Android Studio 3.1.3 Update Error - android-studio-3.1.3

I got this error when trying to update android studio 3.1.3:
Anyone know how to fix this ?

I ran into a similar error. The only solution I found was to uninstall my outdated Android Studio version (which wouldn't patch/upgrade) and then I went online and installed the latest/current Android Studio version. No patching/upgrade would go through, so I just uninstalled and reinstalled it.


Why the SSMS-setup-ENU for version 17.8.1 isn't running?

I have successfully downloaded and installed the developer version of SQL server 2017. Then I went to the SSMS website and downloaded the latest version of SSMS, which is 17.8.1. The exe file was properly downloaded and it is not damaged at all. When I double-clicked it, windows ask me if I am allowing this app to change my device. I clicked yes. Then nothing happened. The installation process just won't begin. My system is 64bit win10, and it is updated to the latest version. I have also downloaded some earlier versions of SSMS such as 17.5 and 17.3 and I encountered the exact same problem. I'd like to know if it has anything to do with my visual studio? I have downloaded and installed the latest visual studio 2017, and it doesn't help.
This happens when the latest dot net framework is not installed. The setup does not show what is its missing it just do not run.
You can try installing 4.6.2 net
Go to this link.
After finishing installation.
Run SSMS setup and it will show the installation screen.

Cannot run razor-page-intro sample project

After I installed .Net Core preview 2 on my PC, I got the sample from Github at
However, when I tried to run the sample using Visual studio 2017, I got the following error:
dependency conflict Microsoft.AspnetCore.All expected '2.0.0-preview2-25795' but received '2.0.0-preview2-final'.
Could you please suggest some ways to resolve the above issue?
I've found an answer to this:
I uninstalled my existing visual studio 2017, and reinstalled the latest preview version. After that the projects could be loaded and run.
Hope this helps someone.

XFPageRendererView error on XAML previewer

I am developing Xamarin.Forms on Visual studio 2015, I have a mac connected to my PC, when trying to preview by the option
(View > OtherWindows >Xamrin.Forms Previewer) The android preview shows the error below
But the IOS preview is working fine and is updated as soon as I change the xaml code
How can I fix this ? What I have already tried are
Rebuilding the project and solution
Installing the latest android build tool
Restarting Visual studio
Updating Android SDK
Installing a x64 bit JDK and mapping its path in visual studio
none of these are working. I would also like to know if ANDROID NDK has something to do with this (currently running android-ndk-r10e) and if it is necessary to update that as well ?? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
I'm having the exact same issue . I re-posted your topic in Xamarin forum . Hope that is ok :
I'm using ndk r13b - same issue

Visual Studio 2015 Apache Cordova Project Files not included to project and hidden

I updated to VS Community Edition Update 3 and now my cordova project files not included to project and hidden.
i removed and reinstalled "tools for apache cordova update 10".
i uninstalled VS Community and reinstalled again.
But not resolved problem. what is the problem?
We had the same issue and in our case it was something to do with typescript. So what we installed the typescript for vs 2015. You can download typescript for VS 2015 from here. Try and let me know. Good luck

Visual studio 2013, can't open or create projects

I tried getting Visual Studio 2013 to work today but i couldn't get it to work. This is the error I keep getting when making a c++ window application.
The error message I keep getting:
I tried opening the vcxproj file in the message box, but I couldn't open that either. In fact I am unable to open any vcxproject's. This problem happens with pretty much all languages.
I uninstalled vs 2012 and 2010, and then installed vs2013.
I have tried :
reinstalling the nuget extension.
Reinstalling vs2013 a bunch of time and trying to repair the
Uninstalling all traces of vs2010 and vs2012
one thing that might be important is that I used the november CTP c++ preview compiler for vs2012. I can't seem to uninstall it though
but nothing helped so far. Anybody able to help me?
I decided to bite the bullet and re-install windows 7. Everything works again. In the future I will probably avoid downloading CTP's though or be very careful about uninstalling them.
This happened to me when I installed .NET framework 3.5 manually to install "SQL Server Management Studio" as I recall, Then I found that v. 3.5 is incompatible with VS 2013 as this page mentioned:
VS 2013 Comparability
after I turned the related feature off, The problem with creating c++ projects disappeared ..