Bookmarking login page with nonce -

I'm trying to integrate an MVC4 web client with IdentityServer using Microsoft OWIN middleware OIDC authentication v4.0.0. When requesting an ID token from the authorize endpoint, a nonce must be supplied, and the login page served up has the nonce in the query string. If a user bookmarks this and uses it to log in the next day (for example), nonce validation in the client will fail because they'll no longer have that nonce stored, or it will have expired, etc.
This triggers the AuthenticationFailed notification in the client with this exception:
"IDX21323: RequireNonce is '[PII is hidden]'. OpenIdConnectProtocolValidationContext.Nonce was null, OpenIdConnectProtocol.ValidatedIdToken.Payload.Nonce was not null. The nonce cannot be validated. If you don't need to check the nonce, set OpenIdConnectProtocolValidator.RequireNonce to 'false'. Note if a 'nonce' is found it will be evaluated."
At this point I could HandleResponse, redirect to an error page and so on. If they then try to access a protected resource again, the redirect to IdentityServer immediately returns an ID token due to the previous successful login (from its point of view I guess?) and this time the nonce validates and the user is logged into the client. But this is a rather strange experience for the user - their first attempt to log in appears to fail, they get an error, but then when they try again they don't even have to log in, they're just taken straight in.
An alternative would be to handle this type of exception in AuthenticationFailed by redirecting to the home protected resource so the happens 'seamlessly' in the background. To the user it appears as if their first login attempt worked. But I'm not sure if this is appropriate for genuine nonce validation issues. I'm also worried this may lead to redirect loops in some cases.
So to get to my question... what is the common approach to this issue of bookmarking login pages / nonces? Have I made a fundamental mistake or picked up a fundamental misunderstanding somewhere along the line which has allowed this scenario to occur?

Here is the code that needs to go into the call to
UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationType = "oidc",
Authority = appSettings["ida:Authority"],
ClientId = appSettings["ida:ClientId"],
ClientSecret = appSettings["ida:ClientSecret"],
PostLogoutRedirectUri = appSettings["ida:PostLogoutRedirectUri"],
RedirectUri = appSettings["ida:RedirectUri"],
RequireHttpsMetadata = false,
ResponseType = "code id_token",
Scope = appSettings["ida:Scope"],
Notifications = new OpenIdConnectAuthenticationNotifications
AuthenticationFailed = authFailed =>
if (authFailed.Exception.Message.Contains("IDX21323"))
return Task.FromResult(true);
SignInAsAuthenticationType = "Cookies"


Not able to SignOut using Saml2 from Sustainsys

This should be redirecting my app to my AdFs signOut Page, and then redirect me back to my app.
However, it simply redirects me to my route "/logout".
Watching the log on my ADFS server nothing happens.
public async Task<IActionResult> Logout()
return SignOut(new AuthenticationProperties()
RedirectUri = "/logout"
SignIn works fine. I even tried this same approach, but does not work. Here, the ReturnUrl method gets the location from HttpContext.Response.Header. When I try this for the logout, the location is always null.
public async Task<string> LoginAdfs()
string redirectUri = _appSettings.Saml.SpEntityId;
await HttpContext.ChallengeAsync(new AuthenticationProperties
RedirectUri = string.Concat(redirectUri, "/autenticado")
return ReturnUrl();
Any idea what could be happening?
UPDATE 21/11/2019
Turns out the Saml2Handler is simply not trying to send the request to the server. I'm getting these messages on my output window:
Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2.Saml2Handler: Debug: Initiating logout, checking requirements for federated logout
Issuer of LogoutNameIdentifier claim (should be Idp entity id):
Issuer is a known Idp: False
Session index claim (should have a value):
Idp has SingleLogoutServiceUrl:
There is a signingCertificate in SPOptions: True
Idp configured to DisableOutboundLogoutRequests (should be false):
Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2.Saml2Handler: Information: Federated logout not possible, redirecting to post-logout
Here is my StartUp Configuration, I don't get what is wrong here:
ServiceCertificate se = new ServiceCertificate()
Certificate = new X509Certificate2(SpCert, "",X509KeyStorageFlags.MachineKeySet),
Use = CertificateUse.Signing
SPOptions sp = new SPOptions
AuthenticateRequestSigningBehavior = SigningBehavior.Never,
EntityId = new EntityId(SpEntityId),
ReturnUrl = new Uri("/login"),
NameIdPolicy = new Sustainsys.Saml2.Saml2P.Saml2NameIdPolicy(null, Sustainsys.Saml2.Saml2P.NameIdFormat.Unspecified),
IdentityProvider idp = new IdentityProvider(new EntityId(appSettings.Saml.EntityId), sp);
idp.Binding = Saml2BindingType.HttpPost;
idp.AllowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse = true;
//idp.WantAuthnRequestsSigned = true;
idp.SingleSignOnServiceUrl = new Uri("/login");
//idp.LoadMetadata = true;
idp.SigningKeys.AddConfiguredKey(new X509Certificate2(IdpCert));
idp.MetadataLocation = theMetadata;
idp.DisableOutboundLogoutRequests = true;
For the logout to work, two special claims "LogoutNameIdentifier" and "SessionIndex" (full names are and need to be present on the user. Those carries information about the current session that the Saml2 library needs to be able to do a logout.
Now I don't see your entire Startup, so I cannot understand your application's flow. But those claims should be present in the identity returned by the library - possibly stored in an External cookie (if you are using identity). When your application then sets the application cookie those two claims must be carried over to the session identity.
Also you have actually disabled outbound logout with DisableOutboundLogoutRequests. But that's not the main problem here as your logs indicates that the required claims are not present.
From my own experience, the two claims, as mentioned by Anders Abel, should be present on the user. I had not seen these claims until I passed all of the claims along with the sign-in request. ASP.NET Core recreates the principal on SignInAsync and needs claims to be passed in with the request.
With the following, I am able to fulfill a SingleLogout with my service:
await HttpContext.SignInAsync(user.SubjectId, user.Username, props, user.Claims.ToArray());
what you are using as a service provider. Core 2.1 and IdentityServer4 - Client Side and Server Side Cookie Removal

I am working on an Identity Server implementation that makes use of Core 2.1 and IdentityServer4 libraries. In the context of OAuth2 protocol, the identity server is implemented in a way to return an AuthorizationCode as soon as the customer provides his/her login credentials through a server provided web-form. The code is returned by the server to a redirectURI that the customer has provided earlier when he first made the login request (see below shown sample login request).
Sample Login Request:
Once above like request is issued in browser, the browser opens up a client login page where user is asked to type in his customerid and password. Then, an SMS token page is opened where the customer enters the SMS he has received at his cell phone. The customer then enters the SMS in the browser. Finally, the server redirects the customer's browser to the page at the redirectURI where the browser shows the AuthorizationCode (i.e. code) in the address bar as shown in the following:
Here, the code "89c0cbe1a2cb27c7cd8025b6cc17f6c7cf9bc0d4583c5a63" can be now used to request an AccessToken from the identity server.
If I re-issue the above indicated sample login request in the same client browser (e.g. chrome), then the browser redirects the user to the redirectURI immediately without re-asking the client login credentials. This is a problem because I have to open up a fresh login screen every time the login request is made considering that there can be customers who have different login credentials. Therefore, I have provided a logout endpoint in my IdentityServer implementation where I intend to clean out the entire client cache and then sign out the customer as shown in the following code block. Here, I delete the cookies first and then create a new one with same key and past expiration date in order that the cookie is removed from the client browser cache in addition to the server cache. My aim here is to bring the login web form up-front in the browser at all times with no caching in place if a logout request is issued in order that the login form is displayed every time a new comer customer arrives.
public async Task<IActionResult> Logout()
var vm = await BuildLoggedOutView();
string url = Url.Action("Logout", new { logoutId = vm.LogoutId });
if (HttpContext.Request != null && HttpContext.Request.Cookies != null && HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Keys != null && HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Keys.Count > 0)
foreach (var key in _accessor.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.Keys)
//!!!! Cookie Removal !!!!!!
//Here I delete the cookie first and then recreate it
//with an expiry date having the day before.
new CookieOptions()
Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)
//!!!! Explicit sign out!!!!!!
await _accessor.HttpContext.SignOutAsync();
catch (NotSupportedException ex) // this is for the external providers that don't have signout
catch (InvalidOperationException ex) // this is for Windows/Negotiate
return View("Logged out", vm);
Although I delete the cookies and override them on server side, the client browser keeps returning into the page at redirect uri where a new authorization code is shown without enforcing the customer to login (which is undesired). So, my question here is what am I missing in the above code block? It looks neither cookie override with old expiry date nor the explicit call to SignoutAsync method does not help to sign out the customer completely. Is there some more explicit strategy you might suggest in order to clean out everything both on client and server side completely once logged out?
I've had the same issue with cookies not being deleted properly. In my case it was because I defined a specific path for the authentication cookies. Let's say my path was /path, in that case you have to specify the same path within your delete:
foreach (var cookie in Request.Cookies.Keys)
Response.Cookies.Delete(cookie, new CookieOptions()
Path = "/path",
// I also added these options, just to be sure it matched my existing cookies
Expires = DateTimeOffset.Now,
Secure = true,
SameSite = SameSiteMode.None,
HttpOnly = true
Also, I do not know if the .Append() is necessary. By using .Delete() it already sent a set-cookie header in my case.

ValidateAntiForgeryToken in an ASP.NET Core React SPA Application

I'm trying to use the framework's tools to add some simple CSRF validation to an ASP.NET Core React SPA. The application itself is essentially a create-react-app setup (a single index.html with a root element and everything else is loaded in from bundled JavaScript).
Tinkering with some information found on links such as this one, I've set the following in my Startup.ConfigureServices:
services.AddAntiforgery(options => options.Cookie.Name = "X-CSRF-TOKEN");
And confirmed in my Chrome tools that the cookie is being set. If I omit the above line, a cookie is still set with a partially randomized name, such as: .AspNetCore.Antiforgery.RAtR0X9F8_w Either way the cookie is being set. I've also confirmed that any time I re-start the whole application the cookie value is updated, so the framework is actively setting this cookie.
Observing network requests in my Chrome tools, I confirm that the cookie is being sent to the server on AJAX request. Placing a breakpoint on the server and observing the Request.Cookies value in a controller action also confirms this.
However, if I decorate any such AJAX requested action with [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] then the response is always an empty 400.
Is there a configuration step I've missed somewhere? Perhaps the action attribute is looking in the wrong place and I need to use a different validation?
I just inspect the log and find out there's an exception:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.AntiforgeryValidationException: The required antiforgery cookie ".AspNetCore.Antiforgery.HPE6W9qucDc" is not present.
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.Internal.DefaultAntiforgery.ValidateRequestAsync(HttpContext httpContext)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ViewFeatures.Internal.ValidateAntiforgeryTokenAuthorizationFilter.OnAuthorizationAsync(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
It indicates that you forgot to configure the cookie name :
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// In production, the React files will be served from this directory
services.AddSpaStaticFiles(configuration =>
configuration.RootPath = "ClientApp/build";
So I just add a configuration as below :
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAntiforgery(o => {
o.Cookie.Name = "X-CSRF-TOKEN";
// ...
and it works now.
Also, if you would like to omit the line of services.AddAntiforgery(options => options.Cookie.Name = "X-CSRF-TOKEN"); , you can use the built-in antiforgery.GetAndStoreTokens(context) method to send cookie:
app.Use(next => context =>
if (context.Request.Path == "/")
//var tokens = antiforgery.GetTokens(context);
var tokens = antiforgery.GetAndStoreTokens(context);
context.Response.Cookies.Append("X-CSRF-TOKEN", tokens.CookieToken, new CookieOptions { HttpOnly = false });
context.Response.Cookies.Append("X-CSRF-FORM-TOKEN", tokens.RequestToken, new CookieOptions { HttpOnly = false });
return next(context);
Both should work as expected.
The accepted answer here is extremely incorrect when it suggests to send both cookies via JS-readable cookies:
// do not do this
context.Response.Cookies.Append("X-CSRF-TOKEN", tokens.CookieToken, new CookieOptions { HttpOnly = false });
context.Response.Cookies.Append("X-CSRF-FORM-TOKEN", tokens.RequestToken, new CookieOptions { HttpOnly = false });
If you send both the Cookie token and the Request token in a Cookie that is readable by JS, you are defeating the purpose of having a Cookie token and a Request token.
The purpose of using both tokens is to make sure that
you have a valid session (the HTTP-only Cookie proves this),
you have requested a form from the site using this valid session (the HTTP-readable Cookie or another method can prove this), and
you are submitting the form from the same valid session
Why It's Wrong.
The Request Token
The Request Token ensures that you have actually loaded a page ( Think about this: if you are logged in to as an administrator, a request from anywhere from your browser (where CORS allows the necessary properties) can successfully validate against Cookie-based CSRF Validation and your authentication.
However, by adding the Request Token, you are confirming that your browser also actually loaded a request to the form (or at least, the site) before submitting it. This is usually done with a hidden input. This is automatically done by using the Form Tag Helper in Asp.Net.
<form action="/myEndpoint" method="POST">
<input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="#antiforgery.GetAndStoreTokens(context).RequestToken" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
It can also be set .. anywhere. like window.CSRFRequestToken, and manually added to a POST request, like in this fetch example:
fetch('/myEndpoint', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'X-XSRF-Token': window.myCSRFRequestToken, 'Bearer': window.mySuperSecretBearerToken } };
The Cookie Token
In the above contrived example, the user is logged in via a bearer token via OAuth or something (not recommended, use HTTP-only Cookies in a browser environment).
The Cookie Token ensures that a malicious script cannot exfiltrate your Request Token and send requests on your behalf. Without it, in a supply chain attack, a malicious user can send your secrets to a malicious actor:
window.addEventListener('load', => sendMySuperSecretInfoToTheShadowRealm(window.CSRFRequestToken, window.mySuperSecretBearerToken));
Now the malicious user could send a request from wherever they want using your CSRF and bearer token to authenticate. BUT! Not if you have your good friend HTTP-only Cookie-based CSRF Validation -- because JavaScript cannot read HTTP-only cookies.
The Solution
Asp.Net combines these solutions by setting both a Cookie Token and a Request Token. Therefore, when you are sending a request to AspNet you send both:
The cookie:
Cookies.Append('X-CSRF-Token', #antiforgery.GetAndStoreTokens(context).CookieToken);
and either the aspnet form helper tag:
<form action="myEndpoint" />
or manually print the token:
<form action="myEndpoint" asp-antiforgery="false">
or provide the token manually to your scripts:
window.myCSRFRequestToken = "#antiforgery.GetAndStoreTokens(context).RequestToken)";
fetch('/myEndpoint', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token': window.myCSRFRequestToken };
Don't take my word for it
Please please read this page fully in case I didn't explain anything clearly:
A final note:
In the documentation above, the very last example uses a cookie to send the request cookie. This is very different in a subtle way than the answer here. The accepted answer sends both cookies as Javascript-readable { HttpOnly = false }. This means JavaScript can read both and a malicious user can read both and craft a special request themselves that will validate against both Cookie and Request CSRF validations (where CORS allows).
In the documentation, one is sent via an HTTP only cookie (this cannot be read by JS, only used for Cookie-based CSRF validation) and the other is sent via an HTTP-readable cookie. This HTTP-readable cookie MUST be read by JavaScript and used with one of the above methods (form input, header) in order to validate CSRF Request Token Validation.

Auth0 JWT as access token comes in only on second login

I have this issue and I'm not sure whether it is a "bug" or my fault somewhere.
All of this is for a SAP on ASP.NET Core Angular which is accessing Auth0 on a hosted page.
I have updated my hosted page Auth0lock object on the hosted page to inculde a params object with a specified audience
var lock = new Auth0Lock(config.clientID, config.auth0Domain, {
auth: {
redirectUrl: config.callbackURL,
responseType: 'token',
params: {
"audience": ""
assetsUrl: config.assetsUrl,
allowedConnections: connection ? [connection] : null,
rememberLastLogin: !prompt,
language: language,
languageDictionary: languageDictionary,
theme: {
//logo: 'YOUR LOGO HERE',
//primaryColor: 'green'
prefill: loginHint ? { email: loginHint, username: loginHint } : null,
closable: false,
// uncomment if you want small buttons for social providers
// socialButtonStyle: 'small'
During the first login I get the usual auth result where I receive the JWT as the id_token and a short string for the access token and I don't get a message in auth0 about account access request.
During the second and other logins I get what I want. I get the message and I get the JWT as access token and id_token as null.
How do I get that second result from the start, right from the first login? Is that a bug or am I doing something wrong?
Thank you.
PS: I don't have any rules or hooks implemented at that moment.
As a first step: Add as an allowed callback to your Client, revert the Auth0 Hosted Login page back to its default (ie. remove the changes you made), then modify the url below with your own settings, and paste it into a browser URL and hit return.
All going well, it should return a JWT Access Token and auto-populate that into the text-area.
Next, try this - using Auth0's authorize URL instead. Again, use Auth0 default hosted login page, not the one you modified.
https://{{YOUR_TENANT}}{{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}}&protocol=oauth2&redirect_uri= profile&audience=
Should be same result. And presumably this is what you want every time?
If you do want an Id Token, then simply modify responseType / response_type to be token id_token.
So I would recommend you do not modify the Auth0 Hosted Login page settings for Lock directly (authentication related params..), but instead just send through the parameters you want with the request as per the /authorize endpoint above. If you have a Client application using auth0.js for example, you can set everything up at the Client and send it through when the user authenticates.
Sample snippet for auth0.js library config might be:
auth0 = new auth0.WebAuth({
domain: AUTH_CONFIG.domain,
clientID: AUTH_CONFIG.clientId,
redirectUri: AUTH_CONFIG.callbackUrl,
audience: "",
responseType: 'token id_token', // just use token if you don't need id token
scope: 'openid profile read:book' // read:book is a scope defined for API
So far I have found an interesting work around...
When an opaque token is returned, you can simply copy its aud hash and paste it into the Audience parameter when creating the JwtBearerOptions object into the startup class.
That fixes the error with the invalid audience when using the [Authorize] annotation in the controller api which was the main reason why I needed the jwt from the start.
I thought the only way to get the audience insde the jwt for the JwtBearer to decode it correctly was to set the audience in on the hosted page so it would be returned with the JWT inside the access token.

How to do multiple-step login in IdentityServer4?

We were using IdentityServer3, implicit grant and the login consists of multiple screen. In IdentityServer3, there's built in support for such multiple step login workflow (for example for accepting EULA, two-factor login, etc.), The feature called "partial login" and there is even an example:
We've recently upgraded to AspNetCore and IdentityServer4 and wondering how suppose to achieve the same? That is, check username and password in the first step, and if correct, store it securely (for example in an encrypted cookie) for the next step(s).
Our solution was to replicate the IdentityServer3's partial login: use a custom cookie to persist data between steps.
First, we need to register our custom cookie authentication (at Startup.Configure)
app.UseCookieAuthentication(new CookieAuthenticationOptions
AuthenticationScheme = "my-partial",
AutomaticAuthenticate = false,
AutomaticChallenge = false
The first step/entry point of the login workflow should be mapped to GET /account/login (as of IdentityServer4 1.0.0-rc2).
In second step, after the credentials are sent and verified, we persist the username (and eventually any other data) into a cookie.
var claims = new []
new Claim("my-user", username),
new Claim("some-attribute", someAttribute)
await HttpContext.Authentication
.SignInAsync("my-partial", new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(claims)));
Important: avoid using POST /account/login as a second step. Because regardless of your result, IdentityServer's middleware will redirect you back to the authorization endpoint (as of RC2). Just pick any other path.
At your last step, key parts
we read the persisted data from the cookie
remove the partial cookie
sign in the "real" user
redirect to returnUrl (this was added to the first step as a query parameter. Don't forget to send along it)
In code
var partialUser = await HttpContext.Authentication.AuthenticateAsync("my-partial");
var username = partialUser?.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "dr-user")?.Value;
var claims = new [] { /* Your custom claims */};
await HttpContext.Authentication
await HttpContext.Authentication
.SignInAsync(username, username, claims);
return Redirect(returnUrl);
In addition, you might want to validate inputs, for example return to the first step, if there is no partial cookie, etc.