The SDK directory 'C:\Users\ABC\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools;C:\Users\ABC\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk' does not exist - react-native

Could somebody help me fix this problem?
When I run react-native run-android in CMD Windows OS, I got this error.
A problem occurred configuring project ':app'.
The SDK directory 'C:\Users\ABC\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools;C:\Users\ABC\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk' does not exist.
I searched everything to fix it but not successful.
I created in android dir and add this: sdk.dir = C:\\Users\\ABC\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk
Create ANDROID_HOME variable: C:\Users\ABC\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk and add to path: ...%ANDROID_HOME%platforms;%ANDROID_HOME%platform-tools
but no luck.
Please help.

You can also set android path from CMD.
set ANDROID_HOME=C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Android\sdk
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools
Note: You have to run these two commands every time you open new instance of your CMD

If you have the same error even after configuring the environment variables like the above answer, Check the file. Most probably there can be different ANDROID_HOME path. file located in the android folder of the react native code base.

After installing of Android studio you need run it first and create your device. (i don't remember how but it helped for me)Untill this done you not have android folder. To watch my suggestion open C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local
and go to your Local folder
mark 'View/show-hide/hidden items' in as on the pictures.
Then open android studio, and create android device.And you will see how hidden android folder have appeared(can be seen if hidden items marked)


React native android emulator: could not create task ':realm:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'

I have macbook M1 and trying to run Android emulator. When I run a command to launch the emulator I get the errorsCould not create task ':realm:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
Could not create task ':realm:forwardDebugPort'.
> SDK location not found. Define location with an ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable or by setting the sdk.dir path in your project's local properties file at '/Users/.../btp-react-native-field-data-capture/android/'.
I don't have this file and what do I need to add there?
I ran into the same issue, but was able to resolve by creating a new file named "" in my android folder.
You just need to add the following line.
sdk.dir = /Users/YOUR_MAC_USERNAME/Library/Android/sdk
Reference below.
React Native android build failed. SDK location not found

How can I change the project and app name of ReactNative project with react-native 0.60

It's simple issue but I don't know how to do it. I'm looking for some references, but there are problems.
I'm using react-native : 0.60.5. Hence there is no eject method or command.
The project was not created with expo.
After I referenced How to Rename A React Native App and error Unrecognized command "eject", then I follow the process below.
change the app.json's name and diplayName field to name which I want to change
remove android/ and ios/ directory
use react-native upgrade --legacy true
But there is no change on the project name and app name.
Is there any way to change the project and app name? Thanks.
Please check the below steps :
if you want to change both the app name and the package name (i.e. rename the entire app), the following steps are necessary:
Make sure you don't have anything precious (non-generated, manually
copied resources) in the android/ and ios/ subfolders.
Delete both the android/ and ios/ folder.
Change the "name" entry in your package.json to the new name.
Change the app name in both your and index.ios.js:
AppRegistry.registerComponent('NewAppName', () => App);
Run react-native upgrade to re-generate the platform subfolders.
If you have linked resources (like custom fonts etc.) run
react-native link.
If you have other generated resources (like app icons) run the
scripts to generate them (e.g. yo).
Finally, uninstall the old app on each device and run the new one.
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts
for android edit strings.xml file which located in res/values/
string name="app_name">APP_NAME</string
I had a very hard time with this and this is what I did - hopefully it helps someone. Literally took me 15 minutes install react-native-rename and rename your app to whatever you need using the instructions provided for the package
Important part would be to use this:
npx react-native-rename "YourProjectName" -b com.yourporjectnamehere - because this is needed for android to work correctly
find in your project every file and folder name that will contain your previous name - for me it was mostly in ios folder. I had to rename all the folders and some of the files inside. just replace the part with your previous name with your current name
find all occurrences of your previous name left inside the project with the whole project search in your editor and replace them with the new name.
To make it work for ios
Delete Pods inside the ios folder
Delete node_modules
go to ios folder with your terminal and do pod install
do npm install in your original directory again
make sure all the caches are deleted for your ios simulator with yarn start --reset-cache
To make it work for android
Make sure that under android/app/src/com/yourprojectnamehere/ the folder contains and files and that the project name inside are updated
./gradlew clean inside android folder in terminal
Delete node_modules
npm install
react-native run-android and everything should be working
I know its a lot of steps, but from what I have found renaming react native app is not actually as easy as you might have thought

React Native Error when `run-android`

I installed all dependencies and libs like the instructions on
Everything is fine.
But when i try to run react-native run-android i throws me errors (see screenshot)
HAXM is installed on my machine as well.
What can i do to run it on my machine in the emulator?
"SDK location no found" export/add your sdk location path in PATH variable. For linux maching run following command in terminal:
$ export PATH="/Users/<username>/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/:$PATH"
$ react-native run-android
Go to your project android folder. And create a file called "".
Inside this file write this:
Just replace {skd_location} with the path to your android sdk.
Then run "react-native run-android" again and it should work.
The error simply specifies that you are not providing the sdk path to you project. So for this you need to create a file inside your android folder of the project. Inside that file just add the location for your android SDK as below :-
sdk.dir = /Users/piet/Library/Android/sdk //this is your sdk path
I have provided the path from the screenshot given by you but change the path of your android SDK if it is different.

Sencha App Upgrade Issue: Must be run from App folder

I am trying to run an update of an old Sencha Touch app using Sencha CMD, however when I try to run it from the App folder (which I assume is right due to it having all the requirements) I am getting an error returned:
"[ERR] Command must be run from an app folder"
Here's the contents of the folder where I am executing the command:
folder screenshot
"[ERR] Command must be run from an app folder"
This error means that .sencha folder is missing in directory, So check properly and add it.
you're not in the sencha app project folder inside. you need to run that command inside the sencha app folder.

SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3-windows Command not working

I have installed SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3-windows on my windows Xp 32-bit.
following is the command I am running on command prompt.
C:\Program Files\SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3>sencha app create MyApp c:\xampp\htdocs\sencha\myapp\
Giving following error
[ERROR] the current workind directory (C:\Program
Files\SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3>) is not valid SDK directory. Please
'cd' in to a SDK directory before executing this command.
environment variable has been set following way.
Variable name : Path
Value : C:\Program Files\SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3
can anyone figure out what exactly wrong in this process ?
*****Sencha Touch setup Guide steps(in Window)******
Download Sencha Touch SDK Tool. ( -->SDK Tools Beta for Developers). Run .exe file. It will install tool to default path. (i.e. C:\Program Files\SenchaSDKTools-2.0.0-beta3)
Download Sencha Touch SDK. (Download openSource version file licensed under GPL.).
Extract SDK you just download in step 2.
Open Command line terminal (start->Run->type cmd). Change directory path to SDK path as you just extracted in step3.
Verify that Sencha Command is working properly on your machine. So Type Sencha.
E.g. sdkPath>sencha
you will see "Sencha Command v2.0.2" message with other sencha command detail.
Create app in your web directory by typing following.
E.g. sdkpath> sencha app create firstSenchaApp "path/ to/ www"
(If you have tomcat 7 installed in your computer, give path to \apache-tomcat-7.0.30-windows-x86\apache-tomcat-7.0.30\webapps)
Note: There must not be space in directory path name. _(underscore),- (desk) are allowed.
If app is not generated in step 6. There might be an error. There are as follow:
If error message appear is "sencha' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.”, follow these steps to troubleshoot:
The path to SDK Tools directory is prepended to your system's PATH environment variable.
From the terminal, run
echo $PATH or echo %PATH% .
The SDK Tools directory should be displayed in part of the output. If this is not the case, add it to your PATH manually.
The environment variable SENCHA_SDK_TOOLS_{version} is set, with the value being the absolute path to the installation directory mentioned above.
For example: If the installed version is '2.0.0-beta2', a SENCHA_SDK_TOOLS_2_0_0_BETA2 must be set.
From the terminal, run
echo $SENCHA_SDK_TOOLS_2_0_0_BETA2 or echo %SENCHA_SDK_TOOLS_2_0_0_BETA2% on Windows.
If the output is empty, set the environment variable manually.
Wrong Current Working Directory
A common mistake is not running Sencha Command within either a valid SDK directory or an application directory. If the current directory is not a SDK or application directory, "sencha" command will fallback to backwards-compatible mode. As of SDK Tools release "2.0.0-beta2", you should see a clear warning in such case:
"The current working directory (...) is not a recognized Sencha SDK or application folder. Running in backwards compatible mode." So in this case follow proper step as mentioned above.
There is an invisible file that you need to copy, called .senchasdk. Make sure it is in the folder.
I think you're having the same problem I had; I had attempted to run 'sencha app create...' from the folder containing sencha.bat. Instead, you need to run 'sencha app create...' from the sencha-touch- folder (which contains the .senchasdk file).
See this previous SO question!
Save my days.
By the way, if you can't extract the sencha-cmd to sdk tools, try to extract on other location and copy the folder [] to your sdk tools > [bin] folder.
hope this helps.