Dojo 2 - issue of loading js files - dojo2

Not able to load js files from local where as CDN path working fine in Dojo 2 application. Once included custom JavaScript files using script tag in index.html. But in browser it shows the error 404 file not found.
Please suggest as i need these for my Dojo 2 application.
This is my how i am using script tag to include
script src="assets/js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"

Currently, the Dojo 2 build does not copy external assets to the build directory, but we are working on a way of specifying such assets in the .dojorc config (index.html is not/will not be scanned for assets). In the meantime, another means of delivering static assets will be required (for example, configuring the assets/ path at the server level).

Assuming you are using the dojo 2 cli you need to move your assets folder into the root of you application, this is in the dojo 2 build docs:
While most assets will be imported by modules in the src/ directory and therefore handled by the main build pipeline, it is often necessary to serve static assets or include assets in the HTML file itself (e.g., the favicon).
Static assets can be added to an assets/ directory at the project root. At build time, these assets are copied as-is without file hashing to output/{mode}/assets, and can be accessed using the absolute /assets/ path. For example, if users need access to a static terms of service document named terms.pdf, that file would added to assets/terms.pdf and accessed via the URL /assets/terms.pdf.
The build also parses src/index.html for CSS, JavaScript, and image assets, hashing them and including them in the output/{mode}/ directory. For example, it is common for applications to display a favicon in the URL bar. If the favicon is named favicon.ico, it can be added to the src/ directory and included in src/index.html with . The build will then hash the file and copy it to output/{mode}/favicon.[hash].ico.
But another option is to add a new npm command "move-assets": "cp -R ./src/assets ./output/dist/assets" to you package config
"scripts": {
"start": "dojo build --mode dev --watch memory --serve",
"build": "dojo build --mode dist && npm run move-assets && npm run move-assets",
"move-assets": "cp -R ./src/assets ./output/dist/assets"
This will move your assets into the build output folder ./output/dist


assets not showing after build process with vite and vue3

When running npm run build my pictures under src/assets/... are not available in the dist directory / production build. So not shown on the site. In dev mode it works for sure.
Any ideas how to make them available after building?
Assets in src/assets must be referenced in the code (via import or similar) to be included in the bundle. If you just want static files to be bundled with your project, you should use public/ instead:
Static assets can be handled in two different ways:
Imported in JavaScript or referenced in templates/CSS via relative paths. Such references will be handled by webpack.
Placed in the public directory and referenced via absolute paths. These assets will simply be copied and not go through webpack.

.nuxt folder vs dist folder in a spa nuxt project

every time i build my nuxt project it creates a .nuxt folder and a dist folder in my root directory. what's the difference between them? i can run .nuxt by nuxt start command, but what's use of dist folder? i served it with a chrome extension and it worked fine. but i don't know what exactly it is. it's not a static version cause it's different from dist folder that nuxt generat command's fully interactive and when i run it by that extension i can't see any difference compare to runing .nuxt folder by nuxt start command.

How to separate sources from dist files in Aurelia with JSPM?

I am trying to use Aurelia with Symfony backend. Part of our application is generated on the backend (good, old server-side MVC) and part of it should be an SPA. I have started aurelia app from skeleton-typescript (JSPM). Directory structure I am trying to create is as follows.
I have changed the output path in build/paths.js and gulp build correctly places the compiled files in the web/dist. I have also added a gulp task that copies the index.html into the web/.
The biggest problem I have is how to manage the JSPM dependencies. If I configure it to downlad the dependencies into web/jspm_dependencies, the application works when launched with Symfony but I am not able to configure karma unit tests properly (it says for example that it can't find aurelia-polyfills). If I leave the jspm_dependencies in the src/FrontendModule then I have to create a gulp task that copies it to the web/ and it takes a lot more than 10s => unacceptable.
This leds me to the following questions:
What is the suggested directory structure for Aurelia project when I am not going to serve the app from the project's root?
Is there any way to copy only the files needed by the application to the web/ (something like main-bower-files for bower)?
I know I can gulp export the app into the web/, but I want to use the same directory structure during the development, too.
I don't want to use browsersync server in the dev because of multi-nature of the application (SPA part and non-SPA part that has to be served from "real" backend).

aurelia bundle - serve from a single directory

Trying to use the aurelia cli bundling facility.
Is it possible to serve all app files (i.e. index.html, app-bundle.html, app-bundle.js, etc) from a single directory or index.html must be at the top (./) directory and the other files in a child (./dist) directory?
Under the covers the cli is using JSPM / System.js's bundling functionality. This works by looking at your config.js paths on where to find the files both for the bundle and when serving. If your paths are set up to serve from the root directory this should work as expected. The problem will be that if you are trying to bundle root it will try to grab all .js files in there which could be bad if you don't exclude them.

Gulp less with images

Is there a way for gulp-less (or some other tool) to take the paths to images that are referenced in the .less/.css file and put the files to the destination folder?
Right now when I install a node module, I #import the css file from /node_modules/... directory to my main .less file and it will be included in the bundle, but the images that come with the module are still located under /node_modules/... folder which I don't plan to deploy so using a relative URL would be pointless.
You should consider using bower to split your dev dependencies (handled by npm, non-deployed stuff) and front-end libs (handled by bower, deployed stuff).
Using a .bowerrc like this, you can tell where to save the libs in you projects structure:
"directory": "./<your-public-folder>/libs"