How to write the SQL query below mention table structure and JSON output using FOR JSON - sql

How to write the SQL query below mention table structure and JSON output using FOR JSON.
table structure
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[TreeView](
[AuditId] [int] NOT NULL,
[Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[FatherId] [int] NULL,
[MotherId] [int] NULL,
[EnglishName] [varchar](500) NULL,
[Description] [nchar](10) NULL,
[Image] [varchar](500) NULL,
JSON output
{ id: 1, title: "Meera Mohaideen", description: "", image: "demo/images/photos/m.png" },
{ id: 2, title: "Rahman Beevi", description: "", image: "demo/images/photos/f.png" },
{ id: 3, title: "Abdul Jabbar", description: "", image: "demo/images/photos/m.png" },
{ id: 4, title: "Jahabar Natchiyal", description: "", image: "demo/images/photos/f.png" },
{ id: 5, parents: [1,2] ,title: "AJhir Ali", description: "", image: "demo/images/photos/m.png" },
{ id: 6, parents: [3, 4], title: "Kamila Begam", description: "", image: "demo/images/photos/f.png" },
{ id: 7, parents: [5, 6], title: "Simra", description: "7", image: "demo/images/photos/f.png" }
CASE WHEN ISNULL(FatherId,0) <> 0 OR ISNULL(MotherId,0) <> 0 THEN
CAST(FatherId AS VARCHAR(25)) + ',' + CAST(MotherId AS VARCHAR(25)) END AS parents,
EnglishName AS title,
[Description] AS Description,
[Image] AS Image FROM TreeView
I tried but result is {"Id":5,"parents":"1,2","title":"AJhir Ali"}
but I am expecting this {"Id":5,"parents":[1,2],"title":"AJhir Ali"}


i don't get when meeting schedule in calendly webhook

I get this request in my webhook. there is no field which like which time meeting schedule. ( I have changed some private data )
created_at: '2022-03-28T11:51:16.000000Z',
created_by: '',
event: 'invitee.created',
payload: {
cancel_url: '',
created_at: '2022-03-28T11:51:16.669509Z',
email: '',
event: '',
first_name: null,
last_name: null,
name: '',
new_invitee: null,
old_invitee: null,
payment: null,
questions_and_answers: [],
reschedule_url: '',
rescheduled: false,
status: 'active',
text_reminder_number: null,
timezone: 'Asia/Calcutta',
tracking: {
utm_campaign: null,
utm_source: null,
utm_medium: null,
utm_content: null,
utm_term: null,
salesforce_uuid: null
updated_at: '2022-03-28T11:51:16.669509Z',
uri: ''
To retrieve the event's start time you'll need to send a request to the event uri included in the webhook payload ( The response to this request will include a start_time value.

SQL Server Parse JSON Object to Rows

Thanks in advance for any help. This is killing me! :-)
I have a JSON string that has an object collection nested within it that I need to get a standard SQL result set from. Here is a sample string of the JSON I am working with:
"ST": {
"TransactionSetIdentifierCode_01": "835",
"TransactionSetControlNumber_02": "1740",
"ImplementationConventionPreference_03": null
"BPR_FinancialInformation": {
"TransactionHandlingCode_01": "I",
"TotalPremiumPaymentAmount_02": "45.75",
"CreditorDebitFlagCode_03": "C",
"PaymentMethodCode_04": "ACH",
"PaymentFormatCode_05": "CCP",
"DepositoryFinancialInstitutionDFIIdentificationNumberQualifier_06": "01",
"OriginatingDepositoryFinancialInstitutionDFIIdentifier_07": "111",
"AccountNumberQualifier_08": "DA",
"SenderBankAccountNumber_09": "33",
"PayerIdentifier_10": "1234567890",
"OriginatingCompanySupplementalCode_11": null,
"DepositoryFinancialInstitutionDFIIdentificationNumberQualifier_12": "01",
"ReceivingDepositoryFinancialInstitutionDFIIdentifier_13": "111",
"AccountNumberQualifier_14": "DA",
"ReceiverBankAccountNumber_15": "22",
"CheckIssueorEFTEffectiveDate_16": "20100101",
"BusinessFunctionCode_17": null,
"DFIIDNumberQualifier_18": null,
"DFIIdentificationNumber_19": null,
"AccountNumberQualifier_20": null,
"AccountNumber_21": null
"TRN_ReassociationTraceNumber": {
"TraceTypeCode_01": "1",
"CurrentTransactionTraceNumber_02": "10100000000",
"OriginatingCompanyIdentifier_03": "1000000000",
"ReferenceIdentification_04": null
"CUR_ForeignCurrencyInformation": null,
"AllREF": {
"REF_ReceiverIdentification": {
"ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_01": "EV",
"MemberGrouporPolicyNumber_02": "ETIN",
"Description_03": null,
"ReferenceIdentifier_04": null
"REF_VersionIdentification": null
"DTM_ProductionDate": {
"DateTimeQualifier_01": "405",
"Date_02": "20100101",
"Time_03": null,
"TimeCode_04": null,
"DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_05": null,
"DateTimePeriod_06": null
"AllN1": {
"Loop1000A": {
"N1_PayerIdentification": {
"EntityIdentifierCode_01": "PR",
"PremiumPayerName_02": "NYSDOH",
"IdentificationCodeQualifier_03": null,
"IntermediaryBankIdentifier_04": null,
"EntityRelationshipCode_05": null,
"EntityIdentifierCode_06": null
"N3_PayerAddress": {
"ResponseContactAddressLine_01": "OFFICE OF HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAMS",
"ResponseContactAddressLine_02": "CORNING TOWER, EMPIRE STATE PLAZA"
"N4_PayerCity_State_ZIPCode": {
"AdditionalPatientInformationContactCityName_01": "ALBANY",
"AdditionalPatientInformationContactStateCode_02": "NY",
"AdditionalPatientInformationContactPostalZoneorZIPCode_03": "122370080",
"CountryCode_04": null,
"LocationQualifier_05": null,
"LocationIdentifier_06": null,
"CountrySubdivisionCode_07": null
"REF_AdditionalPayerIdentification": null,
"AllPER": {
"PER_PayerBusinessContactInformation": null,
"PER_PayerTechnicalContactInformation": [
"ContactFunctionCode_01": "BL",
"ResponseContactName_02": "PROVIDER SERVICES",
"CommunicationNumberQualifier_03": "TE",
"ResponseContactCommunicationNumber_04": "8003439000",
"CommunicationNumberQualifier_05": "UR",
"ResponseContactCommunicationNumber_06": "",
"CommunicationNumberQualifier_07": null,
"ResponseContactCommunicationNumber_08": null,
"ContactInquiryReference_09": null
"PER_PayerWEBSite": null
"Loop1000B": {
"N1_PayeeIdentification": {
"EntityIdentifierCode_01": "PE",
"PremiumPayerName_02": "MAJOR MEDICAL PROVIDER",
"IdentificationCodeQualifier_03": "XX",
"IntermediaryBankIdentifier_04": "9999999995",
"EntityRelationshipCode_05": null,
"EntityIdentifierCode_06": null
"N3_PayeeAddress": null,
"N4_PayeeCity_State_ZIPCode": null,
"REF_PayeeAdditionalIdentification": [
"ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_01": "TJ",
"MemberGrouporPolicyNumber_02": "000000000",
"Description_03": null,
"ReferenceIdentifier_04": null
"RDM_RemittanceDeliveryMethod": null
"Loop2000": [
"LX_HeaderNumber": {
"AssignedNumber_01": "1"
"TS3_ProviderSummaryInformation": null,
"TS2_ProviderSupplementalSummaryInformation": null,
"Loop2100": [
"CLP_ClaimPaymentInformation": {
"PatientControlNumber_01": "PATIENT ACCOUNT NUMBER",
"ClaimStatusCode_02": "1",
"TotalClaimChargeAmount_03": "34.25",
"ClaimPaymentAmount_04": "34.25",
"PatientResponsibilityAmount_05": null,
"ClaimFilingIndicatorCode_06": "MC",
"PayerClaimControlNumber_07": "1000210000000030",
"FacilityTypeCode_08": "11",
"ClaimFrequencyCode_09": null,
"PatientStatusCode_10": null,
"DiagnosisRelatedGroupDRGCode_11": null,
"DiagnosisRelatedGroupDRGWeight_12": null,
"DischargeFraction_13": null,
"YesNoConditionorResponseCode_14": null
"CAS_ClaimsAdjustment": null,
"AllNM1": {
"NM1_PatientName": {
"EntityIdentifierCode_01": "QC",
"EntityTypeQualifier_02": "1",
"ResponseContactLastorOrganizationName_03": "SUBMITTED LAST",
"ResponseContactFirstName_04": "SUBMITTED FIRST",
"ResponseContactMiddleName_05": null,
"NamePrefix_06": null,
"ResponseContactNameSuffix_07": null,
"IdentificationCodeQualifier_08": "MI",
"ResponseContactIdentifier_09": "LL99999L",
"EntityRelationshipCode_10": null,
"EntityIdentifierCode_11": null,
"NameLastorOrganizationName_12": null
"NM1_InsuredName": null,
"NM1_CorrectedPatient_InsuredName": {
"EntityIdentifierCode_01": "74",
"EntityTypeQualifier_02": "1",
"ResponseContactLastorOrganizationName_03": "CORRECTED LAST",
"ResponseContactFirstName_04": "CORRECTED FIRST",
"ResponseContactMiddleName_05": null,
"NamePrefix_06": null,
"ResponseContactNameSuffix_07": null,
"IdentificationCodeQualifier_08": null,
"ResponseContactIdentifier_09": null,
"EntityRelationshipCode_10": null,
"EntityIdentifierCode_11": null,
"NameLastorOrganizationName_12": null
"NM1_ServiceProviderName": null,
"NM1_CrossoverCarrierName": null,
"NM1_CorrectedPriorityPayerName": null,
"NM1_OtherSubscriberName": null
"MIA_InpatientAdjudicationInformation": null,
"MOA_OutpatientAdjudicationInformation": null,
"AllREF": {
"REF_OtherClaimRelatedIdentification": [
"ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_01": "EA",
"MemberGrouporPolicyNumber_02": "PATIENT ACCOUNT NUMBER",
"Description_03": null,
"ReferenceIdentifier_04": null
"REF_RenderingProviderIdentification": null
"AllDTM": {
"DTM_StatementFromorToDate": [
"DateTimeQualifier_01": "232",
"Date_02": "20100101",
"Time_03": null,
"TimeCode_04": null,
"DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_05": null,
"DateTimePeriod_06": null
"DateTimeQualifier_01": "233",
"Date_02": "20100101",
"Time_03": null,
"TimeCode_04": null,
"DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_05": null,
"DateTimePeriod_06": null
"DTM_CoverageExpirationDate": null,
"DTM_ClaimReceivedDate": null
"PER_ClaimContactInformation": null,
"AMT_ClaimSupplementalInformation": [
"AmountQualifierCode_01": "AU",
"TotalClaimChargeAmount_02": "34.25",
"CreditDebitFlagCode_03": null
"QTY_ClaimSupplementalInformationQuantity": null,
"Loop2110": null
"CLP_ClaimPaymentInformation": {
"PatientControlNumber_01": "PATIENT ACCOUNT NUMBER",
"ClaimStatusCode_02": "2",
"TotalClaimChargeAmount_03": "34",
"ClaimPaymentAmount_04": "0",
"PatientResponsibilityAmount_05": null,
"ClaimFilingIndicatorCode_06": "MC",
"PayerClaimControlNumber_07": "1000220000000020",
"FacilityTypeCode_08": "11",
"ClaimFrequencyCode_09": null,
"PatientStatusCode_10": null,
"DiagnosisRelatedGroupDRGCode_11": null,
"DiagnosisRelatedGroupDRGWeight_12": null,
"DischargeFraction_13": null,
"YesNoConditionorResponseCode_14": null
"CAS_ClaimsAdjustment": null,
"AllNM1": {
"NM1_PatientName": {
"EntityIdentifierCode_01": "QC",
"EntityTypeQualifier_02": "1",
"ResponseContactLastorOrganizationName_03": "SUBMITTED LAST",
"ResponseContactFirstName_04": "SUBMITTED FIRST",
"ResponseContactMiddleName_05": null,
"NamePrefix_06": null,
"ResponseContactNameSuffix_07": null,
"IdentificationCodeQualifier_08": "MI",
"ResponseContactIdentifier_09": "LL88888L",
"EntityRelationshipCode_10": null,
"EntityIdentifierCode_11": null,
"NameLastorOrganizationName_12": null
"NM1_InsuredName": null,
"NM1_CorrectedPatient_InsuredName": {
"EntityIdentifierCode_01": "74",
"EntityTypeQualifier_02": "1",
"ResponseContactLastorOrganizationName_03": "CORRECTED LAST",
"ResponseContactFirstName_04": "CORRECTED FIRST",
"ResponseContactMiddleName_05": null,
"NamePrefix_06": null,
"ResponseContactNameSuffix_07": null,
"IdentificationCodeQualifier_08": null,
"ResponseContactIdentifier_09": null,
"EntityRelationshipCode_10": null,
"EntityIdentifierCode_11": null,
"NameLastorOrganizationName_12": null
"NM1_ServiceProviderName": null,
"NM1_CrossoverCarrierName": null,
"NM1_CorrectedPriorityPayerName": null,
"NM1_OtherSubscriberName": null
"MIA_InpatientAdjudicationInformation": null,
"MOA_OutpatientAdjudicationInformation": null,
"AllREF": {
"REF_OtherClaimRelatedIdentification": [
"ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_01": "EA",
"MemberGrouporPolicyNumber_02": "PATIENT ACCOUNT NUMBER",
"Description_03": null,
"ReferenceIdentifier_04": null
"REF_RenderingProviderIdentification": null
"AllDTM": {
"DTM_StatementFromorToDate": [
"DateTimeQualifier_01": "232",
"Date_02": "20100101",
"Time_03": null,
"TimeCode_04": null,
"DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_05": null,
"DateTimePeriod_06": null
"DateTimeQualifier_01": "233",
"Date_02": "20100101",
"Time_03": null,
"TimeCode_04": null,
"DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_05": null,
"DateTimePeriod_06": null
"DTM_CoverageExpirationDate": null,
"DTM_ClaimReceivedDate": null
"PER_ClaimContactInformation": null,
"AMT_ClaimSupplementalInformation": null,
"QTY_ClaimSupplementalInformationQuantity": null,
"Loop2110": null
"CLP_ClaimPaymentInformation": {
"PatientControlNumber_01": "PATIENT ACCOUNT NUMBER",
"ClaimStatusCode_02": "2",
"TotalClaimChargeAmount_03": "34.25",
"ClaimPaymentAmount_04": "11.5",
"PatientResponsibilityAmount_05": null,
"ClaimFilingIndicatorCode_06": "MC",
"PayerClaimControlNumber_07": "1000230000000020",
"FacilityTypeCode_08": "11",
"ClaimFrequencyCode_09": null,
"PatientStatusCode_10": null,
"DiagnosisRelatedGroupDRGCode_11": null,
"DiagnosisRelatedGroupDRGWeight_12": null,
"DischargeFraction_13": null,
"YesNoConditionorResponseCode_14": null
"CAS_ClaimsAdjustment": null,
"AllNM1": {
"NM1_PatientName": {
"EntityIdentifierCode_01": "QC",
"EntityTypeQualifier_02": "1",
"ResponseContactLastorOrganizationName_03": "SUBMITTED LAST",
"ResponseContactFirstName_04": "SUBMITTED FIRST",
"ResponseContactMiddleName_05": null,
"NamePrefix_06": null,
"ResponseContactNameSuffix_07": null,
"IdentificationCodeQualifier_08": "MI",
"ResponseContactIdentifier_09": "LL77777L",
"EntityRelationshipCode_10": null,
"EntityIdentifierCode_11": null,
"NameLastorOrganizationName_12": null
"NM1_InsuredName": null,
"NM1_CorrectedPatient_InsuredName": {
"EntityIdentifierCode_01": "74",
"EntityTypeQualifier_02": "1",
"ResponseContactLastorOrganizationName_03": "CORRECTED LAST",
"ResponseContactFirstName_04": "CORRECTED FIRST",
"ResponseContactMiddleName_05": null,
"NamePrefix_06": null,
"ResponseContactNameSuffix_07": null,
"IdentificationCodeQualifier_08": null,
"ResponseContactIdentifier_09": null,
"EntityRelationshipCode_10": null,
"EntityIdentifierCode_11": null,
"NameLastorOrganizationName_12": null
"NM1_ServiceProviderName": null,
"NM1_CrossoverCarrierName": null,
"NM1_CorrectedPriorityPayerName": null,
"NM1_OtherSubscriberName": null
"MIA_InpatientAdjudicationInformation": null,
"MOA_OutpatientAdjudicationInformation": null,
"AllREF": {
"REF_OtherClaimRelatedIdentification": [
"ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_01": "EA",
"MemberGrouporPolicyNumber_02": "PATIENT ACCOUNT NUMBER",
"Description_03": null,
"ReferenceIdentifier_04": null
"REF_RenderingProviderIdentification": null
"AllDTM": {
"DTM_StatementFromorToDate": [
"DateTimeQualifier_01": "232",
"Date_02": "20100101",
"Time_03": null,
"TimeCode_04": null,
"DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_05": null,
"DateTimePeriod_06": null
"DateTimeQualifier_01": "233",
"Date_02": "20100101",
"Time_03": null,
"TimeCode_04": null,
"DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier_05": null,
"DateTimePeriod_06": null
"DTM_CoverageExpirationDate": null,
"DTM_ClaimReceivedDate": null
"PER_ClaimContactInformation": null,
"AMT_ClaimSupplementalInformation": [
"AmountQualifierCode_01": "AU",
"TotalClaimChargeAmount_02": "11.5",
"CreditDebitFlagCode_03": null
"QTY_ClaimSupplementalInformationQuantity": null,
"Loop2110": null
"PLB_ProviderAdjustment": null,
"SE": {
"NumberofIncludedSegments_01": "65",
"TransactionSetControlNumber_02": "1740"
"ErrorContext": {
"Name": "835",
"ControlNumber": "1740",
"Edition": "005010",
"Release": "X221A1",
"Index": 2,
"ValidatedSegmentsCount": 0,
"Codes": [],
"Errors": [
"Name": "SVC",
"Position": 20,
"LoopId": null,
"Value": "SVC*HC:V2020:RB*6*6**1",
"Codes": [
"Errors": [],
"Message": "Segment SVC*HC:V2020:RB*6 is not allowed in this position. Only the following segments can appear: AMT, QTY, SVC, CLP, LX, PLB, SE"
"HasErrors": true,
"Message": null
This string can be pasted into an online JSON parser to visualize the hierarchy more easily (like
What I am trying to do is use the SQL Server OPENJSON function to get a result set of the 3 sample claims in this JSON string. The claims are nested in $.Loop2000.Loop2100, and the result I am trying to get is:
Patient Account Number ClaimStatusCode TotalClaimChargeAmount
Patient Account Number 1 34.25
Patient Account Number 2 34.00
Patient Account Number 3 34.00
I can't seem to get the path right in the OPENJSON function to turn this into a result set with 3 rows. I am trying to use something like:
SELECT * FROM OPENJSON(#sJSON, N'$.Loop2000.Loop2100')
PatientControlNumber_01 nvarchar(100) '$.CLP_ClaimPaymentInformation.PatientControlNumber_01'
Any help would be much appreciated.
One method you could use is a few nested OPNEJSON calls:
WITH (Loop2100 nvarchar(MAX) AS JSON) L2000
WITH(CLP_ClaimPaymentInformation nvarchar(MAX) AS JSON) L2100
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(L2100.CLP_ClaimPaymentInformation)
WITH (PatientControlNumber varchar(100) '$.PatientControlNumber_01',
ClaimStatusCode int '$.ClaimStatusCode_02',
TotalClaimChargeAmount decimal(12,2) '$.TotalClaimChargeAmount_03') CPI;

SQL - Insert json array into multiple tables with identity

Here is the example json -
"Root Node - Type 1": {
"Attributes": {
"Items": [
"A": {
"Value": "A1"
"B": {
"Value": "B1"
"C": {
"Value": "C1"
"D": {
"Value": "D1"
"A": {
"Value": "A2"
"B": {
"Value": "B2"
"C": {
"Value": "C2"
"D": {
"Value": "D2"
I need to insert A, B in table 1 and take the identity from table 1 and insert into table 2. Also, I need to insert C, D into table 3. Items here will be a large array. I am looking to bulk insert this data into tables. Any ideas?
Table structure -
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[A] [varchar](100) NULL,
[B] [varchar](15) NULL,
[CreatedBy] [varchar](255) NULL,
[CreatedDate] [datetime] NULL
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Table1_Id] int,
[CreatedBy] [varchar](255) NULL,
[CreatedDate] [datetime] NULL
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Table1_Id] [int] NOT NULL,
[Name] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL,
[Value] [nvarchar](1000) NULL
Data 0

How to delete a jsonb item in a nested psql array

I have a table users:
username TEXT UNIQUE,
saved_articles JSONB[],
I added a user like so:
"INSERT INTO users (username, saved_articles) VALUES (?, array[]::jsonb[]) RETURNING id, username, saved_articles"
After adding some articles I have this data shape:
{ id: 1,
username: 'test',
[ { url: 'test',
title: '',
author: '',
source: '',
urlToImage: ''
{ url: 'not-test',
title: '',
author: '',
source: '',
urlToImage: ''
I want to be able to delete a specific item from the saved_articles array based on the url value.
For example, if my url value is 'test', after running the query my data should look like:
{ id: 1,
username: 'test',
[ { url: 'not-test',
title: '',
author: '',
source: '',
urlToImage: ''
First of all, the format of JSONB columns's value should be fixed. That might be tested through CASTing AS JSONB by a SELECT statement such as
SELECT '{ "id": "1",
"username": "test",
[ { "url": "test",
"title": "",
"author": "",
"source": "",
"urlToImage": ""
{ "url": "not-test",
"title": "",
"author": "",
"source": "",
"urlToImage": ""
whether returns error or not.
Then, remove the desired element from the array by use of jsonb_array_elements(json_data -> 'saved_articles') function together with ->> 'url' != 'test' criteria.
And then reconstruct the array by remaining elements by using jsonb_build_array and jsonb_object_agg.
At the last step concatenate the part which doesn't contain that individual array extracted by json_data #- '{saved_articles}' :
SELECT js0||jsonb_object_agg( 'saved_articles', js1 ) AS "Result JSONB"
SELECT json_data #- '{saved_articles}' AS js0, jsonb_build_array( js ) AS js1
FROM tab
CROSS JOIN jsonb_array_elements(json_data -> 'saved_articles') js
WHERE js ->> 'url' != 'test'
) q

How to create a tree[forest tree model] from the JSON...?

Below is my JSON. I'm trying to create a tree out of this,
I tried with the following snippet:
require(["dijit/Tree", "dojo/data/ItemFileReadStore", "dijit/tree/ForestStoreModel", "dojo/domReady!"],
function(Tree, ItemFileReadStore, ForestStoreModel){
var store = new ItemFileReadStore({
url: "/om/web/em/tree.json"
var treeModel = new ForestStoreModel({
store: store,
query: {id: 'aid'},
rootId: "PSS-32",
rootLabel: "P",
childrenAttrs: ['eqList']
var myTree = new Tree({
model: treeModel
}, "treeOne");
But this is giving me error loading PSS010010026024 children and message: "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined errors,what should be specified in the rootID,rootLabel and childrenAttrs?
"responseStatus": null,
"entityType": "NODE",
"aid": "p",
"id": "p",
"hsa": null,
"eqList":[ {
"responseStatus": null,
"EId": "5",
"EGroupId": "1006",
"aid": "p",
"additionalInfo": null,
"eqList": [
"responseStatus": null,
"EId": null,
"EGroupId": null,
"aid": null,
"additionalInfo": null,
"eqList": null,
"shelfType": null,
"isEqAvailable": null,
"id": null,
"entityType": null,
"hsa": null,
"Elist": null
"shelfType": null,
"isEqAvailable": null,
"id": "p/p",
"entityType": "E",
"hsa": "-",
"Elist": null
"responseStatus": null,
"EId": "5",
"EGroupId": "1006",
"aid": "p#OCS",
"EType": "1830pss-ocs",
"ERelease": "7.0",
"additionalInfo": null,
"eqList": [
"responseStatus": null,
"EId": null,
"EGroupId": null,
"aid": null,
"EType": null,
"ERelease": null,
"additionalInfo": null,
"eqList": null,
"shelfType": null,
"isEqAvailable": null,
"id": null,
"entityType": null,
"hsa": null,
"Elist": null
"shelfType": null,
"isEqAvailable": null,
"id": "p/p#OCS",
"entityType": "E",
"hsa": "-",
"Elist": null
The rootID attribute is what ID you want to give the root item that will be created (so that you can query for it later or check if your tree is at the top level). The rootLabel is what you want the label of the root attribute to be. The childrenAttrs is how you tell the Tree where a specific node's children are.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do in your code though since your data doesn't seem to have PSS010010026024 in it but I would recommend checking out the API documentation for the ForestTreeModel here: