How to import external JARs from one project to another? - intellij-idea

I have created a new IntelliJ Project, and I want it to have JAR dependencies like I have in another project.
Is there a way to Export-Import / Copy-Paste JAR dependencies from one IntelliJ project to another without using POM?
Optional Solution:
1. Open <old-project>/.idea/libraries folder and <new-project>/.idea/libraries folder.
2. Make sure to enable the displaying of hidden files (in Win7, go to control-panel--> Folder Options --> View, and select the 'Show hidden files...')
3. Copy all XML files exists in .idea/libraries from the old project to the new one.
4. Make sure that each xml points to the right location of Jar. (In case of relative link)
5. Open the <old-project>.iml and <new-project>.iml, and copy all <orderEntry type="library" name"..."/> elements.
6. Restart your new project.

I'm not aware of a way to do this from within IDEA, but under your project folder you can find a directory called .idea/libraries that has a series of XML files, one for each external dependency. You should be able to copy these between projects and thus "share" dependencies.


IntelliJ different project settings based on used IDE

I have a Git repo with two directories:
backend (PHP/Laravel code)
frontend (TypeScript/Vue code)
I would like that backend is marked as excluded when the project is opened in WebStorm and frontend to be excluded when it is opened in PhpStorm.
This is to ensure that searches/indexing only happen for the files that I would actually edit in that specific IDE.
When I change the excluded directory it seems to automatically apply this to the other IDE as well. Is there some way to keep this setting separate?
I intentionally have both frontend and backend in one repository.
Opening the subdirectories in their own IDEA projects does not seem
to be an option because the Git integration only works when the
project is in the root folder of the repository.
When I change the excluded directory it seems to automatically apply this to the other IDE as well.
It is expected. That's because the project settings are stored in the .idea subfolder. All IDEA-based IDEs use the same .idea settings format. So opening the same folder/project in different IDEs simply makes them use that already-made config (shared between IDEs).
Plus, both PhpStorm and WebStorm use the same module type ID (WEB_MODULE) and can have only 1 module in total in a project. IntelliJ IDEA and some other IDEs (like PyCharm for example) can work with projects that can have more than one module and of different types.
Is there some way to keep this setting separate?
Yes, with the help of a small workaround: you need to store .idea used by another IDE in another place. As simple as that.
The setup and steps:
Lets assume that you have your project in C:\Projects\MyProject.
Make a brand new empty project in another place, e.g. C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend. It will be used for a frontend.
Go to Settings/Preferences | Directories and remove an existing Content Root (which will be C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend from the previous step).
Add new Content Root instead -- point to the actual project (C:\Projects\MyProject from step #1)
Save and configure as needed.
What you will have now:
This frontend project will now have its settings stored in C:\Projects\IDEProjectsStore\MyProject-frontend\.idea while another (original project with backend) will have them in C:\Projects\MyProject\.idea.
Projects (project-specific IDE settings) are stored in 2 separate places while they both use the same folder with the code.
Basically: a project in the IDE's eyes is an .idea folder with a parent folder added as a Content Root by default. Our workaround keeps the second project in a different folder while sharing the same Content Root between them. -- that's a ticket that asks for a straightforward way of doing this.
I would like that backend is marked as excluded when the project is opened in WebStorm and frontend to be excluded when it is opened in PhpStorm.
Why do you need two IDEs for this?
In case if you do not know: PhpStorm = WebStorm + PHP + Database. You do not really need WebStorm here. Just install any missing plugins that come bundled with WebStorm.

Dart packages problems with intellij IDEA

I'm actually trying to use Dart in IntelliJ IDEA, and I have successfully install the plugin for it, but I face numerous others problems.
But the problem I want to resolve the most, is the fact that for some packages, IntelliJ doesn't show the sources inside it and not with particular reason...
The whole project work in Dart Editor, and launch correctly, so the problem is not from pubspec.yaml.
To makes me more understandable, I will say that I "pub get" correctly the packages A and B, so they appear as folder link in IntelliJ :
But like you see, I cannot enter in the b package to see the files inside it. I have checked the structure of the two folders without noticing any difference.
The more ridiculous in that is, I can see some of the files inside the B package in the editor of IntelliJ via Ctrl+Click in the dart files that import the files inside the B package. And it doesn't work for all of them ...
'b' is a 'path package' in your project. That means that b original source code is located on your computer and you specified path to it in pubspec.yaml. IntelliJ IDEA excludes all copies and leaves only original files in project. Root 'packages' folder is not excluded, but all its copies (for example in web folder) are excluded. packages/b is a copy and it is excluded. To work normally with source files from b package you should add path to b as a separate content root: Project Structure | Modules | your Dart module | Add content root.
In IntelliJ IDEA 14 excluded folders are visible by default. Use cases when you need to see excluded folder contents are rare so you may safely hide them (the option is under the gear in the Project View tool window title). With it you will see empty node in packages/b with a hint that it is just a link to b/lib folder. And anyway you should have path to b configured as a content root.
You should not open files of projects currently open in IntelliJ from the package folder but instead directly from the project. The b/lib after the folder icon indicates that this package is part of your currently opened IntelliJ project (may added as a Resource Root)
When you navigate to a referenced file ctrl+click the file is not opened from the packages symlink but from the package in your IntelliJ project (as you should do it manually as well).
The solution is to update IntelliJ to the Early Access update (139.2).
So this question will be useless in the next update, I will delete her at that moment.

How to include static resources in IntelliJ from external source?

At my work every project ha have two parts:
1. The project itself;
2. A external folder containing the JS, images and css.
We have an automated process that deploys this parts where they have to be. The first one at Weblogic and the second at Tomcat.
What I want to know is if there is a way to include this external folder with the application statics to the IntelliJ so I can edit them inside the IDE.
Now I'm editing the JS and CSS inside Notepad. And it is very annoying.
You can create another project via File -> Import Project, locate the folder of your static resources, then choose "Create project from existing resources".
You will end up with two projects but it should be easy to toggle between the two.

How can I clone a whole project in IntelliJ Idea?

I want to run some tests in my project but I do not want to affect the
original code, and I wanto to clone the project so I can run tests there
Does anyone know how to clone a project on IntelliJ Idea 11?
Using your operating system File Explorer tool, just copy and paste the entire project directory somewhere new. All of the configuration should use relative paths by default.
If your IDEA project is .ipr based, then delete the new .iws file before opening the project.
If your IDEA project is .idea directory based, then delete the workspace.xml file before opening the project.
If you want to copy and rename the project too, like I wanted to clone a project in order to use it with a newer version of IntelliJ.
Copy the whole directory to a new location, for example on Linux:
cp -r myproject new/location/
To rename the project:
2.1. rename the project folder (e.g. mv myproject newproject)
2.2. get into the new project folder (e.g. cd newproject) and edit the .name file with a text editor.
Open the new project now in IntelliJ (you may want to remove the workspace.xml if you don't want to keep the open file history - I kept it) and enjoy your new project!
For copy with rename I had to do one more step to get it to stop referencing the old module name. That was to right click on the module in the project pane and do Refactor > Rename ( or do Shift + F6 ) to rename the module.
This was for IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3.3
I had a gradle project and the provided answers did not work. The project did not have a structure in IntelliJ and I did not see the source files.
The following worked:
Export project (Export to zip file)
Move the zip file somewhere new
With IntelliJ, import as a new project with "open".
Better Solution of course:
Have it in a git directory, make a "test-branch" and try whatever you want to try.
Apparently the accepted answer doesn't work anymore with current versions of Idea and the many derived IDEs (I tried this with PHPStorm). The problem: most of the config files are located in the .idea subdirectory of your project, but the file .idea/workspace.xml also contains the ProjectId, and that should of course be unique. So, if you copied the project directory manually, the easiest fix is to change the ProjectId - from what I have seen you can enter any alphanumeric string, e.g. "ProjectId123".
As far as I can see the main settings that are stored under the ProjectId are the workspace settings, under ~/.config/JetBrains/[IDENameAndVersion]/workspace/[ProjectId].xml. This file mostly contains the open editor tabs (with paths relative to the project directory) and the tool windows, so if you copy the project directory, you will always have the same editor tabs open in both projects (containing the "same" files, but from the respective project). If you want to avoid opening all files and setting up the tool windows, you can copy the old [ProjectId].xml file to e.g. ProjectId123.xml (using the ProjectId that you entered earlier).
After Copying your existing Project to a new folder don't forget to mark your src directory as Source directory. You can do this under Project Structure | Modules.
To duplicate and rename a CLion cmake project I followed the info in the other answers with some tweaks.
What seems to be the stepless way to eliminate all references to the old project name in the new one (tested with CLion 2019.1.2):
Copy folder
rename the new folder
On the new project folder:
delete the project info folder (CLion will recreate it):
<new project name>/.idea
On a text editor, open:
<new project name>/CMakeLists.txt
change every reference to the old project name with the new name and save it.
This will assure CLion will not use Project and Target info in "CMakeLists.txt" file to recreate project files and data in ".idea" folder with the old name.
Note that other info in this file referencing the old project folder, or files stored there, such as INCLUDE, SOURCE directories, and files, should also be changed to point to the new folder.
delete old compile data. Delete folders like:
<new project name>/cmake-*
Open project in CLion
It should have the new name and no reference to the old name anywhere.
If using CSV, you may also wish to delete old CSV data
EDIT: If project requires CUDA, CUDACXX environment variable must be reassigned to full path of nvcc compiler:
File->settings->Build, Execution, Deployment->CMake->Environment
IF CLion CUDA Run Patcher is installed it maybe needed to restart CLion.

How to add non-source folders to IntelliJ IDEA project

Recently set up a multi module project in IntelliJ with the following structure:
/a few more folders
I set up module1+2 and web-module as modules in IntelliJ so those show up, but how do you make the sql and lib folder show up in the project panel? They should be included in VCS as well, but IntelliJ ignores them. How do you add folders outside modules to a project?
Screenshot of project and explorer view:
This is not a strict answer to the question, but it worked for me so I'm posting, perhaps someone will find this useful.
If you want to add an arbitrary folder to your project (even from some different location than your projects), just add it as a module. You needn't worry about the type so much e.g. I needed to add a folder with some SQL scripts, I added it as a Java module and it's nicely visible in IntelliJ even though it has no maven structure or Java sources.
This is how to do it:
File > Project Structure > Modules
Add > New Module > ... (e.g. Java Module)
In the new module settings mark the subfolders that you want to see as 'Sources'
VoilĂ ! :)
This is something that I typically see when creating a project from existing modules. All the modules will show in the project but not the other project related directories. These directories might be, configuration files, environment scripts or bundles of SQL scripts that don't fit neatly into an Intellij module type.
To show the rest of the project source files and directories, I create a parent module from the project root.
File->Project Structure->Modules
Create a new module using the + sign. The new module could be any type (I use java).
On the Next screen set the Content root and Module file location to the Project's root folder.
Select Finish
All of your other modules should now be submodules of the root, and your other project files should now show up.
Add and remove content roots
To add a new content root:
Go to File | Project Structure, or press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S.
Select Modules under the Project Settings section.
Select the necessary module, and then open the Sources tab in the right-hand part of the dialog.
Click Add Content Root.
Specify the folder that you want to add as a new content root, and click OK.
I used File -> New -> Module from Existing Sources...
Then I simply select the folder and add it.
In Project view mode all directories (except the ignored ones from the settings) should show up. Of course the base folder for your multi-project has to be the folder above module1.
Your project should look like this (project view tree):
MY_PROJECT_ROOT (~/the/folder/to/your/project)
|- /module1
|- /module2
|- /web-module
And in this case, you should definitely see the other folders. I got a sample project set up where this is working.
From your screenshot, I assume you are missing the root directory (the project root is not as you expected). I added another screenshot. There should be a single root folder for your 3 modules. This one is missing at your screenshot. You have 3 separate folders with no common root folder. On MacOs, the project root is displayed in the window title. In my case it points to ~/devel/sandbox.
I guess you should try to create a new project in for that trunk folder. From the scratch. Then add the existing modules and you should be fine?!