I want to "switch off" a legacy tag management tool and replace it with a new tag manager.
Therefore, I want to map a local .js file to set up a tag testing environment.
However, Charles only shows me unknown paths (packages) and therefore I cannot map a local file.
Any clue what setting might cause this issue?
I am trying to deploy a RavenDB instance on a Kubernetes cluster. The deployment should be fully automated, i.e. there should be no need to access the UI to configure something.
I have found plenty of documentation on how raven in a container can be configured, e.g. with command line args via RAVEN_ARGS, environment variables (e.g. RAVEN_License_Eula_Accepted), or a custom settings.json file in a mounted volume.
I have tried all the options above, and they all work, except when trying to set a license. I have tried to set either License directly as a JSON string or License.Path pointing to a license.json file mounted in a volume. Yet whenever I access the UI after deploying the container, I get a notification telling me I need to set a license.
Can anyone tell me how I can get Raven to use the license I provide via the approaches mentioned above?
You need to bootstrap the cluster with some kind of operation for the license to be picked up. For example, create a database or call the /admin/cluster/bootstrap endpoint.
I am trying to developing an App for QNAP. I am really noob about QNAP, so please help me!
I succeeded in creating a qpkg package and installing it correctly, and it works. But the problem arises when I want to give my app a web interface.
I have just a index.html file that just has an helloworld text inside.
I create the environment with the QDK and I have the /share/XXX_DATA/.qpkg/QDK/MyApp folder
Now, a part of the other files, I create
and put there my index.html with my HelloWorld message.
Ok now, I modify the /share/XXX_DATA/.qpkg/QDK/MyApp/qpkg.cfg file and set the variable
From the documentation, for example https://edhongcy.gitbooks.io/qdk-qpkg-development-kit/content/qpkg-configuration-file.html , I can see
Relative path to installed application's web interface (the
specified path is relative the configured location of web server data;
usually /share/Web or /share/Qweb.) The specified path must start with
a '/'. The displayed link can only be accessed when the QPKG is
enabled. A default value of '/' is set automatically at installation
if QPKG_WEB_PORT has been given a value and QPKG_WEBUI is empty.
Then I also create a link in /share/XXX_DATA/Web folder to my web folder.
(the /share/Web is just a link to /share/XXX_DATA/Web)
That is:
ln -s /share/XXX_DATA/.qpkg/QDK/MyApp/shared/Web /share/XXX_DATA/Web/MyApp/Web
Well, what happens that now, I can open a Window in my QNAP when I click on "open" in my app but it is completely blank. I tried a lot of different variants but my window is allways blank.
Must I modify something more a part from the qpkg.cfg file?
Do you have some documentation with sample codes?
Is QPKG_WEBUI the correct variable to modify?
Thanks very much to everyone
After a carefully study of the problem, and after trying other applications with the same problem, I found the conclusion that the problem was not the QPKG_WEBUI variable.
The problem was that my QNAP web interface (I do not know if it is a general thing for every QNAP or only in my case) has as default port 8080, but the WEBUI have as default port 80.
Then it seems that the web browser blocks the WEBUI in the iframe inside the QNAP interface in order to follow the Same Origin Policy. When opened in a new window, the WEBUI works correctly.
Setting the QPKG_USE_PROXY=1 variable let the iframe work too.
I have different projects that are consuming many WCF services. I am using VSTS to automate deployments. Those services target different URLs (endpoint addresses) based on the environment where they are going to be deployed.
I am trying to use web deploy with VSTS release management as suggested in this link:WebDeploy with VSTS, which proposes to create:
Then, add new task "Replace Tokens" with the specified variable for each environment.
However, i don't guess this will work for me, because it generate tokens only for app settings keys (which is not my case).
Is there is a work around or any other suggestion that could help me to do the configuration part?
"Replace Tokens" task can works with any config file in your project and what content to be replaced is also controlled by you.
For example, if you want to replace a URL in "myconfig.config" file. You can set the URL in the config file to "#{targeturl}#", and add a "Replace Tokens" task in your definition with the following settings: (You can change the token prefix and suffix, but remember to update it accordingly in the config file since the task find the strings to replace base on it)
And then create a variable "targeturl" in the definition with the actual URL value:
Now, when you start the build/release, the string "#{targeturl}#" in "myconfig.config" file will be replaced with "www.test.com".
I have ab iPhone application that makes heavy use of a Rails json API I have built. Most of the time I am testing the local version of my API (URLs like localhost:3000/api/log_in), but I also need to test it on a remote server from time to time (URLs like someapp.com/api/log_in).
How can I easily switch the urls used by my application depending on whether I want to test against my local or remote server?
Okay. You should go like this:
Create another target (by copy the existing one)
Under Build Settings, change the Prefix Header to another filename
Create the new Prefix Header (just add a file or duplicate/add your existing Header Prefix File)
Add the same precompiler constant (#define) to both .pch file. One with your productive URL, one with your localhost URL. Instead of your "static" URL in your code, use the new set precompiler constant.
Now you can switch between localhost/production with switching targets next to your run/stop buttons
So I'm not sure what the best way to accomplish this is, but basically I have a laptop that I use at work for Maven projects. It works fine when I'm at work, but as soon as I walk out of the door of their corporate proxy and maven server, I often have to do alot of hand-fudging of the settings.xml file when I'm at home if I'm not VPN'ed in:
We have a corporate-installed Maven Repository proxy server to store some of our own artifacts and handle being the middle-man for our commonly used artifacts.
We have an http proxy that we use for connecting to the outside world.
Both configurations have been handled by my settings.xml file for setting a single Nexus group and maven proxies. If I'm not connected to the VPN while away from the office, I have to muck around with the settings.xml each time I'm not on it, then switch it back when I am on it.
What solutions have anyone else found to handle this? I've been trying profiles to manage the proxy, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly, and it's starting to look pretty ugly. Are there some settings configurations that can detect when I'm not behind the proxy at work and not use the corporate proxy server or Maven server?
While I can think of some profile based solution to handle the proxy (basically, reading the <active> value from a property defined in a profile), this wouldn't be fully automated (the profile activation do not support network based stuff) unless you can find a file that is present or not depending on your location (in which case, you could use an existing/missing file trigger but this is kinda hacky). Anyway, this would solve only one part of the problem because mirrors can't be declared in profiles (see MNG-3525).
So, instead of trying to control this with a profile, my suggestion would be to use two settings.xml and to pass your settings-home.xml file with the -s command line option when you're at home.
Another option would be to automate the changes in your settings.xml with a script (Groovy would be a good choice as someone reported in MNG-3525).
I found a use environment variables to set nonProxyHosts together with proxy and noproxy shell aliases to be the most convenient solution when switching between networks with proxy and without it.
In settings.xml, configure proxy with
Then in ~/.profile set
export MAVEN_NONPROXY_PROXY='*.corporation.int|local.net|some.host.com'
alias proxy="export MAVEN_NONPROXY=\"$MAVEN_NONPROXY_PROXY\" && export all_proxy=http://proxy.corporation.int:8080"
alias noproxy="export MAVEN_NONPROXY=\"$MAVEN_NONPROXY_NOPROXY\" && unset all_proxy"
To do the switch when roaming, you would just execute from a shell:
[me#linuxbox me]$ proxy
[me#linuxbox me]$ noproxy
Obviously, both aliases proxy and noproxy can include much more changes than just setup of MAVEN_NOPROXY and all_proxy.
I was frustrated by the same problem: having to manually edit settings.xml when roaming between networks. So much in fact, that I wrote a Maven plugin that enables automatic discovery of proxy settings. The current implementation uses the proxy-vole library written by Bernd Rosstauscher to detect proxy settings based on OS configuration, browser, and environment settings.
I've just released the source code of the plugin on Github, under an Apache 2.0 license: https://github.com/volkertb/autoproxy-maven-plugin
You're welcome to give it a try and to see if it meets your needs. Any feedback or contributions are welcome!
(Note: you don't necessarily have to add the plugin to your project's POM. You can invoke it from the command line as well, after you've installed it. See the README on the site for more details.)
You can set MAVEN_OPTS when you need to activate a proxy:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=my-proxy-server -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=*.my.org -Dhttps.proxyHost=my-proxy-server -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 -Dhttps.nonProxyHosts=*.my.org"