Making cytoscape.js animations play continuously - cytoscape.js

Is there any way to make an animation play continuously?
Here is a demo using but it does it only once. Not continuously.
I want a 'flashing' node. It should grow and shrink in size constantly till the user says stop.
For now, I've done this
var jAni = cy.$('#rose').animation({
style: {
'background-color': 'red',
'width': 75
duration: 1000
Exactly as mentioned in the documentation for

You must chain your promises. Auto-rewind doesn't mean auto-replay, just like a tape.
let loopAnimation = ele => {
return (


Vue Test Utils: change window size

How can I change the window size using Vue Test Utils ?
Default window size is 1024x768
This should work:
Object.assign(global.screen, {
width: 800,
height: 600
// if you only need one changed, the plain assignment syntax is shorter:
global.screen.width = 800;
If the above doesn't work, you should show us exactly where your code reads window size from.
If it reads from innerWidth/innerHeight, you can define them on the window object:
{ prop: "innerWidth", value: 800 },
{ prop: "innerHeight", value: 600 }
].forEach(({ prop, value }) => {
Object.defineProperty(window, prop, {
writable: true,
configurable: true,
If you're using media queries (matchMedia), see this answer on how to mock it.
Any of the above can be run inside the test(s) where you want the viewport size changed.
Keep in mind it's not going to be reset back to defaults after you change it, so all following tests will be run on the last set dimensions, unless you revert them to defaults at the end of the test where you need them altered.

Finding Animated Bar Chart Library Or Component

I am interested in making a bar chart that changes over time (ideally bars will move up and down smoothly to show data changes over time). I didn't expect it would be difficult but, maybe due to the way I am searching, I cannot find a pre-built component or library that does this. I have come across other animated graphs that show data changes over time (like and but nothing that does what I describe in a bar chart. It would also work if I could find a line chart or pie chart that smoothly changed over time but I would rather make a bar chart to do this if possible.
Does an application or component or library like this exist (and if so can you point me in the right direction)? If for some reason nothing like this is available, what is the closest thing to it available (what is the path that would require the least amount of effort to produce this chart)?
ZingChart should be able to do this for you, and it's super easy to use. The chart configuration is defined using a JSON object. Inside the plot object, the animation object can hold a number of different animation options, including effect, speed, delay, and sequence. More information on ZingChart's animation effects can be found here. The render method is called to tell ZingChart where to render the chart using a div's unique ID. For this example, I configured a function to be called every 3000 milliseconds, generating a random array of numbers between 0 and 100, using the setseriesvalues method to change the data at plotindex 0.
var oData = {
"type": "bar",
"scaleY": {
"values": "0:100:10"
"plot": {
"animation": {
"series": [{
"values": [69, 68, 54, 48, 70, 74, 98, 70, 72, 68, 49, 69]
id: 'myChartDiv',
width: 600,
height: 400,
data: oData
setInterval(function() {
var aValues = [];
for (var n = 0; n < 12; n++) {
var num = Math.random() * (100 - 0) + 0;
zingchart.exec('myChartDiv', 'setseriesvalues', {
plotindex: 0,
values: aValues
}, 3000);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="myChartDiv"></div>
Full disclaimer: I'm on the ZingChart team, but if there's anything else I can help you with, I'd be happy to help!

Cytoscape : multiple instances and no graph display

I want to display several instances of cytoscape in a single page, in a time sequence: first one set of nodes are displayed on the graph, the user must interact with it (create edges), then he moves to a second graph (#cy0 is :hidden and #cy1 is :visible).
For code optimisation sake I wish to use the same initialisation function to display different successive sets of nodes. My initialisation function works fine in the first instance, but the graph is not created (cy.initrender() == false) in the second session. A command is probably missing, I tested a couple, but I don't see what to do.
Here is my code:
$(function(){ // on dom ready
var elesJson = {
nodes: [
{ data: { id: 'S', faveShape: 'rectangle',} }
edges: [
{ data: { id: 'loan', source: 'B', target: 'U' } },
// instance index
var indexLevel=0;
// cy initialisation
style: cytoscape.stylesheet()...
elements: elesJson,
ready: function(){ = this;});
// jQuery command to move from one instance to the other.
I am able to generate my node.collection, it is not empty, but the canvas element is not created and/or displayed within the #cy div, and cy.initrender() returns "false".
Any solution to this?
As noted in the docs for init, you must call cy.resize() if you play around with the cy div's display or position:
cy.resize() :
Edit: You may want to use z-index instead to simplify things...

Hiding a series by default in a spider plot

I have a spider plot in using the graphing library of Dojo defined like this:
], function (Chart, theme, Spider, Tooltip, Legend, Default) {
var chart = new Chart(element).setTheme(theme).addPlot("default", {
type: Spider,
radius: 200,
fontColor: "black",
labelOffset: "-20"
var colors = ["blue", "red", "green", "yellow", "purple", "orange", "teal",
"maroon", "olive", "lime", "aqua", "fuchsia"];
$.each(factors, function (index, factor) {
chart.addAxis(, {
type: Default,
min: factor.min,
max: factor.max
$.each(presets, function (pIndex, preset) {
var data = [];
$.each(factors, function (fIndex, factor) {
data[] = preset.values[fIndex];
chart.addSeries(preset.short, data, {
fill: colors[pIndex % colors.length]
new Tooltip(chart, "default");
new Legend({
chart: chart,
horizontal: false
}, $(element).next(".legend")[0]);
I add a series for every member of an array called presets and I use a selectable legend that lets the user turn them on or off as they want. However, what I can't seem to find in the docs is how to start a series in the unselected, not visible state? What I ideally want to do is cap the number of series visible when the page loads because in some cases I have up to 14 presets and it just looks a mess until the user deselects a bunch. So I'd like to have, say, every preset above the first 5 be hidden at the start.
Here's a crude fiddle I've knocked to demonstrate. What I want is to have some of the series unselected when the plot is first displayed.
Update: I tried adding this after adding my series:
var checkboxes = $(".dijitCheckBoxInput").each((index, elem) => {
if (index > 4) {;
Which works, but seems very fragile. If they change the class assigned to checkboxes, it'll break. Also, it prohibits me using more than one set of dojo checkboxes because I don't have a good way to tell the difference. (Note, the IDs of the checkboxes added by the SelectableLegend are dijit_form_CheckBox_0, dijit_form_CheckBox_1, etc, which also gives no useful information as to what they are related to). I thought I might be able to use the legend placeholder div as a way to select the descendant checkboxes, but it appears that Dojo replaces the placeholder entirely with a table.
i looked into the dojo code and found the area in which the shapes are toggled on & off whitin the SelectableLegend.js :
var legendCheckBox = query(".dijitCheckBox", legend)[0];
hub.connect(legendCheckBox, "onclick", this, function(e){
this._toggle(shapes, i, legend.vanished, originalDyn, seriesName, plotName);
legend.vanished = !legend.vanished;
The toggling process is very complex and is based on many local attributes:
_toggle: function(shapes, index, isOff, dyn, seriesName, plotName){
arrayUtil.forEach(shapes, function(shape, i){
var startFill = dyn.fills[i],
endFill = this._getTransitionFill(plotName),
startStroke = dyn.strokes[i],
endStroke = this.transitionStroke;
if(endFill && (typeof startFill == "string" || startFill instanceof Color)){
shape: shape,
color: {
start: isOff ? endFill : startFill,
end: isOff ? startFill : endFill
shape.setFill(isOff ? startFill : endFill);
if(startStroke && !this.outline){
shape.setStroke(isOff ? startStroke : endStroke);
}, this);
I tried also checking & unchecking the dijit/form/Checkbox in a legend manually, but that does not trigger the _toggle function in any case, even if you do a render() / fullrender() on the chart.
With that in mind it seems that there is no other possibilty to toggle the series on and off than by firing the onclick events manually.
To make your code less fragile, you could access the Checkbox widgets within the legend manually using:
query(".dijitCheckBox", legend); // Should deliver an array containing
the widgets.
and triggering the onclick event on them. Their keynumber in the array should correspond to the order the series where added...
Dojo is a fine piece of work, please dont stop working with it !
dojox/charting/Series has an attribute called dirty which according to the API docs is a "flag indicating whether or not this element needs to be rendered".
Alternately, if you are limiting the display of some series you can write a separate interface for adding them. For example, loop over the first 5. Then create a select box or list of check boxes with all entries and an onchange event that calls chart.addSeries.
Keeping a reference to each series you create will allow you to later call destroy() or destroyRecursive() on it if the user no longer wishes it displayed.
So while ideally you could toggle the display of these series, the worst case senerio is that you just add, destroy, and read based on some user input.
Using a templated widget will allow you to keep this interface and the chart tightly linked and support reuse.
BTW, consider using "dojo/_base/array" and "dojo/query" in place of the jquery
I think i've got it !
I found another way to access the checkboxes ! It's the same way dojo uses internally to connect the "toggle code" to the onclick event. First take a look at this from SelectableLegend.js (Lines 150 - 156):
// toggle action
var legendCheckBox = query(".dijitCheckBox", legend)[0];
hub.connect(legendCheckBox, "onclick", this, function(e){
this._toggle(shapes, i, legend.vanished, originalDyn, seriesName, plotName);
legend.vanished = !legend.vanished;
It looks like they use the ".dijitCheckBox" class to find the checkbox dom element and connect to it using dojo/connect. Now based on that, i made this function:
function toggleSeries (legend,num) {
dijit.findWidgets(legend.legends[num])[0]._onClick(); }
It doesn't use any class definition (because of the *) and it accesses the areas where the checkboxes are from within the SelectableLegend. It needs the SelectableLegend and the number of the series you want to deactivate as parameters. Here the jsfiddle example with this function & hiding all 4 of your series with it:
Also please notice the "onDomReady" Option in jsfiddle, without it: doesnt work in IE.
And the ready function within the code !
I have updated your code
Here is the key to toogle.
Choose the index of your legend and set to _cbs.
By this way le._cbs[0].id you will get the real id of checkbox (that inside in the widget) and then just use click()
Note : le is came from here.
var le = new Legend({
chart: chart,
horizontal: false
}, legend);

jquery animation help

I have two circles, one is small (thumb) another one is big (info), and when the user hover over the small (thumb), then the small icon need to resize in to big one. I also need to show the new information in the big. I think I have to do this by width and height animation, because small is 100px X 100px, and big is 200 X 200 size.
Please advice on the best way to do this. I would like to avoid using plug-ins.
using jquery 1.4.2 or up, you can achieve this by using:
function () {
width: '200px',
height: '200px'
}, 200, function() {
// Animation complete.
//do whatever
function () {
width: '100px',
height: '100px'
}, 200, function() {
// Animation complete.
//do whatever
put the class "smallCircle" in the small circle.
P.S. in each state of the hover, you can control what happens after the animation is done (the place where I put "//do whatever"), that's the place where you could insert the content of the big cicrle.