Creating Cytoscape.js extensions - cytoscape.js

Max, I want to update my extension to the new format, but I am running into issues with placement of custom code. It seems that the extension framework has been updated a lot since I added an extension 4 years ago. Is there a way to get better documentation on getting started with adding a extension? I am happy to help write up the documentation if you can help answer some questions that I think would help get people started. Let me know.

The only thing that really changed is that the scaffolder creates a webpack project for you. The extension registering procedure is the same:
For example, cytoscape( 'collection', 'fooBar', function(){ return 'baz'; } ) registers eles.fooBar().
I guess the main thing is that there are a lot more files than what the previous scaffolder generated, so it might be harder to find things. The layout output has lots of files, because it creates a skeleton impl for each of the continuous case and the discrete case.
The scaffolder isn't strictly necessary. You could use another build system (or none at all) as long as you call cytoscape(). For example, if you only care about publishing to npm for people who use webpack/browserify/rollup, then you could just use cjs require('cytoscape') to pull in the peer dependency. Exporting a register function is nice if you want to allow the client to decide the order of extension registrations with cytoscape.use(extension) (or extension(cytoscape)).
You're right that there should be some more docs on the output of the scaffolder. Maybe a summary of the files would suffice. We could add a tutorial in the blog later if need be. Both the docs and the blog just use markdown, so the content could go in either place.


How to list the exposed members of a package/dir-like method in Elm?

I have been searching the official docs and existing questions and could not find any information on this - in Elm, how it would be possible to see the members/methods/variables that belong to or are exposed by a package in Elm, (such as the dir method in python), without having to dive into the source code each time?
What I want to do is get a simple list of what methods are exposed by an imported package. (So for a package like List, it should output reverse , all, any, map, etc.) I have attempted tab completion in elm repl and the elm extension available in VS code editor, and elm repl does not offer any methods such as help, doc, ?, dir, man, etc., so I have no idea where to even start. I'm wondering how everyone else does this other than pulling up the source code for each and every package they use.
I apologize for the newbie question and if I misread or have been missing anything, but I couldn't even find anything in the tutorial. Thanks in advance.
Nothing like this exists in Elm to do reflection over modules, unfortunately (as of 0.19.1, at least).
However, if you aren't looking to actually do this kind of thing at runtime, but rather as a convenient way of finding out for development, the elm packaging system enforces the requirement that all public functions are documented, so if you visit the package page, every public function and type will be documented there (obviously it can't enforce the content of the documentation, but at the very least it will be listed).

Get the results of an (existing) code inspection

I am new to writing intellij plugins, so I apologize in advance if my question might be a bit unclear.
I know that (live) code inspections are achieved via Annotators or LocalInspectionTools. I also know there is an API to write a custom Annotator or Inspection tool and I have seen several examples.
What I do not know (my question): is there a manager/helper/"global inspector" that can provide me with the results of an existing code annotator/inspection process (done by the IDE's plugins or by some 3rd party plugin)?
For instance: I do not want to write a custom Lint annotator/inspection plugin for WebStorm. One can configure JSLint/JSHint inside WebStorm settings. The results of the live inspection can be seen over the current file/current open editor.
I would like to get the results of this live inspection, that occurs in the current open editor (inside my own custom code). For this I am interested in the API to get this annotator/inspector and/or the results it provides.
(I apologize for maybe using annotator and inspection terms in a confusing manner)
If there is another question (which I could not find) that duplicates what I have asked above, please re-direct me.
Thank you in advance!
Unfortunately regular annotating process for the linters is asynchronous so you cannot get the annotation results directly (by calling 'Manager' method).
You can create instances of JSLintInspection, JSHintInspection, etc. and call #createVisitor().visit(File) method but the operation is very slow and you must call it outside of AWT thread.
Also you can try to run the method com.intellij.codeInsight.daemon.impl.DaemonCodeAnalyzerEx#processHighlights but as I mentioned above the annotation results for linters can be not available (or outdated)

Can Intellij IDEA (14 Ultimate) generate regex based TODO-comments?

A few years back i worked in a company where i could press CTRL+T and a TODO-comment was generated - say my ID to be identified by other developers was xy45 then the generated comment was:
//TODO (xy45):
Is something available from within Intellij 14 Ultimate or did they write their own plugin for it?
What i tried: Webreserach, Jetbrais documentations - it looks like its not possible out of the box (i however ask before i write a plugin for it) or masked by the various search results regarding the TODO-view (due to bad research skills of mine).
There is no built-in feature in IntelliJ IDEA to generate such comments, so it looks like they did write their own plugin.
Found something that works quite similar but is not boundable to a shortcut:
File -> Settings -> Live Templates
I guess the picture says enoth to allow customization (consult the Jetbrains documentation for more possibilities). E.g. browse to the Live Template section within the settings, add a new Live Template (small green cross, upper right corner in the above picture) and set the context where this Live Template is applicable.
Note: Once you defined the Live Template to be applicable within Java (...Change in the above image where the red exclamation marks are shown) context you can just type "t", "todo" and hit CTRL+Space (or the shortcut you defined for code completion).
I suggest to reconsider using that practice at all. Generally you should not include redundant information which is easily and more reliably accessible through your Version Control System (easily available in Idea directly in editor using Annotate feature). It is similiar to not using javadoc tag #author as the information provided with it is often outdated inaccurate and redundant. Additionaly, I don´t think author of TODO is that much valuable information. Person who will solve the issue will often be completly different person and the TODO should be well documented and descriptive anyway. When you find your own old TODO, which is poorly documented, you often don't remember all the required information even if you were the author.
However, instead of adding author's name, a good practice is to create a task in you issue management system and add identifier of this task to the description of the todo. This way you have all your todos in evidence at one place, you can add additional information to the task, track progress, assign it etc. My experience is that if you don´t use this, todos tend to stay in the code forever and after some time no one remembers clearly the details of the problem. Additionaly, author mentioned in the todo is often already gone working for a different company.
Annotated TODO with issue ID

How to create documentation for instance variable and methods in Xcode?

I'd like to be able to Alt-Click an instance variable (or a method) as part of the program i created and read what it's purpose is.
The fact that Xcode is telling me the class variable is declared at - is nice but not enough. In this case i'd like to see custom text i typed to describe what an asset really is. Additionally type of the ivar would also be useful to know.
How can this be done? In this case, i wonder what exactly did i mean by assets
I specifically wonder if this information can be viewed from inside Xcode, similar to how Eclipse shows JavaDoc content.
You would need to create a documentation set for your project and install it in Xcode. appledoc can help you with this. This is a command-line tool that can generate documentation in Apple's style from specially formatted comments in your headers. You can also integrate this into your build process with a run script build phase, so that documentation is always up-to-date.
For small projects, it's usually not worth the effort though and you're probably better off just adding comments to your header files and jumping there with Cmd-click (Ctrl+Cmd+left-arrow to go back to where you came from).
You'll probably want to take a look at Apple's documentation on Documentation Sets as well as their article on generating doc sets using Doxygen. The latter is based on Xcode 3.x, so how relevant it is is somewhat questionable, but it'd be a good idea to take a look nonetheless.
That said, if you decide to use Doxygen (alternatives like HeaderDoc can be used for documentation, but I'm not sure what's available to you as far as creating doc sets goes), it looks like the main point is you'll want to throw GENERATE_DOCSET=YES into your Doxyfile (or whatever you decide to call it). After that, you'd just throw the results into ~/Library/Developer/Shared/Documentation/DocSets (according to Doxygen's documentation). I don't know whether this works in Xcode 4.x - it's worth a shot though, and it'd be nice to hear back on it.
Note: most of this was based on this answer by Barry Wark. Figure credit is due there, since I wouldn't have bothered looking into this were it not for his answer.

How to locally test cross-domain builds?

Using the dojo toolkit, what is the proper way of locally testing code that will be executed as cross-domain, without making the actual build?
As it appears, there are three possible options (each, with their own drawbacks):
Using local (non xd) XMLHttpRequest dojo.require
This option does not really test the xd behavior, since it dojo.require[s] the js synchronously via XHR.
djConfig.debugAtAllCosts = true;
Although this option does load the required code asynchronously (via the 'script' tag), it also pulls the code in via XHR, parses the dojo.require[s] inside that, and pulls them in. This (using the loader_debug), again, is not what the loader_xd is doing. More info on this topic in a different question.
Creating a cross-domain build
This approach requires a build, which is not possible in the environment which I'm running the code in (We're using our own on-the-fly build process, which includes only the js that is necessary for a particular page. This process is not suitable for development).
Thus, my question: is there a way to use the loader_xd, which does not require an xd build (which adds the xd prefix / suffix to every file)?
The 2nd way (using the debugAtAllCosts) also makes me question the motivation for pre-parsing the dojo.require[s]. If the loader_xd will not (or rather can not) pre-parse, why is the method that was created for testing/debugging doing so?
peller has described the situation. If you wanted to just generate .xd.js file for your modules, you could look at util/buildscripts/jslib/buildUtilXd.js and its buildUtilXd.xdgen() function.
It would take a bit of work to make your own script, but you could look at util/buildscripts/build.js for pointers.
I am hoping in the future for Dojo (maybe Dojo 2.x timeframe) we can switch to a loader that just uses script tags with a module format that has a function wrapper around the module, something that is coded by the developer. This would allow the same module format to work in the local and xd cases.
I don't think there's any way to do XD loading without building and deploying it. Your analysis of the various options seems about right.
debugAtAllCosts is there specifically to solve a debugging problem, where most browsers, until recently, could not do anything intelligent with code brought in through eval. Still today, Firefox will report exception in the console as appearing at the eval site (bootstrap.js) with a line number offset from the eval, rather than from the actual eval buffer, and normally that eval buffer is anonymous. Firebug was the first debugger to jump through some hoops to enhance the debugging experience and permitted special metadata that Dojo's loader injects between the XHR and the eval to determine a filepath to the source. Webkit/Safari have recently implemented this also. I believe debugAtAllCosts pre-dates the XD loader.