Suppress Valgrind when Memory Location is Unknown - valgrind

I am trying to add code in a Valgrind suppression file that removes errors and warnings that do not list the actual function calls or files causing the errors and warnings.
For instance:
<b>IPW</b> ==55555== Invalid write of size X
==55556== at 0xFFFFFFFF: ???
==55557== by 0xFFFFEEEE: ???
Therefore I am trying to create a few lines of code in a Valgrind suppression file that will suppress all of these instances where the function call or file causing the error/warning is unknown. Unfortunately I cannot find anything in the Valgrind docs that explain how to do this. Does anyone know how to suppress errors or warnings coming from unknown function calls or file?

First, verify that your changes aren't causing the issue and it's really an issue/false-positive within outside code.
If so, you can add the following line into your Valgrind suppression to get what you need:


Compiling KratosMultiphysics with All Applications get errors

I am compiling Kratos with this that I modify:
But I get error and I can't compile Trilinos maybe I wrongly put the TRILINOS_ROOT.
If anyone can point me which place should I place TRILINOS_ROOT and METIS_INCLUDE_DIR as well.
Not only that, there are other errors when compiling (see attachment below), how to get pass this?

Is there a way to point to the code where the error happened in Rust?

I have the line and file in which an error happened using the line! and file! macros respectively. The Rust compiler is able to point to exactly where the cause of the error in the source code happened. Is there a way to point to a specific area in the code where the line = line! and the file= file!?
It is not really clear what you are trying to do, but I think you are looking for crates that can format error messages like the Rust compiler, for example:
or you might take a look at the source code for error reporting in the the Rust compiler, but it uses its own module which is not usable from outside the compiler itself.
In Visual Studio Code you can hold Ctrl and click on the line number in the panic and it will jump to the line in the editor.
For example when you run your program in the integrated terminal you might get:
thread 'main' panicked at 'explicit panic', src/

Warnings issued during compile phase of stan

I get two warnings at the cpp compile phase with all the stan programs that I submit.
C:/Larry/R/win-library/3.4/BH/include/boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp:186:0: warning: "BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES" redefined # define BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES
cc1plus.`exe: warning: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-ignored-attributes"
Since I don't get these warnings in submitting other Rcpp programs, I suspect that they are generated in the course of gc++ compiling of the Stan program. They seem to be harmless, but they are disconcerting. I see many other messages on Stack Overfkiw that include these warnings, but I have not found any explanations of them, nor ways to correct what is producing these warnings.
I am running R 3.4.3 and RStudio 1.1.383 in Windows 10 with Rtools I'd be grateful to anyone that will explain these warnings to me and what I have to do to correct them.
Don't worry about either of those.
The first is telling you that it redefines that Boost thing, but it is redefining it to what it was already set to.
The second is avoidable if you take -Wno-ignored-attributes out of the CXXFLAGS line of your ~/.R/Makevars file. It applies to a different compiler or version or something and is being ignored.

FPC/Java error: "JAS Error: reference from line 10039 exceed size for short."

I'm compiling a piece of Delphi code with Free Pascal with a JVM backend.
On an off chance that someone who's involved in porting Free Pascal to the JVM back-end is reading this, here's a compilation error message I'm getting:
MyFile.j:379326: JAS Error: reference from line 10039 exceed size for short.
The file is pretty big (>6000 lines), and the functions in it are, too. So there can be some resource that's getting exhausted. Can one hint me as what exactly to to simplify to get rid of this?
Tracked down the error message to the Jasmin assembler:
Looks like the error manifests when there's a goto command in the bytecode assembly file that points to a label that's more than 32KB away. So it seems that block size is to blame - the assembly generator in FPC assumes the byte code for a single if/loop body fits into a 64K block. I couldn't find any goto_w commands in generated assembly - guess FPC does not emit them.
The issue was fixed in Jasmin - it now replaces goto with goto_w where appropriate. Grab a copy at

how can i suppress all compiler and code analysis warnings from msbuild at the command line?

This has been asked, but wasn't answered. The answer (use /warn:1) doesn't work for msbuild.exe, only csc.exe. Perhaps I'm missing something between csc and msbuild?
I'd like to suppress all compiler warnings and code analysis warnings (e.g. "The variable 'variableNameHere' is assigned but its value ..." or Code Analysis Warning : CA1805 : Microsoft.Performance : ...) when I'm using command line msbuild. I don't want to alter the solution file. There are several hundred warning messages in the very large solution that I'm building -- fixing them is far out of scope for my project.
I tried /v:quiet but that didn't work.
Is there any way to do this via the command line?
Update: this:
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v3.5\msbuild.exe C:\Dev\ReallyBigSolution.sln /p:NoWarn=true /p:NoWarn=CA1031
Absolutely doesn't work. I still get hundreds of warnings, including the one I specifically blocked (CA1031).
Using /p:RunCodeAnalysis=Never or /p:RunCodeAnalysis=false apparently doesn't suppress code analysis warnings or errors.
Can use nowarn flag on the compiler, which corresponds to <NoWarn> property in the .csproj file. So maybe msbuild /p:NoWarn="37;68" will turn off those warning numbers (haven't tried it).
Or use
to turn off warnings altogether. I don't know the property name offhand, try /p:Warn=0.
Edit: read the comments toward the end; seems like really getting rid of all these warnings isn't possible.
I know this is an old post but it got me on the right track and by adding the following to my msbuild call it suppressed all of the warnings and output as it built the project. I have this in a batch file so the only output I get I believe are the end results and any messages I prompt with echo. The secret was in the /clp switch. So I looked that up and put in all of the ones that supress output. Each one got rid of more but there were still the yellow warnings coming up and when I added the ErrorsOnly switch, there was no more output.
call msbuild /clp:NoSummary;NoItemAndPropertyList;ErrorsOnly /verbosity:quiet /nologo
Try this:
msbuild.exe C:\Dev\BigSolution.sln /p:WarningLevel=0 /p:RunCodeAnalysis=false
I have tried this and cannot suppress the warnings either, unless I list them out on the /NoWarn property for msbuild.exe
According to this, it cannot be suppressed.
Looks like it is not possible...
Warnings with MSB prefix are thrown by
MSBuild. Currently, we can't suppress
MSBuild warnings.