Trying to manage Perl6's $*REPO at runtime - repository

Duplicating the behavior of FindBin::libs in Perl 6.
(1) Start from `$Bin`.
(2) Search for `./lib` dir's above it.
(3) prefix them to the search list.
In P6, this requires managing $*REPO, which I think requires using CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry, but I cannot find any doc's for it on (probably because it is core) or
Q: Is CompUnit::RepositoryRegistry the correct thing to be using to prefix some new directories to the list managed by $*REPO?
Q: If so, where is CU::RR documented?
Q: If not, what should I be using?

Looking for a lib/ folder will only work with CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem repos -- it will not work with CompUnit::Repository::Installation repos ( installed modules ).
That being said the following is possible:
~/repos/rakudo$ perl6 -e '\
say $*REPO.repo-chain.grep(* ~~ CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem);\
my $lib = => $*CWD.parent.absolute);\
say $*REPO.repo-chain.grep(* ~~ CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem)
I'm not sure how wise it is to modify $*REPO outside of compile time though. I'd expect some significant precomp penalities at the very least. If it doesn't have to be runtime then the following is an option:
~/repos/rakudo$ perl6 -e '\
BEGIN say $*REPO.repo-chain.grep(* ~~ CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem);\
BEGIN my $lib = $*CWD.parent.absolute;\
BEGIN use lib $lib;\
say $*REPO.repo-chain.grep(* ~~ CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem)


How do I access a module's symbol table dynamically at runtime in Raku?

I want to be able to pass my script the path to a .rakumod file, say <blah>/Mod.rakumod, and be able to access the symbol table as a hash as if I'd used the module instead:
The module:
$ cat Mod.rakumod
unit module Mod;
sub bag is export { ... }
use lib <dir-containing-Mod>
use Mod;
say Mod::EXPORT::.keys
works, as expected, returning (ALL DEFAULT).
On the other hand:
use lib <dir-containing-Mod>
require Mod;
say Mod::EXPORT::.keys
fails with
Could not find symbol '&EXPORT' in 'Mod'
in block <unit> at <blah>
This is despite the fact that even with require, say Mod::.keys does see EXPORT:
use lib <dir-containing-Mod>
require Mod;
say Mod::.keys
I need to use require to make this dynamic, as I don't know which module I'll want.
I can actually think of one thing to do, but it is absolutely disgusting:
save my module name into a variable $mod
have my script write another script using that module:
my $mod = <whatever>
my $cd = qq:to/END/;
use v6;
use lib qq\|\$\*CWD\|;
use $mod;
say {$mod}::EXPORT::ALL::.keys;
and then have the initial script call the auxiliary one:
shell("raku aux.p6")
What worked, per raiph's answer (which I've accepted and am here paraphrasing):
pass the path to the module and save it as $path;
use lib the relevant directory:
my $dir = $path.IO.dirname;
use lib $dir;
extract the plain file name:
my $modFile = S/(.*)\..*/$0/ with $path.IO.basename;
finally, require that and pull the .WHO trick from raiph's answer, slightly adapted:
require ::($modFile);
say ::("{$modFile}::EXPORT::ALL").WHO.keys;
Run with <script> <path> that returned (&bag) all right.
Actually, the above doesn't quite work: use lib $dir will fail saying $dir is empty, because use lib isn't dynamic.
So instead I am now resorting to the unappealing solution of
copying the module file to a temporary directory ./TMP
having called use './TMP';
and then removing that directory when done.
TL;DR Use dynamic symbol lookup to get the symbol of the package whose symbols you want at run-time; then .WHO to get its stash; then .keys to get that stash's symbols.
For example:
use lib '.';
require Mod;
say ::Mod::EXPORT::('ALL').WHO.keys; # (&bag)
I'm going to make breakfast. I'll elaborate later.

raku run('find .', :out); not working on MacOS

While testing around this issue, Can raku avoid this Malformed UTF-8 error? it was suggested that I try using the built in MacOS 'find .' command with the raku run function.
1 #!/usr/local/bin/raku
3 shell('find .'); #works
5 my $proc = run('find .', :out); #fails with
6 $proc.out.lines(:close).say; #() [ie. ().Seq]
Turns out that raku shell works fine, but raku run fails. I am not entirely sure if this is a bug with raku on MacOS (if so, I am happy to report it) ...?
[MacOS Catalina 10.15.17 ... Welcome to 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐝𝐨™ v2020.10. Implementing the 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮™ programming language v6.d. Built on MoarVM version 2020.10.]
The issue you're running encountering isn't related to MacOS – it's caused by the difference in how &shell and &run work. Consulting the docs, we can see that shell's signature includes $cmd – the command as a Str, exactly as you provided.
In contrast, run's signature specifies that it takes *#args – that is, a list of zero or more arguments to execute.
To match this signature, you should change your code as shown below:
# my $proc = run('find .', :out); # doesn't work
my $proc = run('find', '.', :out); # works
my $p2 = run <find .>, :out; # also works (using word-splitting)
(Your version asked your computer to run the program find ., which doesn't exist in your $PATH, which explains why it produced no output.)

dynamic-require a module with respect to the current module path in Racket (Or how to find the current module path in Racket)

If I want to optionally require a module at runtime, I can use [dynamic-require'1. This works great if I want to require a package that has been installed, for example:
(dynamic-require 'racket/match 'match)
This will (provided I have racket/match installed), require racket/match and evaluate to the match binding in that library.
However, I run into trouble when I want to require a local, non installed module. Let's say I have some module called eat.rkt, which provides one function: bite:
#lang racket ;; eat.rkt
(provide bite)
(define (bite) "Nom nom")
Now lets say we want to make a lunch.rkt module that requires eat.rkt, and calls the function. Furthermore, lets suppose I put them in the same directory:
#lang racket ;; lunch.rkt
(require "eat.rkt")
(bite) ; => Nom Nom
This is fine because I used static require, but this falls apart when I want to do a dynamic-require:
#lang racket ;; lunch2.rkt
(define bite (dynamic-require "eat.rkt" 'bite)
(bite) ; => Nom Nom
While this appears to be fine, it turns out that the module required by dynamic-require is NOT required based on the module's path, but on current-directory. So, if I run the program in the directory the module is defined, that's fine, but if I'm in another directory, everything breaks:
$ racket lunch2.rkt
"Nom Nom"
$ cd snacks/
$ racket ../lunch2.rkt
; default-load-handler: cannot open module file
Obviously I could just change the current-directory to this module's directory if I know where it is. But if I don't know this module's path, is there any way to get it? Or, more directly, is it possible to dynamic-require a module relative to the requiring's module path?
The define-runtime-path form defines a path that will be available at runtime and is independent of the current-directory. Use it to define the path to the module you want to require dynamically, for example:
#lang racket
(require racket/runtime-path)
(define-runtime-path eat "eat.rkt")
(dynamic-require eat 'bite)
The easiest way to dynamic-require a module relative to the current module path (which is to say the path where the module is saved), is to get that module path and append it your relative module.
You can do this with #%variable-reference and variable-reference->module-path-index. (You may also want to use variable-reference->resolved-module-path for other situations, but we will not do it here.) Composing these two functions gives us a module-path-index? to the module being defined. (Or in general, the module that the #%variable-reference came from.)
So, we can a variable like:
(define here (variable-reference->module-path-index (#%variable-reference)))
Now all that is left is to compose this here path with the relative path to the module we want to require. We are looking for the module path analogy of build-path, if you will.
It turns out that the function we are looking for is: module-path-index-join, which takes a base path and a relative path and appends them together. The result will look something like:
(module-path-index-join "eat.rkt" here)
(Yes, it is backwards of what you would expect from build-path, but the base path comes second for this function.)
The resulting module, lunch3.rkt looks like:
#lang racket
(define here (variable-reference->module-path-index (#%variable-reference)))
(define bite (dynamic-require (module-path-index-join "eat.rkt" here) 'bite))
And now lunch3.rkt will require eat.rkt relative to where its defined, not based on the current-directory:
$ racket lunch3.rkt
"Nom Nom"
$ cd snacks/
$ racket ../lunch3.rkt
"Nom Nom"
Thank you to Matthew Flatt for helping with this answer.

make targets depend on variables

I want (GNU) make to rebuild when variables change. How can I achieve this?
For example,
$ make project
$ make project
make: `project' is up to date. it should, but then I'd prefer
$ make project IMPORTANTVARIABLE=foobar
make: `project' is up to date.
to rebuild some or all of project.
Make wasn't designed to refer to variable content but Reinier's approach shows us the workaround. Unfortunately, using variable value as a file name is both insecure and error-prone. Hopefully, Unix tools can help us to properly encode the value. So
# GUARD is a function which calculates md5 sum for its
# argument variable name. Note, that both cut and md5sum are
# members of coreutils package so they should be available on
# nearly all systems.
GUARD = $(1)_GUARD_$(shell echo $($(1)) | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
#echo "Rebuilding foo with $(IMPORTANTVARIABLE)"
#touch $#
touch $#
Here you virtually depend your target on a special file named $(NAME)_GUARD_$(VALUEMD5) which is safe to refer to and has (almost) 1-to-1 correspondence with variable's value. Note that call and shell are GNU Make extensions.
You could use empty files to record the last value of your variable by using something like this:
#echo Remaking $# because IMPORTANTVARIABLE has changed
touch $#
touch $#
After your make run, there will be an empty file in your directory whose name starts with IMPORTANTVARIABLE. and has the value of your variable appended. This basically contains the information about what the last value of the variable IMPORTANTVARIABLE was.
You can add more variables with this approach and make it more sophisticated using pattern rules -- but this example gives you the gist of it.
You probably want to use ifdef or ifeq depending on what the final goal is. See the manual here for examples.
I might be late with an answer, but here is another way of doing such a dependency with Make conditional syntax (works on GNU Make 4.1, GNU bash, Bash on Ubuntu on Windows version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)):
1 ifneq ($(shell cat config.sig 2>/dev/null),prefix $(CONFIG))
2 .PHONY: config.sig
3 config.sig:
4 #(echo 'prefix $(CONFIG)' >config.sig &)
5 endif
In the above sample we track the $(CONFIG) variable, writing it's value down to a signature file, by means of the self-titled target which is generated under condition when the signature file's record value is different with that of $(CONFIG) variable. Please, note the prefix on lines 1 and 4: it is needed to distinct the case, when signature file doesn't exist yet.
Of course, consumer targets specify config.sig as a prerequisite.

How to add a variable amount of arguments to exec in tcl?

I've been working with TCL for some time now, and I have spent a long time trying to do the following (it seems easy and I think it should be, but I can't get it right):
I need to execute an external program by means of a tcl script. For that, I use the exec command. For using this external program, I need to input a variable amount of files. If I called this program straight from a cmd window, it would be something like:
C:\>myprogram -i file1 -i file2 -i file3 (etc., etc.)
However, when trying to implement this in a dynamic/variable way through tcl I get into trouble. The way I do it is by storing in some variable myvar all the "-i filex" I need (done in a loop), and then pass that as a parameter to the exec command. It would look something like:
exec myprogram $myvar
Doing that apparently creates some issues, because this myprogram fails to "see" myvar. I'm guessing that there is some sort of hidden terminator or some clash of different types of arguments that makes that in the end the exec command "sees" only myprogram.
So, my question is, does anyone know how to insert variable arguments into a call to exec?
You can use {*} or eval. See this question for example.
Specializing for your case:
Tcl 8.5 (and later):
exec myprogram {*}$myvar
Tcl 8.4 (and before):
eval [list exec myprogram] [lrange $myvar 0 end]
# Or...
eval [linsert $myvar 0 exec myprogram]
That's right, the old version is ugly (or non-obvious, or both). Because of that, people tended to write this instead:
eval exec myprogram $myvar
but that was slower than expected (OK, not so relevant when running an external program!) and has hazards when $myvar isn't a canonically-formatted list due to the way that eval works. It used to catch out even experienced Tcl programmers, and that's why we introduced new syntax in 8.5, which is specified to be surprise-free and is pretty short too.