I have one check box and two links with same classes & same Div.During the automation testing using protractor, i want to click on check box but it click on Links.
i am writing this code but its not working, please provide a solution.
please find HTMl code:-
<div class="input-field">
<div class="pas_rembr">
<input name="remember" id="Remember" class="css-checkbox ng-dirty ng-valid-parse ng-touched ng-not-empty ng-valid ng-valid-required" ng-model="rememberMe" type="checkbox" ng-required="true" required="required">
<!-- <label for="Remember" class="css-label">I agree with the <a class="text_link" target="_blank" ng-href="{{baseUrl}}terms-conditions">Terms & Conditions</a>.</label> -->
<label for="Remember" class="css-label">I have read and I agree with <a class="text_link" target="_blank" ng-href="/lmd/terms-conditions" href="/lmd/terms-conditions">Terms and Conditions</a> and the <a class="text_link" target="_blank" ng-href="/lmd/privacy" href="/lmd/privacy">Privacy Policy</a> of this site.</label>
<span class="errorForm ng-hide" ng-show="(memberForm.remember.$dirty || submitted) && ((memberForm.remember.$error.required))">
<span class="errorForm ng-scope ng-hide" ng-show="memberForm.remember.$error.required" translate="TERAMS_CONDITION_IS_REQUIRED">Terms and condition is required</span>
Try this:-
var el = element(by.css('label[for="Remember"]'));
browser.actions().mouseMove(el, {x: 20, y: 3}).click().perform();
For your tests, the CSS selector would be
element = $$('label.css-label > a:nth-child(2)');
This should be able to click on the second a child of the label element.
I am writing a test automation solution with Selenium in Java.
I want to select to first option in a radio button group on my page.
The HTML id and content of these options are dynamically generated.
The options belong to a radio button group with data-cy=tv-select and name=selectTv.
How can I select the first option in this radio button group?
EDIT This is the html code:
<section _ngcontent-hqh-c168="">
<span _ngcontent-hqh-c168="">
<vi-select-tv _ngcontent-hqh-c168="" _nghost-hqh-c167="">
<mat-radio-group _ngcontent-hqh-c167="" role="radiogroup" name="selectTv" data-cy="tv-select"
class="mat-radio-group tvken-select ng-pristine ng-valid ng-star-inserted ng-touched">
<mat-radio-button _ngcontent-hqh-c167="" class="mat-radio-button mat-accent ng-star-inserted" id="mat-radio-8">
<label class="mat-radio-label" for="mat-radio-8-input">
<span class="mat-radio-container">
<span class="mat-radio-outer-circle"></span>
<span class="mat-radio-inner-circle">
<input type="radio"
class="mat-radio-input cdk-visually-hidden"
<span mat-ripple="" class="mat-ripple mat-radio-ripple mat-focus-indicator">
<span class="mat-ripple-element mat-radio-persistent-ripple">
<span class="mat-radio-label-content">
<span style="display: none;"> </span>tv 1: 02-10-2021 13:20 tot 02-10-2021 15:20</span>
<mat-radio-button _ngcontent-hqh-c167="" class="mat-radio-button mat-accent ng-star-inserted mat-radio-checked"
<label class="mat-radio-label" for="mat-radio-9-input">
<span class="mat-radio-container">
<span class="mat-radio-outer-circle"></span>
<span class="mat-radio-inner-circle"></span>
<input type="radio"
class="mat-radio-input cdk-visually-hidden"
<span mat-ripple="" class="mat-ripple mat-radio-ripple mat-focus-indicator">
<span class="mat-ripple-element mat-radio-persistent-ripple"></span>
<span class="mat-radio-label-content">
<span style="display: none;"> </span>NEW</span></label>
I am interested in the radio button with ID mat-radio-8-input, but that ID changes with every new test run.
This is how I identify my radio button group:
#FindBy(how = CSS, using = "mat-radio-group[data-cy='tv-select']")
private List<WebElement> tv;
How can I select the first option of this group?
You can do this:
#FindBy(how = CSS, using = "mat-radio-group[data-cy='tv-select'] mat-radio-button")
private List<WebElement> radioBtns;
To get first item:
WebElement firstRadioBtn = radioBtns.get(0);
You can do this simply by executing a JS code on the page. Just inspect the target page to find a unique selector for the radio button and set selector.checked = true; using js...
For example, if my radio button have id mat-radio-9, I can use js code :- document.getElementById("mat-radio-9").checked = true;
Check Out These Questions :- Executing js code Check a radio button in js
I am trying to fill in a form automatically. I have recorded a script with Selenium.
One of the field to populate is the zip code. When I start typing the code, a new window opens to suggest appropriate option (javascript autofill)
I need to select the first item the ul (cf. html below)
I am quite new to Selenium and though I have been reading the Selenium/html documentation I am totally stuck for almost 1 month on this...
Many thanks in advance for your support
My code is as follows and I received the error message "Element is not reachable by keyboard"
elem = driver.find_element_by_id("location_p")
first_option = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, "selected")))
<div id="localisation_left">
<div class="line toDisable">
<label for="location_p" class="label">Ville ou code postal *</label>
<div class="field-wrapper location-container">
<div class="inputWrapper">
<i id="browserGeoloc" class="icon-geoloc icon-2x blue"></i>
<div class="loaderGif-small hidden"></div>
<input class="nude" name="location_p" id="location_p" autocomplete="off" value="Paris 75010" type="text">
<input name="zipcode" value="" type="hidden">
<input name="city" value="" type="hidden">
<script type="text/javascript">
var numberOfLocation = 1, numberOfAuthorizedLocation = 1;
var cityNewadMultipleLocation = new MultipleLocationNewad('input[name="location_p"]', numberOfLocation, numberOfAuthorizedLocation);
cityNewadMultipleLocation.cityAndZipcodeAreSelected = true;
<input name="region" value="" type="hidden">
<input name="dpt_code" value="" type="hidden">
<ul class="location-list visible" style="top: 43px;">
<li data-region="12" data-dpt-code="75" class="selected">
<span class="city" title="Paris">Paris</span> <span class="zipcode">75011</span>
<li data-region="12" data-dpt-code="75">
<span class="city" title="Paris">Paris</span> <span class="zipcode">75015</span>
<li data-region="12" data-dpt-code="75">
<span class="city" title="Paris">Paris</span> <span class="zipcode">75009</span>
<li data-region="12" data-dpt-code="75">
<span class="city" title="Paris">Paris</span> <span class="zipcode">75010</span>
<li data-region="12" data-dpt-code="75">
<span class="city" title="Paris">Paris</span> <span class="zipcode">75017</span>
You can click on the first option, instead of pressing Enter key
elem = driver.find_element_by_id("location_p")
condition = EC.visibility_of_element_located((By.CSS,
"label[for='location_p'] + div ul.location-list > li"))
first_option = WebDriverWait(driver, 15).until(condition)
I had a similar issue, and the above solution did not work for me (it would throw an invalid syntax error).
I first used the find_element_by_css_selector function, which selects the first occurrence of the element with given attributes. This did not work.
Then I used the find_elements_by_css_selector (notice the s), which returns a list of the elements with given attributes. There were two elements in that list. Of course the first one (with index [0]) was not accessible by keyboard: this is equivalent of doing (1) above. But the second element (with index [1]) was accessible by keyboard.
Problem solved.
Try selecting by using Xpath below
elem = driver.find_element_by_id("location_p") elem.send_keys("75")
first_option = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(
If anyone faces Element not reachable by keyboard issue, one can also seek below approach:
input_xpath = '//input[#type="file"][#name="files[]"][#class="class_name"]'
input_element = self.driver.find_element_by_xpath(input_xpath)
## to make element visible:
driver.execute_script('arguments[0].style = ""; arguments[0].style.display = "block"; arguments[0].style.visibility = "visible";',
Toggle button is present in an web application similar to
Search for "option two" in the above link.
Html code of the button is like this when turned Off
<div class="field-block button-height">
<label style="width:175px" class="label" for="input-2"><b>Case Association</b><sup>*</sup>
<span id="reqCaseAssociationTD" style="display: none;">
<p style="margin:0px" class="field switch">
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-enable"><span>On</span></label>
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-disable selected"><span>Off</span></label>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="caseAssociation">
<span style="margin-top:8px;margin-left:2px" data-tooltip="Simulataneous post from the same user (Twitter and Facebook) would get associated with the previous open case of the user." class="helpText showToolTip"></span>
Html code of the button is like this when turned ON
<div class="field-block button-height">
<label style="width:175px" class="label" for="input-2"><b>Case Association</b><sup>*</sup>
<span id="reqCaseAssociationTD" style="display: none;">
<p style="margin:0px" class="field switch">
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-enable selected"><span>On</span></label>
<label style="margin:0 0 4px" class="cb-disable"><span>Off</span></label>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="caseAssociation" checked="checked">
<span style="margin-top:8px;margin-left:2px" data-tooltip="Simulataneous post from the same user (Twitter and Facebook) would get associated with the previous open case of the user." class="helpText showToolTip"></span>
Used the following identifiers
//Case Association Turned On
#FindAll(#FindBy(how = How.CSS, using = "a.cb-enable.selected"))
public List<WebElement> caseAssociationIsON;
//Case Association Turned OFF
#FindAll(#FindBy(how = How.CSS, using = "a.cb-disable.selected"))
public List<WebElement> caseAssociationIsOFF;
While running using the selenium getting the error
org.openqa.selenium.support.ui.UnexpectedTagNameException: Element
should have been "select" but was "span"
How do fix this. If more details are needed, please suggest.
I don't see any element that would match your selector, you should use label instead of a, like:
or use a selector based on input. a means link and you don't have any.
In case you still have the error what happens is that you must add an specific route:
In my case:
enter image description here
This is the resultant code:
enter image description here
I can neither recognize the on-off switch nor get its current value (On / Off).
Please help to have a look
try using xpath = "//span[#class='onoffswitch-inner' and contains(#id,'aui')]" but it doesn't help to recognize this button
"id" is a dynamic one, it will be changed once loading the page
<li id="aui_3_4_0_1_1099">
<div id="aui_3_4_0_1_1098" class="onoffswitch">
<input id="notificationActive" class="onoffswitch-checkbox" type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" checked="checked" name="notificationActive"></input>
<label id="aui_3_4_0_1_1097" class="onoffswitch-label" for="notificationActive">
<span id="aui_3_4_0_1_1096" class="onoffswitch-inner">
<span class="onoffswitch-switch"></span>
<div id="checkboxfield-3844" class="x-field x-form-item x-field-default x-form-cb-checked x-form-dirty" style="width: 492px;">
<label id="checkboxfield-3844-labelEl" class="x-form-item-label x-form-item-label-left" style="margin-right:5px;width:200px;" for="ext-gen6460">Is Stitching Point:</label>
<div id="checkboxfield-3844-bodyEl" class="x-form-item-body x-form-cb-wrap" role="presentation" style="width: 287px;">
<input id="ext-gen6460" class="x-form-field x-form-checkbox" type="button" hidefocus="true" autocomplete="off" aria-checked="true" aria-invalid="false" role="checkbox" aria-describedby="checkboxfield-3844-errorEl" style="-moz-user-select: text;" data-errorqtip="">
<div id="checkboxfield-3844-errorEl" class="x-form-error-msg" style="display:none"></div>
<div class="x-clear" role="presentation"></div>
This is my Div , out of it iam not able to select the checkbox since there is no name .Need some help on this
Assuming there is only one 'label tag' with innerHTML/text as "Is Stiching Point:", the below xpath will point to the checkbox:-
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//label[.='Is Stitching Point:']/..//input[#role='checkbox']")).click();
NOTE: Above is a java code. In case you are using a different language binding, you can refer this to employ the same thing.
Below is the alternative way using JavascriptExecutor:
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//label[.='Is Stitching Point:']/..//input[#role='checkbox']"));
((JavascriptExecutor)driver).executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);