Bootstrap 3 display block mobile only - twitter-bootstrap-3

Is it possible in bootstrap 3 to set an element to be block for mobile (xs) and inline for all other screen sizes?
For example:
<span class="display-block-xs">content here</span>

yes you can use it this way
<div class="visible-xs-block visible-sm-inline-block visible-md-inline-block visible-lg-inline-block">fadi</div>
this div will become block on mobile but inline block on others devices screen

I made some research it seem that on bootstrap 3 you have already:
and you can use:
for inline elements safely. Hope it can help you.


typo3 bootstrap accordion - collapse the initial element

This is related to Typo3 with the bootstrap theme only please.
I'd like to have ALL elements of the accordion closed at page startup. Currently the top element is open like here
In do understand that it's only related to the in in the class of this statement
<div id="panel-425-0" class="panel-collapse collapse in">
but changing this in the source would have side effects to other locations which I'like to avoid.
So I'm looking for a solution to do the closure with CSS or javascript.
Any guidance welcome.
Here try this
So basically you get element by its Id and re-set its class attribute without the 'in' class.
document.getElementById('panel-425-0').setAttribute('class','panel-collapse collapse');
Just for completenes, my own reminder and to whom it might help the full TS to be put into the setup section of a template
# get some javascript into
# for hiding the first accordion element
page.jsFooterInline.20 = TEXT
page.jsFooterInline.20.value = document.getElementById('accordion-....').setAttribute('class','panel-collapse collapse');

Background banners (skins) in responsive layout, how to implement them?

I am looking for tutorials, ideas, suggestions on how to implement the "skin-banners" (also called background-banners) in responsive template as the famous twitter bootstrap template.
How to manage the width of the background picture?
Is it possibile to implement a backgroud banner without using javascript complex scripts? Are there any working examples?
Many thanks, Fabio
The solution is to display the correct skin for each viewport.
First of all you needto read the width of the window browser:
<script type='text/javascript'>
var WidthBrowser = $(window).width();
Then for each viewport you have to call the right skin.
For desktop version for instance:
if (WidthBrowser > 1200){
// code for skin
else if ...

How to prevent Bootstrap's glyphicon rendering to emoji (Opera, FF)?

I would like to know how to prevent showing emojis from bootstrap's glyphicons?
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-tent"></span>
Renders to this (opera, moz)
I Stumbled across this:
Unicode here :
Solution: Update your Bootstrap to the latest version.
Better alternative to avoid such problems is to use font-awesome instead of twitter bootstrap glyphicons and as a bonus you could get more icon set than glyphicons provide. But if you still want to use bootstrap glyphicons it is better to copy the unicode for that glyphicons (since glyphicons use unicode internally) and append the code as given in this answer.
use i tag insted of span like <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-tent"></i> may be it will help

Reveal hidden div via slideToggle without pushing down other divs

I ran into this issue while building my online design portfolio. It seems complex to me, but I know there is a way to do it, so I am frustrated that I can't find a solution. Please help!
My design calls for the use of media queries to optimize my site for mobile, tablets, and desktops/laptops. The mobile version has a single column of thumbnails. When each thumbnail is clicked, a hidden div is revealed below it via jQuery slideToggle, pushing down the other project thumbnails.
That is how the mobile version works and it works great. The problem is the tablet and dektop/laptop versions. For those versions, I want the the thumbnails to display in a grid pattern. Two side-by-side on tablets and three side-by-side on desktop/laptops with infinite rows for all versions. I can make them display in a grid with HTML, but the problem comes when a thumbnail is clicked and it reveals the div below it via slideToggle. Since I'm using media queries, the order of the HTML is still the same as the mobile version and the hidden divs are directly below each thumbnail in the code. Thus, revealing the hidden div pushes down all the other thumbnails, including the thumbnails in the same row as the thumbnail that is being clicked (if they come after it in the code). The last div in each row does what I want it to; the next row is pushed down when the hidden div is revealed. I want the hidden div to display below the row it is in and push down the thumbnails that are in the rows below.
And obviously I want to stick with media queries to avoid creating separate HTML, if possible.
Repeating HTML for the thumbnails and hidden divs:
<div class="body">
<div class="thumb"></div>
<div class="projectWrapper"></div>
<div class="thumb"></div>
<div class="projectWrapper"></div>
<div class="thumb"></div>
<div class="projectWrapper"></div>
<div class="thumb"></div>
<div class="projectWrapper"></div>
<div class="thumb"></div>
I created a jsfiddle to demonstrate the problem:
Please note that the divs are hidden using jQuery. Hiding them with CSS was not allowing my content within the hidden div to display properly when revealed. Also, I had to use display:inline-block because float:left does not force the hidden div to appear below it in the layout.
I hope I adequately explained the problem. Thanks in advance for any help! I sincerely appreciate it!

Center inline-blocks with dynamic width in CSS

So.. I have a dynamic width page. Below, the wrapper div centers the divs inside of it. However, each div has a style of:
width:400px; /* static */
This makes the inside divs, side by side. But that means that there is some whitespace left over depending on the width of the browser and how many divs can go side by side without breaking to the next line.
To get an idea of what I am going for, open up your Google Chrome New Tab page and drag your browser window to make it smaller. You will see that when you go too far, some of the chrome apps bump to the next line BUT it still stays centered.
In my case, they bump to the next line and become not centered.
This is what my code looks like:
<div class="wrapper">
<div class="iB"></div>
<div class="iB"></div>
<div class="iB"></div>
<div class="iB"></div>
<div class="iB"></div>
<div class="iB"></div>
I want the inside divs to be side by side unless there is not enough room in which case the end one will bump to the next line down, ALL while staying centered in the parent div.
Thanks for any help.
If I understood you correctly adding text-align: center to your .wrapper styles should give the desired effect. See this fiddle for an example. Resize the result panel to watch the reordering of the boxes.
Like Akaishen already mentioned inline-blocks flow like text. That's why you can control their alignment with text-align. However if you want very fine control over your layout you might run into problems using inline-blocks. Since they flow like text whitespace between them is not ignored for instance. And unfortunately you can't really determine the absolute width of a space across browsers and OSs. The gaps between blocks in my example are caused by this.
As you are using the display: inline-block the <div> tags are essentially inline elements and can be styled as such. text-align: center would center each element. At this point, you need a container / wrapper to define the maximum and minimum widths.
There could be a better way to achieve what you are looking for, and this is not exactly like how the Chrome windows work, though it's a start: fiddle