Remove duplicates when converting multiple rows into CSV using SQL - sql

I am creating a view where I need to pull all the rows of one column and convert into CSV format.
SUBSTRING((SELECT ',' + CAST(s.marketConfigId AS varchar(MAX))
FROM [Metric].[MetricGoalDefMarket] s
WHERE [metricGoalDefId]=21
ORDER BY s.marketConfigId
FOR XML PATH('')),2,200000) AS marketConfigID
Using above query can create a CSV format but it is also displaying duplicates. When you run the above query it is displaying the output as
How can I remove duplicates?
PS: As I am creating a view, I don't want to use functions as I see using dbo.DistinctList from here can remove duplicates

It seems distinct would work :
FROM [Metric].[MetricGoalDefMarket] s
WHERE [metricGoalDefId]=21
ORDER BY s.marketConfigId
), 2,200000) AS marketConfigID
You don't need to use substring() you can use stuff() instead :
SELECT STUFF ( (SELECT DISTINCT ',' + CAST(s.marketConfigId AS varchar(MAX))
FROM [Metric].[MetricGoalDefMarket] s
WHERE [metricGoalDefId]=21
), 1, 1, ''
) AS marketConfigID

Have you tried DISTINCT?
Edit: Apologies think I misread your query. I think you want to fetch the marketConfigIds using a sub-select query (applying DISTINCT), rather than at the outer level like I did below
SUBSTRING((SELECT ',' + CAST(s.marketConfigId AS varchar(MAX))
FROM [Metric].[MetricGoalDefMarket] s
WHERE [metricGoalDefId]=21
ORDER BY s.marketConfigId
FOR XML PATH('')),2,200000) AS marketConfigID


SQL for concatenating strings/rows into one string/row? (How to use FOR XML PATH with INSERT?)

I am concatenating several rows/strings in an table (on Microsoft SQL Server 2010) into a string by using a method as suggested here:
SELECT ',' + col FROM t1 FOR XML PATH('')
However, if I try to insert the resulting string as (single) row into another table like so:
SELECT ', ' + col FROM t1 FOR XML PATH('')
I receive this error message:
The FOR XML clause is not allowed in a INSERT statement.
t2 currently has a single column of type NVARCHAR(80). How can I overcome this problem, i.e. how can I collapse a table t1 with many rows into a table t2 with row that concatenates all the strings from t1 (with commas)?
Rather than xml path why not do it like this?
SELECT #Cols = COALESCE(#Cols + ', ', '') +
ISNULL(col, 'N/A')
Insert into t2 values(#Cols);
You need to cast it back to an nvarchar() before inserting. I use this method, deletes the first separator as well and as I'm doing the , type part, it handles entities correctly.
insert into t2
select stuff((
select ', ' + col from t1
for xml path(''), type
).value('.', 'nvarchar(80)'), 1, 2, '')
So you concatenate all col with prepending comma+space as an xml-object. Then you take the .value() of child with xquery-path . which means "take the child we are at, don't traverse anywhere". You cast it as an nvarchar(80) and replace a substring starting at position 1 and length 2 with an empty string ''. So the 2 should be replaced with however long your separator is.

What is the meaning of SELECT ... FOR XML PATH(' '),1,1)?

I am learning sql in one of the question and here I saw usage of this,can some body make me understand what xml path('') mean in sql? and yes,i browsed through web pages I didn't understand it quite well!
I am not getting the Stuff behind,now what does this piece of code do ?(only select part)
declare #t table
Id int,
Name varchar(10)
insert into #t
select 1,'a' union all
select 1,'b' union all
select 2,'c' union all
select 2,'d'
select ID,
select ','+ [Name] from #t where Id = t.Id for XML path('')
from (select distinct ID from #t )t
There's no real technique to learn here. It's just a cute trick to concatenate multiple rows of data into a single string. It's more a quirky use of a feature than an intended use of the XML formatting feature.
SELECT ',' + ColumnName ... FOR XML PATH('')
generates a set of comma separated values, based on combining multiple rows of data from the ColumnName column. It will produce a value like ,abc,def,ghi,jkl.
Is then used to remove the leading comma that the previous trick generated, see STUFF for details about its parameters.
(Strangely, a lot of people tend to refer to this method of generating a comma separated set of values as "the STUFF method" despite the STUFF only being responsible for a final bit of trimming)
SQL you were referencing is used for string concatenation in MSSQL.
It concatenates rows by prepending , using for xml path to result
,a,b,c,d. Then using stuff it replaces first , for , thus removing it.
The ('') in for xml path is used to remove wrapper node, that is being automatically created. Otherwise it would look like <row>,a,b,c,d</row>.
select ',' + CAST(t2.Value as varchar(10)) from #t t2 where =
for xml path('')
,1,1,'') as Value
more on stuff
more on for xml path

SQL Query to List

I have a table variable in a stored procedure. What I want is to find all of the unique values in one column and join them in a comma-separated list. I am already in a stored procedure, so I can do it some way that way; however, I am curious if I can do this with a query. I am on SQL Server 2008. This query gets me the values I want:
SELECT DISTINCT faultType FROM #simFaults;
Is there a way (using CONCAT or something like that) where I can get the list as a single comma-separated value?
This worked for me on a test dataset.
DECLARE #MyCSV Varchar(200) = ''
CAST(faulttype AS Varchar) + ','
FROM #Simfaults
GROUP BY faultType
The last part is needed to trim the trailing comma.
+1 to JNK - the other common way you will see, which doesn't require a variable is:
SELECT DISTINCT faulttype + ','
FROM #simfaults
Note that if faulttype contains characters like "<" for example, those will be xml encoded. But for simple values this will be OK.
this is how we do this
create table #test (item int)
insert into #test
select STUFF((SELECT ', ' + cast(Item as nvarchar)
FROM #test
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '')
Without the space after the comma it would be;
select STUFF((SELECT ',' + cast(Item as nvarchar)
FROM #test
FOR XML PATH('')), 1,1, '')

Sql For Xml Path get node count

I'm trying to use the 'For Xml Path' T-SQL to generate a comma separated list of values from a column. This seems to work great, but the problem is I would like to get a count of the items in the comma separated list. Here is an example of the code I am using to generate the comma separated list:
Create Table #List ([col] varchar)
Insert Into #List Select '1';
Insert Into #List Select '2';
Insert Into #List Select '3'
Select ',' + [col] From #List For Xml Path('')
This gives the results 1,2,3 as expected, but there is no way to get the count that there are 3 items. Any attempt to add a count will just add it to the xml. I combined this code with a cte to get the count:
With CTE As (
(Select ',' + [col] From #List For Xml Path('')) As [List],
Count(*) As [Count]
Is there an easier/cleaner way to get the count of nodes without using a CTE? It was pointed out that you can just duplicate the from clause inside the inner select and outside, but that requires keeping the from clauses in sync. I want to get both the list and count, but only have the from clause written once.
How about drawing data from the CTE instead of the temp table?
With CTE As (
-- Many joins
-- Complicated where clause
(Select ',' + [col] From Cte For Xml Path('')) As [List],
Count(*) As [Count]
This will allow you to keep your joins and search predicates in one place.
You don't need the CTE you can use the subquery approach directly
COUNT(*) AS [Count],
(SELECT ',' + [col] FROM #List FOR XML PATH('')) AS [List]
FROM #List

TSQL Reverse FOR XML Encoding

I am using FOR XML in a query to join multiple rows together, but the text contains quotes, "<", ">", etc. I need the actual character instead of the encoded value like """ etc. Any suggestions?
Basically what you're asking for is invalid XML and luckly SQL Server will not produce it. You can take the generated XML and extract the content, and this operation will revert the escaped characters to their text representation. This revert normally occurs in the presnetaitonlayer, but it can occur in SQL Server itslef by instance using XML methods to extract the content of the produced FOR XML output. For example:
declare #text varchar(max) = 'this text has < and >';
declare #xml xml;
set #xml = (select #text as [node] for xml path('nodes'), type);
select #xml;
select x.value(N'.', N'varchar(max)') as [text]
from #xml.nodes('//nodes/node') t(x);
I have a similar requirement to extract column names for use in PIVOT query.
The solution I used was as follows:
SELECT #columns = STUFF((SELECT '],[' + Value
FROM Table
FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '') + ']'
This produces a single string:
[Value 1],[Value 2],[Value 3]
I hope this points you in the right direction.
--something like this?
SELECT Name='ab<>'
) Names;
-- 1)
(SELECT ', ' + Name FROM #Names FOR XML PATH(''))
-- 2)
(SELECT ', ' + Name FROM #Names FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE).value('text()[1]','nvarchar(max)')
-- 2) is slower but will not return encoded value.
Hope it help.