How to avoid the matplotlib bounding box - matplotlib

I would like to have charts without axis lines, and in general without the overall box of which the two axes are only a symmetrical half. This should work to emphasize values that overlap with the border, and also make things more aesthetic as in some seaborn and ggplot examples out there.
Can this be accomplished?

You could color the axes spines in white, so they are not visible on white background.
For example:

Not sure exactly what you want to achieve, but if you need to get rid of the bounding box in all you figures you can modify default matplotlib parameters (like the seaborn does):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.rc('axes.spines', **{'bottom':True, 'left':True, 'right':False, 'top':False})
this will leave only the bottom and left part of the bounding box (you can remove everything by putting False everywhere). In this case you get something like this
Data area is controlled by the Spine class and you can do more with it if you'd like:


Matplotlib widget, secondary y axis, twinx

i use jupyterlab together with matplotlib widgets. I have ipywidgets installed.
My goal is to choose which y-axis data is displayed in the bottom of the figure.
When i use the interactive tool to see the coordinates i get only the data of the right y-axis displayed. Both would be really nice^^ My minimal code example:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
%matplotlib widgets
With this example you might ask why not to plot them to the same y-axis but thats why it is a minimal example. I would like to plot data of different units.
To choose which y-axis is used, you can set the zorder property of the axes containing this y-axis to a higher value than that of the other axes (0 is the default):
ax.zorder = 1
However, that will cause this Axes to obscure the other Axes. To counteract this, use
ax.set_facecolor((0, 0, 0, 0))
to make the background color of this Axes transparent.
Alternatively, use the grab_mouse function of the figure canvas:
See here for the (minimal) documentation for grab_mouse.
The reason this works is this:
The coordinate line shown below the figure is obtained by an event callback which ultimately calls matplotlib.Axes.format_coord() on the axes instance returned by the inaxes property of the matplotlib events that are being generated by your mouse movement. This Axes is the one returned by FigureCanvasBase.inaxes() which uses the Axes zorder, and in case of ties, chooses the last Axes created.
However, you can tell the figure canvas that one Axes should receive all mouse events, in which case this Axes is also set as the inaxes property of generated events (see the code).
I have not found a clean way to make the display show data from both Axes. The only solution I have found would be to monkey-patch NavigationToolbar2._mouse_event_to_message (also here) to do what you want.

TramineR legend position and axis

I'm working with TraMineR and I don't know how to arrange my plot. So basically what i would like to have the legend under the plot and to remove the space between the x and y axis. Any help is welcomed.
The plot:
Sample code:
seqdplot(Activities.seq, with.legend=FALSE)
legend("bottom", legend=attr(Activities.seq, "labels"),
fill=attr(Activities.seq, "cpal"),
inset=-.1, bty="o", xpd=NA, cex=.75,ncol=3)
The family of seqplot functions offers a series of arguments to control the legend as well as the axes. Look at the help page of seqplot (and of plot.stslist.statd for specific seqdplot parameters).
For instance, you can suppress the x-axis with axes=FALSE, and the y-axis with yaxis=FALSE.
To print the legend you can let seqdplot display it automatically using the default with.legend=TRUE option and control it with for examples cex.legend for the font size, ltext for the text. You can also use the ncol argument to set the number of columns in the legend.
The seqplot functions use by default layout to organize the graphic area between the plots and the legend. If you need more fine tuning (e.g. to change the default par(mar=c(5.1,4.1,4.1,2.1)) margins around the plot and the legend), you should create separately the plot(s) and the legend and then organize them yourself using e.g. layout or par(mfrow=...). In that case, the separate graphics should be created by setting with.legend=FALSE, which prevents the display of the legend and disables the automatic use of layout.
The color legend is easiest obtained with seqlegend.
I illustrate with the mvad data that ships with TraMineR. First the default plot with the legend. Note the use of border=NA to suppress the too many vertical black lines.
mvad.scode <- c("EM", "FE", "HE", "JL", "SC", "TR")
mvad.seq <- seqdef(mvad, 17:86,
states = mvad.scode,
xtstep = 6)
# Default plot with the legend,
seqdplot(mvad.seq, border=NA)
Now, we suppress the x and y axes and modify the display of the legend
seqdplot(mvad.seq, border=NA,
axes=FALSE, yaxis=FALSE, ylab="",
cex.legend=1.3, ncol=6, legend.prop=.11)
Here is how you can control the space between the plot and the x and y axes
seqdplot(mvad.seq, border=NA, yaxis=FALSE, xaxis=FALSE, with.legend=FALSE)
axis(2, line=-1)
axis(1, line=0)
Creating the legend separately and reducing the left, top, and right margins around the legend
op <- par(mar=c(5.1,0.1,0.1,0.1))
seqlegend(mvad.seq, ncol=2, cex=2)

Save a corner plot in matplotlib figure

I have a simple corner plot. Lets just imagine the example from their page (taken from here):
import corner
import numpy as np
ndim, nsamples = 2, 10000
samples = np.random.randn(ndim * nsamples).reshape([nsamples, ndim])
figure = corner.corner(samples)
Now I want to ask, can I save this full canvas(of 3 plots together) in a single matplotlib figure, so that I may be able to inset this plot in another bigger matplotlib plot.
Additionally I have another question, is there a way to put custom legend/title on corner plots ?
this is my first post on Stack Overflow, with less than 50 reputation I cannot post this as a comment, hope it is helpful to some extent.
Using this line to save the figure of corner plots:
Perhaps this is adjustable and can be reloaded as matplotlib subplot objects. Though understanding the source code would certainly be best

Python: Setting Seaborn lineplot error band edge color

I am using Seaborn to make lineplots with a band indicating standard deviations. Something just like the second/third plot in the doc below:
I am wondering is that possible to set the edgecolor for the error band separately? I can change linestyle of the band through err_kws. But, if I pass "edgecolor" through err_kws, it seems that nothing happens. Is there someway to allow me to get control with the edges?
As djakubosky notes, the color of the line and the error band are coupled together internally in seaborn's lineplot. I suggest that it is cleaner to modify the properties of the artists after the plot has been generated. This is a cleaner alternative than editing the library source code directly (maintenance headaches, etc).
For the example data shown on the sns.lineplot docs, we can update the error band properties as follows:
import seaborn as sns
fmri = sns.load_dataset("fmri")
ax = sns.lineplot(x="timepoint", y="signal", data=fmri)
# by inspection we see that the PolyCollection is the first artist
for child in ax.get_children():
# and so we can update its properties
It may be more robust to select by property of the artist rather than selecting the first artist (especially if you have already rendered something on the same axes), e.g. along these lines:
from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
for child in ax.findobj(PolyCollection):
It appears that it isn't really possible to change this color under the current seaborn implementation. This is because they pass the color of the main line explicitly to the error band as ax.fillbetweenx(... color=original_color). After playing around in the past, I found that this color arg seems to supersede the other color arguments such as facecolor and edgecolor, thus it doesn't matter what you put in there in the err_kws. However you could fix it by editing line 810 in site-packages/seaborn/ from:
ax.fill_between(x, low, high, color=line_color, **err_kws)
ax.fill_between(x, low, high, **err_kws)
and passing the colors explicitly through err_kws.

How do I set the resize-behaviour of subplots?

I'm working with several subplots in a window. Just after plotting it looks great, problem is when I rezise the windows manually. The subplots do not adapt correctly to the new size of the window. How can I fix that?
Window after plotting, looking great:
window after resizing it manually, looks bad:
A simply demo-Code:
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
plot([1,2,3], label="test1")
plot([3,2,1], label="test2")
plot([1,2,3], label="test1")
plot([3,2,1], label="test2")
plot([1,2,3], label="test1")
plot([3,2,1], label="test2")
As you see, the plot looks good after plotting it. But when you start to shrink the plot horizontally, the space between plot and plot gets smaller and smaller. And at the end, the ticklabels are on others plots, because there's no space for them. I need to know how to set that the entire plot gets smaller, leving space for the labels.
Maybe not exactly the answer of my question, but it solves my problem:
After creating the figure, you connect the resize-event to an eventhandler:
cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', onresize)
def onresize(event):
As Wicket said, I'm just calling tight_layout() again and again, but automatically.