Invalid argument for function integer IBM DB2 - sql

I need to filter out rows in table where numer_lini column has number in it and it is between 100 and 999, below code works just fine when i comment out line where i cast marsnr to integer. However when i try to use it i get error: Invalid character found in a character string argument of the function "INTEGER". when looking at the list seems like replace and translate filters only numbers just fine and select only contains legit numbers (list of unique values is not long so its easy to scan by eye). So why does it fail to cast something? I also tried using integer(marsnr), but it produces the same error. I need casting because i need numeric range, otherwise i get results like 7,80 and so on. As I mentioned Im using IBM DB2 database.
select numer_lini, war_trasy, id_prz1, id_prz2
from alaska.trasa
where numer_lini in (
select marsnr
from (
distinct numer_lini marsnr
from alaska.trasa
where case
when replace(translate(numer_lini, '0','123456789','0'),'0','') = ''
then numer_lini
else 'no'
end <> 'no'
where cast(marsnr as integer) between 100 and 999
fetch first 300 rows only

If you look at the optimized SQL from the Db2 explain, you will see that Db2 has collapsed your code into a single select.
'') = '') THEN Q1.NUMER_LINI
ELSE 'no' END <> 'no')
Use a CASE to force Db2 to do the "is integer" check first. Also, you don't check for the empty string.
E.g. with this table and data
‪create‬‎ ‪TABLE‬‎ ‪alaska‬‎.‪trasa‬‎ ‪‬‎(‪numer_lini‬‎ ‪VARCHAR‬‎(‪10‬‎)‪‬‎,‪‬‎ ‪war_trasy‬‎ ‪INT‬‎ ‪‬‎,‪‬‎ ‪id_prz1‬‎ ‪INT‬‎,‪‬‎ ‪id_prz2‬‎ ‪INT‬‎)‪;
insert into alaska.trasa values ('',1,1,1),('99',1,1,1),('500',1,1,1),('3000',1,1,1),('00300',1,1,1),('AXS',1,1,1);
This SQL works
select numer_lini, war_trasy, id_prz1, id_prz2
from alaska.trasa
where case when translate(numer_lini, '','0123456789') = ''
and numer_lini <> ''
then integer(numer_lini) else 0 end
between 100 and 999
Although that does fail if there is an embedded space in the input. E.g. '30 0'. To cater for that, a regular expressing is probably preferred. E.g.
select numer_lini, war_trasy, id_prz1, id_prz2
from alaska.trasa
where case when regexp_like(numer_lini, '^\s*[+-]?\s*((\d+\.?\d*)|(\d*\.?\d+))\s*$'))
then integer(numer_lini) else 0 end
between 100 and 999


Remove only first character from the field if it is 0

How to write sql query which will show values skipping first character if it is 0 (only the first character). All values are 3 characters long.
should display as follows (after executing the query)
I used the following solution, but it removes all 0's, not just the first. How to fix it so that it only removes the first character if it is 0.
SUBSTRING(numbers, PATINDEX('%[^0]%', numbers+'.'), LEN(numbers))
I will be grateful for your help.
You can use CASE expression:
SELECT CASE WHEN LEFT(numbers, 1) = '0' THEN RIGHT(numbers, 2) ELSE numbers END AS FormattedNumbers
why not using simple substr() ?
select case when substr(mycol,1,1)='0' then substr(mycol,2) else mycol end
from my table
you did not mention your DB so i assumed its oracle. This will work in any RDBMS.
You can use charindex and substring methods to do string manipulation :)
case when charindex('0', number) = 1
then substring(number, 2, len(number))
else number end
from (
select '123' number
union all
select '023'
union all
select '003'
union all
select '102'
) a

If-Then Statement In A SQL Query Insists On Trying To Convert To Wrong Type, Then Fails

I have a SQL query, linking table 1 to table 2 via an inner join, containing this part in the select part of the statement:
CASE (table2.field1)
ELSE table2.field2
END as table2Field2,
I want to be able to return table2Field2 when it has a relevant value, ie: when the object represented in table2 is not null, so that table2.field1 does not have a value of -2. In this case, the value of table2Field2 should be blank instead of a meaningless value.
However, this returns 0 instead of the blank text. If I change this line:
to this:
WHEN -2 THEN 'someText'
then it complains at me that it's trying to convert an int to a string, which I'm not. table2field1 is an int, but table2Field2 is a string, which is what we're actually returning here.
How do I state (even more specifically) in this query that I'm returning the string field as a string, and not something else as a string that isn't (a) a string, and (b) the thing I specified I'm returning please?
All suggestions welcome, many thanks in advance for any help :)
In a CASE expression, all of the possible return values must be of the same data type. As written, the expression is trying to return one string and one integer.
If you want an empty string for your first output, you can CAST or CONVERT your second output to a character type value:
CASE (table2.field1)
ELSE CAST(table2.field2 AS varchar(12)) --< 12 will cover any value of integer.
END as table2Field2,
Is it possible you have your as table2field2 in the wrong location?
maybe try:
CASE (table2.field1)
ELSE table2.field2
END as table2Field2,
Because you do not want to answer me what is the database you use then I have to do it like this hehehe:
SQL Server: DEMO
WHEN convert(char,t.col1) = '-2' THEN 'aaa'
ELSE convert(char,(t.col2))
END test
from Tab1 t;
Oracle DEMO
WHEN to_char(t.col1) = '-2' THEN 'aaa'
ELSE to_char(t.col2)
END test
from tab1 t;

PL SQL replace conditionally suggestion

I need to replace the entire word with 0 if the word has any non-digit character. For example, if digital_word='22B4' then replace with 0, else if digital_word='224' then do not replace.
SELECT replace_funtion(digital_word,'has non numeric character pattern',0,digital_word)
FROM dual;
I tried decode, regexp_instr, regexp_replace but could not come up with the right solution.
Please advise.
Thank you.
the idea is simple - you need check if the value is numeric or not
with nums as
select '123' as num from dual union all
select '456' as num from dual union all
select '7A9' as num from dual union all
select '098' as num from dual
select n.*
,nvl2(LENGTH(TRIM(TRANSLATE(num, ' +-.0123456789', ' '))),'0',num)
from nums n
1 123 123
2 456 456
3 7A9 0
4 098 098
see more articles below to see which way is better to you
How can I determine if a string is numeric in SQL?
How to tell if a value is not numeric in Oracle?
You might try the following:
SELECT CASE WHEN REGEXP_LIKE(digital_word, '\D') THEN '0' ELSE digital_word END
FROM dual;
The regular expression class \D matches any non-digit character. You could also use [^0-9] to the same effect:
SELECT CASE WHEN REGEXP_LIKE(digital_word, '\D') THEN '0' ELSE digital_word END
FROM dual;
Alternately you could see if the value of digital_word is made up of nothing but digits:
SELECT CASE WHEN REGEXP_LIKE(digital_word, '^\d+$') THEN digital_word ELSE '0' END
FROM dual;
Hope this helps.
The fastest way is to replace all digits with null (to simply delete them) and see if anything is left. You don't need regular expressions (slow!) for this, you just need the standard string function TRANSLATE().
Unfortunately, Oracle has to work around their own inconsistent treatment of NULL - sometimes as empty string, sometimes not. In the case of the TRANSLATE() function, you can't simply translate every digit to nothing; you must also translate a non-digit character to itself, so that the third argument is not an empty string (which is treated as a real NULL, as in relational theory). See the Oracle documentation for the TRANSLATE() function.
Then, the result can be obtained with a CASE expression (or various forms of NULL handling functions; I prefer CASE, which is SQL Standard):
nums ( num ) as (
select '123' from dual union all
select '-56' from dual union all
select '7A9' from dual union all
select '0.9' from dual
-- End of simulated inputs (for testing only, not part of the solution).
-- SQL query begins BELOW THIS LINE. Use your own table and column names.
select num,
case when translate(num, 'z0123456789', 'z') is null
then num
else '0'
end as result
from nums
--- ------
123 123
-56 0
7A9 0
0.9 0
Note: everything here is in varchar2 data type (or some other kind of string data type). If the results should be converted to number, wrap the entire case expression within TO_NUMBER(). Note also that the strings '-56' and '0.9' are not all-digits (they contain non-digits), so the result is '0' for both. If this is not what you needed, you must correct the problem statement in the original post.
Something like the following update query will help you:
update [table] set [col] = '0'
where REGEXP_LIKE([col], '.*\D.*', 'i')

SQL query: convert

I'm trying to read a column from a database using a SQL query. The column consists of empty string or numbers as strings, such as
"7500" "4460" "" "2900" "2640" "1850" "" "2570" "9050" "8000" "9600"
I'm trying to find the right sql query to extract all the numbers (as integers) and removing the empty ones, but I'm stuck. So far I've got
FROM base
Done in program R (package sqldf)
If all columns are valid integers, you could use:
select * , cast(code as int) IntCode
from base
where code <> ''
To prevent cases when field code is not a valid number, use:
select *, cast(codeN as int) IntCode
from base
cross apply (select case when code <> '' and not code like '%[^0-9]%' then code else NULL end) N(codeN)
where codeN is not null
SQL Fiddle
To find rows where code is not a valid number, use
select * from base where code like '%[^0-9]%'
select *
from base
where col like '[1-9]%'
If you don't need to test for the number being valid, ie. a string such as '909XY2' then this may run marginally faster, more or less depending on the size of the table
Is this what you want?
SELECT (case when code not like '%[^0-9]%' then cast(code as int) end)
FROM base
WHERE code <> '' and code not like '%[^0-9]%';
The conditions are repeated in the where and case on purpose. SQL Server does not guarantee that where filters are applied before logic in the select, so you can get an error with conversions. More recent versions of SQL Server have try_convert() to fix this problem.
Using sqldf with the default sqlite database and this test data:
DF <- data.frame(a = c("7500", "4460", "", "2900", "2640", "1850", "", "2570",
"9050", "8000", "9600"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
try this:
sqldf("select cast(a as aint) as aint from DF where length(a) > 0")
1 7500
2 4460
3 2900
4 2640
5 1850
6 2570
7 9050
8 8000
9 9600
Note In plain R one could write:
transform(subset(DF, nchar(a) > 0), a = as.integer(a))

Why does the number 0 evaluate to a blank space

This is something that has baffled me before but I have never found an explanation for it. I have a column in a SQL Server 2008 database that is of type smallint. I want to look for any rows where the value is NULL or blank, so I say this:
FROM products
WHERE warranty_dom IS NULL
OR warranty_dom = ''
This returns rows with a value of 0
So why is 0 treated as the equivalent of '' ?
0 is not treated as '' per se. Instead, '' is implicitly cast to an integer, and that cast makes it 0.
Try it yourself:
SELECT CAST(0 AS varchar) -- Output: '0'
SELECT CAST('' AS smallint) -- Output: 0
Also, as mentioned elsewhere: If warranty_dom is of type smallint, then it's not possible for it to be blank in the first place.