I am using spring cloud finchley.rc2 with spring boot version 2 along with sleuth and zipkin.
I have a facade layer which uses reactor project. Facade calls services parallel and each service store some tracing info in rabbit mq.
Issue is I am seeing in zipkin some spans like
service.publish > Because of mq
How can i stop such traces from being captured
Can you follow the guidelines described here https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask and the next question you ask, ask it with more details? E.g. I have no idea how exactly you use Sleuth? Anyways I'll try to answer...
You can create a SpanAdjuster bean, that will analyze the span information (e.g. span tags) and basing on that information you will change the sampling decision so as not to send it to Zipkin.
Another option is to wrap the default span reporter in a similar logic.
Yet another option is to verify what kind of a thread it is that is creating this span and toggle it off (assuming that it's a #Scheduled method) - https://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-static/Finchley.RC2/single/spring-cloud.html#__literal_scheduled_literal_annotated_methods
We have to choose the best way of implementing RabbitMQ Queue.
We have two approaches
1. Create a Queue and Bind using #Bean and Queue class in Spring.
2. Create a Queue in RabbitMQ web console itself.
We need to know which is the best way the Programming way or Console way and Why?
IMHO, the better way is using the web console. Queue is an infrastructure and will be used by many applications. You should not provide full control of the infrastructure to applications. It should be maintained by the admin.
Also please consider the following aspects.
Ease of use
As per Spring Cloud Sleuth span Sampling we can control sampling rate.
Samplers do not stop span (correlation) ids from being generated, but
they do prevent the tags and events being attached and exported. By
default you get a strategy that continues to trace if a span is
already active, but new ones are always marked as non-exportable.
To reduse performance bottlenack, Can we disable span ids generation in deployment instance at runtime without restarting application?
In Edgware, the sampler bean is using #RefreshScope so you can, at runtime, change the sampling percentage. However, I don't know if that's exactly what you're asking for. Most likely you're asking about disabling Sleuth at all at runtime. That's unfortunately not possible by default. What you can do however is register a custom Random bean that can be #RefreshScoped and that will generate a fixed ID when required.
We are using Akka.Net and in some cases we need actors to communicate reliably while preserving order over a message queue (i.e. Oracle Advanced Queues or WebSphere MQ, but any message queuing system would work such as RabbitMQ).
We have various requirements why we are using the message queue, so the question isn't if we should be using this with Akka, the question is how.
How would we go about connecting the queue up to Akka so that it is as seamless as possible?
Is a a custom Mailbox the route to go down? Do we need to right a custom IMessageQueue implementation? Or maybe we need a custom router? Are there any specific tests we can run to be sure our Mailbox/IMessageQueue works well with Akka.Net?
Should we maybe looking to implement a custom Transport?
Can any pointers be offered on where to start?
In general implementing custom mailbox based on some reliable queue is not feasible solution - actually it has been already done on the Akka JVM side, and it failed all hopes.
One of the basic reasons is usually the misunderstanding of the basic idea - when people are talking about reliable delivery (that MQ-systems offers), what they really mean, is reliable processing. What if your messages has been send with 100% delivery ratio, but ultimately receiving actor/node has crashed while processing them? From the mailbox point of view everything went smooth...
For this reason, usually the way to go is a dedicated actor - or hierarchy of them - working as a gateway to external messaging system. This way you can not only send message them but also mark them as receive after explicit acknowledgement from successfully completed process. One of the examples may be akka-rabbitmq (written in Scala).
I am looking for a pragmatic solution to do Integration testing of our Integration tier based on Mule.
This article here has some excellent pointers about it, but looks a tad outdated. I am reproducing an excellent idea from the article here
Keeping track of the delivery of messages to external systems. Interrogating all the systems that have been contacted with test messages after the suite has run to ensure they all received what was expected would be too tedious to realize. How to keep track of these test messages? One option could be to run Mule ESB with its logging level set to DEBUG and analyze the message paths by tracking them with their correlation IDs. This is very possible. I decided to follow a simpler and coarser approach, which would give me enough certitude about what happened to the different messages I have sent. For this, I decided to leverage component routing statistics to ensure that the expected number of messages where routed to the expected endpoints (including error messages to error processing components). Of course, if two messages get cross-sent to wrong destinations, the count will not notice that. But this error would be caught anyway because each destination will complain about the error, hence raising the count of error messages processed.
Using this technique when I test my integration tier I will not have to stand up all the external systems and can test the integration tier in isolation which would be great.
#David Dassot has provided a reference implementation as well, however I think it was based on Mule 2.X and hence I cannot find the classes in the Mule 3.X codebase.
Looking around I did find FlowConstructStatistics but this is flow specific statistics and I am looking for endpoint specific statistics.
I do agree that as a work around we could wrap all outbound endpoints within sub-flows and get this working, but I would like to avoid doing this ...
Any techniques that help query the endpoint for the number of calls made, payload passed through the endpoints would be great!
First take a look to JMX, perhaps what you need is available right there.
Otherwise, if looging is not enough, and upgrading to the enterprise version is not ok for you. Give it a try to the endpoint level notifications.
When should I go for Staged Event Driven Architecture ? Do you see any issues in implementing SEDA in weblogic by having multiple Queues/MDBs as stages ? Any insights on disadvantages using SEDA ?
Do you have any specific concerns you want to address? WebLogic JMS is very high-performing so this should not be a problem.
As you have probably learned at this point, message replication between distributed topic members can cause duplicate messages in some cases. There is a new feature in WebLogic 10.3.4 that you should look at for this called 'Partitioned Distributed Topics'.
Here are some links for reference: