linkedin oauth2 login returns "504 Gateway Time-out" - authentication

I'm using linkedin login on my website. Everything was working until last week, when it started returning "504 Gateway Time-out" error. I did not change anything in my application settings on linkedin developer site nor in my application code. Weird thing is that it still works fine on localhost, but on production it returns error described above. My question is:
Is it more likely to be a problem on Linkedin side? Because for me it seems that my website is trying to connect to linkedin API but it never gets a response.
Unfortunately I have not found any address that I could contact regarding this problem. Is there any linkedin support for this ? Or have any of you were experiencing similar problem?
Thank you

I had the same issue the solution was to set the header Content-Type to application/json.

The LinkedIn Developer API appears to be down. Requests to:
are failing consistently.
And while this might be a separate issue, it's worth noting that the documentation for integrating with their OAuth2 service is no longer accessible at


Tiktok authentication for using api

Can anybody tell me that is it necessary that tiktok webapp should be approved for getting access token cuz my app is under reviewed and when I go to authentication page for callback authorization after login it is showing error
I followed all the instructions that were given in there documentation but i am stucked at the call back authorization
The status of your app should be Live in production. They usually give you feedback if there are any issues and in case it's declined. You have to make fixes accordingly to get the API functionality to work.
The reviewal process shouldn't take longer than 3 working days.

LinkedIN Encounter error: Your application has not been authorized for the scope "r_basicprofile"

I was able to connect to the LinkedIn API for about two months and everything was correct. Was wondering if there has been any change to the API lately to block my app like so?
The app was in development stage and mostly 5 hits a day against their API.
It's not you, it's LinkedIn. See others complaining about the same issue:

Instagram API "504 Gateway Time-out"

our website based on Instagram API recently sometimes encounters Instagram API's error response of "504 Gateway Time-out", we are a honest website and not abusing the API, why is this happening?
It seems to be an issue at Instagram. We have been receiving the same issue intermittently since the 3rd May. A quick search on twitter will show you that the same thing is happening to many other people around the world recently:
The error itself is because an Instagram server not responding to the request from the load balancer or gateway (nginx in this case) in time, which leads to the gateway sending you the 504 error. This is usually caused by load on the web server or database, network routing issue or software error.
You can read the status code definitions here:
Instagram will have to fix this issue, you can file a bug report here:

Migration token from AuthSub to OAuth2

Recently, AuthSub died...?
Is it possible to migration from session_token of Authsub to refresh_token of OAuth2 ?
Please tell me how to do it if possible.
Its still supported, but is failing for us as well (and others if search twitter for it). I'm wondering if Google is experience a technical issue with AuthSub or if they made a change (e.g. patch/release) earlier this week that is causing the issues?
We see it working for some Google accounts and fail for others - starting on Dec 10/11. So, its not impacting every Google account.
We are currently not capturing the outgoing requests to google. We are using the library gdata-calendar-1.0.jar to make google calendar api calls using AuthSub and the library is throwing an exception with the exception message "Unknown authorization header". This worked perfectly up until Dec 10/11th or so for all of our users.
What is strange is now the same calls do work for certain gmail accounts but not for others.
In our testing we are seeing that turning off the enhanced security in our web application results in the warning displayed to the user on the Google Authorization page but makes the connection work for the accounts that are failing.
Here are the api calls we are making:
AuthSubUtil.exchangeForSessionToken to connect to the google account
CalendarService.query to get events
CalendarService.insert to insert events in calendar
CalendarService.getFeed to get the calendars
AuthSub is still supported by Google as per Google's deprecation policy.
As for a migration path to OAuth2, currently there is none.

'Cannot call API on behalf of this user' on FB API call

I am having trouble with facebook API call. I am using Koala for server side api call but recently came into issue making api call. So I tried to bypass koala call and did raw api http call using call but to no avail.
When I do curl from development machine it works fine.
curl "
It returns profile details, but the same thing done from production machine, it's throwing the exception
{"error":{"message":"Cannot call API on behalf of this user","type":"OAuthException","code":200}}
Does anyone had the same issue? Like to hear from you guys.
I found the source of the problem (on our site, at least). In Facebook's developer console (, our app was showing an invalid privacy policy. Due to this, Facebook had automatically placed our app into Sandbox Mode.
Updating our privacy policy and (more notably) removing our app from Sandbox Mode caused this error to cease.
Other users seem to have had some success with removing regional (country-specific) restrictions on who can and cannot log in to their app (!topic/django-social-auth/XaE5dFXEqhA)
Best of luck! :)
I had the App in dev mode. All I did was remove the subscription & resubscribe my webhook server and this worked for me.