Run flowtype checker manually - intellij-idea

I have the IDEA Ultimate 2018.1 with flowtype (flow-bin) configured and all the checkboxes selected. I followed this guide:
The type checking needs much time to be executed. I change something in my code (reverting a wrong annotation, or creating a wrong one), and I need to wait around 30 seconds to get the correct annotation, this is, IDEA triggers the flow server to analyse the files and modify the editor accordingly. That is quite a lot.
Can I trigger that type checking analysis manually inside IDEA to get the editor updated? Or can I change the auto-running interval?

As Kraus noticed, my version of flow-bin was old.
I was using the version 0.26.0 instead of the new 0.74.0, mainly because when I updated flow I was not using flow-bin but flow...
Thanks. Now IDEA and flow are fast.


ADF Azure data Factory debug not running saved changes

Anyone see this behavior? For example here is my code in an activity....#{concat(
This IS saved. Multiple times. But when I run in debug this is what is run...
#{concat(\n substring(activity('GetMaxDate').output.firstRow.MAX_DATE,1,4)\n ,'
It's running the prior version (0,4) instead of the new version (1,4). I first noticed this because I changed the name of the activity and debug still ran the old name. This seems like new problem I've not had before. If I publish and run it as trigger it picks up the change. It's just debug that's not picking it up. This seems an inexcusable bug. This is 101 functionality folks.
Any suggestions? Should this be logged with Microsoft as bug?
Additinal option to Gary's comment:
C) Rename your pipeline, save, run debug. Rename back after.
This worked for me.
Seen this cache behavior in the past. Preview query shows cached data from source table even though the source table data was completely changed.
Deleting the pipeline,dataset.. and creating new pipeline solved the issue for me.
Seems this happenens when the debug is being used too many times. Recommend to log this behavior as a bug.

GraphDB WorkBench Similarity Index refresh are disabled when outdated

Using the GraphDB workbench, I have built a few Similarity indexes The first is just the default query and two custom ones. These worked fine for the build. Now they have a status of outdated but the refresh feature is disabled, the UI will not allow a click, instead presenting bubble indicating I cant do it. Only the delete feature is allows. Has anyone determined why this happens and how to fix it? This is the 3rd time it has happened. Yes I can drop a rebuild but I would prefer to find out why its happening. The logs do not appear to have anything related to this.
Similarity queries needed for index rebuild are stored in Workbench settings file in GraphDB Home /work/workbench/settings.js. This may happen if you change your GraphDB Home. Please, also check if you have some errors on initialization.

TFS Api - trigger test run conditionally (when new files come)

I'm trying to get acquainted with test automation using Microsoft TFS Api.
I've created the program which runs my test set - it uses code similar to one described here, e.g.:
var testRun = _testPoint.Plan.CreateTestRun(false);
testRun.DateStarted = DateTime.Now;
// ...
I believe this forces them to start as soon as any of agents can run them, instead of being delayed to certain time. Am I wrong? Anyway, it works all right.
But I was told by my lead that the task should be started each time the new input files are copied to certain folder (on the network I think, or perhaps in TFS).
So I'm searching for a way which allow to trigger tests on some condition - but currently without any luck. Probably I miss proper keywords.
I only found something vaguely related here but it seems they say it is not possible in a proper way.
So are there any facilities in TFS / MTM, any ways or approaches to achieve my goal? Thanks in advance for any hints / links.
You would need to write a system service (or other) that uses the file system watcher. Then when the file changes you can run your code above.
There is no built in feature in TFS to watch a folder for changes.

OpenERP: modify core module

I'm new to OpenERP and Python too. I have OpenERP 6.0.4
I have modified the file in the account folder using python 2.7 (I just edited and saved the file, I didn't compile anything).
The change I made is how the total amount is calculated, I needed the total amount to always add 0.3 EUR to the total.
I then restarted OpenERP server, I also went to admnisitration>modules> set the account module to upgrade and then applied the upgrades.
I then started a new invoice and the changes were not reflected.
For testing purposes, since I'm new to Python and thought maybe I didn't code correctly, I have modified the help message that appears when you hover the mouse over "Residual" in the invoice interface by modifying a line in from help="Remaining amount due." to help="This is just for testing."
I restarted the server and upgraded the modules and even this change isn't reflected.
I even created a new database and the modifications are still not showing.
Am I missing something? Is it even possible to edit the core modules ? Is there any workaround to this?
FINAL SOLUTION : Uninstalling and reinstalling the server solved the problem.
The most probable cause is the the addons directory being used is not the same you are editing. You can be sure if you change the name of the addons directory and can restart the server without problems. You can also try to set the --addons-path parameter to the server start command.
If/when you confirm to be working on the right files, try instead to make small text changes on views, since these are visible right after a module upgrade, not requiring a server restart. For instance, try changing some string attributes on account\partner_view.xml.
Slightly off topic, but important: you should not be modifying the core modules directly in the source. The correct way is to extend the core class in your own module which will depend on the core module.
From your comments, it seems you want to add a set tax amount to your invoice. Have a look at - openerp already caters for that need and then you dont need to hack the source code which should be your last resort :)

How to run code during the "firstrun" of a Xulrunner Application

I am writing a custom xulrunner-based app and I wish to have some files deployed in the user profile the first time the application is run.
I placed the files in my application's defaults/profile directory but they did not get copied to user's profile during the first run of the application.
Should I write some additional code or this should happen automatically?
The thing that gets copied for sure is the application default preferences.
Is there a "standard" way offered by Firefox or some of the many mozilla applications?
Any link to some reading will be helpful.
Any hint is valuable.
Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately the standard way of doing first run code is to use the pref system to determine if you have or haven't done something yet. There are a few gotchas though:
Make sure this code only runs once. If your firstrun code is in an overlay or main browser window, it can be run multiple times (once per window)
after you run the code and set the pref, make sure you flush the prefs, since prefs are written on close and will only be saved when you close.
You could also use the preferences system in concert with querying for an extensions version number. When the version changes, call your function. That would allow you the flexibility to call the function again later if you want - but only at a version change.