Power BI - Getting data from sources with no direct API - api

I am working on designing a Power BI dashboard and would require some insights on the source of data. My source of financial data comprises of Kyriba, Bloomberg and ClearWater Analytics. However, no API exists for either of these in Power BI. What’s the best way to pull data from these sources into PowerBI? Manual generation of excel always? Need assistance in understanding the best way to automate this process? Thank You!

unfortunately or maybe fortunately these sites are highly secured, so at the moment there is no connector to these companies' data. But I am quite sure that there are some automatic extraction in csv files or even excel files. Once you have these files you can do everything you want in your Power BI.
Maybe you can contact your IT to check if there is any ftp channel possible to automate the import.
Good luck!


Data extraction from Power BI

I am researching whether its possible to extract data from Power BI into another system via Rest API. Internet is full of articles explaining the data ingestion into power bi but not extraction. Anyone knows whether its possible to do the opposite/can point to some helpful articles, would be a great help.
In addition to using the XML/A endpoint, there's a REST API called ExecuteQueries, which you can call from any programming language, Power Automate, or try online.
There is a "connection string" in Power BI online settings that you can use to access dataset data. It can be helpful.
Here is quick example with python

PowerBI Report Export in csv format via Rest API

PowerBI provided CSV format export API for Paginated Reports alone, not for normal reports which support only pbix, ppt, png formats via Export API.
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/reports/exporttofile
Is there any API to export normal PowerBI reports in CSV format?
If not, is there any API to get the exact data present in a particular report?
Can you please help me with a solution/clarity on this since am looking for it for a long time.
No, there is no API to export Power BI report to CSV. When designed properly, this should be exported from the data source, which is used to build the Power BI report itself. There are still some options to do that, but you may not like them though.
First, you can use some client library to connect to the dataset's XMLA endpoint, but this requires Premium (announcement here and for read/write here).
The other options, like Analyze in Excel and exporting data from visualization, has manual steps and bad limitations, which you may try to simulate, but I don't think this is a good solution.
As I conclusion, the best solution would be to make proper layers and avoid exporting data from the report layer at all.

Better test reporting

I'm looking for some help designing a better summary report. Right now we publish and send everything (execution% by modules, defects etc) in an excel and I was hoping if we could use that excel data to generate a live dashboard that would be accessible by a URL.
To add, the execution data comes from QTest and defects from JIRA. At this point we are even ok with filling data in excel manually and using that as a source for any reporting tool.
If a free tool is available, even more better.
Any leads, helps, feedback is appreciated.
Sounds like you need Microsoft's Power BI. We've done a lot of reporting from JIRA using this free tool (Desktop). If you need to share it with others "real time", you'll prefer the online experience for about $10/user/month. But if you're looking to stay "free", you can simply share the Power BI file with your stakeholders.
I recommend AGAINST using the already built in JIRA APP. It seems to want to pull back all your issues. Instead, use a REST API Call like this:
If you get more issues back than your Issue Search is configured for, the pagination can be a little tricky. Also multiple values in a custom field need special handling.
Or if you're on premise and know your JIRA DB, direct SQL is an efficient way to go.
We use both mechanisms... (REST and SQL). SQL let us add logic in the view of the data that JIRA itself doesn't report on easily. (Parent-Child-subchild relationships and roll up of effort, story points, etc)
The best part of the Power BI solution is you should be able to integrate the data from JIRA and your test tool. (We pull from JIRA and our time tracking system).

Data Validation in Tableau

I am looking for ways to validate data that tableau generates. I know we cannot access elements from the tableau server itself but has someone approached in some way to tackle the data validation for the reports? I am very much interested in learning what type of testing is possible around tableau and its reports.
Thanks in Advance,
We have a testing group that follow behind our workbook developers and test functionality and validity of calculations. One of their primary methods is to examine (sometimes download to Excel) the underlying data which should include fields from the originating data source in addition to the results of calculated fields.

Can I use SSIS to pull data directly from the Google Analytics API?

Not great at programming so not all that confident of being able to pull data from the Google API.
Basically what I'm trying to do is pull everything from Google Analytics, all data and dump it into a table on a SQL Server (2008 R2). What would be the best way of achieving this?
Would like to automate the process so that it could be scheduled say once a month.
There an existing add-on specifically for accessing Google Analytics.
Haven't used it but from what I read seems like it will exactly what you are looking for
There is a specific SSIS DataSource Component for that – https://analyticssource.codeplex.com
It is open source and free.