How to auto_increment a value from a column when inserting a new row - sql

I know that it seems similar to some questions, but I hope mine is different.
I work with an Oracle Database
I want to have an auto_increment on a column by using
COMPUTED column and LAST_VALUE(column) + 1
So I have the following request :
ALTER TABLE schema.table (
Is it gonna do the trick with only that ?
Or do I need to add a FOR EACH ROW sentence so that fits with my need of auto_increment ?
EDIT According to G00dy's comment:
The sequence :
create sequence SK_SEQUENCES
increment by 1
start with 1
minvalue 1
The table :
create table schema.test(
isCurrent CHAR(10),
If I understand the comment from #g00dy,
I need to add the Sequence as a value for my column SK,
so I have this :
insert into schema.test(SK)
values (SK_SEQUENCES.nextval)
Then ok, it works
But when I'm adding value to the isCurrent column,
there's no auto_increment on the SK column
I guess, to have the auto_increment I need to create a trigger.
Maybe I'll have to use trigger/sequence in order to fix my issue but I don't want to..

No, it won't work.
Firstly, the syntax is generated always, not just always, and there are no brackets around the add clause. However, this still won't work:
alter table demo
add sk integer generated always as (last_value(sk)+1);
fails with:
ORA-30484: missing window specification for this function
because last_value is an analytic function that needs to be part of a query and have a window specification like over (partition by xxx order by yyy). You can't use an analytic function as a column default.
From Oracle 12.1 you can define an identity column as:
alter table demo
add sk integer generated always as identity;
In earlier Oracle versions you would need to either specify the sequence.nextval when inserting, or else create a trigger as
create sequence sk_seq;
create or replace trigger demo_generate_sk_trg
before insert on demo for each row
:new.dummy := sk_seq.nextval;


How can I add an autoincrementing ID field to a table in SQL-SERVER starting from X

I have a table in SQL server right now, and I want to add the column PART_NO to it. It needs to be auto incremented (1,2,3 etc) starting from the number 107.
How can I do something like this?
Using alter table add to add a column with the identity(autoincrementing) property using identity() you can set the seed value for the first row, and the increment number. identity(seed,increment).
alter table [tbl] add part_no int identity (107,1) not null;
Use the following command
Alter table tablename add columnname int identity <starting number,incremented by> not null;

Create column from other columns in Database

I have a table name: test
ID | Prefix | ACCID
ID's type is INTEGER which is selected from ID_SEQ
Prefix's type is VARCHAR(6)
ACCID is the combination of Prefix + ID
I want to auto-create ACCID when I insert the ID and Prefix value such as
and the database store the ACCID as 'A01407V000001'
I create the sequence as
How to implement SQL statement to produce this result?
Thank you for all solutions and suggestions.
Ps. I use Apache Derby as my SQL Server
As documented in the manual, Derby supports generated columns (since Version 10.5)
The real problem is the formatting of a number with leading zeros as Derby has no function for that.
If you really, really think you need to store a value that can always be determined by the values already stored in the table, you can use something like this:
create table test
id integer,
prefix varchar(6),
accid generated always as (prefix||substr('000000', 1, 6 - length(rtrim(char(id))))||rtrim(char(id)))
The expression substr('000000', 1, 6 - length(rtrim(char(id))))||rtrim(char(id)) is just a complicated way to format a the ID with leading zeros.
I would highly recommend to not store this value though. It is much cleaner to create a view that shows this value if you do need access to this in SQL.
You can use COMPUTED Column.
Is a computed column that is based on some other column in the table. We can physically save the data of the column/ or not. Table will automatically update the value of this column.
columnname AS expression [PERSISTED]
--PERSISTED will make it physically saved, otherwise it will be calculated every time.
We can create indexes on computed columns.
You add, The following in the table CREATE Script

INSERT, and get the auto-incremented value

Consider the following table:
create table language (
id integer generated always as identity (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1),
name long varchar,
constraint language_pk primary key (id)
To which I'd insert an entry this way.
insert into language(name) values ('value');
How does one know what value for id was created? Just doing a SELECT using the name field is not valid, because there can be duplicate entries.
Through plain SQL:
insert into language(name) values ('value');
See the manual for details:
When doing this from a Java class (through JDBC) you can use getGeneratedKeys() after "requesting" them with the approriate executeUpdate() method.
You use the JDBC method
st.execute(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS);
ResultSet keys = st.getGeneratedKeys();
as documented in the Derby manual.
See also Javadocs: DatabaseMetaData#supportsGetGeneratedKeys()
and Statement#getGeneratedKeys()
You could execute this statement (NB, not 100% sure this syntax is correct for Derby:
To find the last inserted ID.
Alternative for Derby:
SELECT MAX(id) from language
Obviously this will only be accurate if no other inserts (including inserts by other users) have happened between your insert and select.
See also this discussion:

Incrementing with one query a set of values in a field with UNIQUE constraint, Postgres

I have a table in which I have a numeric field A, which is set to be UNIQUE. This field is used to indicate an order in which some action has to be performed. I want to make an UPDATE of all the values that are greater, for example, than 3. For example,
I have
Now, I want to add 1 to all values of A greater than 3. So, the result would be
The question is, whether it is possible to be done using only one query? Remember that I have a UNIQUE constraint on the column A.
Obviously, I tried
UPDATE my_table SET A = A + 1 WHERE A > 3;
but it did not work as I have the constraint on this field.
PostgreSQL 9.0 and later
PostgreSQL 9.0 added deferrable unique constraints, which is exactly the feature you seem to need. This way, uniqueness is checked at commit-time rather than update-time.
Create the UNIQUE constraint with the DEFERRABLE keyword:
Later, before running the UPDATE statement, you run in the same transaction:
Alternatively you can create the constraint with the INITIALLY DEFERRED keyword on the unique constraint itself -- so you don't have to run SET CONSTRAINTS -- but this might affect the performance of your other queries which don't need to defer the constraint.
PostgreSQL 8.4 and older
If you only want to use the unique constraint for guaranteeing uniqueness -- not as a target for a foreign key -- then this workaround might help:
First, add a boolean column such as is_temporary to the table that temporarily distinguishes updated and non-updated rows:
CREATE TABLE foo (value int not null, is_temporary bool not null default false);
Next create a partial unique index that only affects rows where is_temporary=false:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ON foo (value) WHERE is_temporary=false;
Now, every time do make the updates you described, you run them in two steps:
UPDATE foo SET is_temporary=true, value=value+1 WHERE value>3;
UPDATE foo SET is_temporary=false WHERE is_temporary=true;
As long as these statements occur in a single transaction, this will be totally safe -- other sessions will never see the temporary rows. The downside is that you'll be writing the rows twice.
Do note that this is merely a unique index, not a constraint, but in practice it shouldn't matter.
You can do it in 2 queries with a simple trick :
First, update your column with +1, but add a with a x(-1) factor :
update my_table set A=(A+1)*-1 where A > 3.
You will swtich from 4,5,6 to -5,-6,-7
Second, convert back the operation to restore positive :
update my_table set A=(A)*-1 where A < 0.
You will have : 5,6,7
You can do this with a loop. I don't like this solution, but it works:
CREATE TABLE update_unique (id INT NOT NULL);
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ux_id ON update_unique (id);
INSERT INTO update_unique(id) SELECT a FROM generate_series(1,100) AS foo(a);
DO $$
FOR v IN SELECT id FROM update_unique WHERE id > 3 ORDER BY id DESC
UPDATE update_unique SET id = id + 1 WHERE id = v;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
In PostgreSQL 8.4, you might have to create a function to do this since you can't arbitrarily run PL/PGSQL from a prompt using DO (at least not to the best of my recollection).

Custom sort in SQL Server

I have a table where the results are sorted using an "ORDER" column, eg:
Doc_Id Doc_Value Doc_Order
1 aaa 1
12 xxx 5
2 bbb 12
3 ccc 24
My issue is to initially set up this order column as efficiently and reusably as possible.
My initial take was to set up a scalar function that could be used as a default value when a new entry is added to the table:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Documents_Initial_Order]
( )
When a user wants to permute 2 documents, I can then easily switch the 2 orders.
It works nicely, but I now have a second table I need to set up the same way, and I am quite sure there is a nicer way to do it. Any idea?
Based on your comment, I think you have a very workable solution. You could make it a little more userfriendly by specifying it as a default:
alter table documents
add constraint constraint_name
default (dbo.documents_initial_order()) for doc_order
As an alternative, you could create an update trigger that copies the identity field to the doc_order field after an insert:
create trigger Doc_Trigger
on Documents
for insert
update d
set d.doc_order = d.doc_id
from Documents d
inner join inserted i on i.doc_id = d.doc_id
Example defining doc_id as an identity column:
create table Documents (
doc_id int identity primary key,
doc_order int,
doc_value ntext
It sounds like you want an identity column that you can then override once it gets it initial value. One solution would be to have two columns, once call "InitialOrder", that is an auto-increment identity column, and then a second column called doc_order that initially is set to the same value as the InitialOrder field (perhaps even as part of the insert trigger or a stored procedure if you are doing inserts that way), but give the user the ability to edit that column.
It does require an extra few bytes per record, but solves your problem, and if its of any value at all, you would have both the inital document order and the user-reset order available.
Also, I am not sure if your doc_order needs to be unique or not, but if not, you can then sort return values by doc_order and InitialOrder to ensure a consistent return sequence.
If there is no need to have any control over what that DOC_ORDER value might be, try using an identity column.