Scheduling hourly FW job for finite time | Autosys - jobs

Working with CA Autosys AE.
A file Watcher job ABC_FW is defined as below, then this FW triggers XYZ job upon success.
insert_job: ABC_FW job_type: FW
machine: <machine_name>
owner: <owner>
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: mo, tu, we, th, fr
start_mins: 00
run_window: "09:00-15:00"
watch_file: "/tmp/test.txt"
watch_interval: 60
This FW watcher should not be running after 16:00.
test.txt is expected to be received on hourly basis but thats not gurantee. The file is recived at any time of the day or it might not be recived at all.
If test.txt is received apart from this "09:00-15:00" i.e. after 16:00, it should pickup only at 09:00, next scheduled time.
I wish to terminate my FW job after 16:00. Which attribute i can use. ?
term_run_time cannot be defined to serve this FW behaviour.

To use your term_run_time you can use File Trigger (FT) instead of FW.
Are you only getting 1 file a day or sometimes not at all, you can do term_run_time for 360 minutes which would terminate it 15:00 and then start over again next day at 9:00 and pick it up if file was recived later.


Can I create One Box Job inside another box job in Autosys by JIL

I want to write a JIL file in which I want One major box then inside this box job another box job and then I want to write a command Job.
I haven't been able to find the syntax and also Is it possible to write one box job inside another box job or not.
Consider the following names:
Major_Box - the parent box
Child_Box - the child box
Job_A - CMD job under the child box
Sample JIL:
insert_job: Major_Box
job_type: BOX
owner: xyz
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: all
start_times: "06:00"
timezone: IST
insert_job: Child_Box
job_type: BOX
box_name: Major_Box
owner: xyz
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: all
start_times: "06:15"
timezone: IST
insert_job: Job_A
job_type: CMD
box_name: Child_Box
command: bash /absolute_path/
owner: xyz
machine: hostname
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: all
start_times: "06:30"
timezone: IST
Major_Box would be triggered at 6:00, it would activate the Child_box but not trigger it.
At 6:15 the Activated Child_Box would be triggered as the time condition is true, thus activating the Job_A.
At 6:30 the activated Job_A would trigger running the commands as mentioned.
Also, you are include condition of preceding job/box
condition: Success(Another_Job)
Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more.
Good Luck

Appending the datetime to the end of every line in a 600 million row file

I have a 680 million rows (19gig) file that I need the datetime appended onto every line. I get this file every night and I have to add the time that I processed it to the end of each line. I have tried many ways to do this including sed/awk and loading it into a SQL database with the last column being defaulted to the current timestamp.
I was wondering if there is a fast way to do this? My fastest way so far takes two hours and that is just not fast enough given the urgency of the information in this file. It is a flat CSV file.
Here's what I've done so far:
awk -v date="$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %r")" '{ print $0","date}' > testoutput.txt
Time = 117 minutes
perl -ne 'chomp; printf "%s.pdf\n", $_' EXPORT.txt > testoutput.txt
Time = 135 minutes
mysql load data local infile '/tmp/input.txt' into table testoutput
Time = 211 minutes
You don't specify if the timestamps have to be different for each of the lines. Would a "start of processing" time be enough?
If so, a simple solution is to use the paste command, with a pre-generated file of timestamps, exactly the same length as the file you're processing. Then just paste the whole thing together. Also, if the whole process is I/O bound, as others are speculating, then maybe running this on a box with an SSD drive would help speed up the process.
I just tried it locally on a 6 million row file (roughly 1% of yours), and it's actually able to do it in less than one second, on Macbook Pro, with an SSD drive.
~> date; time paste file1.txt timestamps.txt > final.txt; date
Mon Jun 5 10:57:49 MDT 2017
real 0m0.944s
user 0m0.680s
sys 0m0.222s
Mon Jun 5 10:57:49 MDT 2017
I'm going to now try a ~500 million row file, and see how that fares.
Ok, the results are in. Paste is blazing fast compared to your solution, it took just over 90 seconds total to process the whole thing, 600M rows of simple data.
~> wc -l huge.txt
600000000 huge.txt
~> wc -l hugetimestamps.txt
600000000 hugetimestamps.txt
~> date; time paste huge.txt hugetimestamps.txt > final.txt; date
Mon Jun 5 11:09:11 MDT 2017
real 1m35.652s
user 1m8.352s
sys 0m22.643s
Mon Jun 5 11:10:47 MDT 2017
You still need to prepare the timestamps file ahead of time, but that's a trivial bash loop. I created mine in less than one minute.
A solution that simplifies mjuarez' helpful approach:
yes "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %r")" | paste -d',' file - | head -n "$(wc -l < file)" > out-file
Note that, as with the approach in the linked answer, you must know the number of input lines in advance - here I'm using wc -l to count them, but if the number is fixed, simply use that fixed number.
yes keeps repeating its argument indefinitely, each on its own output line, until it is terminated.
paste -d',' file - pastes a corresponding pair of lines from file and stdin (-) on a single output line, separated with ,
Since yes produces "endless" output, head -n "$(wc -l < file)" ensures that processing stops once all input lines have been processed.
The use of a pipeline acts as a memory throttle, so running out of memory shouldn't be a concern.
Another alternative to test is
$ date +"%Y-%m-%d %r" > timestamp
$ join -t, -j9999 file timestamp | cut -d, -f2-
or time stamp can be generated in place as well <(date +"%Y-%m-%d %r")
join creates a cross product of the first file and second file using the non-existing field (9999), and since second file is only one line, practically appending it to the first file. Need the cut to get rid of the empty key field generated by join
If you want to add the same (current) datetime to each row in the file, you might as well leave the file as it is, and put the datetime in the filename instead. Depending on the use later, the software that processes the file could then first get the datetime from the filename.
To put the same datetime at the end of each row, some simple code could be written:
Make a string containing a separator and the datetime.
Read the lines from the file, append the above string and write back to a new file.
This way a conversion from datetime to string is only done once, and converting the file should not take much longer than copying the file on disk.

Monit for "cron-like" tasks

Have some batch-type jobs that I would like to move from cron to Monit but am struggling to get them to work properly. These scripts typically run once a day, but on occasion have to be re-ran later in the day. Goal is to take advantage of the monit & m/monit front-ends to re-run as well as be alerted on failure in similar fashion to other things under monit.
The below was my first attempt. I know the docs say to use range/wildcard for minute field but I have my monit daemon set to cycle every 20 seconds so thought I'd be able to get away with this.
check program
with path "/usr/local/bin/"
every "0 7 * * *"
if status != 0 then alert
This does not seem to work as it seems like it picks up the exit status of the program on the NEXT run. So I have a zombie process sitting around until 7am the next day, at which time I'll see the status from the previous day's run.
Would be nice if this ran immediate or if there was a way to schedule something as "batch" that would only run once when started (either from command line or web gui). Example below.
check program
with path "/usr/local/bin/"
mode batch
if status != 0 then alert
Is it possible to do what I want? Can a 'check program' be scheduled that will only run one time when started or using the 'every [cron]' type syntax supported by monit?
TIA for any suggestions.
The latest version of monit (5.18) now picks up the exit status on the next daemon cycle, not on the next execution of the program like in the past (which might not be until the next day).

How to parse bhist log

I am using IBM LSF and trying to get usage statistics during a certain period. I found that bhist does the job, but the short form bhist output does not show all of the fields I need.
What I want to know is:
Is bhist's output field customizable? The fields I need are:
If 1 is not possible, the long form (bhist -l) output shows everything I need, but the format is hard to manipulate. I've pasted an example of the format below.
For example, the number of line between records is not fixed, and the word wrap in each event may break the line in the middle of a word I'm trying to scan for. How do I parse this format with sed and awk?
JobId <1531>, User <user1>, Project <default>, Command< example200>
Fri Dec 27 13:04:14: Submitted from host <hostA> to Queue <priority>, CWD <$H
OME>, Specified Hosts <hostD>;
Fri Dec 27 13:04:19: Dispatched to <hostD>;
Fri Dec 27 13:04:19: Starting (Pid 8920);
Fri Dec 27 13:04:20: Running with execution home </home/user1>, Execution CWD
</home/user1>, Execution Pid <8920>;
Fri Dec 27 13:05:49: Suspended by the user or administrator;
Fri Dec 27 13:05:56: Suspended: Waiting for re-scheduling after being resumed
by user;
Fri Dec 27 13:05:57: Running;
Fri Dec 27 13:07:52: Done successfully. The CPU time used is 28.3 seconds.
Summary of time in seconds spent in various states by Sat Dec 27 13:07:52 1997
5 0 205 7 1 0 218
.... repeat
I'm adding a second answer because it might help you with your problem without actually having to write your own solution (depending on the usage statistics you're after).
LSF already has a utility called bacct that computes and prints out various usage statistics about historical LSF jobs filtered by various criteria.
For example, to get summary usage statistics about jobs that were dispatched/completed/submitted between time0 and time1, you can use (respectively):
bacct -D time0,time1
bacct -C time0,time1
bacct -S time0,time1
Statistics about jobs submitted by a particular user:
bacct -u <username>
Statistics about jobs submitted to a particular queue:
bacct -q <queuename>
These options can be combined as well, so for example if you wanted statistics about jobs that were submitted and completed within a particular time window for a particular project, you can use:
bacct -S time0,time1 -C time0,time1 -P <projectname>
The output provides some summary information about all jobs that match the provided criteria like so:
$ bacct -u bobbafett -q normal
Accounting information about jobs that are:
- submitted by users bobbafett,
- accounted on all projects.
- completed normally or exited
- executed on all hosts.
- submitted to queues normal,
- accounted on all service classes.
SUMMARY: ( time unit: second )
Total number of done jobs: 0 Total number of exited jobs: 32
Total CPU time consumed: 46.8 Average CPU time consumed: 1.5
Maximum CPU time of a job: 9.0 Minimum CPU time of a job: 0.0
Total wait time in queues: 18680.0
Average wait time in queue: 583.8
Maximum wait time in queue: 5507.0 Minimum wait time in queue: 0.0
Average turnaround time: 11568 (seconds/job)
Maximum turnaround time: 43294 Minimum turnaround time: 40
Average hog factor of a job: 0.00 ( cpu time / turnaround time )
Maximum hog factor of a job: 0.02 Minimum hog factor of a job: 0.00
Total Run time consumed: 351504 Average Run time consumed: 10984
Maximum Run time of a job: 1844674 Minimum Run time of a job: 0
Total throughput: 0.24 (jobs/hour) during 160.32 hours
Beginning time: Nov 11 17:55 Ending time: Nov 18 10:14
This command also has a long form output that provides some bhist -l-like information about each job that might be a bit easier to parse (although still not all that easy):
$ bacct -l -u bobbafett -q normal
Accounting information about jobs that are:
- submitted by users bobbafett,
- accounted on all projects.
- completed normally or exited
- executed on all hosts.
- submitted to queues normal,
- accounted on all service classes.
Job <101>, User <bobbafett>, Project <default>, Status <EXIT>, Queue <normal>,
Command <sleep 100000000>
Wed Nov 11 17:37:45: Submitted from host <endor>, CWD <$HOME>;
Wed Nov 11 17:55:05: Completed <exit>; TERM_OWNER: job killed by owner.
Accounting information about this job:
0.00 1040 1040 exit 0.0000 0M 0M
Long form output is pretty hard to parse. I know bjobs has an option for unformatted output (-UF) in older LSF versions which makes it a bit easier, and the most recent version of LSF allows you to customize which columns get printed in short form output with -o.
Unfortunately, neither of these options are available with bhist. The only real possibilities for historical information are:
Figure out some way to parse bhist -l -- impractical and maybe not even possible due to inconsistent formatting as you've discovered.
Write a C program to do what you want using the LSF API, which exposes the functions that bhist itself uses to parse the file. This is the file that stores all the historical information about the LSF cluster, and is what bhist reads to generate its ouptut.
If C is not an option for you, then you could try writing a script to parse the file directly -- the format is documented in the configuration reference. This is hard, but not impossible. Here is the relevant document for LSF 9.1.3.
My personal recommendation would be #2 -- the function you're looking for is lsb_geteventrec(). You'd basically read each line in one at a time and pull out the information you need.

Apache httpd rotatelogs: is it possible to create a new file every day?

I want to make a new logs for my website every 00:00:01 (= each new day).
The problem with rotatelogs is that you can either precise the max size of the logs before creating a new one, or precise the rotation time in seconds. It's not possible to precise an hour of rotation.
They talk about "cronjobs", but I don't get it. Could someone please explain if it's possible, and if so, give an example?
Thank you very much
Following is the help of the rotatelogs utility:
/ # /opt/httpd/bin/rotatelogs --help Incorrect number of arguments
Usage: /opt/httpd/bin/rotatelogs [-l] [-f] {|} [offset minutes from UTC]
Add this:
TransferLog "|/opt/httpd/bin/rotatelogs /some/where 86400"
TransferLog "|/opt/httpd/bin/rotatelogs /some/where 5M"
to httpd.conf. The generated name will be /some/where.nnnn where nnnn
is the system time at which the log nominally starts (N.B. if using a
rotation time, the time will always be a multiple of the rotation
time, so you can synchronize cron scripts with it). At the end of each
rotation time or when the file size is reached a new log is started. /
According to this section of the manual page for rotatelogs:
The time between log file rotations in seconds. The rotation
occurs at the beginning of this interval. For example, if the
rotation time is 3600, the log file will be rotated at the
beginning of every hour; if the rotation time is 86400, the log
file will be rotated every night at midnight.
setting 86400 as the period will do what you want (new file started at midnight every day).
Also use the -l option if you want "midnight" to be in your local timezone rather than UTC.
The case when a cronjob would be needed is if you wanted a period of one day but at a different time than midnight. More general tools like logrotate (outside apache) are typically used for that.