Unable to find element using protactor which have same classes - selenium

I have one check box and two links with same classes & same Div.During the automation testing using protractor, i want to click on check box but it click on Links.
i am writing this code but its not working, please provide a solution.
please find HTMl code:-
<div class="input-field">
<div class="pas_rembr">
<input name="remember" id="Remember" class="css-checkbox ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-touched ng-not-empty ng-valid ng-valid-required" ng-model="rememberMe" type="checkbox" ng-required="true" required="required">
<!-- <label for="Remember" class="css-label">I agree with the <a class="text_link" target="_blank" ng-href="{{baseUrl}}terms-conditions">Terms & Conditions</a>.</label> -->
<label for="Remember" class="css-label">I have read and I agree with <a class="text_link" target="_blank" ng-href="/lmd/terms-conditions" href="/lmd/terms-conditions">Terms and Conditions</a> and the <a class="text_link" target="_blank" ng-href="/lmd/privacy" href="/lmd/privacy">Privacy Policy</a> of this site.</label>
<span class="errorForm ng-hide" ng-show="(memberForm.remember.$dirty || submitted) && ((memberForm.remember.$error.required))">
<span class="errorForm ng-scope ng-hide" ng-show="memberForm.remember.$error.required" translate="TERAMS_CONDITION_IS_REQUIRED">Terms and condition is required</span>

Try this:-
var el = element(by.css('label[for="Remember"]'));
browser.actions().mouseMove(el, {x: 20, y: 3}).click().perform();

For your tests, the CSS selector would be
element = $$('label.css-label > a:nth-child(2)');
This should be able to click on the second a child of the label element.


How to select the first option in a radio button group with selenium when its ID changes with every new page load

I am writing a test automation solution with Selenium in Java.
I want to select to first option in a radio button group on my page.
The HTML id and content of these options are dynamically generated.
The options belong to a radio button group with data-cy=tv-select and name=selectTv.
How can I select the first option in this radio button group?
EDIT This is the html code:
<section _ngcontent-hqh-c168="">
<span _ngcontent-hqh-c168="">
<vi-select-tv _ngcontent-hqh-c168="" _nghost-hqh-c167="">
<mat-radio-group _ngcontent-hqh-c167="" role="radiogroup" name="selectTv" data-cy="tv-select"
class="mat-radio-group tvken-select ng-pristine ng-valid ng-star-inserted ng-touched">
<mat-radio-button _ngcontent-hqh-c167="" class="mat-radio-button mat-accent ng-star-inserted" id="mat-radio-8">
<label class="mat-radio-label" for="mat-radio-8-input">
<span class="mat-radio-container">
<span class="mat-radio-outer-circle"></span>
<span class="mat-radio-inner-circle">
<input type="radio"
class="mat-radio-input cdk-visually-hidden"
<span mat-ripple="" class="mat-ripple mat-radio-ripple mat-focus-indicator">
<span class="mat-ripple-element mat-radio-persistent-ripple">
<span class="mat-radio-label-content">
<span style="display: none;"> </span>tv 1: 02-10-2021 13:20 tot 02-10-2021 15:20</span>
<mat-radio-button _ngcontent-hqh-c167="" class="mat-radio-button mat-accent ng-star-inserted mat-radio-checked"
<label class="mat-radio-label" for="mat-radio-9-input">
<span class="mat-radio-container">
<span class="mat-radio-outer-circle"></span>
<span class="mat-radio-inner-circle"></span>
<input type="radio"
class="mat-radio-input cdk-visually-hidden"
<span mat-ripple="" class="mat-ripple mat-radio-ripple mat-focus-indicator">
<span class="mat-ripple-element mat-radio-persistent-ripple"></span>
<span class="mat-radio-label-content">
<span style="display: none;"> </span>NEW</span></label>
I am interested in the radio button with ID mat-radio-8-input, but that ID changes with every new test run.
This is how I identify my radio button group:
#FindBy(how = CSS, using = "mat-radio-group[data-cy='tv-select']")
private List<WebElement> tv;
How can I select the first option of this group?
You can do this:
#FindBy(how = CSS, using = "mat-radio-group[data-cy='tv-select'] mat-radio-button")
private List<WebElement> radioBtns;
To get first item:
WebElement firstRadioBtn = radioBtns.get(0);
You can do this simply by executing a JS code on the page. Just inspect the target page to find a unique selector for the radio button and set selector.checked = true; using js...
For example, if my radio button have id mat-radio-9, I can use js code :- document.getElementById("mat-radio-9").checked = true;
Check Out These Questions :- Executing js code Check a radio button in js

Selenium/Python - Element not reachable by keyboard

I am trying to fill in a form automatically. I have recorded a script with Selenium.
One of the field to populate is the zip code. When I start typing the code, a new window opens to suggest appropriate option (javascript autofill)
I need to select the first item the ul (cf. html below)
I am quite new to Selenium and though I have been reading the Selenium/html documentation I am totally stuck for almost 1 month on this...
Many thanks in advance for your support
My code is as follows and I received the error message "Element is not reachable by keyboard"
elem = driver.find_element_by_id("location_p")
first_option = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, "selected")))
<div id="localisation_left">
<div class="line toDisable">
<label for="location_p" class="label">Ville ou code postal *</label>
<div class="field-wrapper location-container">
<div class="inputWrapper">
<i id="browserGeoloc" class="icon-geoloc icon-2x blue"></i>
<div class="loaderGif-small hidden"></div>
<input class="nude" name="location_p" id="location_p" autocomplete="off" value="Paris 75010" type="text">
<input name="zipcode" value="" type="hidden">
<input name="city" value="" type="hidden">
<script type="text/javascript">
var numberOfLocation = 1, numberOfAuthorizedLocation = 1;
var cityNewadMultipleLocation = new MultipleLocationNewad('input[name="location_p"]', numberOfLocation, numberOfAuthorizedLocation);
cityNewadMultipleLocation.cityAndZipcodeAreSelected = true;
<input name="region" value="" type="hidden">
<input name="dpt_code" value="" type="hidden">
<ul class="location-list visible" style="top: 43px;">
<li data-region="12" data-dpt-code="75" class="selected">
<span class="city" title="Paris">Paris</span> <span class="zipcode">75011</span>
<li data-region="12" data-dpt-code="75">
<span class="city" title="Paris">Paris</span> <span class="zipcode">75015</span>
<li data-region="12" data-dpt-code="75">
<span class="city" title="Paris">Paris</span> <span class="zipcode">75009</span>
<li data-region="12" data-dpt-code="75">
<span class="city" title="Paris">Paris</span> <span class="zipcode">75010</span>
<li data-region="12" data-dpt-code="75">
<span class="city" title="Paris">Paris</span> <span class="zipcode">75017</span>
You can click on the first option, instead of pressing Enter key
elem = driver.find_element_by_id("location_p")
condition = EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS,
"label[for='location_p'] + div ul.location-list > li"))
first_option = WebDriverWait(driver, 15).until(condition)
I had a similar issue, and the above solution did not work for me (it would throw an invalid syntax error).
I first used the find_element_by_css_selector function, which selects the first occurrence of the element with given attributes. This did not work.
Then I used the find_elements_by_css_selector (notice the s), which returns a list of the elements with given attributes. There were two elements in that list. Of course the first one (with index [0]) was not accessible by keyboard: this is equivalent of doing (1) above. But the second element (with index [1]) was accessible by keyboard.
Problem solved.
Try selecting by using Xpath below
elem = driver.find_element_by_id("location_p") elem.send_keys("75")
first_option = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
If anyone faces Element not reachable by keyboard issue, one can also seek below approach:
input_xpath = '//input[#type="file"][#name="files[]"][#class="class_name"]'
input_element = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(input_xpath)
## to make element visible:
driver.execute_script('arguments[0].style = ""; arguments[0].style.display = "block"; arguments[0].style.visibility = "visible";',

Element should have been "select" but was "span" in selenium

Toggle button is present in an web application similar to
Search for "option two" in the above link.
Html code of the button is like this when turned Off
<div class="field-block button-height">
<label style="width:175px" class="label" for="input-2"><b>Case Association</b><sup>*</sup>
<span id="reqCaseAssociationTD" style="display: none;">
<p style="margin:0px" class="field switch">
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-enable"><span>On</span></label>
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-disable selected"><span>Off</span></label>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="caseAssociation">
<span style="margin-top:8px;margin-left:2px" data-tooltip="Simulataneous post from the same user (Twitter and Facebook) would get associated with the previous open case of the user." class="helpText showToolTip"></span>
Html code of the button is like this when turned ON
<div class="field-block button-height">
<label style="width:175px" class="label" for="input-2"><b>Case Association</b><sup>*</sup>
<span id="reqCaseAssociationTD" style="display: none;">
<p style="margin:0px" class="field switch">
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-enable selected"><span>On</span></label>
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-disable"><span>Off</span></label>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="caseAssociation" checked="checked">
<span style="margin-top:8px;margin-left:2px" data-tooltip="Simulataneous post from the same user (Twitter and Facebook) would get associated with the previous open case of the user." class="helpText showToolTip"></span>
Used the following identifiers
//Case Association Turned On
#FindAll(#FindBy(how = How.CSS, using = "a.cb-enable.selected"))
public List<WebElement> caseAssociationIsON;
//Case Association Turned OFF
#FindAll(#FindBy(how = How.CSS, using = "a.cb-disable.selected"))
public List<WebElement> caseAssociationIsOFF;
While running using the selenium getting the error
org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.UnexpectedTagNameException: Element
should have been "select" but was "span"
How do fix this. If more details are needed, please suggest.
I don't see any element that would match your selector, you should use label instead of a, like:
or use a selector based on input. a means link and you don't have any.
In case you still have the error what happens is that you must add an specific route:
In my case:
enter image description here
This is the resultant code:
enter image description here

Handle on-off switch with Selenium / java

I can neither recognize the on-off switch nor get its current value (On / Off).
Please help to have a look
try using xpath = "//span[#class='onoffswitch-inner' and contains(#id,'aui')]" but it doesn't help to recognize this button
"id" is a dynamic one, it will be changed once loading the page
<li id="aui_3_4_0_1_1099">
<div id="aui_3_4_0_1_1098" class="onoffswitch">
<input id="notificationActive" class="onoffswitch-checkbox" type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" checked="checked" name="notificationActive"></input>
<label id="aui_3_4_0_1_1097" class="onoffswitch-label" for="notificationActive">
<span id="aui_3_4_0_1_1096" class="onoffswitch-inner">
<span class="onoffswitch-switch"></span>

Selenium WebDrivers -Not able to select dynamic check box which has no name

<div id="checkboxfield-3844" class="x-field x-form-item x-field-default x-form-cb-checked x-form-dirty" style="width: 492px;">
<label id="checkboxfield-3844-labelEl" class="x-form-item-label x-form-item-label-left" style="margin-right:5px;width:200px;" for="ext-gen6460">Is Stitching Point:</label>
<div id="checkboxfield-3844-bodyEl" class="x-form-item-body x-form-cb-wrap" role="presentation" style="width: 287px;">
<input id="ext-gen6460" class="x-form-field x-form-checkbox" type="button" hidefocus="true" autocomplete="off" aria-checked="true" aria-invalid="false" role="checkbox" aria-describedby="checkboxfield-3844-errorEl" style="-moz-user-select: text;" data-errorqtip="">
<div id="checkboxfield-3844-errorEl" class="x-form-error-msg" style="display:none"></div>
<div class="x-clear" role="presentation"></div>
This is my Div , out of it iam not able to select the checkbox since there is no name .Need some help on this
Assuming there is only one 'label tag' with innerHTML/text as "Is Stiching Point:", the below xpath will point to the checkbox:-
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//label[.='Is Stitching Point:']/..//input[#role='checkbox']")).click();
NOTE: Above is a java code. In case you are using a different language binding, you can refer this to employ the same thing.
Below is the alternative way using JavascriptExecutor:
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//label[.='Is Stitching Point:']/..//input[#role='checkbox']"));
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);