How to click on a link in a specific row of dynamically loaded table - selenium

I have a table similar to below in a WPF application.
We are using Silk Test 17.5 using VB.NET.
Table is dynamically loaded based on latest data.
I need to click on 'Default' ( Link) for specific row.
e.g. I need to click on 'Default' link for Trump1 , Trump2 row.
How should I do it? All locators of default links are same and I cannot differentiate between them.
Is there any I can append First Name locator to Default to figure out which locator to click?

SilkTest has a framework for supporting such custom controls and a nice tutorial here
Theoretically you would have to:
List all the methods on the control
From the previous listing (or by talking with the developers) look up the method to access the rows inside the control
Filter your rows and get the one which is interesting for you
From the row you can get the cell by following the same pattern(find out the method which gives acces to it, get it, filter)
Click on the Link
Of course as the tutorial tells you, if you do not want to always do these iterations you should create some higher level utilities where you can just get the Cell at once. Example: GetGridViewRowCell(gridView, cellRow, cellColumn) where cellRows can be a more sophisticated filter object where you describe which cell must have which value in order to identify the proper row

Assuming the table has a hierarchical structure similar to HTML, you should be able to do the following:
Locate a cell in the row you are looking for that is easy to find, e.g. //WPFDataGridCell[#text='Obama'].
From that cell, move up the hierarchy one step using ...
Now you're in the correct WPFDataGridRow, search down again for the row's "Default" link with //WPFHyperLink[#caption='Default'].
Putting it all together, you'll get a locator like //WPFDataGridCell[#text='Obama']/..//WPFHyperLink[#caption='Default'].
Of course this is only an example based on the information you provided, so if you try it, make sure to pick the attributes with Silk Test's locator spy to make sure you get the correct values.


Holding parameter values when report is refreshed due to custom buttons used for expand/collapse groups

This may be as simple as it can't be done, but I have to ask. :) I am building a report using Report Builder 3.0. The report contains a table which also has Grouping established. I wanted to give the user an easy way to expand/collapse all rows of the table, so I used the method of creating a parameter with two values (0 for collapse, 1 for expand), tied the visibility of the group to the parameter using an expression in the Hidden Property for the group. Then I created two text boxes for Expand and Collapse and added the respective parameter/value in the Action in the text box properties.
At this point, everything works as intended. Here is where I run into the issue. I added another parameter, lets just call it "Location". The parameter is a text data type that allows multiple values and gets it available values from dataset/query in the same report. This is where I am guessing what I want may not be possible. When I select my Location(s), then run the report it all looks good. However, when I click on one of the Expand/Collapse text boxes, it clears out the values that I selected for the location(s). I am guessing this is due to the fact that the available values for the Location parameter is set via a query at run time. Is there any way to maintain the values for the Location parameter when triggering the expand/collapse buttons?
Thanks in advance!

Turning Off Grouping In ObjectListView Turns Of Sorting

I am struggling to find information on a lot of small issues I'm starting to come across since recently integrating the ObjectListView into my application. I must admit, I love the control and it takes a lot of work away from me by having the control pretty much do everything that I need.
However, amongst a few issues that I've come across thus far, one is the fact that if I turn off grouping for individual columns it no longer allows me to sort these columns.
For example, my ListView control has an ID, Summary, Location, etc., etc. I currently run grouping on the ID because I attach a unique footer against every ID and it looks good. But, when I click on Summary, or Location it then groups all items by Summary or Location and therefore I end up with the group header but no footer anymore because the footer no longer corresponds with the ID.
What I want to achieve is to allow the user to click on any other column, but still maintain the group by ID and thus keep the footer against each item. I only want the items to sort, not group, but as mentioned, when I turn off the grouping against each column, it turns off the sort function.
Basically, looking at the screenshot below, I want to be able to click on the Priority Column Header (for example) to sort the list of object by Priority, but still maintain the Group By Ticket (with the Group Footer details). And basically be able to click on any Column header to sort the list but keeping the grouping by Ticket.
I have intercepted the OLV_BeforeCreatingGroups event to add:
e.Parameters.GroupByColumn = Ticket_ID
This now seems to maintain my grouping by Ticket no matter what Column header I click on, but I now loose the sort functionality.
Try setting AlwaysGroupByColumn to be the TicketId column. That will do the trick :)
Second attempt:
Thanks for the screenshot. I think I understand what you want. You are hoping that clicking on the header will sort the groups themselves. That's not the default behaviour, which is to sort the rows within each group.
To do what you are asking:
Listen for BeforeCreatingGroups event and fill in the GroupComparer property on the event argument block. This comparer controls the ordering of the groups.
The default group order is based on OLVGroup.SortValue. So you could install a GroupFormatter delegate and change the SortValue for each group so they are ordered in the manner you want.
In either case, you will need to use PrimarySort and PrimarySortOrder to know which column the user last clicked.

How to make a MS Acess Report where you have one page per record?

I cannot figure this out for the life of me.
I want a report object where each page (no matter how big, small, etc) corresponds to one record in the underlying source query (each record corresponds to a Client along with some financial data).
I've tried grouping by Client, inserting page breaks, trying to integrate forms, etc. Nothing. Everything just combines together into one giant list -- there's no separation per page.
Select the Group Header and view Properties (F4). It should be named something like GroupHeader0. For the Force New Page attribute, select Before Section, After Section, or Before & After Section.
The hardest part of this for me was finding the correct item to click that has the Force New Page attribute -- it isn't the field itself, but the Section (which is named "GroupHeaderX" by default).

how to add items to combo box in lightswitch

I'm new to lightswitch and i searched lot, but couldn't find proper solution for this simple question. I need to add items to combo box, based on user selection. ( not from existing table)
For example if user select country ,following towns must add to combo box.
USA - Texas, New York etc
UK - London , Surrey
How can i do this? i'm using as my back end. i found this article How to create an unbound combobox as useful one. but couldn't able work according to my scenario.
what is the way to add items to combo box?
In Lightswitch, if you want to have a dynamic set of data bound to a control, that data must be in a table. You then need to create a query that filters the data in that table based on the user's selection and bind your control to that query.
Here is a pair of articles that describes implementing a situation that is similar to yours:
Nested AutoCompleteBox for data entry
Nested AutoCompleteBox for data entry Part 2
We can't directly assign our own values to combo box. we have to use either data table ( as mentioned by embedded.kyle ) or we have to create custom control to assign values.
i have used custom User Control for above scenario. detail step that i followed can be found in following Link
Adding a record that doesn't already exist in a bound table is a very common scenario. Unfortunately, there's no out-of-the-box way to do this in LightSwitch, you simply have to write code to achieve it, like in this blog post.
Add non existent records using AutoCompleteBox
Or, of course as was also suggested, you could create a custom control to do the job.

How to filter a Sharepoint List Column with a Textbox Control Value using a "Contains" query?

I'm using a data view to display a list (Sharepoint 2010) that has several columns including one that has a Name column. I've provided the user with a text filter on the page to send values to filter the Name column in this list. The problem I'm facing is that the filter only works for exact matches and not partial matches.
I tried to overcome this problem by using Sharepoint Designer to:
create a parameter that uses the textbox control value.
Filtering the Name column with this parameter and setting the comparison to "Contains"
Unfortunately if the default value of the Parameter is blank, the list does not display any data. If the default value of the parameter is set to part of a name in the list, the list displays names that contain that string. However, when changing the value in the text box and searching, the list does not return results. Please let me know if you guys know how to fix this. Any help is much appreciated and let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks!
Managed to find a solution to my problem. I used a custom javascript solution designed by jvossers ( that involves the list being filtered instantly much like Google's search!
The only downside of this solution is that it only filters the items currently displayed on the screen. Therefore, if you have a data view web part which limits the amount of items displayed on the page, this solution won't help you. In order to facilitate this solution, display all the row items on the page (by increasing the item limit per page to a larger number than your total list rows) and then add this code into a content editor web part on the same page. Worked brilliantly for me. '
By the way if you are using jQuery 1.3.x or higher, you should modify the script a little as described in the disscussion here: