React Native. What is inner logic of starting guide screen of mobile app? - react-native

We start an app and there you see screen with multiple pages guide about how to use this app etc. How it works?
My suggestions: I have guide key in firebase, I load its value in local store on start. Its default value is 1. 1 - should show it, 0 - shouldn't show it. When I start I show it by default, but when user reaches the last screen, I set value of guide key to 0. And the guide is just a list of scenes (react-native-router-flux). Is it correct or not? What are best practices? What library allows me to create connected screens with dot navigation?

I recently implemented this. I would completely avoid having a guide key in firebase, because you can accomplish it locally. You can use async storage to write a boolean to storage like userDidCompleteGuide. Then, when you startup the app, if that value is not defined when reading from async storage, you know to display the guide component. After completing the guide, save that boolean to async storage. If you already use redux-persist, you can have it persist it through redux too.
I used react-navigation along with fluid transitions with react native for animating shared objects on screen.
On a basic level, it's really easy to create a dot component in react native, so don't use a library for it. It's just a view with a width, height, borderRadius, and color. Change the color to indicate an active or inactive dot depending the screen you're on. You can put a few of them in a row to show sequential steps, having the first one show an active color (like white) and the others be gray. You can then wrap your entire guide screen in a touchable opacity. That way, you can tap anywhere on the screen to advance to the next page of the guide, and when doing so, you can set the second dot to be white and the first to be gray. You could have the dots on both pages, and just change the color and nothing else when changing pages. Or you could have them be the same component and show the actual page above and dynamically change the color based on which page is active using the component state. Just set the state when changing to the next screen using the touchable opacity to indicate which should be active, and then display the page based off of that.


Adjust font size dynamically in a FlatList in React Native

Before I begin trying to build something I want to check my strategy.
I think the best way to define what I would like to achieve is to build a component using a FlatList that adjusts fontSize dynamically based on the size of the View (or other more appropriately defined size limiting area) in which it is being displayed.
For example, let's say I want a FlatList of items (of data returned from an API call) that displays full-screen on Screen 1 of my app, but in a small corner of Screen 2 of my app. Here's a quick mock of the behavior I would want:
It seems like the alignment of items, flex, other styles could be written so that the proportions/positions stay the same regardless of parent view in which the FlatList is displayed, so I might only have to adjust fontSize.
Can this behavior be achieved using a FlatList and a reference to a dynamic fontSize? If so, where should the "awareness" of the parent View be stored/passed?
I'm looking for general input as to how to achieve this simply, with or without FlatList. I like using FlatList because of how well it works off the shelf for my simple tasks. Hopefully I'm not trying to make it do something it cant.

How can you make a movable frame over the content with React Native, while making it possible to click the content around it?

I'm looking for a solution, if possible a library or a custom component, for React Native, without Expo.
I need to create a video frame that is movable in the screen, up and down, and cover the content. I also need to make it possible to click on the content behind it.
Another difficulty is that I need it to stay up on all screens during navigation.
I first tried to use reanimated-bottom-sheet with some increments, but the content behind the bottom is not clickable. Also, to make it available on all screens I needed to put in at the same level as React Navigation's BottomTabNavigator and it covers the tab bar too even with a zIndex.
I also tried to use modals, but I'm relatively new to React Native and couldn't find how to make the background touchable as well as making it movable.
I guess I need to make a view with absolute positionning and learn Reanimated, unless you have a simpler idea?

text input flickering react-native

I have used text input in creating a search bar on the 'HomeScreen'. Whenever I click on the search bar, it takes me to the 'SearchScreen' where text input is focussed.
In both screens, I have placeholder "Search" in the text input. The problem I am facing is that the placeholder flickers whenever screens are changed. This happens all the time if/when text input is re-rendered.
I want the placeholder to remain static there for smooth transition between screens. Please let me know if you have any idea on how to erect it or if you have any suggested workaround.
Take a look at this library Fluid Transitions. This library helps to create smooth transitions between screens and shared components. Thus, you can go from screen A to screen B maintaining you search bar input intact or at least keep it with a smooth transition.
Another idea is... Do you really need to move to another screen when focusing the search bar? Is it possible if you just create an SearchList component that "shows/hides" a FlatList (for example), when the user focus the search bar, it will change to another screen when the user clicks on a specific result.
I am using react-native-router-flux and here's some observation, previously I was using .replace() for switching scenes, this time I used .push(), customizing it to not show any animation and now search does not flicker when popping the search screen, however, it does flicker on pushing search screen onto the stack, seems like the re-render is causing flickering (as pop does not trigger a render but push does).
It's best to avoid using the placeholder as for now until the problem is sorted in react-native itself.

React Native: Creating custom tabs with animation

I have this use case which is a bit confusing compared to the norm , and Im not sure how to structure it. I have a screen (tabs) with 4 tabs .
The thing is that the contents of each tab (their screens) are actually in One big page, when scrolling down the page and it reaches the contents of Tab2 , the tab should change too to Tab2 (its not actually a screen change) .
Now initially I have used react-navigation and it's tab navigator. But here Im not sure if this should use tab navigator. The questions that arise to me (from the top of my head):
Q1) If we wrap the components (each tab's screen) in a parent one. How do we go about detecting where the scroll reached! (or something that notifies we are viewing contents of tab2 and so on...)
Q2) How can I handle the animation of the tabs (especially the line under them as shown in the image) to transition back and forth?
Q3) Is there a better way to do this! (better than my initial thoughts above)
Q1. You must use the TabNavigator to avoid the problem as you asking in Q1. So you don't need to worry about the Scroll.
Q2. I recommend using StyleSheet, create a CSS style for line bar then maybe you just need to call a function to set the CSS of current tab or use the navigation options.
Q3. TabNavigator is a good option here and it belongs to react-navigation.
Animation example with custom function
--- Update ------
I have created an example project for you to solve the problem, I'm not sure if you're doing the same.
Check the Scroll.js, I added a function Callme that changes tabs when scroll reaches to end.
To detect the Scroll reaches to end or not, I have used the isCloseToBottom from another StackOverflow answer.
Follow the following link to Github project.

Navigator and multiple views in React Native

I am playing around with React Native and trying to build a test application. I am stuck at the Navigator part:
I understand that one can change the state of the variables (as they are doing in the tutorial, increasing the index variable). What I don't really understand is how I could render different Components based on which button is clicked in my menu. In the example, it is always "MyScene" that is rendered, but with different values. How should I do to render "MyScene2" when clicking on some button?