Spring shell 2.0 how to read inputs with mask - spring-shell

Is there any way to mask user inputs in Spring Shell 2.0.x ?
I need to collect password from user.. did not find any shell api to do that.

Found that LineReader#readLine(msg,mask) provides that option.
All you have to do is inject the LineReader bean.

If you don't want to rely on third party libraries, you can always do a standard Java console input, something like:
private String inputPassword() {
Console console = System.console();
return new String(console.readPassword());
Note though that when running this in an IDE, the System.console() might be null. So you should probably handle that if running in an IDE is something you want to support (for testing for example..) something like:
private String inputPassword() {
Console console = System.console();
// Console can be null when running in an IDE
if (console == null) {
System.out.println("WARNING - CAN'T HIDE PASSWORD");
return new Scanner(System.in).next();
return new String(console.readPassword());


how effectively i can use ui automation recorded test cases for other releases of the application

I've web application, I want recorded test cases and play back that cases.
1st release of the application, I've login module which has user name and password and recorded 500 test cases for entire application. Among 500 test cases 200 test cases are using logging by username and password.
2nd release of the application, I've login module which has only username, so I want use previous recorded test cases by modifications not like go to all the test cases change the password field. Here I'm having some requirements for the testing framework
Can I get what are test cases will effect by changing field like in above example?
Is there any way to update in simple, not going like in all the files and changing
I've used different UI Automation testing tools and record & Play back options are very nice, but I could not find the way I want in the UI Automation test framework.
Is there any Framework available which does the job for me?
Thanks in advance.
This is a prime example of why you never should record a selenium test case. Whenever you want to update something like login you have to change them all.
What you should do is create a test harness/framework for your application.
1.Start with creating a class for each webpage with 1 function for each element you want to be able to reach.
public By username(){
return By.cssSelector("input[id$='username']"); }
2.Create helper classes where you create sequences which you use often.
public void login(String username, String password){
3.In your common test setup add your login function
#BeforeMethod(alwaysRun = true)
public void setUp() {
This give you the opportunity to programmaticly create your test cases. So for example if you want to use the same test cases for a different login module where password element is not present it could be changed like this.
The function "isElementPresent" could look like this
public boolean isElementPresent(By locator){
try {
logger.trace( "Element " + stripBy(locator) + " found");
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
logger.trace( "Element " + stripBy(locator) + " not found");
return false;
return true;

Unable to find browser object in RFT 8.5

I installed RFT 8.5 and JRE 7. When I run the scripts it's not finding browser object.
Below is the code which I have used in RFt to find the brwoser object.
Dim Allobjects() as TestObeject
Here it's is returning Allbects.lenth=0. Because of the I am getting struck.
Anybody can help me how to resolve this issue.
Note: I am using IE8
I was not able to find the browsers using RootTestObject either. But it is possible to find the browser windows using the Html domains:
DomainTestObject[] dtos = getDomains();
List<DomainTestObject> htmlDomains = new ArrayList<DomainTestObject>();
for (DomainTestObject dto : dtos) {
if (dto.getName().equals("Html")) {
List<BrowserTestObject> browsers = new ArrayList<BrowserTestObject>();
for (DomainTestObject htmlDomain : htmlDomains) {
TestObject[] tos = htmlDomain.getTopObjects();
for (TestObject to : tos) {
if (to.getProperty(".class").equals("Html.HtmlBrowser")) {
browsers.add((BrowserTestObject) to);
System.out.println("Found " + browsers.size() + " browsers:");
for (BrowserTestObject browser : browsers) {
Found 2 browsers:
First, I start 2 browsers. Then I get all Html domain test objects. After that, I get all top objects and check whether their class is Html.HtmlBrowser.
I hope there is a simpler solution—looking forward to seeing one :)
Try the below code Snippet:
Dim Allobjects() As TestObject
Allobjects = Find(AtDescendant(".class", "Html.HtmlBrowser"))
Hope it helps.
Browser is a toplevel window so what you can do is :
Dim Allobjects() as TestObeject
'The above code expects the browser to be statically enabled , also RootTestObject is not needed as implicitly RFT will use the RootTestObject if no anchor is provided.
Also if the browser is not statically enabled then you could also use:
DynamicEnabler.HookBrowsers() API so that browsers get enabled.

How to check if a YII app is running from a console or from browser?

I'm new to YII framework and i'd like to know if there's way to know/check if you are running from console or in a browser?
This reply is a bit late but there is a Yii-specific way to do this:
In Yii1 you can do:
if (Yii::app() instanceof CConsoleApplication)
In Yii2 that would be:
if (Yii::$app instanceof Yii\console\Application)
Hope that's useful to someone...
You should also be able to do:
echo get_class(Yii::app());
which will tell you what type of app you're in ...
Same way you would determine if a PHP application is being run in the console or not.
What is the canonical way to determine commandline vs. http execution of a PHP script?
check Yii::$app->id
when running from console Yii::$app->id = 'app-console'
when running from frontend (browser) Yii::$app->id = 'app-frontend'
The most efficient way seems to define in the root file index.php this line :
define ('WEBAPP', true)
Later you can check in any point the application
if (defined('WEBAPP')) {
echo "This is webapp";
} else {
echo "app was launched via console";
Checked in Yii 1.7
You can use
for console, and
for web.
I am using Yii 1 and I use this function to check
public static function isWebRequest()
return Yii::app() instanceof CWebApplication;
public static function isConsoleRequest()
return Yii::app() instanceof CConsoleApplication; //!self::isWebRequest();
I put these functions in a helper(Componenet) Class and I use it as:

How to unit or integration test use of injected messageSource for i18n in Grails 2.0 service

I make use of a message bundle in one of my services in a Grails 2.0 project for internationalized text. The use case is an email subject that is sent via the mail plugin in an asynchronous way, so it really doesn't make sense to have this in a controller or TagLib (given the usual argument of not accessing your text or views in a service). This code works fine in my running Grails app, but I'm not sure how to test it.
I tried a PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource in my defineBeans as that is what my running application injects, but it led to nullpointers as it appears it needs a bunch of setup around plugin managers and such that my test environment is not giving (even integration).
I then tried a ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource as it was pure Spring, but it can't seem to see my .properties files, and fails with a No message found under code 'my.email.subject' for locale 'en'.
I feel like I'm going down a wormhole a bit as accessing Grails i18n in a service is not documented in the grails docs, so if there is a preferred way to do this, let me know.
Note my .properties file is in the standard grails-app/i18n location.
The test
class EmailHelperServiceTests {
void testSubjectsDefaultLocale() {
defineBeans {
//messageSource(PluginAwareResourceBundleMessageSource); Leads to nullpointers
String expected = "My Expected subject Passed1 Passed2";
String actual = service.getEmailSubjectForStandardMustGiveGiftFromBusiness(Locale.ENGLISH, Passed1 Passed2);
assertEquals("email subject", expected, actual);
class EmailHelperService {
def messageSource;
public String getEmailSubject(Locale locale, String param1, String param2) {
Object[] params = [param1, param2].toArray();
return messageSource.getMessage("my.email.subject", params, locale );
There is already a messageSource in unit tests in Grails, it is a StaticMessageSource (see http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/2.5.4/api/org/springframework/context/support/StaticMessageSource.html), you can add mock messages with the addMessage method:
messageSource.addMessage("foo.bar", request.locale, "My Message")
In unit tests and the local side of functional tests, sometimes you want the real properties that are in the 18n directory.
This works for me:
MessageSource getI18n() {
// assuming the test cwd is the project dir (where application.properties is)
URL url = new File('grails-app/i18n').toURI().toURL()
def messageSource = new ResourceBundleMessageSource()
messageSource.bundleClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(url)
messageSource.basename = 'messages'
i18n.getMessage(key, params, locale)
In a unit test you could ensure that you're wired up correctly by doing something like this:
void testSubjectsDefaultLocale() {
def messageSource = new Object()
messageSource.metaClass.getMessage = {subject, params, locale ->
assert "my.email.subject" == subject
assert ["Passed1", "Passed2"] == params
assert Locale.ENGLISH == locale
"It Worked!!!"
service.messageSource = messageSource
String actual = service.getEmailSubjectForStandardMustGiveGiftFromBusiness(Locale.ENGLISH, Passed1 Passed2)
assert "It Worked!!!" == actual
This will help ensure that you're wired up correctly but it will not ensure that what you're doing actually works. If you're comfortable with that then this would work for you. If you're trying to test that when you give "XYZ" to your .properties file it returns "Hello" then this will not work for you.

How do you set a custom session when unit testing with wicket?

I'm trying to run some unit tests on a wicket page that only allows access after you've logged in. In my JUnit test I cannot start the page or render it without setting the session.
How do you set the session? I'm having problems finding any documentation on how to do this.
WicketTester tester = new WicketTester(new MyApp());
//Fails to start below, no session seems to be set
What I frequently do is to provide a fake WebApplication with overrides for things that I want to mock or stub.
Among the things I override is the method
public abstract Session newSession(Request request, Response response);
which allows you to return a fake session setup with anything you want.
This is in Wicket 1.3 - if you're using 1.4, some of this may have changed, and as noted in another response, it may be related to a wicket bug.
But assuming the interface hasn't changed too much, overriding this method may also be another way of working around the issue in WICKET-1215.
You may be running into WICKET-1215. Otherwise what you're doing looks fine. For example, I have a Junit4 setup method that looks like:
public void createTester() {
tester = new WicketTester( new MyApp() );
// see http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-1215
MyAppSession session = (MyAppSession) tester.getWicketSession();
Using Wicket 1.4, I use my normal WebApplication and WebSession implementations, called NewtEditor and NewtSession in my app. I override newSession, where I do the same than in the regular app code, except that I sign in right away. I also override newSessionStore for performance reasons, I copied this trick from WicketTesters code.
tester = new WicketTester(new NewtEditor()
public Session newSession(Request request, Response response)
NewtSession session = new NewtSession(request);
return session;
protected ISessionStore newSessionStore()
// Copied from WicketTester: Don't use a filestore, or we spawn lots of threads,
// which makes things slow.
return new HttpSessionStore(this);