I tried to do unit test with Hoverfly to mock external API.
companion object {
#ClassRule #JvmField
val hoverflyRule: HoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inSimulationMode(dsl(
.willReturn(success("{test:test}", "application/json"))
When I use the Apache client with ktor, that doesn't work. But with another client like khttp, it works. Any ideas why?
You should setup default system proxy in Apache config:
example with ktor(0.9.3-alpha-3):
class ApplicationMockupTest {
companion object {
val hoverflyRule: HoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inSimulationMode(
.queryParam("authtoken", "TOKEN")
.willReturn(success("{j:gr}", "application/json"))
fun exampleTest() = runBlocking<Unit> {
val client = HttpClient(Apache.setupDefaultProxy())
val token = "TOKEN"
val url = "https://people.zoho.com/people/api/forms/P_EmployeeView/records?authtoken=$token"
val requestString = client.get<String>(url)
fun HttpClientEngineFactory<ApacheEngineConfig>.setupDefaultProxy() = config {
customizeClient {
I have the following class to handle account update kafka events
class AccountUpdateQueueListener(
private val accountUpdateUseCase: AccountUpdateUseCase
) {
topics = [Topics.ACCOUNT_UPDATES],
groupId = "api",
containerFactory = "accountUpdatesConsumeFactory",
fun onAccountUpdate(
#Payload request: AccountUpdateEventMessage,
#Header("_txId") txId: String,
acknowledgment: Acknowledgment
) {
MDC.put("account_id", request.account.id.toString())
MDC.put("_txId", txId)
try {
} catch (e: AccountNotFoundException) {
I am trying to test the accountUpdateUseCase.update function used in onAccountUpdate function is called with this test class
#EmbeddedKafka(partitions = 1, brokerProperties = ["listeners=PLAINTEXT://localhost:9092", "port=9092"])
class AccountUpdateQueueListenerTest {
lateinit var accountUpdateUseCase: AccountUpdateUseCase
lateinit var accountUpdateQueueListener: AccountUpdateQueueListener
lateinit var kafkaTemplate: KafkaTemplate<String, AccountUpdateEventMessage>
val accountUpdateEventMessage = AccountUpdateEventMessage(
fun init() {
fun `no errors and update is entered`() {
kafkaTemplate.send(Topics.ACCOUNT_UPDATES, "", accountUpdateEventMessage)
verify(exactly = 1) { accountUpdateUseCase.update(any()) }
The tests failed as accountUpdateUseCase.update. When running this with a debugger it is clear that onAccountUpdate is never entered. However, if the test case is rewritten as follows the debugger actually stopped in onAccountUpdate
fun `no errors and update is entered`() {
kafkaTemplate.send(Topics.ACCOUNT_UPDATES, "", accountUpdateEventMessage)
verify(exactly = 1) { accountUpdateQueueListener.onAccountUpdate(any(),any(),any()) }
My questions are why does the debugger stop in the second test case and how can I rewrite the first test to achieve my original goal?
I am testing an API written in Kotlin using the KTOR framework. For the testing, I am using JUnit5 and Mockito. There is a route class where a route is defined which I need to test. Here is the route class :-
fun Application.configureRouting() {
routing {
post("/someRoute") {
val service = MyService()
val request: JsonNode = call.receive()
launch {
val mapper = ObjectMapper()
val responseStr = "{\"status\":\"success\",\"message\":\"Request has been received successfully\"}"
val response: JsonNode = mapper.readTree(responseStr)
call.fireHttpResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response)
This is the test case I am writing for it :-
class RouteTest {
var service = MyService()
// read the configuration properties
private val testEnv = createTestEnvironment {
config = HoconApplicationConfig(ConfigFactory.load("application.conf"))
fun setUp() = withApplication(testEnv) {
fun test() = withApplication(testEnv) {
withTestApplication(Application::configureRouting) {
runBlocking {
with(handleRequest(HttpMethod.Post, "/someRoute") {
setBody("some body")
}) {
assertEquals(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.status())
When I run the test, it calls the actual "dummyFunction()" method instead of the mocked one and hence, it is failing. Am I doing something wrong?
Because your service in test is different from the service you mocked. To solve this, you need to inject the service into your class, or pass the service as an argument.
Read more: IoC, DI.
The simplest way to solve your problem is to define the service parameter for the configureRouting method and pass a corresponding argument in the test and production code when calling it.
fun Application.configureRouting(service: MyService) {
routing {
post("/someRoute") {
val request: JsonNode = call.receive()
launch {
val mapper = ObjectMapper()
val responseStr = "{\"status\":\"success\",\"message\":\"Request has been received successfully\"}"
val response: JsonNode = mapper.readTree(responseStr)
call.fireHttpResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response)
class RouteTest {
var service = MyService()
private val testEnv = createTestEnvironment {
config = HoconApplicationConfig(ConfigFactory.load("application.conf"))
fun test() = withApplication(testEnv) {
withTestApplication({ configureRouting(service) }) {
runBlocking {
// Your test...
I have a method for calling the "marshalSendAndReceive" method on sending a message over Soap.
class SoapConnector : WebServiceGatewaySupport() {
fun getClient(documentId: String): Person {
val request = getSearchRequest(documentId)
val response = webServiceTemplate.marshalSendAndReceive(request) as SearchResponse
return getPerson(response)
I also have a configuration file.
class SearchClientConfig {
fun marshaller(): Jaxb2Marshaller? {
return Jaxb2Marshaller().apply {
contextPath = "wsdl" //here path to generated java classes from wsdl
fun searchCilent(marshallerJaxb: Jaxb2Marshaller): SoapConnector {
return SoapConnector().apply {
defaultUri = ""
marshaller = marshallerJaxb
unmarshaller = marshallerJaxb
I want to Mock this method.
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
#Sql(scripts = ["classpath:db/init.sql"])
beanName = "dataSource",
provider = AutoConfigureEmbeddedDatabase.DatabaseProvider.DOCKER
class SoapTest : WebServiceGatewaySupport(){
private lateinit var webServiceGatewaySupport: WebServiceGatewaySupport
private lateinit var connector: SoapConnector
fun setUp() {
webServiceGatewaySupport = Mockito.mock(WebServiceGatewaySupport::class.java)
fun getClientTest() {
But there is a bug:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'uri' must not be empty
I don't understand what the problem is and I don't know how to make a working Mock of this method.
I'm experimenting with VertX+Couroutines and just want to check if this setup is blocking at any point or has potential issues that i need to be aware of.
For example, is runBlocking being used correctly in this instance or should i rather do a deployVerticle? And then inside requestHandler, i'm doing GlobalScope.launch, this seems to be discouraged, what is the correct scope to use here?
I've added VertX 4.0.0-milestone5 to my Gradle build script, i'm not using VertX Web:
val vertxVersion = "4.0.0-milestone5"
implementation("io.vertx:vertx-core:$vertxVersion") {
exclude(group = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core", module = "jackson-core")
exclude(group = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core", module = "jackson-databind")
exclude(group = "log4j", module = "log4j")
exclude(group = "org.apache.logging.log4j", module = "log4j-api")
exclude(group = "org.apache.logging.log4j", module = "log4j-core")
Inside Routing.kt i have the following setup:
class Routing(
private val port: Int
) : CoroutineVerticle() {
override suspend fun start() {
).requestHandler { req ->
GlobalScope.launch {
try {
req.response().setStatusCode(200).end("Hello World")
} catch (e: Exception) {
log.error(e.message ?: "", e)
req.response().setStatusCode(500).end("Something Went Wrong")
log.info("Listening on $port")
override suspend fun stop() {
companion object {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Routing::class.java)
private val root = RoutingTree()
suspend fun setup(port: Int) {
Endpoint.all.forEach {
root.addPath(it.key, it.value)
log.info("\n" + root.toString())
Routing(port = port).start()
This Routing.setup is then used inside main()
object Server {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.javaClass)
fun main(args: Array<String>) = runBlocking {
// setup routing
port = if (ENV.env == LOCAL) {
} else {
The whole point of Kotlin integration with Vert.x is that you don't have to use GlobalScope.launch
Here's a minimal example of how it can be achieved:
fun main() {
val vertx = Vertx.vertx()
class Server : CoroutineVerticle() {
override suspend fun start() {
vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler { req ->
// You already have access to all coroutine generators
launch {
// In this scope you can use suspending functions
I tried to create Unit Test using Rxjava + Retrofit but it always give an error.
I have tried all tutorials and reference related of my questions. I did success when create an unit test of other method (other case), but failed in this case (Rx + retrofit).
Request Data Code:
fun getDetailEvent(idEvent: String?) {
.doOnSubscribe {
val compositeDisposable: CompositeDisposable? = null
.doFinally { view.hideLoading() }
val listModel = it
if (listModel != null) {
} else {
view.onDetailEventLoadFailed("Empty or Error List")
val errorMessage = it.message
if (errorMessage != null) {
Unit Test Code :
class DetailNextMatchPresenterTest {
private lateinit var view : DetailNextMatchView
private lateinit var apiService: ApiService
private lateinit var presenter: DetailNextMatchPresenter
fun setup(){
presenter = DetailNextMatchPresenter(view, apiService)
fun getDetailEvent() {
val event : MutableList<EventModel> = mutableListOf()
val response = ResponseEventModel(event)
val idEvent = "44163"
I appreciate all suggestion. Thanks
I believe that the issue is that you haven't forced your code to behave synchronously in the context of your test, so the Observable runs in parallel to your test. Try adding this in your setup method:
RxJavaPlugins.setIoSchedulerHandler { Schedulers.trampoline() } If you're using RxJava2. Try looking for a similar method if you're using RxJava 1.