Symfony3.4 controller called but nothing happens after redirection - symfony-3.4

Here is the first question I published. I hope that you'll be able to help me.
My problem is described in the title but lets be more accurate:
I'm using PHP7.2 and Symfony3.4
Ive got a standard form whose redirect action is the following:
* #Route("/giveMetiers/{newAgent}", name="giveMetiers")
* #param $newAgent
* #return Response
public function giveMetiersAction($newAgent)
$agent = $this->getProfil();
$response = new Response();
"agent" => $agent,
"url" => $this->generateUrl(
["newAgent" => $newAgent]
"title" => "Attribuer des métiers"
return $response;
The function giveMetierCorpus is the following:
* #Route("/giveMetiersCorpus{newAgent}", name="giveMetiersCorpus")
* #param $newAgent
* #return Response
public function giveMetiersCorpusAction($newAgent)
//Some business logic..
$template = $this->render(
"poles" => $poles,
"newAgent" => $newagent,
"metiers" => $metiers,
"constMetier" => $constMetier,
"constCompetence" => $constCompetence
$json = json_encode($template);
$response = new Response($json, 200);
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return $response;
Well, everything works, my view got called properly and a new form is then displayed. Here comes trouble. When i submit this new form, the executed action is:
* #Route("/updateMetiersAgent", name="updateMetiersAgent")
* #param Request $request
* #return Response
public function updateMetiersAgent(Request $request)
//Business logics..
return $this->redirect(
["newAgent" => $agent->getId()]
Which calls giveCompetences..:
* #Route("/giveCompetences/{newAgent}", name="giveCompetences")
* #param $newAgent
* #return Response
public function giveCompetencesAction($newAgent)
$agent = $this->getProfil();
$response = new Response();
"agent" => $agent,
"url" => $this->generateUrl(
["newAgent" => $newAgent]
"title" => "Attribuer des competences"
return $response;
Here, the fonction giveCompetencesCorpus isnt called... I give you this function:
* #Route("/giveCompetencesCorpus{newAgent}", name="giveCompetencesCorpus")
* #param $newAgent
* #return Response
public function giveCompetencesCorpusAction($newAgent)
//Business Logic
$template = $this->render(
"poles" => $poles,
"newAgent" => $newagent,
"technos" => $listeTechnos,
"constMetier" => $constMetier,
"constCompetence" => $constCompetence
$json = json_encode($template);
$response = new Response($json, 200);
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return $response;
I really dont understand why this isn't call.
I even tried to directly call this last function directly as an action from my form, i see that the function is called but nothing happens, nothing got render to the page.
Does anyone got the solution of this problem please?
Best Regards,

You seem to have forgotten the slash before the placeholder in your route
#Route("/giveCompetencesCorpus{newAgent}", name="giveCompetencesCorpus")
Should probably be something like
#Route("/giveCompetencesCorpus/{newAgent}", name="giveCompetencesCorpus")

Thanks for your answer but that was not the problem (I've already tried this way).
I finally figured out the problem (but still I don't know why..)
The first form was built with real TAG and a submit button while the second was submitted using a Javascript FormData (the code was originally not written by me).
That was apparently the problem, when I changed the behavior of this form using a "normal form" everything was then going right.
However, if someone know the real underlying reason of this "bug" I'm interested in :)


Laravel /broadcasting/auth Always forbidden with 403 Error

I tried many solutions but no one works for me
I've installed Laravel echo and pusher js and Pusher/Pusher
import Echo from 'laravel-echo';
window.Pusher = require('pusher-js');
window.Echo = new Echo({
broadcaster: 'pusher',
key: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY,
cluster: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER,
encrypted: true,
my event file NewMessage
class NewMessage implements ShouldBroadcast
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
public $message;
* Create a new event instance.
* #return void
public function __construct(Message $message)
$this->message = $message;
* Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
* #return \Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel|array
public function broadcastOn()
return new PrivateChannel('messages.'. $this->message->to);
public function broadcastWith()
return ["message" => $this->message];
Broadcast::channel('messages.{id}', function ($user, $id) {
return $user->id === (int) $id;
Vue App JS code
.listen('NewMessage', (e) => {
if(this.selectedContact && message.from == ){
Route::post('/conversation/send', 'Api\ContactController#sendNewMessage');
Contact Controller
public function sendNewMessage(Request $request)
$message = Message::create([
'from' => $request->sender_id,
'to' => $request->receiver_id,
'text' => $request->text
broadcast(new NewMessage($message));
return response()->json($message);
I also read the official documentation everything is going good but I didn't figure out why, it's a throwing error. Have any idea?
I figure out why it is every time shows auth forbidden or doesn't display auth
you need to double-check your PUSHER_APP_KEY because if it is not set correctly, it will through error because our stream not connected with pusher
If you are very sure that your app key is correct then go to the Network tab and click on your pusher app key which like e70ewesdsdssew0
If it is displaying the result like this
your API key is good
if it not correct it will display an error like this
{"event":"pusher:error","data":{"code":4001,"message":"App key 3fdsfdfsdfsd not in this cluster. Did you forget to specify the cluster?"}}
Also, don't forget to put the cluster key

Laravel API give json response when got error This action is unauthorized

I newbie in Laravel API. There is an update function which only allows users to update their own post. It worked. When users try to update other user's post, it alswo worked, but it shows the error like this image. Actually i want it show in response json.
I want to show message like this
"status": "error",
"message": "This action is unauthorized",
This is my code for PostController.
public function update(Request $request, Post $post)
$this->authorize('update', $post);
//this will check the authorization of user but how to make if else statement, if the post belong to the user it will show this json below but if the post belong to other, it will show error message(response json)
$post->content = $request->get('content', $post->content);
return fractal()
->transformWith(new PostTransformer)
This code for PostPolicy
public function update(User $user, Post $post)
return $user->ownsPost($post);
This is code for User model
public function ownsPost(Post $post)
return Auth::user()->id === $post->user->id;
This code for AuthServiceProvider
protected $policies = [
'App\Post' => 'App\Policies\PostPolicy',
Hope anyone can help me.
I'm using Laravel 5.4
In the app/Exceptions/Handler.php class you can change the render function like so
public function render($request, Exception $exception)
$preparedException = $this->prepareException($exception);
if ($preparedException instanceof HttpException) {
return response(
'message' => sprintf(
'%d %s',
'status' => $preparedException->getStatusCode()
return parent::render($request, $exception);
Or if you look further in the rendering, overriding the renderHttpException might be a little safer. This will remove the custom error pages in views/errors
protected function renderHttpException(HttpException $e)
return response(
'message' => sprintf(
'%d %s',
'status' => $e->getStatusCode()

Is my order complete return approach correct?

When a customer is returned to the following URL (example);{valid-hmac}&merchant_order_id=14&module=chippin
After a successful payment, It will call on this FrontController sub-class;
class ChippinCallbackModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
public function postProcess()
$chippin = new Chippin();
$payment_response = new PaymentResponse();
// if a valid response from gateway
if(ChippinValidator::isValidHmac($payment_response)) {
// "action" is passed as a param in the URL. don't worry, the Hmac can tell if it's valid or not.
if ($payment_response->getAction() === "completed") {
// payment_response->getMerchantOrderId() will just return the id_order from the orders table
$order_id = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) ($payment_response->getMerchantOrderId()));
$order = new Order($order_id);
// this will update the order status for the benefit of the merchant.
// assign variables to smarty (copied this from another gateway, don't really understand smarty)
'order' => $order->reference,
// display this template
I'm quite new to Prestashop. I'm just not sure if this is technically done or not. The confirmation.tlp view does display with the order->reference and the order status is updated to "Completed" but is this all I need?
Are there any other considerations? I have the opportunity to call a hookDisplayPaymentReturn at this point but why should I?
I seem to have a pretty standard return page. Is this enough;
Update - Do I just call a hook something like;
public function displayPaymentReturn()
$params = $this->displayHook();
if ($params && is_array($params)) {
return Hook::exec('displayPaymentReturn', $params, (int) $this->module->id);
return false;
As far as I can see everything seems okay for me.
You should consider adding hookDisplayPaymentReturn it allows other modules to add code to your confirmation page. For example a Google module could add javascript code that sends order informations to analytics on confirmation page.
class ChippinCallbackModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController
public function postProcess()
$chippin = new Chippin();
$payment_response = new PaymentResponse();
// if a valid response from gateway
if(ChippinValidator::isValidHmac($payment_response)) {
// "action" is passed as a param in the URL. don't worry, the Hmac can tell if it's valid or not.
if ($payment_response->getAction() === "completed") {
// payment_response->getMerchantOrderId() will just return the id_order from the orders table
$order_id = Order::getOrderByCartId((int) ($payment_response->getMerchantOrderId()));
$order = new Order($order_id);
// this will update the order status for the benefit of the merchant.
// assign variables to smarty (copied this from another gateway, don't really understand smarty)
'order' => $order->reference,
'hookDisplayPaymentReturn' => Hook::exec('displayPaymentReturn', $params, (int) $this->module->id);
$cart = $this->context->cart;
$customer = new Customer($cart->id_customer);
And in your module :
class myPaymentModule extends PaymentModule
public function install()
if (!parent::install() || !$this->registerHook('paymentReturn'))
return false;
return true;
// Example taken from bankwire module
public function hookPaymentReturn($params)
$state = $params['objOrder']->getCurrentState();
'total_to_pay' => Tools::displayPrice($params['total_to_pay'], $params['currencyObj'], false),
'bankwireDetails' => Tools::nl2br($this->details),
'bankwireAddress' => Tools::nl2br($this->address),
'bankwireOwner' => $this->owner,
'status' => 'ok',
'id_order' => $params['objOrder']->id
if (isset($params['objOrder']->reference) && !empty($params['objOrder']->reference))
$this->smarty->assign('reference', $params['objOrder']->reference);
return $this->display(__FILE__, 'confirmation.tpl');

Doctrine 2 issue inside Zf2 Navigation - strange issue

I can use doctrine from all my controller without any problem
$em = $this->getServiceLocator()->get("doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default");
$newsItems = $em->getRepository('Website\Entity\News')->findAll();
foreach($newsItems as $item)
// do stuff here
Preamble: if I use Zend\Db\Adapter instead of Doctrine the following work as aspected !
I'm inside a MyNavigationObject that was instanciated by MyNavigationFactory.
I have a mysql table called mainmenu with 4 records: home,news,company,contact
I would like to do my own navigation with Doctrine-Orm.
Also I have an entity called Mainmenu.
I can call the entityManager and the results is composed with 4 records but 4 times the records number 1. Incredible !
this is the code:
protected function getPages(ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
if (null === $this->pages) {
$em = $serviceLocator->get("doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default");
$menuItems = $em->getRepository('Website\Entity\Mainmenu')->findAll();
//return default key
$configuration['navigation'][$this->getName()] = array();
foreach ($menuItems as $menuItem)
$configuration['navigation'][$this->getName()][$menuItem->getName()] = array(
'label' => $menuItem->getLabel(),
'route' => $menuItem->getRoute(),
'controller' => $menuItem->getController(),
if (!isset($configuration['navigation'])) {
throw new \Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Could not find navigation configuration key');
if (!isset($configuration['navigation'][$this->getName()])) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Failed to find a navigation container by the name "%s"',
// refer to Mvc::Application object not to modulename
$application = $serviceLocator->get('Application');
$routeMatch = $application->getMvcEvent()->getRouteMatch();
$router = $application->getMvcEvent()->getRouter();
$pages = $this->getPagesFromConfig($configuration['navigation'][$this->getName()]);
$this->pages = $this->injectComponents($pages, $routeMatch, $router);
return $this->pages;
Can anyone provide suggestions or reproduce the issue ?

Authentication with 2 different tables

I need to create a new "auth" config with another table and users. I have one table for the "admin" users and another table for the normal users.
But how can I create another instance of Auth with a different configuration?
While trying to solve this problem myself, I found a much simpler way. I basically created a custom ServiceProvider to replace the default Auth one, which serves as a factory class for Auth, and allows you to have multiple instances for multiple login types. I also stuck it all in a package which can be found here:
It's pretty easy to use really, just replace the AuthServiceProvider in app/config/app.php with Ollieread\Multiauth\MultiauthServiceProvider, then change app/config/auth.php to look something like this:
return array(
'multi' => array(
'account' => array(
'driver' => 'eloquent',
'model' => 'Account'
'user' => array(
'driver' => 'database',
'table' => 'users'
'reminder' => array(
'email' => 'emails.auth.reminder',
'table' => 'password_reminders',
'expire' => 60,
Now you can just use Auth the same way as before, but with one slight difference:
'email' => $attributes['email'],
'password' => $attributes['password'],
'email' => $attributes['email'],
'password' => $attributes['password'],
It also allows you to be logged in as multiple user types simultaneously which was a requirement for a project I was working on. Hope it helps someone other than me.
UPDATE - 27/02/2014
For those of you that are just coming across this answer, I've just recently added support for reminders, which can be accessed in the same factory style way.
You can "emulate" a new Auth class.
Laravel Auth component is basically the Illuminate\Auth\Guard class, and this class have some dependencies.
So, basically you have to create a new Guard class and some facades...
use Illuminate\Auth\Guard as AuthGuard;
class CilentGuard extends AuthGuard
public function getName()
return 'login_' . md5('ClientAuth');
public function getRecallerName()
return 'remember_' . md5('ClientAuth');
... add a ServiceProvider to initialize this class, passing it's dependencies.
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Auth\EloquentUserProvider;
use Illuminate\Hashing\BcryptHasher;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\PasswordBroker;
use Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\DatabaseReminderRepository;
use ClientGuard;
use ClientAuth;
class ClientServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
protected function registerAuth()
protected function registerClientCrypt()
$this->app['client.auth.crypt'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
return new BcryptHasher;
protected function registerClientProvider()
$this->app['client.auth.provider'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
return new EloquentUserProvider(
protected function registerClientGuard()
$this->app['client.auth'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
$guard = new Guard(
return $guard;
protected function registerReminders()
# DatabaseReminderRepository
# PasswordBroker
$this->app['client.reminder'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
return new PasswordBroker(
'emails.client.reminder' // email template for the reminder
protected function registerReminderDatabaseRepository()
$this->app['client.reminder.repository'] = $this->app->share(function($app)
$connection = $app['db']->connection();
$table = 'client_reminders';
$key = $app['config']['app.key'];
return new DatabaseReminderRepository($connection, $table, $key);
public function provides()
return array(
In this Service Provider, I put some example of how to create a 'new' password reminder component to.
Now you need to create two new facades, one for authentication and one for password reminders.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class ClientAuth extends Facade
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'client.auth';
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class ClientPassword extends Facade
protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
return 'client.reminder';
Of course, for password reminders, you need to create the table in database, in order to work. In this example, the table name should be client_reminders, as you can see in the registerReminderDatabaseRepository method in the Service Provider. The table structure is the same as the original reminders table.
After that, you can use your ClientAuth the same way you use the Auth class. And the same thing for ClientPassword with the Password class.
ClientAuth::attempt(array('email' => $email, 'password' => $password));
Don't forget to add your service provider to the service providers list in the app/config/app.php file.
If you are using Laravel 4.1, the PasswordBroker doesn't need the Redirect class anymore.
return new PasswordBroker(
'emails.client.reminder' // email template for the reminder
Laravel 5.2 just introduced multi auth, so this is no longer needed in this version.
Ok, I had the same problem and here is how I solved it:
actually in laravel 4 you can simply change the auth configs at runtime so to do the trick you can simply do the following in your App::before filter:
if ($request->is('admin*'))
Config::set('auth.model', 'Admin');
this will make the Auth component to use th Admin model when in admin urls. but this will lead to a new problem, because the login session key is the same if you have two users in your admins and users table with the same id you will be able to login to the admin site if you have logged in before as a regular user! so to make the two different authetications completely independent I did this trick:
class AdminGuard extends Guard
public function getName()
return 'admin_login_'.md5(get_class($this));
public function getRecallerName()
return 'admin_remember_'.md5(get_class($this));
Auth::extend('eloquent.admin', function()
return new AdminGuard(new EloquentUserProvider(new BcryptHasher, 'Admin'), App::make(''));
and change the App::before code to:
if ($request->is('admin*'))
Config::set('auth.driver', 'eloquent.admin');
Config::set('auth.model', 'Admin');
you can see that I made a new auth driver and rewrote some methods on the Guard class so it will generate different session keys for admin site. then I changed the driver for the admin site. good luck.
I had the same problem yesterday, and I ended up creating a much simpler solution.
My requirements where 2 different tables in two different databases. One table was for admins, the other was for normal users. Also, each table had its own way of hashing. I ended up with the following (Code also available as a gist on Github:
Create a new UserProvider. I called mine MultiUserProvider.php
// app/libraries/MultiUserProvider.php
use Illuminate\Auth\UserProviderInterface,
class MultiUserProvider implements UserProviderInterface {
protected $providers;
public function __construct() {
// This should be moved to the config later...
// This is a list of providers that can be used, including
// their user model, hasher class, and hasher options...
$this->providers = array(
'joomla' => array(
'model' => 'JoomlaUser',
'hasher' => 'JoomlaHasher',
'another' => array(
'model' => 'AnotherUser',
'hasher' => 'AnotherHasher',
'options' => array(
'username' => 'empolyee_number',
'salt' => 'salt',
* Retrieve a user by their unique identifier.
* #param mixed $identifier
* #return \Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface|null
public function retrieveById($identifier)
// Returns the current provider from the session.
// Should throw an error if there is none...
$provider = Session::get('user.provider');
$user = $this->createModel($this->providers[$provider]['model'])->newQuery()->find($identifier);
if ($user){
$user->provider = $provider;
return $user;
* Retrieve a user by the given credentials.
* #param array $credentials
* #return \Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface|null
public function retrieveByCredentials(array $credentials)
// First we will add each credential element to the query as a where clause.
// Then we can execute the query and, if we found a user, return it in a
// Eloquent User "model" that will be utilized by the Guard instances.
// Retrieve the provider from the $credentials array.
// Should throw an error if there is none...
$provider = $credentials['provider'];
$query = $this->createModel($this->providers[$provider]['model'])->newQuery();
foreach ($credentials as $key => $value)
if ( ! str_contains($key, 'password') && ! str_contains($key, 'provider'))
$query->where($key, $value);
$user = $query->first();
if ($user){
Session::put('user.provider', $provider);
$user->provider = $provider;
return $user;
* Validate a user against the given credentials.
* #param \Illuminate\Auth\UserInterface $user
* #param array $credentials
* #return bool
public function validateCredentials(UserInterface $user, array $credentials)
$plain = $credentials['password'];
// Retrieve the provider from the $credentials array.
// Should throw an error if there is none...
$provider = $credentials['provider'];
$options = array();
if (isset($this->providers[$provider]['options'])){
foreach ($this->providers[$provider]['options'] as $key => $value) {
$options[$key] = $user->$value;
return $this->createModel($this->providers[$provider]['hasher'])
->check($plain, $user->getAuthPassword(), $options);
* Create a new instance of a class.
* #param string $name Name of the class
* #return Class
public function createModel($name)
$class = '\\'.ltrim($name, '\\');
return new $class;
Then, I told Laravel about my UserProvider by adding the following lines to the top of my app/start/global.php file.
// app/start/global.php
// Add the following few lines to your global.php file
Auth::extend('multi', function($app) {
$provider = new \MultiUserProvider();
return new \Illuminate\Auth\Guard($provider, $app['session']);
And then, I told Laravel to use my user provider instead of EloquentUserProvider in app/config/auth.php
'driver' => 'multi',
Now, when I authenticate, I do it like so:
'email' => $email,
'password' => $password,
The class would then use the joomlaUser model, with the joomlaHasher, and no options for the hasher... If using 'another' provider, it will include options for the hasher.
This class was built for what I required but can easily be changed to suite your needs.
PS: Make sure the autoloader can find MultiUserProvider, else it won't work.
I'm using Laravel 5 native auth to handle multiple user tables...
It's not difficult, please check this Gist:
UPDATE: For Laravel 5, if you need a more robust solution, try this package: