In Hive I have a table with a column as string datatype and it contains set of numbers say marks. So I want to apply some arithmetic operations like addition, so I used split command and it returns array. Bt I can't apply addition to the array I think I need to convert into array to apply any arithmetic operations. I used command followed
select sum(a) from (select split(marks, ':') as a from tbl) b;
And I tried to cast it into array also bt not working giving some error. I tried following commands
select sum(a) from (select cast(split(marks, ':') as a array<int>) from table) b;
select sum(a) from (select cast(b) as array<int> from (select split(marks, ':') as b from tbl) c) d;
Please suggest me the solution for this.. And also how to cast array to array
You can use this:
select sum(cast(a as int)) from TableName;
You can do something like this, hope this helps
CAST(Split(marks,':')[0] AS bigint) AS a,
CAST(Split(marks,':')[1] AS bigint) AS b,
CAST(Split(marks,':')[2] AS bigint) AS c,
CAST(Split(marks,':')[3] AS bigint) AS d
Table) split_data
Group by <some column>
I need to remove in a SQL Server database a substring according to a pattern:
Before: Winter_QZ6P91712017_115BPM
After: Winter_115BPM
Before: cpx_Note In My Calendar_QZ6P91707044
After: cpx_Note In My Calendar
Basically delete the substring that has pattern _ + 12 chars.
I've tried PatIndex('_\S{12}', myCol) to get the index of the substring but it doesn't match anything.
Assuming you mean underscore followed by 12 characters that are not underscores you can use this pattern:
CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%[_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_]%', str) > 0
THEN STUFF(str, PATINDEX('%[_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_][^_]%', str), 13, '')
ELSE str
) AS tests(str)
late to the party, but you could also use latest STRING_SPLIT function to explode the string by underscores and count length of each segment between underscores. If the length is >=12, these sections must be replaced from original string via replace function recursively.
drop table if exists Tbl;
drop table if exists #temptable;
create table Tbl (input nvarchar(max));
insert into Tbl VALUES
('cpx_Note In My Calendar_QZ6P91707044'),
input, value as replacethisstring,
rn = row_number() over (partition by input order by (select 1))
into #temptable
input,value as hyphensplit
from Tbl
cross apply string_split(input,'_')
)T cross apply string_split(hyphensplit,' ')
where len(value)>=12
; with cte as (
select input, inputtrans= replace(input,replacethisstring,''), level=1 from #temptable where rn=1
union all
select T.input,inputtrans=replace(cte.inputtrans,T.replacethisstring,''),level=level+1
from cte inner join #temptable T on T.input=cte.input and rn=level+1
--where level=rn
select input, inputtrans
from (
select *, rn=row_number() over (partition by input order by level desc) from cte
) T where rn=1
sample output
SQL Server doesn't support Regex. Considering, however, you just want to remove the first '_' and the 12 characters afterwards, you could use CHARINDEX to find the location of said underscore, and then STUFF to remove the 13 characters:
SELECT V.YourString,
STUFF(V.YourString, CHARINDEX('_',V.YourString),13,'') AS NewString
FROM (VALUES('Winter_QZ6P91712017_115BPM'))V(YourString);
My original data, B is an array of INT64:
And I want to calculate the difference between B[n+1] - B[n], hence result in a new table as follow:
I figured out I can somehow achieve this by using LOOP and IF condition:
SET x = x + 1
IF(x < array_length(table.B))
THEN INSERT INTO newTable (SELECT A, B[OFFSET(x+1)] - B[OFFSET(x)]) from table
The problem is that the above idea doesn't work on each row of my data, cause I still need to loop through each row in my data table, but I can't find a way to integrate my scripting part into a normal query, where I can
SELECT A, [calculation script] from table
Can someone point me how can I do it? Or any better way to solve this problem?
Thank you.
Below actually works - BigQuery
select * replace(
array(select diff from (
select offset, lead(el) over(order by offset) - el as diff
from unnest(B) el with offset
) where not diff is null
order by offset
) as B
from `project.dataset.table` t
if to apply to sample data in your question - output is
You can use unnest() with offset for this purpose:
select id, a,
array_agg(b_el - prev_b_el order by n) as b_diffs
from (select t.*, b_el, lag(b_el) over (partition by order by n) as prev_b_el
from t cross join
unnest(b) b_el with offset n
) t
where prev_b_el is not null
group by, t.a
I'm trying to pull an array of INT64 s in BigQuery standard SQL from a column which is a long string of numbers separated by commas (for example, 2013,1625,1297,7634). I can pull an array of strings easily with:
However, I want to return an array of INT64 s, not an array of strings. How can I do that? I've tried
CAST(SPLIT(string_col,",") AS ARRAY<INT64>)
but that doesn't work.
Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL
WITH yourTable AS (
SELECT 1 AS id, '2013,1625,1297,7634' AS string_col UNION ALL
SELECT 2, '1,2,3,4,5'
FROM UNNEST(SPLIT(string_col)) AS num
) AS num,
FROM UNNEST(SPLIT(string_col)) AS num
) AS num_2
FROM yourTable
Mikhail beat me to it and his answer is more extensive but adding this as a more minimal repro:
SELECT CAST(num as INT64) from unnest(SPLIT("2013,1625,1297,7634",",")) as num;
SELECT REPLACE('ABCTemplate1', 'Template\d+', '');
SELECT REPLACE('ABC_XYZTemplate21', 'Template\d+', '');
I am trying to remove the part Template followed by n digits from a string. The result should be
However REPLACE is not able to read regex. I am using SQLSERVER 2008. Am I doing something wrong here? Any suggestions?
SELECT SUBSTRING('ABCTemplate1', 1, CHARINDEX('Template','ABCTemplate1')-1)
SELECT SUBSTRING('ABC_XYZTemplate21',1,PATINDEX('%Template[0-9]%','ABC_XYZTemplate21')-1)
More generally,
SELECT SUBSTRING(column_name,1,PATINDEX('%Template[0-9]%',column_name)-1)
FROM sometable
WHERE PATINDEX('%Template[0-9]%',column_name) > 0
You can use substring with charindex or patindex if the pattern being looked for is fixed.
select SUBSTRING('ABCTemplate1',1, CHARINDEX ( 'Template' ,'ABCTemplate1')-1)
My answer expects that "Template" is enough to determine where to cut the string:
select LEFT('ABCTemplate1', CHARINDEX('Template', 'ABCTemplate1') - 1)
Using numbers table..
;with cte
(select 'ABCTemplate1' as string--this can simulate your table column
select * from cte c
cross apply
select replace('ABCTemplate1','template'+cast(n as varchar(2)),'') as rplcd
where n<=9
where c.string<>b.rplcd
Using Recursive CTE..
;with cte
select cast(replace('ABCTemplate21','template','') as varchar(100)) as string,0 as num
union all
select cast(replace(string,cast(num as varchar(2)),'') as varchar(100)),num+1
from cte
where num<=9
select top 1 string from cte
order by num desc
I'm looking for a t-sql function to get a string like:
and convert it to a table like
ID Value
a b
c d
e f
Anything I found in Internet incorporated single column parsing (e.g. XMLSplit function variations) but none of them letting me describe my string with two delimiters, one for column separation & the other for row separation.
Can you please guiding me regarding the issue? I have a very limited t-sql knowledge and cannot fork those read-made functions to get two column solution?
You can find a split() function on the web. Then, you can do string logic:
select left(val, charindex(':', val)) as col1,
substring(val, charindex(':', val) + 1, len(val)) as col2
from dbo.split(#str, ';') s(val);
You can use a custom SQL Split function in order to separate data-value columns
Here is a sql split function that you can use on a development system
It returns an ID value that can be helpful to keep id and value together
You need to split twice, first using "," then a second split using ";" character
declare #str nvarchar(100) = 'a:b,c:d,e:f'
id = max(id),
value = max(value)
from (
id = case when id = 1 then val else null end,
value = case when id = 2 then val else null end
from (
select rowid,, t.val
from (
select * from dbo.Split(#str, ',')
) s
cross apply dbo.Split(s.val, ':') t
) k
) m group by rowid