Error while running TensorFlow program - tensorflow

I was running tensorFlow in CPU version and with native pip in Windows. While running TensorFlow for the check "Hello TensorFlow" is output with some warnings.
on Running Premade_estimator I got errors:
How can I fix this?

Assuming you have a recent version of Tensorflow, it seems that it is not imported correctly.
I faced this error when I was running a script and in the same folder I have downloaded tensorflow, so that when importing "tensorflow" it imports the tensorflow folder where I was located instead of the tensorflow library installed.


How to install tensorflow in win 10

The tensorflow is installed by using "conda install tensorflow". by importing tensorflow with "import tensorflow" in spyder in same environment which tensorflow was installed, it give an error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow'".
For every one who is faced with this problem i suggest to check if they have already installed spyder in desired environment with "conda install spyder". I installed it and the problem fixed

TensorFlow problem i have the required TF but still get an error

I created an env and imported TensorFlow but I get the error:
Keras requires TensorFlow 2.2 or higher
TensorFlow at this env is 2.3, so I don't know why I get this error.
the way to solve the problem is to create a new virtual environment
python 3.7
tesorflow 1.15.2
or uninstall any previously installed tensorflow and install 1.15.2
i'm not sure why this worked though.

Jupyter Notebook kernel dies when importing tensorflow 1.5.0

Jupyter Notebook kernel dies when importing tensorflow 1.5.0
I have read a lot of posts relating to this but they have all had higher version numbers of tensorflow and have solved it by downgrading to 1.5.0. I also had higher version number and followed the advice to downgrade but I still have the problem.
Does anyone know what to try next?
pip install h5py==2.8.0
worked for me
When trying using the command prompt I got an error message not related to the tensorflow issue (I think);
"Warning! HDF5 library version mismatched error"
The key information from that message body was "Headers are 1.10.1, library is 1.10.2" so I downgraded hdf5 library by "conda install -c anaconda hdf5=1.10.1" and now the error message is gone and the kernel does not die when importing tensorflow.
I got similar problems, any tensorflow or tensorflow related packages (e.g. keras) made my kernel to die when loading, from any interface (jupyter, spyder, console....)
For those having this kind of problems, try running python from the console with verbose mode (python -v) then import tensorflow and look for errors.
I spot errors related to h5py, similar to the reply of #DBSE. I just upgraded the h5py package then everything was solved !
If you are using a conda environment, then the easiest method for fixing this issue is to just create a new environment and install tensorflow with just a single command. I had the same issue, I have tried a lot on most of the version of python and tensorflow. But at the last I have successfully configured it with just a single steps.
Run this command for installing GPU version
conda create --name tf_gpu tensorflow-gpu
The above line of code will automatically install that version of python and tf which is comaptible with your GPU or CPU.
For CPU, Run this command
conda create --name tf_env tensorflow
Both of these command work 100 % with my system for GPU and CPU access and will download the latest version which are compatible with system. It will resolved/fixed "Illegal Instruction (code dumps)" error.
pip install h5py==3.1.0
This is the most updated version which worked for me.
Try using import numpy before Keras and Tensorflow.

Why keras always says using theano backend?

I installed keras using conda in my virtual environment and checked $HOME/.keras/config.json file.
"image_data_format": "channels_last",
"epsilon": 1e-07,
"floatx": "float32",
"backend": "tensorflow"
I already set backend to tensorflow but when I run this in the python console
import keras
It is showing me that keras is using theano backend. Why?
Using Theano backend.
WARNING (theano.configdefaults): install mkl with `conda install mkl-service`: No module named mkl
I added export KERAS_BACKEND=tensorflow at the end of my .bashrc and restart the command line and activate my source. Still seeing the above error again. Can anyone help me with this?
We had also faced the same issue when installed keras using conda environment. Since we already had keras installed using pip, where the backend was set as theano, it was taking that keras. The problem got fixed when we removed the pip version of keras using the command pip uninstall keras
Well you can start your editor with line:
KERAS_BACKEND=tensorflow spyder
This would force use the Tensorflow backend.
But before using this ensure that you have tensorflow installed with all the required dependencies.

Install Keras on Anaconda OSX

I am trying to install keras on an anaconda environment (OSX), because I want to use it with spyder - ipython. To do that I just used pip install keras (I already have tensorflow). After the installation when I call python 2.7 from the terminal, keras works fine. But, when I call python 3.5 or spyder and try to import keras I receive:
No module named 'keras'
I assume the issue might be with the PATHS on my MacBook, because which python returns
while which python3.5 (or spyder) returns
Also, during pip install keras shows that
Requirement already satisfied: keras in /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages
My ~/.bash_profile contains
# added by Anaconda3 2.4.0 installer
export PATH="/Users/georgiospapadopoulos/anaconda/bin:$PATH"
# added by Anaconda3 4.2.0 installer
export PATH="/Users/georgiospapadopoulos/anaconda/bin:$PATH"
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda
export PATH="$CUDA_HOME/bin:$PATH"
# Setting PATH for Python 2.7
# The original version is saved in .bash_profile.pysave
export PATH
You are probably mixing up the virtual environments. The best way to handle this is to create a vertual env in Anaconda - say, neural-net-venv, and then open the terminal for that venv, and install keras and other related modules. Then go back to Anaconda dash and select that venv as active environment to work on. Then select Jupyter and Spyder and run your imports.
Note that you also should not mix your Python versions - if you must work on Py2 and Py3 - create separate virtual environments for both, install keras, theanos/tensorflows separately in these environments, and you should be good to go.
I have run this setup on MacOS and it works like a charm.
For installing keras in Anaconda, the best and hassle free way is just use open the anaconda prompt and then type:
conda install keras
Keras runs on either tensorflow or theano backends. Once the keras install is complete, just open the python shell and type
>>>import keras
If some error is thrown, then there must be some problem with the backend. So just open the anaconda prompt, and type
conda import tensorflow
theano also can be used. Nevertheless tensorflow is the default one.
I wanted to insatll keras on Anaconda, tried the above approach, but it still did not work. Specifically, I started Anaconda Navigator and then opened a Mac OS terminal in the base environment. Then I followed the conda install commands for keras and tensorflow. It worked fine for keras. But with tensorflow, I got the following error message:
Downloading and Extracting Packages
_tflow_select-2.3.0 | 3 KB | ######################################################### | 100%
ChecksumMismatchError: Conda detected a mismatch between the expected content and downloaded content
for url ''.
download saved to: /Users/dlin/opt/anaconda3/pkgs/_tflow_select-2.3.0-mkl.tar.bz2
expected sha256: cc155b27e7bf91ec5370ce1fd2d5fceccbf13ac19706229674ba971fa3751446
actual sha256: aad248699de112a7a5ead1695dfdf51b5693c2927303844b29dd7d9138dc95b9