Stop SSIS package after running locally -

In dire need of help. I have a simple SSIS package created but here is the thing. It is NOT stored nor ran from the SQL Server Agent. It's stored locally. We don't have access to utilize SQL Server Agent. So we are using a batch file that is scheduled in Windows to execute the SSIS package. This works, however, someone has to press the stop button when finished. I've googled how to stop it through but everything I've read is based on hitting the SQL server, looking for the package name and then stopping it this way. Since this isn't stored in SQL Server, that method doesn't work. Any ideas?


How do I deploy a compiled database that no one can see/view source script but can execute it

I developed an application that used SQL Server database 2017. I wrote most of the business logic in stored procedures, triggers & UDF. Now at the time of Go-Live, I want to deploy a compiled database on a client-server machine so no one can view or change scripts.
I can manage this from the SQL Security, access rights, etc. but actually, the Client network administrator has all the credentials and rights of the database and I do not want anyone to view/change the script even the administrator.
can I deploy a compiled database on a client-server instead of a regular one so no one can view/change scripts but can execute them Similarly like EXE file users can execute it but cannot view/change the code?
Does Microsoft SQL Server provide a solution on this or any workaround?
please suggest thanks in advance.

SQL Server Agent (SQLEXPRESS) automatically stop

I'm encountering a problem on Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server Agent is not running, when I tried to start it and refresh the services.msc the SQL Server Agent is not running anymore. When I see the logs on event viewer. There are no errors but a message "SQLServerAgent service successfully stopped"
Here is the log.
SQLServerAgent service successfully started
SQLServerAgent service successfully stopped.
SQLEXPRESS does not include the SQL Server Agent aspect of the product.
You need to have SQL Server Standard Edition (or greater) to get the SQL Server Agent functionality.
That said, there may be other ways to achieve the results you desire. You could build a simple .NET app or PowerShell script to execute your query or stored procedure, and schedule that to execute via Windows own task scheduler. It is in many ways not as robust as SQL Server Agent, but it is also not as restrictive (you're running under a Windows process as opposed to SQL Server, so you have more options as to how the application may work).

SSIS Package not showing under MSDB file

I am running SQL Server 2008 R2 and after trial and error I created a package the server agent executes on a schedule, on test server. When I move over to the production server - Using SSMS logged in as SA - I create the package from right clicking the database and going to tasks just like I did in test.
When I log into the Integration Services I see all the folders including the MSDB folder, but my saved package isn't there. When I go to Server agent and navigate to the package I created it's there! But it fails when the Server Agent runs it.
I am trying to eliminate the running of the package itself as the thing causing the error. This is the first time anyone has used the Integration service on the production server so maybe there's a setup step that was missed? How do I get my packages to show up in SSMS under the MSDB folder just like on my test database?

Running SSIS package which runs SQLCMD with -E

I have SSIS 2012 package which runs SQL command by executing SQLCMD command line utility with -E switch. This switch means that it should use trusted connection to connect to SQL server.
The problem is that if i try to run package directly through Object Explorer, i get ANONYMOUS LOGON error. I get the same error running package using stored procedures.
The only way i can run it is through SQL Server Agent Job which then uses SQL Server Agent login.
The question is how to run package using stored procedures with some user which will be used for trusted connection?
Two options. For your manual executions, you'll need to use [RunAs][1] command to launch the dtexec process as the desired user. Covered it a bit in this answer Deploying SSIS (SQL Server 2012) Project Outside Network
For scheduled executions, you'll need to create the appropriate stored credentials within SQL Server, authorize those credentials for use with jobs of type SSIS and then create your job using those stored credentials.

SQL visual client to query a databse deployed at heroku

I know Heroku has a command line client to execute a .sql file.
But is there something like an SQL Server Management Studio for databases deployed at Heroku? I was looking for a UI that allows you to interactively write queries, execute them, and view the results on a grid. I'll mostly execute SELECTs and UPDATEs based on ids, over databases generated by Rails.
Have a look at Adminium: it's a free control panel plugin for Heroku.
Take a look at and install pgAdmin III. I use it for the same purpose, watch and query over the database of one of my Heroku apps.