Finding a syntax error in a large VBA/MS Access project - sql

I have a MS Access database that displays an error message about a SQL syntax error on launch. "Syntax Error in query. Incomplete query clause." It also shows another error a few seconds after I hit "OK" on the first one.
Here's the two errors:
But it doesn't tell me where the syntax error is. There are SQL statements in a bunch of different places all over this project. This is a really large project and it wouldn't be practical to just look through all the code hoping that I notice an error someplace. How can I find out where this error is?
EDIT: Ok, so apparently you have to have a keyboard that has a "Break" key on it in order to even find where the error is. Wow. Fortunately I happen to have one. Here's the code that Access takes me to if I press break when I see the error message. This code is for a subform of another form. It highlights the first line (Private Sub Form_Current()).
Private Sub Form_Current()
If NumEnums > 0 Then
CurrentEnum = val(Nz(bit_value_edit.value)) 'Update CurrentEnum to the currently selected enum
Call UpdateEnumsLabel(Me.Parent![enums label]) 'Update label
End If
End Sub
...and here's UpdateEnumsLabel():
Public Sub UpdateEnumsLabel(ByRef label As Control)
If NumEnums > 0 Then
label.Caption = "Enums: " & CurrentEnum & "/" & NumEnums
label.Caption = "Enums: 0"
End If
End Sub
The definition for CurrentEnum:
Public CurrentEnum, CurrentPort, CurrentFile, CurrentGroup As Long
I'm thinking that this error is unrelated to the code in Form_Current(), but Access is highlighting that line because the error happens when the form is opened. But the form doesn't contain anything that uses a query, so I'm confused as to what query Access has a problem with.

When the error Message pops up, Use Control+Break. It will take you to the line causes the issue.
You should also open a module and form the debug option in the VBA editor select "Compile All Modules"
And since it appears to happening on open/load, you can check both the macros and the main modules to find anything that triggers on AutoExec.

Often ctrl-break will hit the line where you errored out. However, in the case of multiple “events”, and code without error handling, then often the error occurs in the routine that called the code, not the actual code that caused the error.
What I would do launch the application (hold down the shift key to prevent any start up code, or forms running).
Now that you launched the application, but without forms or code running, then check for an autoexecc macro (if there is one, check what code it attempts to run).
If there not an autoexec macro in use, then check under file->options->current database. In this view, you can look/see/determine what the name of the start-up form is.
Once you determined the start-up form (or start up module/code) called from autoexec macro, then you can simply add a blank code module, and place in your code the SAME command that is used to start your application.
So let’s assume no autoexec macro, and you determine that the start-up form is frmMain.
So now, we can launch the application (hold down shift key to prevent any start up code from running). Now, type into a new “test” standard code module the following code:
Sub MyGo
Docmd.OpenForm "frmMain"
End sub
So you type in above code, hit ctrl-s to save the above code. Now with your cursor anyplace inside of the above code, you simply hit F5 to run.
At this point you hit/stop on the “stop” command in the debugger. At this point, you then can hit f8 to step to the next line of code. If the form in question calls other code etc., you still be able to single step, and “eventually” you hit the line which causes the error.
While the application may be large, a simple look at the start up forms (and huts then the start-up code) means that you ONLY really need to trace and look at the start up code – not the whole application.


VBA in Publisher - Execute Macro on Keystroke

I'm working within Microsoft Publisher.
I have a macro in module1 (that works) called "Export_as_Image".
I want to run this macro whenever I press F8.
I have created module2 with this code:
Sub SetKey()
Application.OnKey "{F8}", "Export_as_Image"
End Sub
When I run module2 I recieve the error "Compile error: Method or data member not found".
When I press F8 within Publisher, nothing happens.
Can anyone suggest what I may have done wrong, or a code to help me achieve what I'm looking for?
After some experimenting I found that it's needed to run SetKey for the first time firstly. You may call it from an event-driven sub (Workbook_Open, for example). Looks like running it for the first time, registers the key shortcut to the specified code.
Also, add the full path to the code you need to run: "Module2.Export_as_Image".
Update (reply to Charlie's comment below)
You can even move SetKey's code to Workbook_Open and delete SetKey (see image below).

VBA execution flow interrupted unexpectedly

Context of the problem
I'm developing a new feature for an HMI using Factory Talk View Studio 7.00.00 (CPR 9 SR 6) and VBA 6.5.
I have two displays: ma1_header and ma2_header and, as many of you know, in Factory Talk View Studio (I'm going to call it as FTV for brevity from now on) each display has a dedicated DisplayCode.
A Display code can be seen as the VBA code behind an Excel file that stays open as long as its excel file. From this point of view, the VBA code bounded to a display in FTV has the same behaviour of a VBA project in excel, so it's closed when the graphic display it's closed by the user or from code.
Another important point in order to understand the problem is that when a generic display in FTV called A is opened in Replace mode with at least one pixel that overlaps another display B, the display B is closed with its VBA code. Take in mind that ma1_header and ma2_header are always opened in Replace mode.
Problem description
That said, now I'm going to describe the problem that I found.
The VBA code bounded to ma1_header and ma2_header is mostly the same (the differences are pointed out in the following schema) and it performs some init actions on display start and after those it runs a procedure called ScheduleCheck. This procedure updates some UI components and it evaluates some conditions in order to determine if it's time to show ma2_header (ma1_header if the code it's executed behind ma2_header), then it recalls itself.
The command that opens a display is not executed directly from VBA, its executed asynchronously outside VBA. In fact VBA for some actions like: "Show a display", "Set tags values", etc. can uses a library that enables it to tell to a FTV service (that also can be used with a command line tool) to perform a list of these actions (1 command or more transmitted at time).
When a user starts a FTV client the ma1_header is shown first with some others displays which compose the user interface.
In ma1_header, when the opening conditions for ma2_header are satisfied and it's opened, the problem comes out. Let's proceed now with a step by step description of the VBA state, in order to be as clear as possible on the problem:
In ma1_header the opening conditions are satisfied and the asynchronous command that shows ma2_header is excuted. Note that for the moment ma1_header vba is still open.
When ma2_header start opening the code it's executed without any problem till the wait procedure. The wait procedure is written as follow:
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
Public Sub wait(lMillSec As Long)
Dim lT2 As Long
Dim lT1 As Long
On Error GoTo errHandle
Const strMethod = "wait"
MsgBox "wait - 1"
lT1 = GetTickCount
lT2 = lT1
While lT2 - lT1 < lMillSec
lT2 = GetTickCount
If Err.Number Then
LogDiagnosticsMessage "VBA: Display " & Me.Name & " in Method " & strMethod
End If
End Sub
The execution of the wait procedure proceed without any problems until the DoEvents command on the 18th rows. When DoEvents it's executed the ma1_header has the time to close itself definitively (even its vba code) then the vba flow in ma2_header seems to stops here without any error. Due to this the ScheduleCheck can't recall itself.
Ugly solution 1
Currently I found what I call an ugly solution that let code works.
When ma1_header is open, the ma2_header opening will force the close of ma1_header that , as I explained before, is completed only when DoEvents is executed.
I tried to transmit this new list of commands to the FTW tool when the ma2_header need to be shown:
Pause 1;
With the new approach I close the ma2_header, then I wait (in the FTV tool, not in VBA) for 1 second with the command "Pause 1;" then I open ma1_header when I'm reasonable sure that ma1_heder is closed thanks to the pause command.
In this way the ma2_heder periodically executes the procedure ScheduleCheck without strange execution interruption.
I don't know why this solves my problem, so I'd like to understand why it works and which is the cause of this problem in order to find a better solution.
Ugly solution 2
I found another ugly solution, but as before I'm not satisfied because I would like to know way my current code has this problem (for me solving a problem without knowing what is the cause it's a defeat as a programmer).
I've created the following new tag on the Tag server of FTV
I've created the following new event on FTV:
I've added a string display containing the new tag Tick in ma1_header and in ma2_header
Now, in VBA, I can use the Change event of this string display in order to execute the same code contained in ScheduleCheck (obviously without the wait with DoEvents loop) each time this string display changes (each second).
Any clarification on the problem or a better solution would be really appreciated.

Console.In.Peek() resulting in not enough storage is available to process this command

I am trying to upgrade a winforms vs2005/.net2.0 project to vs2010/.net4.0. Users can print labels. During the print, if the user hits enter key multiple times, it needs to be discarded hence the following code is in place.
Friend Sub FlushKeyboard()
While Console.In.Peek() <> -1
End While
End Sub
In vs2010 this piece of code is throwing the following error
System.IO.IOException was unhandled
Message=Not enough storage is available to process this command.
I am from web background so having a little tough time finding a solution for this issue at hand. How can i upgrade this piece to comply with vs2010 and then later to 2013?
update #1:
change the code to
While Console.KeyAvailable
End While
this is resulting in

Colleagues get error 5 in Excel-file with VBA, but same file works fine on my computer?

We have an Excel-file with a large amount of VBA behind it. The Excel-file works just fine on my computer, but so far 3 of my colleagues (non-IT'ers) have gotten this error:
Runtime error 5:
Invalid procedure call or argument
The error is located on this line, and I don't see why it is throwing an error there because it's just a simple Set (and it works perfectly fine on my computer):
Set MyButton = Application.CommandBars("Attributions").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=10)
We all have the exact same Excel-file. I even sent them my version of the file, in which everything is running fine and no errors happen, but even when they open my version of the file they still get the above error on the above line!
What exactly could cause this? We all have Office 2013 and updates are installed automatically. The problem started about 2 weeks ago with one colleague and since this week I heard from two other colleagues that they have the same problem. One even said it suddenly worked again after he moved to a different desk (which I doubt would have an influence) but shortly after, it started getting the error again.
I have absolutely no idea why they get the error, or what might cause it. Seeing as we now all have the same version and they still get the error, I am thinking it might have something to do with Excel itself but that's just my idea.
Does this sound familiar to anyone here? Or does anyone know what might cause this, and how it can be fixed?
Edit: a while ago I checked on my colleagues their computers to see if the CommandBar was present, and it was. Even then the error still happened.
I suggest you to use a function that checks if there is a CommandBar in your Application like this:
Function IsCommandBarValid(cbName As String) As Boolean
Dim i As Long
IsCommandBarValid = True
For i = 1 To Application.CommandBars.Count
If (Application.CommandBars(i).Name = cbName) Then
Exit Function
End If
Next i
IsCommandBarValid = False
End Function
Now, You can use it to see that your user have that CommandBar in his or her Application, then make it like this:
If (Not IsCommandBarValid("Attributions")) Then
Call Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="Attributions")
End If
' And after this add your code
Set MyButton = Application.CommandBars("Attributions").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=10)
Invalid procedure call or argument (Error 5)
Some part of the call can't be completed. This error has the following causes and solutions:
An argument probably exceeds the range of permitted values. For example, the Sin function can only accept values within a certain range. Positive arguments less than 2,147,483,648 are accepted, while 2,147,483,648 generates this error.
Check the ranges permitted for arguments.
This error can also occur if an attempt is made to call a procedure that isn't valid on the current platform. For example, some procedures may only be valid for Microsoft Windows, or for the Macintosh, and so on.
Check platform-specific information about the procedure.
For additional information, select the item in question and press F1 (in Windows) or HELP (on the Macintosh).
MSDN Source Article

Capture Variable/Object Name causing the error

How can I capture the variable name or object name causing an error in VBA?
Sub test()
On Error GoTo Handler
i = 0
n = 1/i
Select Case variablename
Case "n"
'do something................
The error is not being caused by a variable. The error is caused by the line of code that attempts to divide 1 by 0. The assignment doesn't actually happen.
The best way I've found to diagnose issues when I'm actively developing is to have Stop and then Resume in the error handler.
Public Sub func()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
'... some code here ...
Exit Sub
End Sub
The way this works is, when there is an error VBA will break (pause the execution, show the instruction pointer arrow and yellow highlighting) on the Stop. You can step to the Resume and then once more to find out which specific line of code is causing the error.
Once you start to understand what errors you are encountering you can build individual If ... Then cases for them to handle each appropriately. When you are ready to release your code into a production environment (i.e., for other users), you would need to replace the Stop/Resume with an unexpected error handler that either logs it or displays it to the user.
While Blackhawk's answer works fine for a small example, I personally prefer to avoid modifying code to track down errors like that. If I'm working on a lot of files trying to track down a nasty bug, it's entirely possible that I might forget to remove any "special code" like Stop statements, etc. after I've finished debugging. If any such code makes it to production, that can be quite embarrassing for me. In addition, it can be annoying having to add this code to many different places in order to figure out where the error is happening in the first place (it's not always as obvious as in your example!).
For these reasons, I prefer to use the facilities provided by the VBA Editor. So:
Open the VBA Editor.
Go to Tools > Options.
Select the General tab and click the Break on All Errors radio button.
Click OK.
Now run your code and you'll notice that when it reaches this line:
n = 1/i
you'll get an error dialog saying what the problem is ("Run-time error '11': Division by zero") and you'll get the option to click the "Debug" button on the dialog, which will break execution at the above line and will highlight it in yellow.
Once you're done with your debugging and find the error that had been troubling you, you can go back to the VBA Editor options and revert the "Error Trapping" setting back to the default option ("Break on Unhandled Errors").
This way, you've done no changes to the code that you need to remember to revert before releasing the code and the actual operation to set/unset this behaviour only takes a few clicks.