).getText();
Thanks to the deprecation of By.tagName you should use By.css for Shah's answer...
String dropdown = driver.findElement(By.css("select")).getText();
We use the actual name of the tag like <a> for anchor and <table> for table and input for <input>. This helps to get all the elements with a given tag name.
Example: to select the first element of a given input
var dialog = driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("ladialog"));
var save = dialog.FindElements(By.TagName("input"))[0];
Also importantly, the tagName locating strategy can be used to get or fetch all the links on a webpage and print them to console. Try this:
// Get all links in a webpage
List<WebElement> allLinks = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a"));
System.out.println("Links count is: " + allLinks.size());
for(WebElement link : allLinks)
I am new to Selenium. Not sure how to handle this scenario. I am working on a website which has several buttons with following code,
<a class="Some big class name" datacommunication="SelectItem" token="some token number" model-id="Id1" element="button">
<i class="classname">Book Ticket</i>
<a class="Some big class name" datacommunication="SelectItem" token="some token number" model-id="Id2" element="button">
<i class="classname">Book Ticket</i>
I tried to click on it using following commands,
ele = driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("Some big class name")); but it fails with following message, Compound class names are not supported. Consider searching for one class name and filtering the results.
ele = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("a[model-id='Id1']")); fails with 'Test method TestBot.HomeTest.bookTicket threw exception:
OpenQA.Selenium.WebDriverTimeoutException: Timed out after 10 seconds'
Tried using XPATH,
ele = driver.FindElement(By.XPath("\\\a[#model-id='Id1']")); doesn't work either.
I have no control on html. Can't change it.
Please let me know how to identify elements in such scenarios.
You can't have spaces in class names. Those are actually multiple classes separated by a space. You can find the above elements using a css selector
var ele = driver.FindElements(By.CssSelector(".Some.big.class.name"))
Of course, this will find both elements. To find just the first, you could use
var ele = driver.FindElement(By.CssSelector("a[model-id='Id1']"))
You can find help on css selectors here: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp
I just noticed your XPath appears to have the slashes the wrong way around. If you wish to use XPath, try
Note, however, that css selectors perform better than XPath.
There are multiple number of ways to locate your WebElement in Selenium WebDriver.
But always remember all are based on you attribute or combination of HTML tags so case could be any of them
1- First way is using id
2- 2nd one is Name
3- Class Name
4- Some time you can used Tagname
5- Some time linkText
6- Some time partial link text
7- Using xpath
8- Using css selector
So in you case we need to take help of Xpath and Css Selector
So xpath of you elements
Syntax : //[#attribute ='value of selected tag']
id1: //a[#model-id='Id1']
id2: //a[#model-id='Id2']
For both element following are the css Selector
Syntax [attribute ='value']
Thanks a lot for help. I have used following code to overcome above mentioned issue,
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
With above code, I am able to click on the button.
Thanks again for your help and knowledge sharing.
You can locate by using xpath.
WebElement ele = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#class='Some big class name']"));
there is difference between findElements and findElement.
FindElement: findElement returns a single element.
FindElements : returns a list of same element.As in this example there are multiple classes with same class name , so use driver.findElements method .
driver.findElements will return a list of all elements with that class name .
Now , you have list of all elements but you want only one of the element.
So iterate over list to get a single element out of a list.
List<WebElement> elementList= driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("Some.big.class.name"));
Iterator itr = elementList.iterator();
WebElement element = itr.next();
}//if block ends here
}//while loop ends here
You can also use XPATH , if nothing works
To identify the elements in selenium there are multiple ways.
To see the details please refer BY Class.
Try to find the way which can identify the element uniquely. Start with id if available and if nothing works go for XPATH. XPATH is slower than id and CSS selector.
I am trying to read text from textarea when writing a webdriver test in Java. For some reason I am getting null back when I use .getAttribute():
WebElement text = wd.findElement(By.id("edit-pi-sample-geo-id"));
String textagain = text.getAttribute("aaaa");
How do I fix this?
I got this working. Here is the solution-
WebElement text = wd.findElement(By.id("edit-pi-analytics-tms-id"));
String textagain = text.getAttribute("value");
I was using the actual value in the textarea in the previous code example i posted which was kinda silly. Thanks guys for your help
I'm using selenium version 3.4 and using element.getAttribute("value") that work for me. The element.getText() would return empty value for TextArea.
So finding an element returns a web element. To get the text of the element you have to call getText(), so from above
WebElement element = wd.findElement(By.id("edit-pi-sample-geo-id"));
String text = element.getText()