I created a crystal report and after running it was outputting all the details as required. am surprised now that when I run the same report now the report is showing blank fields with no data below is my code.
Dim rpt As New rptCheckoutNewReceipt 'The report you created.
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim MyCommand, MyCommand1, MyCommand2, MyCommand3, MyCommand4, MyCommand5 As New SqlCommand()
Dim myDA, myDA1, myDA2, myDA3, myDA4, myDA5 As New SqlDataAdapter()
Dim myDS As New DataSet 'The DataSet you created.
Dim pdfFile As String = Application.StartupPath & "\Report.Pdf"
myConnection = New SqlConnection(cs)
MyCommand.Connection = myConnection
MyCommand1.Connection = myConnection
MyCommand2.Connection = myConnection
MyCommand3.Connection = myConnection
MyCommand4.Connection = myConnection
MyCommand5.Connection = myConnection
MyCommand.CommandText = "SELECT CheckInTime,CheckOutTime, OtherCharge, Room.R_ID, Room.RoomNo, Room.PlanCode, Room.RoomType, Room.MaxNoOfAdults, Room.MaxNoOfKids, Room.Active, CheckIN_Room.Cin_Id, CheckIN_Room.GuestID,CheckIN_Room.RoomID, CheckIN_Room.RoomCharges, CheckIN_Room.DateIN, CheckIN_Room.DateOUT, CheckIN_Room.NoOfDays, CheckIN_Room.NoOfMales, CheckIN_Room.NoOfFemales, CheckIN_Room.NoOfKids, CheckIN_Room.NoOfExtraBed, CheckIN_Room.NoOfExtraPerson, CheckIN_Room.RoomOrderCharges, CheckIN_Room.ExtraPersonCharges, CheckIN_Room.TotalRoomCharges, CheckIN_Room.ExtraBedCharges, CheckIN_Room.OtherCharges, CheckIN_Room.DiscountPer, CheckIN_Room.DiscountAmount, CheckIN_Room.STPer, CheckIN_Room.STAmount, CheckIN_Room.LuxuryTaxPer, CheckIN_Room.LuxuryTaxAmount, CheckIN_Room.SubTotal, CheckIN_Room.GrandTotal, CheckIN_Room.TotalPaid, CheckIN_Room.Balance, CheckIN_Room.Status, CheckIN_Room.Notes, Guest.ID, Guest.GuestID AS Expr2, Guest.GuestName, Guest.Address, Guest.City, Guest.Country, Guest.ContactNo, Guest.Gender, Guest.Occupation, Guest.Religion, Guest.Email, Guest.IDType, Guest.IDNumber, Guest.Pic1, Guest.Pic2, Guest.pic3, Guest.Notes AS Expr3, Guest.Company, Guest.Model, Guest.VehicleNo, Guest.Color FROM Room INNER JOIN CheckIN_Room ON Room.R_ID = CheckIN_Room.RoomID INNER JOIN Guest ON CheckIN_Room.GuestID = Guest.ID where Status='Checked Out' and Cin_ID=" & txtCheckInID.Text & ""
MyCommand1.CommandText = "SELECT * from Hotel"
MyCommand2.CommandText = "SELECT * from Currency"
MyCommand3.CommandText = "SELECT Laundry_BillInfo.Id, Laundry_BillInfo.BillNo, Laundry_BillInfo.BillDate, Laundry_BillInfo.CheckInID, Laundry_BillInfo.GrandTotal, Laundry_BillInfo.PaymentMode, Laundry_BillInfo.TotalPayment,Laundry_BillInfo.PaymentDue, Laundry_BillInfo.LB_Status, LaundryServices.LS_Id, LaundryServices.BillID, LaundryServices.Service, LaundryServices.Rate, LaundryServices.Qty, LaundryServices.TotalAmount,CheckIN_Room.Cin_Id, CheckIN_Room.GuestID, CheckIN_Room.RoomID, CheckIN_Room.RoomCharges, CheckIN_Room.DateIN, CheckIN_Room.DateOUT, CheckIN_Room.NoOfDays, CheckIN_Room.NoOfMales, CheckIN_Room.NoOfFemales, CheckIN_Room.NoOfKids, CheckIN_Room.NoOfExtraBed, CheckIN_Room.NoOfExtraPerson, CheckIN_Room.RoomOrderCharges, CheckIN_Room.ExtraPersonCharges,CheckIN_Room.TotalRoomCharges, CheckIN_Room.ExtraBedCharges, CheckIN_Room.OtherCharges, CheckIN_Room.DiscountPer, CheckIN_Room.DiscountAmount, CheckIN_Room.STPer,CheckIN_Room.STAmount, CheckIN_Room.LuxuryTaxPer, CheckIN_Room.LuxuryTaxAmount, CheckIN_Room.SubTotal, CheckIN_Room.GrandTotal AS Expr1, CheckIN_Room.TotalPaid, CheckIN_Room.Balance,CheckIN_Room.Status, CheckIN_Room.Notes FROM Laundry_BillInfo INNER JOIN LaundryServices ON Laundry_BillInfo.Id = LaundryServices.BillID INNER JOIN CheckIN_Room ON Laundry_BillInfo.CheckInID = CheckIN_Room.Cin_Id where Status='Checked Out' and Cin_ID=" & txtCheckInID.Text & " order by BillNo"
MyCommand4.CommandText = "SELECT Room_OrderInfo.Id, Room_OrderInfo.BillNo, Room_OrderInfo.BillDate, Room_OrderInfo.CheckInId, Room_OrderInfo.GrandTotal, Room_OrderInfo.PaymentMode, Room_OrderInfo.TotalPayment,Room_OrderInfo.PaymentDue, Room_OrderInfo.Operator, Room_OrderInfo.RO_Status, Room_OrderedProduct.OP_Id, Room_OrderedProduct.BillID, Room_OrderedProduct.Dish_Liquor,Room_OrderedProduct.Volumn, Room_OrderedProduct.TakenFrom, Room_OrderedProduct.VATPer, Room_OrderedProduct.VATAmount, Room_OrderedProduct.STPer, Room_OrderedProduct.STAmount, Room_OrderedProduct.DiscountPer, Room_OrderedProduct.DiscountAmount, Room_OrderedProduct.Rate, Room_OrderedProduct.Quantity, Room_OrderedProduct.Amount, Room_OrderedProduct.TotalAmount,CheckIN_Room.Cin_Id, CheckIN_Room.GuestID, CheckIN_Room.RoomID, CheckIN_Room.RoomCharges, CheckIN_Room.DateIN, CheckIN_Room.DateOUT, CheckIN_Room.NoOfDays, CheckIN_Room.NoOfMales,CheckIN_Room.NoOfFemales, CheckIN_Room.NoOfKids, CheckIN_Room.NoOfExtraBed, CheckIN_Room.NoOfExtraPerson, CheckIN_Room.RoomOrderCharges, CheckIN_Room.ExtraPersonCharges, CheckIN_Room.TotalRoomCharges, CheckIN_Room.ExtraBedCharges, CheckIN_Room.OtherCharges, CheckIN_Room.DiscountPer AS Expr1, CheckIN_Room.DiscountAmount AS Expr2, CheckIN_Room.STPer AS Expr3, CheckIN_Room.STAmount AS Expr4, CheckIN_Room.LuxuryTaxPer, CheckIN_Room.LuxuryTaxAmount, CheckIN_Room.SubTotal, CheckIN_Room.GrandTotal AS Expr5, CheckIN_Room.TotalPaid, CheckIN_Room.Balance, CheckIN_Room.Status, CheckIN_Room.Notes FROM Room_OrderInfo INNER JOIN Room_OrderedProduct ON Room_OrderInfo.Id = Room_OrderedProduct.BillID INNER JOIN CheckIN_Room ON Room_OrderInfo.CheckInId = CheckIN_Room.Cin_Id where Status='Checked Out' and Cin_ID=" & txtCheckInID.Text & " order by BillNo"
MyCommand5.CommandText = "SELECT * from Checkin_Payment where CheckInID =" & txtCheckInID.Text & ""
MyCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
MyCommand1.CommandType = CommandType.Text
MyCommand2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
MyCommand3.CommandType = CommandType.Text
MyCommand4.CommandType = CommandType.Text
MyCommand5.CommandType = CommandType.Text
myDA.SelectCommand = MyCommand
myDA1.SelectCommand = MyCommand1
myDA2.SelectCommand = MyCommand2
myDA3.SelectCommand = MyCommand3
myDA4.SelectCommand = MyCommand4
myDA5.SelectCommand = MyCommand5
myDA.Fill(myDS, "Guest")
myDA.Fill(myDS, "Room")
myDA.Fill(myDS, "CheckIn_Room")
myDA1.Fill(myDS, "Hotel")
myDA2.Fill(myDS, "Currency")
myDA3.Fill(myDS, "Laundry_BillInfo")
myDA3.Fill(myDS, "LaundryServices")
myDA4.Fill(myDS, "Room_OrderInfo")
myDA4.Fill(myDS, "Room_OrderedProduct")
myDA5.Fill(myDS, "Checkin_Payment")
rpt.SetParameterValue("v1", txtBillNo.Text)
rpt.SetParameterValue("v2", dtpBillDate.Value)
frmReport.CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rpt
To get started I created a program at work to read our network tools and store the retrieved data to our database. No problem but the way I set it up originally was every tool had its own instance and was hard coded for each tool.
Now I was tasked with making the program more user friendly so I can send it to other places. So now I database the IP address of tool and location on assembly line so I can cross reference while the code is executing.
On the new program I created an array of my Tool Reader class:
Dim TB(50) As ReadAtlascopco
Then I run through this loop on form load:
Private dict As New Dictionary(Of Timer, Label)()
Private Sub CreateTimers()
For i = 0 To IPCount
TB(i) = New ReadAtlascopco
' timer(i) = New Timerarray
For i As Integer = 1 To IPCount
C = i - 1
timer = New Timer() With {.Interval = 250, .Enabled = True, .Tag = i.ToString}
AddHandler timer.Tick, (AddressOf timer_Tick)
' timer.Interval = (100 * i)
label = New Label()
label.Name = "label" & i
label.Location = New Point(10, 10 + i * 25)
label.Font = New Font("Sans Serif", 9, FontStyle.Bold)
label.AutoSize = True
'label.Width = 100
'label.AutoEllipsis = False
label.TabIndex = i
label.Visible = True
dict(timer) = label
TB(C).ipaddress = TBData(C)
timer.Enabled = True
Then I go through the timer tick event. Everything works great up until this point. Once I go through the tick event it starts lagging and I miss data.
Is there a way to speed this process up?
Here is the tick event:
Private Sub timer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim Stop_Num(50) As String
Dim Line_Name(50) As String
Dim t As Timer = DirectCast(sender, Timer)
Dim s As Integer = Val(t.Tag) - 1
Param1 = TBData(s)
CWE(s) = False
If Activestat(s) = True Then
Dim SQL1 As String = "SELECT Stop_Num FROM TBL_Added_Boxes Where(IP_Address = N'" + Param1 + "')"
Dim output1 As String
Using cn = New SqlConnection(My.Settings.Torque_InfoConnectionString)
Using cmd = New SqlCommand(SQL1, cn)
Dim dr1 = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While dr1.Read()
output1 = dr1("Stop_Num").ToString()
End While
Catch ex As SqlException
WriteToErrorLog("Error pulling data from the database in reguards to torque box info (Stop Number).", ex.ToString(), "Failed to retreive Torque controler Info .")
End Try
End Using
End Using
Stop_Num(0) = output1
Dim SQL2 As String = "SELECT Line_On FROM TBL_Added_Boxes Where(IP_Address = N'" + Param1 + "')"
Dim output2 As String
Using cn = New SqlConnection(My.Settings.Torque_InfoConnectionString)
Using cmd = New SqlCommand(SQL2, cn)
Dim dr2 = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While dr2.Read()
output2 = dr2("Line_On").ToString()
End While
Catch ex As SqlException
WriteToErrorLog("Error pulling data from the database in reguards to torque box info (Line On).", ex.ToString(), "Failed to retreive Torque controler Info .")
End Try
End Using
End Using
Line_Name(0) = output2
If Line_Name(0) = "Line 1" Then
Newlinename(s) = "Line1Serial"
ElseIf Line_Name(0) = "Line 2" Then
Newlinename(s) = "Line2Serial"
ElseIf Line_Name(0) = "Line 3" Then
Newlinename(s) = "Line3Serial"
End If
Param3 = Stop_Num(0)
Param2 = Newlinename(s)
Dim SQL As String = "SELECT " + Newlinename(s) + " FROM TBL_RunningLineStatus Where(Stop_Number = N'" + Stop_Num(0) + "')"
Dim output As String
Using cn = New SqlConnection(My.Settings.ScanBypassConnectionString)
Using cmd = New SqlCommand(SQL, cn)
Dim dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While dr.Read()
output = dr(Param2).ToString()
End While
Catch ex As SqlException
WriteToErrorLog("Error Pulling Data From The Database In reguards to Seat Data.", ex.ToString(), "Failed to retreive buildline data.")
End Try
End Using
End Using
TBSData(s) = output
If Killall = "True" Then
If TB(s).Colorselect = 0 Then
dict(t).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.GreenYellow
dict(t).ForeColor = Color.Black
ElseIf TB(s).Colorselect = 1 Then
TB(s).ipaddress = TBData(s)
dict(t).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
dict(t).ForeColor = Color.White
ElseIf TB(s).Colorselect = 2 Then
dict(t).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Purple
dict(t).ForeColor = Color.White
End If
If Olddata(s) <> TB(s).TorboxData(20) Then
Cname(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(2)
Tstatus(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(7)
TValue(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(19)
Sdata(s) = TBSData(s)
Tfinal(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(18)
TPset(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(30)
TFinalAngle(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(24)
RDAmin(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(25)
RDAmax(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(26)
RDAactual(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(27)
RDAStat(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(15)
Anglemin(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(21)
Anglemax(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(22)
AngleFT(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(23)
Anglestat(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(13)
Tormin(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(16)
Tormax(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(17)
TTTights(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(28)
TTSerial(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(29)
Olddata(s) = TB(s).TorboxData(20)
CWE(s) = True
dict(t).Text = t.Tag + " ) " + "Controler Name : " + TB(s).TorboxData(2) + ": Status : " + TB(s).Connectiontext + " : Date : " + Now() + " :: SERIAL # : " + Sdata(s) + " : From : " + Newlinename(s) + " :: Stop : " + Param3 + ""
' .Text = t.Tag + " ) " + "Controler Name : " + TB(s).TorboxData(2) + ": Status : " + TB(s).Connectiontext + " : Date : " + Now() + " :: SERIAL # : " + Sdata(s) + " : From : " + Newlinename(s) + " :: Stop : " + Param3 + "")
dict(t).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
If TB(s).networkconnected = True Then
dict(t).AutoSize = True
'dict(t).Text = "Controler Name : " + TB(s).TorboxData(2) + ": Status : " + TB(s).Connectiontext + " : Date : " + Now()
dict(t).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow
dict(t).ForeColor = Color.Black
dict(t).Text = TB(s).Connectiontext + " :::: " + Now() + " :: " + TBData(s)
dict(t).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red
dict(t).ForeColor = Color.White
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
WriteToErrorLog("Error Reading the torque box .", ex.Message, "Failed read torque data.")
'If CWE(s) = True Then
' Call Data_Entry()
'End If
If TValue(s) <> "" And CWE(s) = True Then
con.ConnectionString = My.Settings.ScanBypassConnectionString
cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO TBL_Torque_Value1 (Serial_Num, Controler_Name, Torque_Status, Torque_Value, Date_Time,Extra_1, Extra_2, Extra_3,RundownMin,RundownMax,RundownAct,RundownStat,AngleMin,AngleMax,AngleFT,AngleStat,TorqueMin,TorqueMax,ToolTightens,Toolserialnum) VALUES(#p1,#p2, #p3, #p4, #p5, #p6, #p7, #p8,#p9, #p10, #p11, #p12, #p13, #p14, #p15, #p16, #p17, #p18, #p19, #p20)"
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p1", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p2", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p3", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p4", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p5", SqlDbType.DateTime2, 7)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p6", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p7", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p8", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p9", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p10", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p11", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p12", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p13", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p14", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p15", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p16", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p17", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p18", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p19", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters.Add("#p20", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 250)
cmd.Parameters("#p1").Value = Sdata(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p2").Value = Cname(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p3").Value = Tstatus(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p4").Value = TValue(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p5").Value = Now()
cmd.Parameters("#p6").Value = Tfinal(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p7").Value = TFinalAngle(s) + " Deg"
cmd.Parameters("#p8").Value = "P:" + TPset(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p9").Value = RDAmin(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p10").Value = RDAmax(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p11").Value = RDAactual(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p12").Value = RDAStat(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p13").Value = Anglemin(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p14").Value = Anglemax(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p15").Value = AngleFT(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p16").Value = Anglestat(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p17").Value = Tormin(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p18").Value = Tormax(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p19").Value = TTTights(s)
cmd.Parameters("#p20").Value = TTSerial(s)
Catch ex As Exception
WriteToErrorLog("Error Inserting Data into The Database In reguards to Torque Data.", ex.Message, "Failed to Insert Torque Data.")
Cname(s) = ""
Tstatus(s) = ""
TValue(s) = ""
Sdata(s) = ""
Tfinal(s) = ""
TFinalAngle(s) = ""
TPset(s) = ""
RDAmin(s) = ""
RDAmax(s) = ""
RDAactual(s) = ""
RDAStat(s) = ""
Anglemin(s) = ""
Anglemax(s) = ""
AngleFT(s) = ""
Anglestat(s) = ""
Tormin(s) = ""
Tormax(s) = ""
TTTights(s) = ""
TTSerial(s) = ""
Cname(s) = ""
Tstatus(s) = ""
TValue(s) = ""
Sdata(s) = ""
Tfinal(s) = ""
TFinalAngle(s) = ""
TPset(s) = ""
RDAmin(s) = ""
RDAmax(s) = ""
RDAactual(s) = ""
RDAStat(s) = ""
Anglemin(s) = ""
Anglemax(s) = ""
AngleFT(s) = ""
Anglestat(s) = ""
Tormin(s) = ""
Tormax(s) = ""
TTTights(s) = ""
TTSerial(s) = ""
End Try
End If
End Try
End If
dict(t).AutoSize = True
dict(t).Text = "Torque Box is not active :: " + TBData(s) + " ::"
dict(t).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
dict(t).ForeColor = Color.White
End If
End Sub
The class that is being referenced is one that I created and is working but like I said everything is slow. It seems to hang for 3 to 5 seconds in a single tick event.
As of now I only have 21 tools setup and it will take about 15 to 30 seconds to cycle through all.
I try to use select case statement with SQL statement
I have 4 columns when the lbl1.text equal 1 then x = "column1" and put this value in the SQL statement
when I try this code
Dim x As String
Select Case lbl1.Text
Case 1
x = "column1"
Case 2
x = " column2"
Case 3
x = " column3"
Case 4
x = " column4"
Dim dt As New DataTable
DGV1.Visible = True
Dim comm2 As New SqlCommand
comm2.CommandText = Nothing
comm2.CommandText = "select first_name,last_name,age from students where " + x + "=" + "yes" + ""
comm2.Connection = sqlconn
dr2 = comm2.ExecuteReader
DGV1.AutoGenerateColumns = True
DGV1.DataSource = dt
DGV1.Visible = True
End Select
and when lbl1.text = 1 or 2 or 3 it doesn't run the SQL statement but when the lbl1.text = 4 it's run SQL statement
can any one help me in this code
try this code, i just don't know if the break is the right syntax, but i guarantee you that this is the right code
` Dim x As String
Select Case lbl1.Text
Case 1
x = "column1"
Case 2
x = " column2"
Case 3
x = " column3"
Case 4
x = " column4"
End Select
Dim dt As New DataTable
DGV1.Visible = True
Dim comm2 As New SqlCommand
comm2.CommandText = Nothing
comm2.CommandText = "select first_name,last_name,age from students where " + x + "=" + "yes" + ""
comm2.Connection = sqlconn
dr2 = comm2.ExecuteReader
DGV1.AutoGenerateColumns = True
DGV1.DataSource = dt
DGV1.Visible = True
This is the code where I am getting exception message. However this code worked perfect in sql server 2005 but generating error in access.
This code working fine in sql server project but in access its generating exception as I mentioned..
Public Function CalculateFeeReciept(ByVal monthid As Integer) As DataTable
Dim cmd1 As New OleDbCommand("Select * from mstFeeHead", sqlcon)
Dim dtmstFeeHead As New DataTable 'dtmstFeeHead contains all the fee heads id's
Dim adp1 As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd1)
Dim selectedmonth As Integer
Dim feeheadid As Integer
Dim arr(25) As Integer 'arr contains Fee head id's that should be paid in the selected month
If monthid = 13 Then
monthid = 1
ElseIf monthid = 14 Then
monthid = 2
ElseIf monthid = 15 Then
monthid = 3
End If
selectedmonth = monthid + 3
Dim m As Integer = 0
For j As Integer = 0 To dtmstFeeHead.Rows.Count - 1
feeheadid = Convert.ToInt32(dtmstFeeHead.Rows(j)(0))
If dtmstFeeHead.Rows(j)(selectedmonth) Then
arr(m) = feeheadid
m = m + 1
End If
Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID, mstFeeHead.FeeHeadName, mstFeePlan.Amount " & _
"FROM " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead " & _
"mstFeeHead " & _
"ON " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID " & _
"mstFeePlan " & _
"ON " & _
"mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeePlan.FeeHeadID " & _
"WHERE " & _
"txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID = #StudentID) " & _
"AND " & _
"(mstFeePlan.SessionID = #SessionID) " & _
"AND " & _
"(mstFeePlan.ClassID = #ClassID) ", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#StudentID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#ClassID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbClass.SelectedValue)
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbSession.SelectedValue)
Dim dt As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
Dim adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)
Dim dt2 As New DataTable 'dt2 contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the student and that should be paid in that particular month
' dt2 contains the filtrate of dt and arr
dt2 = dt.Clone()
For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Length - 1
For j As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1
Dim dtrow As DataRow = dt2.NewRow()
If arr(i) = dt.Rows(j)(0) Then
dtrow(0) = arr(i)
dtrow(1) = dt.Rows(j)(1)
dtrow(2) = dt.Rows(j)(2)
End If
cmd2 = New OleDbCommand("Select Sum(TotalFees) as TotalFees, Sum(LateFees) as TotalLateFees, Sum(OldBalance) as TotalOldBalance, Sum(Discount) as TotalDiscount, Sum(Scholarship) as TotalScholarship, Sum(Concession) as TotalConcession, Sum(AmountReceived) as TotalAmountReceived from txnFeePayment where SessionID=#SessionID and StudentID=#studentid and MonthID=#monthid Group by StudentId,MonthID", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#studentid", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = cmbSession.SelectedValue
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#monthid", OleDbType.Integer).Value = monthid
Dim dtStudentReciept As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
adp = New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)
Dim dtrow1 As DataRow = dt2.NewRow()
If (dtStudentReciept.Rows.Count > 0) Then
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Late Fees"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(1))
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Discount"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(3)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Scholarship"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(4)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Concession"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(5)) * -1
dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
dtrow1(0) = 0
dtrow1(1) = "Total Amount Received"
dtrow1(2) = Convert.ToInt32(dtStudentReciept.Rows(0)(6)) * -1
Dim totalamount As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To dt2.Rows.Count - 1
totalamount = totalamount + dt2.Rows(k)(2)
'dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
'dtrow1(0) = totalamount
'dtrow1(1) = "Current Month Fee"
'dtrow1(2) = totalamount
Dim totalamount As Integer = 0
For k As Integer = 0 To dt2.Rows.Count - 1
totalamount = totalamount + dt2.Rows(k)(2)
'dtrow1 = dt2.NewRow()
'dtrow1(0) = totalamount
'dtrow1(1) = "Current Month Fee"
'dtrow1(2) = totalamount
End If
dgvDisplay.DataSource = dt2
For i As Integer = 0 To dgvDisplay.Columns.Count - 1
dgvDisplay.Columns.Item(i).SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable
dgvDisplay.Columns(2).Width = 65
dgvDisplay.Columns(1).Width = 132
dgvDisplay.Columns.Item(0).Visible = False
'txtTotalFees.Text = dt2.Rows(dt2.Rows.Count - 1)(0)
Return dt2
End Function
There are a couple of things wrong with your query.
You havent left any spaces once a line in code is finished and whole query may look like they are separate lines but it is a one long string without any spaces.
I have added spaces in the following piece of code at the end of each line.
("SELECT [txnStudentFeeHead].[FeeHeadID],[mstFeeHead].[FeeHeadName]," & _
"[mstFeePlan].[Amount] " & _
"FROM " & _
"[txnStudentFeeHead] " & _
"[mstFeeHead] " & _
You have put your variables in sqaure brackets [] , which means SQL Server will treat them as SQL Server Object(table name, Column Name) names and not as Variables. Remove the Square brackets.
"WHERE " & _
"([txnStudentFeeHead].[StudentID] = #StudentID) " & _
"AND" & _
"([mstFeePlan].[SessionID] = #SessionID) " & _
"AND" & _
"([mstFeePlan].[ClassID] = #ClassID) ", sqlcon)
Solved it myself by long time of effort and headache
Dim cmd2 As New OleDbCommand("SELECT txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID, mstFeeHead.FeeHeadName, mstFeePlan.Amount, txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID, mstFeePlan.ClassID, mstFeePlan.SessionID FROM (txnStudentFeeHead INNER JOIN mstFeeHead ON txnStudentFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID) INNER JOIN mstFeePlan ON mstFeeHead.FeeHeadID = mstFeePlan.FeeHeadID WHERE (((txnStudentFeeHead.StudentID)=#StudentID) AND ((mstFeePlan.ClassID)=#ClassID) AND ((mstFeePlan.SessionID)=#SessionID))", sqlcon)
cmd2.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#StudentID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = StudentID()
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#ClassID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbClass.SelectedValue)
cmd2.Parameters.Add("#SessionID", OleDbType.Integer).Value = Convert.ToInt32(cmbSession.SelectedValue)
Dim dt As New DataTable 'dt contains all the fee head id's that are alloted to the students
Dim adp As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmd2)