UTC and offset date time compare in sql server - sql

I am storing UTC datetime in Database
2018-06-05 11:37:00.000 (UTC)
2018-06-05 17:07 (+5:30 India standart time)
I am having offset as :
offset as +02:00
How can I compare in sql query that now offset time matched ?
2018-06-05 13:37:00.000
My issue is X (IST) date time converted to UTC and now I want to covert to different time zone (Y)

The following functions helped me to resolve the issue:

If I understand your question correctly, you can use the DATEADD function to calculate the new datetime based on the UTC datetime and the offset
For example:
2 hours = 120 minutes
DATEADD(minute, 120, '2018-06-05 11:37:00.000')
Or using hours
DATEADD(hour, 2, '2018-06-05 11:37:00.000')
You can also go the other way using negative numbers
You don't have to use a literal value, you can supply a column name to parameter 3 for use in a query and also use this expression as part of a where clause
Here's a cheat sheet for the DATEADD function:


Change timestamp without effect date

I am using SSMS and I have a table with date/time stored in a column. What i need to do is change the time but leave the date.
Example: 2020-07-28 00:00:00. I need to change the timestamp 00:00:00 to 23:59:00 without changing the date for the whole column.
CPRDate -- Column Header
2020-07-28 00:00:00
2020-01-01 00:00:00
2017-01-01 00:00:00
You can just add them together -- as datetimes:
select cprdate + convert(datetime, convert(time, '23:59:00'))
This construct is clearly documented and supported by SQL Server:
The plus (+) and minus (-) operators can also be used to run arithmetic operations on datetime and smalldatetime values.
You can use the same construct in an update if you want to change the stored value.
If cprdate is a date, you need to convert it to a datetime for this to work.
You could add subtract one minute and add a day to achieve this, i.e.
update MYTABLE SET CPRDate = DATEADD(day, 1, DATEADD(minute, -1, CPRDATE));
Here's a SQL Fiddle to show it working.

SQL - Transform GETDATE() into the exactly hour

I've this:
Which gives me :
2017-06-12 16:51:50.410
How can I convert this in order to get:
2017-06-12 16:00:00.000
I've some processes and I'm registering the date and hour of the job but I only want the exactly hour.
How can I do this?
To get getdate() truncated to hour:
select dateadd(hour, datediff(hour, 0, getdate() ), 0)
This adds the number of hours since 1900-01-01 to the date 1900-01-01.
You can also swap hour for other levels of truncation: year, quarter, month, day, minute, second, et cetera.
I think the most human-readable solution is:
SELECT convert(datetime,FORMAT(GETDATE(),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00.000'))
FORMAT to get the GETDATE timestamp exactly how you want it.
CONVERT to ensure the data type is a datetime.

How to convert date from Germany to local date in sql?

I have a column in a table with time stamps from Germany (Utc + 6) in their local time (Utc -1). How do I convert all those datetimes in my local time?
I think the correct way of converting UTC datetime into local datetime is using CLR function. You can find an example below.
There are -7 hour between germany and central time zone in us
CT (-6)
Berlin (+1)
If your column is datetime USE THE FOLLOWING
Update 1
Consider that #bdate and #edate are the begin and end date of the daylight savings so you can use this query
Select case when DATEADD(HOUR,-7,[DATECOLUMN]) between #bdate and #edate Then
If your data is in a string format like "dd.mm.yy," then you would use the code page 104 to tell SQL how to parse your date from string to a DateTime format.
CONVERT(DateTime, DateField, 104)
If your string is in some other format, then look up the correct codepage in the table here (CAST and CONVERT in T-SQL):

Extract Date And Hour Only From Date Time Field

I am running SQL Server 2008 and I have a datetime field, from this field I only want to extract the date and hour. I tried to parse out using datepart() but I think I did it incorrectly as when I attempted to string the two back together I got a number value. What I attempted was
Select Datepart(YEAR, '12/30/2015 10:57:00.000') +
Datepart(HOUR, '12/30/2015 10:57:00.000')
And what was returned was 2025 What I want to see returned is
12/30/2015 10:00:00.000
You could use DATEADD and DATEDIFF:
DECLARE #d DATETIME = '12/30/2015 10:57:00.000';
SELECT DATEADD(second,DATEDIFF(second,'1970-01-01',#d)/3600*3600 , '1970-01-01')
-- 2015-12-30 10:00:00
How it works:
Get seconds difference from 1970-01-01
Divide by 3600 (integer division so the part after decimal point will be skipped)
Multiply by 3600 to get value back to full hours
Add calculated seconds number to 1970-01-01
With SQL Server 2012+ the neat way is to use DATETIMEFROMPARTS:

SQL Server DateTimeOffset matching same "day"

My application needs to collect "Tuesday's" purchases for all locations world wide, where "Tueday" is the location's Tuesday (regardless of time zone). And if the user needs to re-run the report next week, I need to still get "Last Tuesday's" data. All of our data is stored using DateTimeOffset.
9/4/12 00:00:00 -7 through 9/4/12 23:59:59 -7
must MATCH
9/4/12 00:00:00 +11 through 9/4/12 23:59:59 +11
when I am executing my WHERE clause.
I can't convert to UTC in the WHERE clause because that will pick up the data for "Tuesday" in London (depending on DST), not the location's Tuesday.
I tried converting from DateTimeOffset to DateTime, but that seems to convert to UTC. (In my tests, passing 9/1/12 through 9/30/12 picked up 8/31/12 data.)
Is there a trick to doing something like this with TSQL?
DateTimeOffset = DateTime+Offset(from UTC)
So your data is already representing Client's Local date and time. Just cast it to DateTime and you will get the client's local Date and time.
But in-case if you want to add the Offset to the datetime and want the resultant Datetime then
DECLARE #PurchaseDate DATETIMEOFFSET(7) = CAST('2007-05-08 12:30:29.1234567 +5:00' AS datetimeoffset(7))
have a look at this blog for further info.
When casting a DATETIMEOFFSET as DATETIME it takes the date and time as offset in the value and simply drops the time zone. The same is true when casting as DATE or TIME. So, I think you can simply cast the column as DATE and compare that to the date-only value you wish to match:
DECLARE #targetDate DATETIME2 = '2012-09-04' --Or we could use DATE here
SELECT [PurchaseId], [PurchaseTime], CAST([PurchaseTime] AS DATE) AS "PurchaseDate"
FROM [Purchases]
WHERE CAST([PurchaseTime] AS DATE) = #targetDate
I'm not sure how efficient this will be (hopefully not bad if the provider is truly clever--which SQL Server likely would be), but you might improve it by bounding the original column value as well:
DECLARE #targetDate DATETIME2 = '2012-09-04' --DATETIME2 so we can adjust by hours
SELECT [PurchaseId], [PurchaseTime], CAST([PurchaseTime] AS DATE) AS "PurchaseDate"
FROM [Purchases]
WHERE CAST([PurchaseTime] AS DATE) = #targetDate --Keep only the local-date matches
AND [PurchaseTime] >= DATEADD(hh, -14, #targetDate) --Up to 14-hour time zone offset
AND [PurchaseTime] <= DATEADD(hh, 38, #targetDate) --24 hours later plus 14
This should efficiently index down to the set of possibilities and then filter properly on the conversion to the local date. Note that time zone offsets can be up to 14 hours (New Zealand is furthest I know at +13:00, but they can go to +/- 14:00 according to MSDN) and the #targetDate will be at the start of the day, so it compares back to 14 hours earlier and 24+14=38 hours later. DATETIME2 has the same range and precision as DATETIMEOFFSET, so it's better for this purpose than the original DATETIME (but it may also work okay with DATETIME instead).