ReferenceError: raygunUtilityFactory is not defined - react-native

I am trying to implement raygun for a react-native app. I am running into problems with jest and I am not sure of the best approach given the window does not exist. In my package.json I have already added the following:
"globals": {
"window": {}
I get the following error though and I am unable to resolve it as of yet:
ReferenceError: raygunUtilityFactory is not defined
This is a very basic implementation as per the docs:
I presume this is something with jest but having searched on github, here and google I still have not been able to resolve this.

Raygun4JS does not currently work correctly in a non-browser environment. Your best bet would be to not include the Raygun4JS code inside of your test environment (which is what we do at Raygun) but that is a bit more complicated using the UMD module from NPM (we use the snippet approach to inject it dynamically).
I think the problem stems from window not being considered the global object in Jest vs the browser, we have an indirect call to the window object to call the raygunUtilityFactory. Are you using the jsdom test environment? We also have the same window definition in our jestconfig.json and export some variables onto window in our setupframework.js file that are accessed indirectly through the global object and it appears to work correctly.


Vue 2 Cli CSP Build Issue - Eval & new Function Problem

Due to CSP Requirements I have had to convert a static vue application within the Vue 2 CLI environment.
After reading a lot of online documentation I am aware that for CSP compliant vue you need to use Render functions and a runtime version of Vue.js
My problem is that after converting my old static vue application to the Vue CLI build process I am still getting a 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed message. I am not sure why this is the case, due to Vue 2's cli build process apparently using the CSP compliant runtime vue version, unless otherwise specified in the config file for webpack.
The specific code causing the CSP error (there is only one instance of it) is found in the built/output vendor.js file. The code causing the issue is:
function Ts(t, e) {
try {
return new Function(t)
} catch (n) {
return e.push({
err: n,
code: t
}), D
I have looked far and wide to figure out why this non CSP compliant code is appearing in Vue's built vendor.js file. Any advice would be great. I have read all of Vue's main documentation on CSP, and should re-iterate that I used Vue 2 CLI for the build and conversion of the static app.
For any other poor soul who have gone down the rabbit hole of Vue.js static to non-compiled CSP conversion, these 2 steps solved my issue:
Manually change csp\build\webpack.base.conf.js '$vue' property to the following:
Click to see image
In your main.js file change vue instantiation to the following pattern, this is needed so the component will mount correctly with the runtime build Click to see image

ERROR Cannot start nuxt: Context is not availablet

I'm trying to run the Nuxt3 app but when I'm trying to run npm run dev then this error showing in my console: ERROR Cannot start nuxt: Context is not available
Anyone have face the same type of issue and how to fix that.
I had this same issue but the problem was that I was trying to use Nuxt/Vue specific functionality in a .ts file.
I was abstracting some of the lengthier functions and computed objects into a composition file, specifically import { useNuxtApp } from '#imports' and const { $store } = useNuxtApp(). The .ts file has no Nuxt context so these imports and functions just won't work there!
Might you be experiencing something similar?
I had same issue, when i try generated app for production "npm run generate".
Most likely its a version issue, update nuxt to "3.0.0-rc.8"

Unable to call utilities in another module of karate maven project

I am getting following exception when trying to call feature file of another module from different module with logs as,
org.graalvm.polyglot.PolyglotException: TypeError: Access to host class utils.Utils is not allowed or does not exist.
Following is the file which I am trying to run as,
karate error description
Please read this answer for hints on how to handle re-use across Java modules:
Recommendation is to avoid it as far as possible. And things like call read('../../../../core-utilities/src/main/java/java-functions-calls.feature') lead to un-maintainable tests:
Most likely the problem is because in the project where you make the call - the utils.Utils class is simply not on the Java "classpath". You should probably take the help of someone who knows Java well, or stick to a simpler "single module" Java project.

Load debug version of pre-built module via npm/webpack

There is a javascript library, pre-built and available on npm, that I wish to develop with/debug. In my case, it is openlayers.
In the classic way of requiring a javascript file and wanting to debug, one would just switch the script url from the production version to the debug version, ie:
However, when using webpack and then importing via npm:
import openlayers from 'openlayers'
Gets you the production distribution of the library, the same as the ol.js script from above.
On a side note, to stop webpack trying to parse a prebuilt library and throw a warning about that you must include something like this:
// Squash OL whinging
webpackConfig.module.noParse = [
/\/dist\/ol.*\.js/, // openlayers is pre-built
Back to the problem at hand: how can I conditionally load a different entry-point for a module prebuilt and imported like this?
Of course, I can do it in a hacky way. By going into the node_modules/openlayers/package.json and switching the browser field from
"browser": "dist/ol.js",
"browser": "dist/ol-debug.js",
Is there a way I can request a different entry point via webpack or by using a different import syntax? Do I first have to petition the library maintainers to update the browser field to allow different entry point hints to browsers, according to the spec?
Thoughts on a more effective way to make this happen? Yearning to be able to programmatically switch loading of the production and debug versions of a library based on env variables.
Webpack has configuration options for replacing a module into a different path:
This resolves the openlayers import to use the debug version:
webpackConfig.resolve.alias: {
openlayers: 'openlayers/dist/ol-debug.js'
In my build system I have a function that takes the environment type and returns the matching webpackConfig. Based on the parameter I include the above snippet or not.
Full code: webpack-multi-config.js
I have two different (gulp-) tasks for development and production. For example the production task: webpackProduction.js
Line 1 imports the config script with production as type.
My build system is based on gulp starter.

Ember.js testing component with service dependency

I'm trying to write tests for my addon, but encountering some weird behaviour.
I have created a service (via ember-cli generate), which is used inside a component.
When an actual application is running everything is working fine.
However, when testing the component I get an error saying that the service is undefined when trying to access any of its properties/methods.
In the test i've put the service in "needs" like so:
needs: ['service:my-service']
"Needing" other components (e.g. child ones used inside) works as expected, services strangely fail.
Are there any additional steps that need to be done?
Running ember-cli 0.1.12.
When you generate a service, it also generates an initializer whose job it is to inject the service into the various places that you need it.
So, when you run acceptance tests your app will have booted and initializers will have been run, therefore the services will be available.
However, when unit testing components you get a clean container (better for testing). You just need to inject what you need:
moduleForComponent('foo-bar', null, {
setup: function(container) {
container.register('service:foo', FooService);
container.injection('component', 'fooService', 'service:foo');
I managed to get this working by using the new Ember.inject API available in the latest (as of writing) 1.10 release.
Apparently the new inject API is intended to replace needs in the future, it also works great with unit tests.
We just managed to get one working using needs: ['service:myService'] instead of needs: ['service:my-service'].